View Full Version : Roger Ebert's 'Night of the Living Dead' Review from 1967

27-May-2006, 08:56 PM
Checkout this interesting review from Roger Ebert of Night of the Living Dead, which was written in January of 1967. (http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19670105/REVIEWS/701050301/1023)

Apparently, the movie played during the kiddy matinee show time at the theater, and the audience was full of really young kids. I would have been freaked out to have seen NOTLD at that age...

Hell, I saw Dawn, when I was in ninth grade, and I STILL haven't quite recovered from that scare!

27-May-2006, 09:04 PM
This is my advice to Roger :)


He changed his tune about Night of the Living Dead a few years later, and is now a champion of Romero's work. He gave Land a thumbs up for cryin' out loud :o

28-May-2006, 12:56 AM
Yes, referring to "the Negro" seems so out of place. And if my memory serves...isnt Ebert married to a "Negro" woman? I am not sure that it was a personal racist thing from Ebert, but more of an institutional type racism, as in the door, the chair, the dog, the Negro, just kind of things that are unimportant, that existed at the time. Things are not perfect now, but a lot better than they used to be.

28-May-2006, 02:49 AM
negro isn't considered to be a racist comment. it was the societally accepted correct term at the time, just as african-american or black is today.

28-May-2006, 04:45 AM
Ya know what i find weird? How did a movie that was released in 1968 get a review in 1967?

31-May-2006, 04:15 PM
Yes...Ebert's wife is African-American.