View Full Version : Panic stations!

12-Nov-2009, 10:31 PM
Yet another plague people are shitting bricks over!


It hasnt been reported in any news broadcasts that ive seen, so its probably nothing, but its still got a few people on forums panicking which is where i heard about it! :confused:

13-Nov-2009, 02:55 PM
I read something about this and also a fella name Joseph Moshe. I thought it was on these forums but it might be another I frequent. This guy, Joseph Meshe, claims he worked in a lab in the Ukraine in which a company was producing a vaccine that would become a plague of sorts. Real twisted conspiracy nut $hit. I love the story and the further you dig the better it gets. The only problem is this guy was cornered in a federal building parking lot and they sprayed tear gas into his car and he still refused to come out. Finally a robot was sent in and tazed him "Bro!". They did all this for 2 misdemeanors????

Google his name and read...it is good stuff... Just don't go all Glenn Beck on it.

darth los
13-Nov-2009, 03:20 PM
I read something about this and also a fella name Joseph Moshe. I thought it was on these forums but it might be another I frequent. This guy, Joseph Meshe, claims he worked in a lab in the Ukraine in which a company was producing a vaccine that would become a plague of sorts. Real twisted conspiracy nut $hit. I love the story and the further you dig the better it gets. The only problem is this guy was cornered in a federal building parking lot and they sprayed tear gas into his car and he still refused to come out. Finally a robot was sent in and tazed him "Bro!". They did all this for 2 misdemeanors????

Google his name and read...it is good stuff... Just don't go all Glenn Beck on it.

I haven't googled it yet as I'm at work but why is that claim far fetched?

Among other things, you don't believe that our gov't has nasty as bioweapons that if ever released would cause a world of trouble?

Glenn Beck is a nut but if that qualifies as a conspiracy theory then I'll order my tin foil hat right away. :annoyed:

Also, just because it's labled a conspiracy theory doesn't mean it isn't true. Much in the same way that if you're paranoid about some thing that doesn't mean that it isn't true.

Humans are a funny bunch. We think so highly of ourselves that we can't fathom a scenario where we would be wiped off the planet. ( Zombies anyone? :lol:)

But seriously whether it be Global warming or N day we seem to be very cavalier about threats to the existence of our species. If people wanna believe we are Gods chosen that's fine but the fact is that other species ruled this planet before we were here and you can bet the farm that another species will take over after we have annihalated ourselves.

It's funny how that's pretty much Gar's take as well. In the end we are our biggest threat and we'll do it to ourselves.



13-Nov-2009, 03:20 PM
ha ha dont worry Im not the sort to take conspiracy theories seriously, even if some of them are pretty interesting!

darth los
13-Nov-2009, 04:46 PM
See, the thing about conspiracy theories is that, yes, some of them are way out there and are patently rediculous.

However, some of them like this one, like the American gov't knew about 9-11, much like one's religious beliefs, can't be DISPROVEN either.

Wasn't the Cheney Administration lying us into a war a "conspiracy theory" at one point as well? :rolleyes:

