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View Full Version : Terry Alexander at Horrorhound

13-Nov-2009, 02:00 AM
After years of trying to find Terry Alexander, I finally was able to. If any of you Day of the Dead fans have ever wanted to meet Terry, you finally will have the chance to. I've got Terry booked for his very first convention appearance with Horrorhound in Indianapolis in March 2010. I have Terry booked for a couple of other shows as well, but I want to wait until they officially announce him on their sites. So, if anyone here plans on coming to the Indy show next March, please stop by and say hi.


18-Nov-2009, 10:41 PM
They also have announced Terry as a guest at Texas Frightmare Weekend (http://www.texasfrightmareweekend.com/lifetype/) in Dallas next March. Good job, Lee!

Man, I'd like to make it out to Indy just to meet John Harrison. Is he doing any other shows?

19-Nov-2009, 12:24 PM
They also have announced Terry as a guest at Texas Frightmare Weekend (http://www.texasfrightmareweekend.com/lifetype/) in Dallas next March. Good job, Lee!

Man, I'd like to make it out to Indy just to meet John Harrison. Is he doing any other shows?

Thanks, Jim. I can't wait for these shows! There's one more show, but they usually wait until January to release their guest lineup.
As for John Harrison I have no idea if he will be doing any other shows. Next year is the 25th annv. of Day of the Dead, so a lot of the cast & crew are making the convention rounds, at least that is what I've been told. Hopefully John will do several shows. I was fortunate enough to meet him in person at the Andy Warhol museum here in Pittsburgh a few years ago for a screening of Effects and he was a very nice guy. If there is anyway possible, try to make it out for the Indy show. Hopefully I'll see you there!

21-Nov-2009, 10:02 PM
Perhaps you could convince Terry to want to come to Orlando for Screamfest next Oct.? They had a nice Dawn 30th anniversary reunion in 2008 (Romero and Gaylon Ross cancelled....grrr), would be a perfect place for a Day 25th anniversary. I hope the convention people think to do that. It would be nice is John Harrison would come down here too! You know, I have looked at most of the major convention pages from across the country, and it seems that Orlando has by the far the biggest and best guest lineup.

24-Nov-2009, 08:23 PM
After years of trying to find Terry Alexander, I finally was able to. If any of you Day of the Dead fans have ever wanted to meet Terry, you finally will have the chance to. I've got Terry booked for his very first convention appearance with Horrorhound in Indianapolis in March 2010. I have Terry booked for a couple of other shows as well, but I want to wait until they officially announce him on their sites. So, if anyone here plans on coming to the Indy show next March, please stop by and say hi.

You mean you did not know where he lived?

I seriously wish I could go and meet him. I wonder if he put on that accent for Day? If not, I'd accuse him of showing up at this convention for free food and drink and not lifting a finger to help. He may then respond by saying, "My job is to fly the whirlybird. I've been doin' that job just fine."

The closest I get to one of these is California, and that's even a ways away. Tell 'em to bring it on up to Boise, ID. We have a few places to have a convention. They've even made movies here before.

26-Nov-2009, 12:55 AM
Tell 'em to bring it on up to Boise, ID. We have a few places to have a convention. They've even made movies here before.

What movies, "Bumfuck, Egypt"? :lol:

07-Feb-2010, 11:06 PM
Hahaha, I don't know why I didn't even think of wondering if Terry would have his accent going for the con! I hope so!!!

I wonder if he will be tired of fans asking to hear lines in the accent after the Horrorhound con? Especially if this is his first one.......

He'd better brush up on his lines, that's for sure!!!

17-Feb-2010, 01:35 PM
Terry's third convention appearance has now been officially announced. Terry will be at Chiller Theatre in New Jersey the weekend of April 16 - 18, 2010.

17-Feb-2010, 05:43 PM
This is great news! ;) And in case no one has seen the announcement, John Harrison will be signing at Horrorhound Weekend for FREE (http://www.horrorhound.com/forums/viewthread.aspx?g=11&f=18&t=3378).

17-Feb-2010, 05:54 PM
This is great news! ;) And in case no one has seen the announcement, John Harrison will be signing at Horrorhound Weekend for FREE (http://www.horrorhound.com/forums/viewthread.aspx?g=11&f=18&t=3378).

Cool! Someone should ask him about what happened with him dropping out of composing the Survival soundtrack. Were any of his themes included in the final movie?

29-Mar-2010, 05:19 PM
I finally got to meet Ken Foree and Sid Haig. What a blast, had to share it with you guys! Mike Christopher loved those custom zombies of him I have.




30-Mar-2010, 04:27 PM
You came all the way to HorrorHound and didn't get a photo with Terry Alexander, Michael Gornick, John Harrison or Charles Craig? COME ON!

31-Mar-2010, 01:34 AM
I have to admit, I don't care for them as actors that much enough to get their autographs. Day was also my least favorite of his films.

31-Mar-2010, 02:52 AM
I have to admit, I don't care for them as actors that much enough to get their autographs. Day was also my least favorite of his films.

Why are you posting about meeting Ken Foree and Sid Haig in a thread that's about Terry Alexander?

31-Mar-2010, 03:19 AM
I have to admit, I don't care for them as actors that much enough to get their autographs. Day was also my least favorite of his films.
Geez... really weak, dude.

All of these gentlemen were very gracious with their time and were taking photos with fans for FREE. Not to mention that John Harrison was also signing autographs for free, as previous noted just a few posts above yours.

Besides, Michael Gornick and John Harrison aren't actors -- they've had a hand in many aspects of George Romero's films and are like walking encyclopedias about the produuctions. Anyone that posts here should know that and would jump at the chance to talk with them for five minutes.

And you also could have met two regulars from HPOTD, but apparently that doesn't count for very much either.

31-Mar-2010, 01:02 PM
I'd go gay for five minutes with those dudes...


I picked you up some signatures from the show - John Harrison, Greg Nicotero, Tom Savini, and Mike Gornick. I'll have to get your address to send these out to you!


31-Mar-2010, 01:40 PM

31-Mar-2010, 02:09 PM
I'd go gay for five minutes with those dudes...
Which makes me all the more relieved there is an ocean between you and the convention. :p

01-Apr-2010, 05:03 AM
Terry Alexander was awesome! He said my favorite line from the movie, and remembered it better than I did! And with the accent!

Wow, John Harrison was jealous over my sealed LP of the "Day of the Dead" soundtrack. That was a shining moment! He said they are working on a rerelase of the soundtrack on CD with new audio tracks not on the LP or CD! He said they are just trying to track down the originals for a few things. Exciting news, huh?

Also, Tom Savini said they are working on a Blu-Ray Directors Cut of his version of "Night of the Living Dead". Actually, it's the only thing he said to me when I met him, he was pretty much ignoring me when we met!

02-Apr-2010, 09:00 AM
Wow, John Harrison was jealous over my sealed LP of the "Day of the Dead" soundtrack.
Quit making John Harrison jealous!

Glad to hear that you made the most out your HH weekend. :thumbsup:

triste realtà
02-Apr-2010, 10:43 PM
He said they are working on a rerelase of the soundtrack on CD with new audio tracks not on the LP or CD! He said they are just trying to track down the originals for a few things. Exciting news, huh?

Thank you very much for this info. Now I will sell my CD while it's still worth something to people who haven't read this. I was very disappointed with the CD and noticed it is being sold for $60-125 on amazon/ebay. I hope they include the bub/logan love theme (that weird synthesizer cue), my favorite part of the soundtrack.

05-Apr-2010, 09:55 PM
You didn't say that last night when we snuggled in bed together and watched American Gladiators.
Aw, man... that and listening to Lady Gaga while naked was supposed to be our little secret.

11-Apr-2010, 01:58 PM
I'd go gay for five minutes with those dudes...
Just look at this insanely cool photo...
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs402.snc3/24388_1369525089192_1563671083_30916485_2884769_n. jpg

...and then imagine being in the same room among all the awesomeness. :D

Who would not want to stop and say 'hello' to these friendly folks...?
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs402.snc3/24388_1369525009190_1563671083_30916483_2312150_n. jpg

My most memorable experience all weekend was Terry pointing to the 8x10 prints on his table and saying "great photos, mon!"

Hearse King
11-Apr-2010, 03:38 PM
Really can't wait til next friday and finally get the chance to meet him

12-Apr-2010, 02:16 AM
Just look at this insanely cool photo...
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs402.snc3/24388_1369525089192_1563671083_30916485_2884769_n. jpg

...and then imagine being in the same room among all the awesomeness. :D

Who would not want to stop and say 'hello' to these friendly folks...?
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs402.snc3/24388_1369525009190_1563671083_30916483_2312150_n. jpg

My most memorable experience all weekend was Terry pointing to the 8x10 prints on his table and saying "great photos, mon!"

You should have been in the group photo too, Jim. Thanks for taking the photo for me though!

Terry had me laughing the whole weekend because he kept saying "Get to the choppa!", which of course is from Predator. I hope he didn't sign that anyone's memorabilia! Terry and Mike Gornick are both awesome guys and both are funny as hell too.

12-Apr-2010, 08:50 PM
DubiousComforts, that is an amazing group photo. Assuming you don't hate me from my post. I was just teasing, you know?

Maybe, I'll see you next time and we can get a photo of just the real talent from Dawn instead of those Day people. :rolleyes:

---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------


12-Apr-2010, 09:01 PM
This may sound silly, but I have saved those photos from the convention. Really hope to go to one eventually, but I have yet to see one that has occurred anywhere near me.

Now, time to MSpaint my mug over of Leos.