View Full Version : looks like we dont have rights

17-Nov-2009, 03:27 AM

apparently u get treated better if u go on a shooting rampage for refusing orders rather than refusing to take care of your child

17-Nov-2009, 03:29 AM
Why is this a surprise? Paedo's get less jailtime than bank robbers.

17-Nov-2009, 03:37 AM
Why is this a surprise? Paedo's get less jailtime than bank robbers.

i've seen it happen. very sad shit

17-Nov-2009, 03:39 AM
The army is just scandulous these days...:rolleyes::lol:

17-Nov-2009, 03:43 AM
What gets sticky is you sign a contractual agreement with the military that you will sort this kinda stuff out in the event you get shipped out. Regardless, I wish her luck.

17-Nov-2009, 04:06 AM
What gets sticky is you sign a contractual agreement with the military that you will sort this kinda stuff out in the event you get shipped out. Regardless, I wish her luck.

its about as bad as the school teacher making a kid hang up his cell phone cuz his mom called from iraq while on duty. i woulda fired that teacher

17-Nov-2009, 09:34 AM
SoF is right, you actually give up your rights when you take the oath of enlistment and are then subject to the military's orders. refusing to do so is punishable under the uniform code of military justice.

she should have had plenty of time to line something up. it may be a very shitty situation for both mother and child, but it's not as if she's the only person leaving someone behind while heading overseas.

17-Nov-2009, 09:56 AM
its about as bad as the school teacher making a kid hang up his cell phone cuz his mom called from iraq while on duty. i woulda fired that teacher

I would have been severely reprimanded if I answered a phone while in class when I was at school. Why should that kid get special treatment just because his mother does a dangerous job? :confused: