View Full Version : What will Al Gore do now?

24-Nov-2009, 06:31 PM
I'm sure alarmists will act like this news never happened and I wonder how long the mainstream media will ignore this. The New York Times refuses to touch this story because the information was "never intended for public use". That sure didn't stop them in the past! :lol:


24-Nov-2009, 06:45 PM
this is interesting..and believe me no one wants really to recycle and drive a slow car...me least of all. It's become a necessity...for sure.

But you know what, as I've always said, being wasteful is a bad thing - regardless of whether this is true, a complete lie, or whatever...filling up your car only to drive 100 miles in second gear will not only fuck your car, but it just adds that layer of bad air to our world that we don't need...so why do it?

25-Nov-2009, 05:07 AM
This kind of reminds me of an interview I had with one of the lead scientists of my state's EPA. The guy and I talked for somewhere around two hours about the effects of carbon emissions from cars and plants on the overal greenhouse effect. The conclusion I came to when we were done discussing and analysing the facts was that- the notion that carbon emissions cause global warming is complete bullsh*t.

There's on essential element that factors into the whole carbon emissions= global warming- sunlight. The sun's rays cause the molecules in the emissions to heat up. Problem is, the emissions disapate to nearly none essential levels after roughly 4-6 hours. And we don't have nights that short. Even with plants constantly pumping emissions into the air, the period of night negates any effect that warming might have. (And yes, we have significant industrial base nearby which I made sure the guy factored in)

So basically, what's happening is that about the only effects that you get from the carbon emissions is that your midday might get a little warmer, but whatever heat you gain you lose over the following night. Essentially, every new dawn means that you're starting fresh.

25-Nov-2009, 10:21 AM
this is interesting..and believe me no one wants really to recycle and drive a slow car...me least of all. It's become a necessity...for sure.

But you know what, as I've always said, being wasteful is a bad thing - regardless of whether this is true, a complete lie, or whatever...filling up your car only to drive 100 miles in second gear will not only fuck your car, but it just adds that layer of bad air to our world that we don't need...so why do it?

Recycling needs to be made completely easy and not at all fussy.

In our area we now have green wheelie bins and you just chuck everything in there ... however, you have to learn the rules first, such as "no black plastic" and "no plastic bottle tops" and "no plastic film/foil" ... which is pretty annoying, but still, we can finally do plastics now and large cardboard by just bunging it in our bin and wheeling it the end of the drive twice a month and bingo.

The previous recycling scheme (which got taken over, essentially, by this new one) has re-invented itself as a scheme that covers local businesses, who would otherwise not recycle at all - so they're kept their jobs, and are helping the environment at the same time - which is great, especially as it's providing jobs to those who would otherwise not be able to get a job, or really struggle, or end up trapped in the benefit cycle.

Efficiency and cleanliness in power and fuel is just the simple, natural, next step for mankind anyway. We've progressed throughout history to end up here with the internal combustion engine, which has really gone as far in it's current state as it can really go - at this point we need something like Helium 3 to come along and work, so that the masses can drive clean-fuelled vehicles.

Then, much like how the horse became a thing of leisure generally speaking, the petrol powered car will become a thing of leisure for people.


I despise how "going green" has become a guilt trip, and a new religion. It's sickeningly pathetic, and it's spiteful and filled with hatred for those who don't bow down and suck off "the facts" (which bully any dissenting or challenging voices into submission). The BBC has apparently been sitting on this UEA email story for weeks not doing anything about it (totally unsurprising though that may be).

The honest TRUTH must be spread, results mustn't be skewed/altered/ignored etc just to fit someone's view, and indeed the hatred for anyone not subscribing to a narrow, almost facistic take on climate change as skirted around in those very UEA emails just goes to show exactly what is wrong with the situation now.

South Park got it spot on, as usual, with that episode where Prius (a ghastly con-job of an eco-car anyway) drivers created a deadly cloud of "Smug" and sniffed their own farts.


This kinda bullshit needs to be stopped, the guilt-trippers need to be told to shut the fuck up, and those looking to asuage their own guilt (the sort of people who say sorry for slavery, and various other issues their hands have never, ever, ever, ever touched) can fuck off too, as well as the smug c**ts who strut around like they're Jesus Christ - FUCK OFF.


It's simply mankind's natural next step - the quest for clean, renewable energy for all, and to improve our own efficiency and relationship with the natural world.

This shouldn't be turned into a religion, or a war - it's common fucking sense and natural human technological progression.

Everything else can FUCK OFF.


Rant over...

25-Nov-2009, 01:41 PM

Recycling needs to be made completely easy and not at all fussy.

Fair enough.

In my area, there is no recycling offered. Yet, one town over, it is mandatory. :confused: Should I choose to recycle, I must package my own paper, plastic and aluminum and take them to the appropriate facilities, which are all in different directions and not easily accessible.

Efficiency and cleanliness in power and fuel is just the simple, natural, next step for mankind anyway. We've progressed throughout history to end up here with the internal combustion engine, which has really gone as far in it's current state as it can really go - at this point we need something like Helium 3 to come along and work, so that the masses can drive clean-fuelled vehicles.

It's simply mankind's natural next step - the quest for clean, renewable energy for all, and to improve our own efficiency and relationship with the natural world.

This shouldn't be turned into a religion, or a war - it's common fucking sense and natural human technological progression.

Well said.

Global warming be hanged. The bottomline is, our dependency on fossil fuels is still an act of irresponsibility. We are depleting our planet of natural resources for no better reason than our own laziness, stupidity and comfort. We're looking for viable water on the moon, for fuck's sake.

The reasoning behind why we 'cut the cord' on oil, coal and natural gas is not nearly as important as the actual action. As MZ states, it just makes good sense and is a natural progression for our species.

Its funny to me that humans continue to strive to make advancements that will make our lives longer and more fulfilling, yet we go out of our way to avoid ensuring we'll still have a planet to live on. :annoyed:

What will Al Gore do now?

Hopefully he'll continue to support clean energy legislation that creates jobs and solves the climate crisis. Because despite the fact that Global Warming through emissions might be debunked, it doesn't alter the fact that we are poisoning our planet with our current lifestyle. ;)

While fuel emissions might not be any more responsible for the melting polar ice caps than cow flatulence, its still pollution. And continuing to force the auto industries to severe ties with the oil monopolies is a measure that is loooooooooooong overdue.

http://www.algore.com/ His holier than thou attitude might grate on a person's nerves, but at the end of the day... the dude just makes sense. (even if his reasoning is half-assed)



:lol::lol::lol: Sorry man...I couldn't resist... bwhahahaha

25-Nov-2009, 01:57 PM

South Park got it spot on, as usual, with that episode where Prius (a ghastly con-job of an eco-car anyway) drivers created a deadly cloud of "Smug" and sniffed their own farts.

Rant over...



If there was ever a television episode that summed up the attitudes of the 'go green' people, Smug Alert was it. The commentary that the creaters have on that show really does bring to light the way many of those people act with a sort of moralistic superiority complex. One thing that sickens me more than anything is usually when I try to have an honest debate with people like that, they have a very condescending way in which they act towards me, like I would gleefully pour a vat of toxic sludge into a crystal clear mountain stream just because I don't agree with their views or practices.

*link fixed by MZ*

25-Nov-2009, 03:11 PM
Hopefully he'll continue to support clean energy legislation that creates jobs and solves the climate crisis. Because despite the fact that Global Warming through emissions might be debunked, it doesn't alter the fact that we are poisoning our planet with our current lifestyle. ;)

While fuel emissions might not be any more responsible for the melting polar ice caps than cow flatulence, its still pollution. And continuing to force the auto industries to severe ties with the oil monopolies is a measure that is loooooooooooong overdue.

http://www.algore.com/ His holier than thou attitude might grate on a person's nerves, but at the end of the day... the dude just makes sense. (even if his reasoning is half-assed)



:lol::lol::lol: Sorry man...I couldn't resist... bwhahahaha

Makes sense? The man does not debate what he spews. He will not debate anyone on the subject. Gore is a complete fraud, IMO. He has literally gotten "filthy rich" from his global warming hysteria and is a total hypocrite when it comes to "being green".


25-Nov-2009, 03:26 PM
Makes sense? The man does not debate what he spews. He will not debate anyone on the subject. Gore is a complete fraud, IMO. He has literally gotten "filthy rich" from his global warming hysteria and is a total hypocrite when it comes to "being green".


Fair enough. However, while I find the pope to be an obnoxious old fart that only deals in antiqutated ideas, the tenants of Christian values still hold merit for even a staunch evolutionist as myself. :D

Al Gore (and we can agree on this) is a piss poor spokesperson for the eco-movement. But, he gets the message out. You may not like his message, you may find his solutions to be ridiculous, but at least he makes us aware of the environment.

Personally, I love the fact that the guy points, shouts "Bullshit!" and runs out of the room. He doesn't actually reslove anything, but he draws attention to the elephant in the room. :lol:

darth los
25-Nov-2009, 03:34 PM
A little off topic but anyone else ever shudder to think what the world be like if this man was President on September 11th 2001? :eek:


25-Nov-2009, 03:45 PM
A little off topic but anyone else ever shudder to think what the world be like if this man was President on September 11th 2001? :eek:


Oh god...lets not go there...

25-Nov-2009, 07:28 PM
The NY Times did an article about this a bit ago.


They had to input their own slant though, of course...

The evidence pointing to a growing human contribution to global warming is so widely accepted that the hacked material is unlikely to erode the overall argument.

I remember when it was global warming. Suddenly it became climate change and I wondered about it... until I realized that it's more difficult to prove a single fraudulent statement--ie, the Earth is warming and it's man's fault and we're all gonna die!!!--than it is to prove a far more nebulous claim--ie, the climate is changing and it's man's fault and we're all gonna die!!!

I wish, wish wish wish WISH that the people who invested so much time and effort to prove Bush wrong on every step he took would invest an iota of that effort or time looking into the people perpetrating the "climate change" research and stifling the debate.

Since he's already mentioned, begin with Algore.

26-Nov-2009, 08:03 AM
Quite an interesting and rational article http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/georgemonbiot/2009/nov/25/monbiot-climate-leak-crisis-response

26-Nov-2009, 05:14 PM
Hopefully, this will put a nice, big dent in the leftist religion that is radical environmentalism.

Oh, and happy Thanksgiving.

26-Nov-2009, 05:35 PM
Oh god...lets not go there...

so instead we got a complete fucking asshole moron on september 11th who didnt do a fucking thing.

also, he was right about global warming. how the fuck does anyone explain no snow in ohio at the end of november? ro the polar ice caps melting.

26-Nov-2009, 05:57 PM

Al Gore is a twat who makes a robot look lifelike.
He can go to Hell.


we are still using fossil fuels because it makes very rich
people happy to stay very rich and not change a thing
even though there are other technologies that can be
made ready.


global warming is more of a natural cyclical event the earth
goes through every so many thousands(?) of years. What we
are going thru now is not as dramatic as a pole shift, which was
proven that the arctic was once tropical like Brazil.
Maybe we are speeding things along with fossil fuels and
not recycling but it is an inevitable natural processs that
occurs on the earth every so often.
the earth owes us nothing. If it decides to shakes us off
like a dog shakes off annoying fleas it will and we can recycle
all the coke cans we want and it wont change shit.
we are guests on this rock, we tend to forget that.

26-Nov-2009, 06:10 PM

Al Gore is a twat who makes a robot look lifelike.
He can go to Hell.


we are still using fossil fuels because it makes very rich
people happy to stay very rich and not change a thing
even though there are other technologies that can be
made ready.


global warming is more of a natural cyclical event the earth
goes through every so many thousands(?) of years. What we
are going thru now is not as dramatic as a pole shift, which was
proven that the arctic was once tropical like Brazil.
Maybe we are speeding things along with fossil fuels and
not recycling but it is an inevitable natural processs that
occurs on the earth every so often.
the earth owes us nothing. If it decides to shakes us off
like a dog shakes off annoying fleas it will and we can recycle
all the coke cans we want and it wont change shit.
we are guests on this rock, we tend to forget that.

another bush fan. keep drinking the kool aid

26-Nov-2009, 06:32 PM
so instead we got a complete fucking asshole moron on september 11th who didnt do a fucking thing.
I agree. He really should have had us invade someone because of 9/11...

also, he was right about global warming. how the fuck does anyone explain no snow in ohio at the end of november? ro the polar ice caps melting.
So by that logic we were entering an ice age in the winter of 1944-1945. That was the coldest winter on record in Europe so that must have meant we were all about to freeze to death...

Algore is a politician. He is by definition a whore, selling himself to the highest bidder. That is something that you must accept to have a rational debate with anyone. Once you have accepted that premise you should check out this article (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/energy/6491195/Al-Gore-could-become-worlds-first-carbon-billionaire.html), and this one (http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/NussbaumOnDesign/archives/2007/02/gores_carbon_fo.html), or this one (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2007/10/09/court-identifies-eleven-inaccuracies-al-gore-s-inconvenient-truth).

I don't expect anyone to actually change their mind about anything due to reading about the BS spewed by this man, but hey, there's always a chance, right?

27-Nov-2009, 01:05 PM
another bush fan. keep drinking the kool aid

Jesus Christ.

27-Nov-2009, 01:54 PM
another bush fan. keep drinking the kool aid

what is it about kortick's post that makes him a bush fan?
or kool-aid drinker?

27-Nov-2009, 02:07 PM
what is it about kortick's post that makes him a bush fan?
or kool-aid drinker?

Because he dislikes Al Gore? That's the only thing that I can think of.

27-Nov-2009, 03:45 PM
What will Al Gore do now? Warn us about the dangers of THIS:



27-Nov-2009, 08:10 PM


That's awesome.

27-Nov-2009, 09:40 PM
Yeah, you guys laugh at him now, but when Manbearpig comes to YOUR house then you won't think it's funny. Especially when he's riding a friggin chunk of ice because of the melting polar caps.