View Full Version : Ninja Assasins

27-Nov-2009, 06:23 AM
Boredom & a promise to my wife to go to the movies after a long day of slaving away in the kitchen led me to the local multiplex this evening where we decided to see Ninja Assassins. Being a fan of chambara and silly martial arts films, we figured that this would be a fun time.

Fuck that! While there were some entertaining & bloody fight sequences, overall this movie was a useless wormy pile of shit! Remember that Ultimate Power website devoted to preteen Ninja worship? This movie could have been written by those kids- except that with those kids there was a tounge-in-cheek element of humor.

This movie was exceptionally pointless, and unbelievably stupid. Unintentionally funny at moments, but not enough to warrant paying good money to see this. Avoid this film -it will give you cancer, hit on your sister and insult your Grandma.

What a piece of badly written crap! Honestly, I wanted to yell at the screen during the movie, then wanted to beat on people as I walked out of the theater after it was finished.

Still, since it came down to a choice of this of that vampire movie, seeing this one was - I suppose - the lesser of two evils!

27-Nov-2009, 07:03 AM
I just read the synopsis at IMDb and it sounds utterly ridiculous. Ludicrous. Pathetic and stupid beyond silliness.

27-Nov-2009, 11:43 AM
why didn't you go see "the road"? that movie looks waay better than most other crap out right now...i'm planning on checking it out sometime this weekend.

EDIT: well, never fucking mind. talk about limited release: not even playing within 50 miles of my neck of the woods.:confused:

27-Nov-2009, 03:39 PM
Wow. Sorry to hear that. I loved the ninja movies of the 80's, such as the Sho Kosugi movies or the American Ninja series, & was hoping for a return to that innocent level of cheesy silliness.:(

27-Nov-2009, 08:53 PM
Wow. Sorry to hear that. I loved the ninja movies of the 80's, such as the Sho Kosugi movies or the American Ninja series, & was hoping for a return to that innocent level of cheesy silliness.:(

Dude, I dig that old cheese, but this film was so far below those in quality. Awful!

I so much would have preferred The Road, but it happened to not be playing at the theater we went to. In retrospect, I should have chosen Precious except the subject matter seemed more depressing than what we were seeking