View Full Version : Red Dead Redemption (incl. new Zombie DLC)

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02-Dec-2009, 09:11 PM

I just started watching Deadwood, so a western themed open world game is sounding pretty good right now. Half the trailer looked like scenes from a movie.

02-Dec-2009, 09:34 PM
f*ck that looks amazing. from what ive heard rockstars outdone gta 4 by miles with this. the worlds meant to be massive and the sheer number of possible randomly generated events are like things peter molyneux promised for the fable franchise.
i for one cant wait.

02-Dec-2009, 09:40 PM
please tell me it'll play like GTA

02-Dec-2009, 10:30 PM
I can't wait for that! Looks like everything I wanted Gun to be, and more.

02-Dec-2009, 10:48 PM
I can't wait for that! Looks like everything I wanted Gun to be, and more.

gun wasnt great but i dug it a lot, shame it got kinda retarded at the end. it went from a proper western to wild wild west.

and that should never happen again.:|

03-Dec-2009, 12:01 PM
gun wasnt great but i dug it a lot, shame it got kinda retarded at the end. it went from a proper western to wild wild west.

Yeah, exactly. I had so much fun with it... until the last like 20%. Especially the shit with the "boss" whom hurled bundles of dynamite which you had to shoot out of mid-air in order to make them explode on him and he could take ample amounts of dynamite explosions to the face - SO ANNOYING!!!

What else was annoying was that once you completed all of the side quests and story missions there was absolutely NOTHING left to do in the world, even though you could still freely roam it. There weren't even any bandits and the towns were virtually ghost towns. WTF???

03-Dec-2009, 12:18 PM
I barely remember the first Red Dead, but this looks like a blast! Can't wait.:hyper:

03-Dec-2009, 12:23 PM
That looks incredible. I wish I could see some gameplay from it.

20-Dec-2009, 03:25 AM
Gameplay Series: Introduction (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gameplay-series-red-dead/59978)

I'm absolutely loving the setting and atmosphere.

This game really came out of nowhere. Rockstar has been quiet about it until recently, and it looks to be even better than GTA4.

21-Dec-2009, 03:41 AM
Wow, that gameplay video was mouth watering. April 27th seems too far away!

21-Dec-2009, 12:15 PM
Can't fuckin wait!:hyper:

21-Dec-2009, 05:52 PM
wow. looking pretty damn impressive. definitely going to be picking this one up.

24-Jan-2010, 05:21 PM
Damn ... this looks sexy.

Looks like 2010 is gonna be a good year for sandboxing - Mafia 2 (never played Mafia 1, mind), and now this.

Barely paid any attention to the previous game (there was one right, so someone said?), and haven't paid attention to this until just now ... sandboxing in the old west? YES PLEASE!

24-Jan-2010, 11:51 PM
Looks like 2010 is gonna be a good year for sandboxing - Mafia 2 (never played Mafia 1, mind), and now this.

Never played Mafia either, but this year in games is looking great for a casual gamer like myself. Aliens Vs Predator in less than a month, Red Dead Redemption about two months later, and Alan Wake directly after that. It's all got me excited.

Barely paid any attention to the previous game (there was one right, so someone said?)

Red Dead Revolver for the Xbox. It was pretty fun. Had it's problems, but over all was a great western shooter. This new one however looks out-friggin-standing!

BTW, MZ....have you given Batman:Arkham Asylum a go yet? Thoughts? I imagine you would love it as it's more of a story game rather than the whole online shebang.

25-Jan-2010, 10:18 AM
Bassman - no, I haven't had a chance to do Arkham Asylum yet, but it is on my list.

Trouble is there's so many games on my list, including the new Splinter Cell, BioShock 2 (which can wait until it's on sale for cheap months and months down the line, quite frankly), Assassin's Creed 2 ... and of course Red Dead Redemption as a new entry which I will pre-order, as well as Mafia 2 which I will pre-order, and I've got Alan Wake and Dead Rising 2 both pre-ordered as well. Plus a couple of others even further down the list ... some I'll never get around to playing that are getting further down the list, and others will just have to wait until I'm ready (which will mean they're cheap by the time I am, so that's a win for me, hehe).

I really wish they'd spread out the releases more though, because geeeeez...


Ah yeah, Red Dead Revolver, that's the hammer. Yeah looks like a good idea before it's time - Redemption though, damn, now that looks sexy. I've been wanting a kick ass old west game since Outlaws back in the mid 90s (I love that game, one of my all time faves).

It's nice to see (sandbox) games moving away from modern times more now - so rather than GTA IV or Saints Row - you've got The Saboteur's 1940's Paris, or either Assassin's Creed game, or the up-coming Mafia 2, and Redemption too. Brings something a little fresher and more exciting, you know?

25-Jan-2010, 11:41 AM
Mafia 2 (never played Mafia 1, mind)...
Not wishing to derail the 'Red Dead Thread', but crumbs was Mafia a damn fine game. Graphically shite but who can resist those old motors, Tommy guns, people called 'Paulie', "rat bastids", and cups o' cawfee. :D

25-Jan-2010, 05:34 PM
Not wishing to derail the 'Red Dead Thread', but crumbs was Mafia a damn fine game. Graphically shite but who can resist those old motors, Tommy guns, people called 'Paulie', "rat bastids", and cups o' cawfee. :D
Damn straight. Hence why I'm so up for Mafia 2, despite not playing Mafia 1. It's just a kick ass era for a kick ass sandboxer. :D

Same goes for Red Dead Redemption.

03-Feb-2010, 01:28 PM
Weapons of Red Dead Redemption demo


This game is quickly becoming my number one must play game of the coming year...

03-Feb-2010, 01:45 PM
Cor, it looks proper juicy and gorgeous. I'm gonna be all over this sumbitch come April.

03-Feb-2010, 04:46 PM
Cor, it looks proper juicy and gorgeous. I'm gonna be all over this sumbitch come April.
*high five*

Damn straight.

04-Feb-2010, 11:31 AM
I said god damn!

I'm hoping I have a new XBOX by this point. Mine died about a week ago. Just mere weeks after my warranty at Best Buy had expired. :mad:

fulci fan
05-Feb-2010, 06:13 AM
This game has been in the works for so long. Finally we can play a real western video game. All Rockstar needs to do now is a zombie themed game.

My idea is: you start out playing when the outbreak begins and you play for "years" in the zombie apocalypse. The game should be so free that you can hold up in a farmhouse, scavenge the city, escape to an island, or survive in the wilderness. There really never has been a serious zombie video game that I can think of. Every one either has mutants or comedy. and they are set in one area.

How cool would it be to have a GTA style RPG zombie video game?:hyper:

Red Dead Redemption looks great. I can't wait to wipe out a whole city and have the vultures come in (yes this will happen in the game). :evil:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deE11dYCZYE This is what the game is all about.

05-Feb-2010, 10:08 AM
Man alive, a GTA-style zombie game (with HOARDES of SHAMBLERS) would be super freaking awesome. City, suburban and rural areas, with various possibilities for holding up and exploring and tasks and all sorts - ooh that'd be sweet as all get-out.

05-Feb-2010, 11:46 AM
Wasn't there a zombie mod for GTAIV?

05-Feb-2010, 12:34 PM
Wasn't there a zombie mod for GTAIV?
No idea. Just a shame the PC port has been notoriously shoddy.

Even still, a mod would be no substitute for a full-on proper zombie sandbox game.

05-Feb-2010, 02:17 PM
The people at Rockstar are pretty cool. I bet you they've got something up their sleeve that they're keeping secret, involving a zombie game. I foresee them producing one within the next 3 years.

05-Feb-2010, 05:41 PM
The people at Rockstar are pretty cool. I bet you they've got something up their sleeve that they're keeping secret, involving a zombie game. I foresee them producing one within the next 3 years.
I hope so ... and with shamblers ... HOARDES of them.

05-Feb-2010, 06:00 PM
I hope so ... and with shamblers ... HOARDES of them.

because they really got your adrenaline going in dead rising:rolleyes::p

slow zombies cant work well in a large area, at best you will get something programmed on a large scale to bee line at you or have minor "standby" actions and thats it, and that just isnt scary. the best thing dead rising had going for it was a brief romp around a mall with a bunch of crap to throw at people. in the long run of a videogame this doesnt work. thats why valve had to introduce the special infected in left 4 dead, a small break like dead rising is fun, but could never be scary. The traditional slow zombie works in films but as the one single enemy in a videogame it cannot keep the player involved. its why you have lickers and hunters and such in resident evil, or the aliens in half life. because the control is in part of the player and not an actor there is no linear progression, even less so in a sandbox game, which results in aimless wandering through what on the whole must be an unchanging world.
I could see a few variations to the gameplay like "drive this truck to this hospital to get supplies" or "oh no, the safe house has been broken into, time to evacuate and find another one" but on the whole the very nature of it will ensure linearity. you may have a sandbox map but you will always just be doing "point a to b and back" runs and it would grow very tiresome very fast.
I could see how that could appeal to people of a more isolationist nature, to live out there "epic zombie survival plan" but as an entertaining videogame it limits itself far too much to be anything more than a brief niche novelty.

fulci fan
05-Feb-2010, 08:15 PM
because they really got your adrenaline going in dead rising:rolleyes::p

slow zombies cant work well in a large area, at best you will get something programmed on a large scale to bee line at you or have minor "standby" actions and thats it, and that just isnt scary. the best thing dead rising had going for it was a brief romp around a mall with a bunch of crap to throw at people. in the long run of a videogame this doesnt work. thats why valve had to introduce the special infected in left 4 dead, a small break like dead rising is fun, but could never be scary. The traditional slow zombie works in films but as the one single enemy in a videogame it cannot keep the player involved. its why you have lickers and hunters and such in resident evil, or the aliens in half life. because the control is in part of the player and not an actor there is no linear progression, even less so in a sandbox game, which results in aimless wandering through what on the whole must be an unchanging world.
I could see a few variations to the gameplay like "drive this truck to this hospital to get supplies" or "oh no, the safe house has been broken into, time to evacuate and find another one" but on the whole the very nature of it will ensure linearity. you may have a sandbox map but you will always just be doing "point a to b and back" runs and it would grow very tiresome very fast.
I could see how that could appeal to people of a more isolationist nature, to live out there "epic zombie survival plan" but as an entertaining videogame it limits itself far too much to be anything more than a brief niche novelty.


05-Feb-2010, 09:05 PM


Buzz Killington: "Oh on the contrary, I've quite a mastery of the humorous yarn. Do any of you know the tale of how cornmeal came to be."

Cleveland: "No."

Quagmire: "No."

Peter: "No."

Buzz Killington: "Neither did the miller when he let his house that morning."


06-Feb-2010, 11:07 AM
because they really got your adrenaline going in dead rising:rolleyes::p

Actually they did, Senoir Jaded-Pants.

See, this is the problem, runners came along and most people just forgot how to bother making shamblers terrifying. What complete and utter bullshit.

Dead Rising has hoardes of the fuckers, and that's a good thing. You'll be thinking you're fine, and then all of a sudden the one you've not been paying attention to grabs you, then another, and another, and you're fucked.

Anything running at you is scary - and it's lazy on the part of the creator as well.


07-Feb-2010, 01:43 AM
Actually they did, Senoir Jaded-Pants.

See, this is the problem, runners came along and most people just forgot how to bother making shamblers terrifying. What complete and utter bullshit.

Dead Rising has hoardes of the fuckers, and that's a good thing. You'll be thinking you're fine, and then all of a sudden the one you've not been paying attention to grabs you, then another, and another, and you're fucked.

Anything running at you is scary - and it's lazy on the part of the creator as well.


NNNnnnnnO!, bad!, dont make me roll up this newspaper!:lol:

Slow zombies were boring for one reason, if you died there was a continue, slow zombies are all about cornering you in, its the constant trudging, claustrophobic nature that denotates the inevitability of your own demise- but when theres absolutely no possible bad outcome for this then it quickly becomes moot.
another reason why valve had to make there infected fast, shamblers wouldnt have worked in games as they do in film. if someone dies in a film there dead. if they die in a game, reload, no longer dead. unless its a plot point you have no control over, and thats not scary because there is no possibility of failure on your part.
In a film like dawn of the dead you put yourself in there shoes, at points when they are just glanced by the outreaching, snapping fingers of a lumbering ghoul you tense up. its an "oh shit" moment if you can put yourself in there shoes. whilst at the same time you have no major control over the situation and thus feel helpless. In a videogame where i can crowd walk on there heads and the worst punishment for failure is a reload there is no fear. Left 4 dead would be terrible without its hectic nature and again the only negligible penalty is losing time, which i suppose is ironic really.

I think people dont really think about how a game would be made, just a finished product. Making a game is very different to a movie, it relies on the audiences input, not just output. You can direct there attention sure, place lights to illuminate a certain area to subconsciously draw the players eye. but the long and short of it is this: a film has direct control on everything you see, every eventuality. In a game it is a wholly different experience based on the player, will they want to explore? will they look over every nook and cranny instead of heading the desired way. In what is essentially a dead world for the player you NEED extra input to direct and focus the audience. dead rising had its human psychos, left 4 dead had its runners and specials. resident evil had the dogs and tyrants and everything in between.

Anything running at you is scary - and it's lazy on the part of the creator as well.

as for this, have you ever tried programming a.i for a videogame? a single enemy? i have and its difficult alone for an amatuer, for a pro the larger the number of enemies the more they HAVE to simplify the ai of the enemy. Each one has to take a small portion of the usage to process what its going to do. In the words of a number of games developers i know "the easiest thing to make in terms of a.i is the 'zombie' you can use it from dogs to dinosaurs, all it does is beeline at the player and attack".
If you want a big game with lots of zombies then you need to make the process' of said zombies scripted a.i routines to be that much simpler to cope with the larger numbers.

Though this isnt impossible of course, theres always ways around the limitations, silent hill coped with its incredibly short draw distance by adding fog. In left 4 dead the zombies are "pop-ed in" as you progress and have designated spawn points for hordes.
So whilst a massive sandbox wouldnt be impossible the zombies would have to be simpler for a large multiplayer environment. Which is why you have infected like the smoker and charger to keep players from getting too far apart and why the a.i would be kept, most likely, at the basic bee line zombie type. which in a slowzombie just doesnt have the same pop as 50 snarling, rabid ghouls tear arseing it at you and snarling and hissing. its not the best for movies i know, but in games design terms its just the best for the job entertainment wise and its current constrictions the reason why i think a sandbox game would be full of boring slowbies.

You could use the jaded fallback, sure. But a videogame with slow zombies could not work as a completely serious, actually scary videogame. it just doesnt translate to another medium without warranting change. in this case thats fast zombies.

The defense rest's.;)

07-Feb-2010, 11:19 AM
To hellsing, in his favourite language that is meme, I am disappoint.


With a side order of face palm.

07-Feb-2010, 06:31 PM
I think any dead-blooded person would love to see the sort of open world zombie game Minion is on about, though thinking about the actual possibility of it any time soon I have to agree with what Hells has said too.

A small example: in GTA the pedestrians are little more than cannon/car fodder, that's why if you run round the block you'll see a different set of pedestrians has spawned where you started, and that's fine for GTA, but for an open world zombie game (particularly with shamblers where the threat comes from their numbers and/or getting cornered by them) you'd need the game to keep track of hundreds of AI zombies for them to ever really pose the sort of threat they do in films or books.

It blows my mind to think how complicated it would be, such a game would end being a gargantuan undertaking for a developer to say the least.

11-Feb-2010, 06:01 PM
"The Law" trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-the-red-dead/61799)

11-Feb-2010, 06:05 PM
This is the most excited i've been for a game since Ghostbusters or GTAIV.:hyper:

11-Feb-2010, 06:34 PM
Yeah, the more I see, the more I like.

Bring it on!

(Also, I agree with Hellsing's points above, he is not Fail!)

12-Feb-2010, 10:04 AM
I'm rather looking forward to RDR.

I wonder what their version of getting into trouble with the law is - like, in GTA IV you have your star rating and various types and amounts of rozzers come after you - so I wonder what it'll be in this game. Surely it can't be anywhere near as robust as GTA IV in that respect?

Although you do get yourself a reputation in the game from being good or bad, perhaps that's the replacement for such stuff.

12-Feb-2010, 01:37 PM
I wonder what their version of getting into trouble with the law is - like, in GTA IV you have your star rating and various types and amounts of rozzers come after you - so I wonder what it'll be in this game. Surely it can't be anywhere near as robust as GTA IV in that respect?

You'll get a high star count and the cops on horseback will start ramming into your horse.:lol:

After seeing this law trailer i'm afraid some of the characters may be too over the top. Like the fat one that sounds mentally ill. I hope they're not going too GTA OTT with it. I want a serious western world to inhabit. Not a one-liner shoot out with Mad Dog Tannen.

Still though, it's going to be interesting to see how this respect aspect of the game changes the experience. Hopefully it will make it worth several run throughs. I've already decided to take the honorable route the first time through and then play it over again as an outlaw.:D

12-Feb-2010, 05:37 PM
hehe, aye, I figure I'll be "good" the first time round (I seem to gravitate to that way of doing things anyway - such as in Fallout 3), and then might try being an utter "cuntbox" (copyright Capncnut :D) the second time round ... mind you, I said I was gonna harvest all the little sisters on my second playthrough of BioShock, but just couldn't do it.

fulci fan
14-Feb-2010, 02:47 AM
I hope the hunter outfit wins the vote thing. Will the other two outfits be thrown out?

25-Feb-2010, 03:19 PM
"The Women" trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/the-women-red-dead/62298)

04-Mar-2010, 07:11 AM
well, who didn't see this coming?


04-Mar-2010, 07:28 AM
there holding it back to generate marketing buzz? thats asinine, its not a movie, theres isnt a limited time to go get it. they do an advert run, the magazines and sites review it and from then on its word of mouth. every game has day one or two people who have been following the game and the rest are people who havent who have had there interest peked by the ads. anyone who wants it after a weeks advertising wont want it more after 2. honestly i can see this working for films, or hell, even fast food seasonal specials, but home entertainment that will be on the shelves for ages? yeah market it, but more market it for longer? when its in the game stores on the shelves? thats like marketing a book or cd for longer people will buy it or they wont, the same ads for longer wont do anything but possibly put some people off.

clearly this is advertising the alan wake way.:lol:

04-Mar-2010, 10:03 AM
there holding it back to generate marketing buzz? thats asinine, its not a movie, theres isnt a limited time to go get it. they do an advert run, the magazines and sites review it and from then on its word of mouth. every game has day one or two people who have been following the game and the rest are people who havent who have had there interest peked by the ads. anyone who wants it after a weeks advertising wont want it more after 2. honestly i can see this working for films, or hell, even fast food seasonal specials, but home entertainment that will be on the shelves for ages? yeah market it, but more market it for longer? when its in the game stores on the shelves? thats like marketing a book or cd for longer people will buy it or they wont, the same ads for longer wont do anything but possibly put some people off.

clearly this is advertising the alan wake way.:lol:
What a retarded-ass idea. Delay it by 3 weeks ... WHY do that when you're now gonna release it ON THE SAME DAY AS ALAN WAKE?! :rolleyes:

All this log-jamming of games at the same time is stupid too - surely it'd make more financial sense to space yourselves out, they keep going on about competition, well well done Rockstar & Co, you've gone and put yourself out on the SAME DAY as one of the biggest releases this year! Duuuuuuuuh...:rolleyes:

I was looking forward to getting RDR and hopefully getting it bashed out before Alan Wake, not anymore.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Mafia 2 lot said "we're gonna release on May 18th/21st too!" ... that'd just be hilariously stupid enough to actually happen.

04-Mar-2010, 10:11 AM
What a retarded-ass idea. Delay it by 3 weeks ... WHY do that when you're now gonna release it ON THE SAME DAY AS ALAN WAKE?! :rolleyes:

All this log-jamming of games at the same time is stupid too - surely it'd make more financial sense to space yourselves out, they keep going on about competition, well well done Rockstar & Co, you've gone and put yourself out on the SAME DAY as one of the biggest releases this year! Duuuuuuuuh...:rolleyes:

I was looking forward to getting RDR and hopefully getting it bashed out before Alan Wake, not anymore.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Mafia 2 lot said "we're gonna release on May 18th/21st too!" ... that'd just be hilariously stupid enough to actually happen.

there moving it to the same day as alan wake?, arent they both remedy games.

that makes me suspicious of wakes date:shifty: different divisions im sure, but if they even mention alan wake the game will be delayed by a further 6 hours each time :lol:

04-Mar-2010, 10:38 AM
Good point, both from Remedy - what's that all about? They've even gone so far as to set Alan Wake's date "in stone" - seriously, IGN or some crowd were sent a stone with Alan Wake's street date chiselled into it (if memory serves) ... so they'd be dummies to let that slide because of some pointless, non-sensical, and arbitrary 3 week delay in RDR.

I mean wtf Rockstar & Co ... what - the - fuck?


Ha! No sooner had I mentioned the release date of Mafia 2 (which was supposed to be before the end of July), IT'S BEEN DELAYED - what a shocker.


Now releasing between August 1st and October 31st.

Seriously, these fucking games need to screw their heads on when it comes to release dates, I mean goddamn. You know what? If you release the game, people might actually stand a chance at, I duno, BUYING the game! :rolleyes:

Yeah sure you have to release it at the correct time, but stop buggering around like everyone else is, because more often that not you've got people releasing a game smack bang in the middle of a busy period. Ghostbusters delayed themselves by a few weeks (added onto the MONTHS of delays for European Xboxers that is) to put them 4 DAYS before the launch of MW2, rather than 2-3 WEEKS ... i.e. MORONS.

Same thing now with RDR - rather than 3 WEEKS ahead of Alan Wake, they're pimping themselves out ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY! :rolleyes:

What idiots are in charge of releasing games?

04-Mar-2010, 11:49 AM
well, who didn't see this coming?




.. . ...


It seems like every game I get excited about gets held back. And I don't get excited about many games...

04-Mar-2010, 04:13 PM
rockstar's greedy move of shifting the release of this game in order to generate advertising buzz has really left a bad impression on me.

so i've decided to say fuck them and their little cowboy game, i'm not paying 60 bucks for it on day one. i'll now hold off buying it till it goes on sale and is no more than 40 dollars.

04-Mar-2010, 04:47 PM
That's how I feel about Alan Wake, Prof. I can't hold that large of a grudge against Redemption yet because this is the first(and hopefully ONLY) set back. Alan Wake has been pushed back how many times?

So I'll still get Redeption on release. Unless they push it back again. Could be worse.....they could cancel it....

04-Mar-2010, 05:22 PM
I'm in two minds about getting RDR on release date, specifically because it's coming out the same day as Alan Wake - which I am getting on launch day.

I had hoped to have bashed out most, if not all, of the story mode for RDR prior to Alan Wake - but nope, Remedy & Co had to act like penises and fuck it up.

And as for "generating advertising buzz" - dude - you had SEVEN WEEKS until the original launch date!!! :eek:

The only "buzz" they'll get from this stupid ass move is people not buying it at launch and waiting to get it cheaper - thus losing them money. I mean what utter dopes, they're in a world of their own, they just don't get it, do they?

04-Mar-2010, 08:03 PM
with very few exceptions (dead rising 2 this year), i think i'm going to start holding off on games until they drop in price. within a year, almost every game gets map packs, dlc episodes, etc that are always available on a cheaper GOTY edition.

i've always thought that 60 was pretty steep for a game, and unless it's a game i'm REALLY fucking geared up for, count me out of the day-1 release club.:|

fulci fan
05-Mar-2010, 03:46 AM
That's how I feel about Alan Wake, Prof. I can't hold that large of a grudge against Redemption yet because this is the first(and hopefully ONLY) set back. Alan Wake has been pushed back how many times?

So I'll still get Redeption on release. Unless they push it back again. Could be worse.....they could cancel it....

They pushed RDR before. I remember seeing it on the shelves for pre order a very long time ago. If they are taking so much time on this, it better be flawless. I don't want Bathesda style glitches. There is really no excuse for glitches in games but that is a different story. :annoyed:

05-Mar-2010, 12:41 PM
What's daft is they've been building hype for the game with these trailers - and now shafting it back 3 weeks arbitrarily is just going to undo all the good they achieved with those trailers ... dimwits.

Indeed as has been evidenced here, and I'm sure all around the t'interwebz, it's just pissed people off. Some will still get it on launch (I will, for instance, but I'm no less annoyed at the utterly stupid 3 week delay - what a silly idea), but I'd imagine a lot of folk will just say "pfft, I'll wait now..." and therefore get it cheaper.

Dummies ... dummies ... dummies!!! (The marketting bods who came up with this retarded idea).

05-Mar-2010, 12:43 PM
Dummies ... dummies ... dummies!!! (The marketting bods who came up with this retarded idea).

Intentional or accidental Dawn reference?:p

Redemption was pushed back once before? I don't recall that set back. I think what hurts the most with this one is that it was SO CLOSE. A bit over a month away and they push it back. Silly Bastids.

05-Mar-2010, 12:51 PM
Intentional or accidental Dawn reference?:p

Redemption was pushed back once before? I don't recall that set back. I think what hurts the most with this one is that it was SO CLOSE. A bit over a month away and they push it back. Silly Bastids.
Intentional reference, indeed. :cool:

Aye, being so close it's like "here you go ... NOOOO ... here you go ... NOOOO!" like a kid teasing another kid with a sweetie or something, which is daft, because the consumer is PAYING for your goddamned product in the first place, they shouldn't bugger the buyer around.

It was like the Ghostbusters. That stupid arse Xbox delay for Europe, and then it was pushed back TWO WEEKS for no good reason (to a mere 4 days prior to MW2) - I mean seriously - who are these idiots releasing games? Have they been mating with rocks, or something?

05-Mar-2010, 01:42 PM
Seems like every game I'm looking forward to gets held back. The only two that haven't were Batman and Aliens vs Predator. Apparently getting held back is becoming the norm in the industry. Almost like it's some kind of ploy to get more attention.

If Batman 2 is held back I'm gonna cry. I'm drooling to get my mits on that...

fulci fan
05-Mar-2010, 03:23 PM
I really hated the new Batman game. I don't know what it is with me hating games that everyone else loves. :annoyed:

It would be awesome to have a batman free roam game set in Gotham City.

Maybe Rockstar should make it and set the release date back 4 or 5 times.:p

05-Mar-2010, 03:43 PM
I really hated the new Batman game. I don't know what it is with me hating games that everyone else loves. :annoyed:

It would be awesome to have a batman free roam game set in Gotham City.

I agree that a batman sandbox game would be AWESOME, but what in particular was it that you disliked about Arkham Asylum? It received generally great ratings. And as a Batman fan I thought it was absolutely tip top material. One of the best batman stories to come out in years.

05-Mar-2010, 04:18 PM
Seems like every game I'm looking forward to gets held back. The only two that haven't were Batman

arkham asylum was delayed, though, if i remember correctly...

06-Mar-2010, 03:29 AM
there moving it to the same day as alan wake?, arent they both remedy games.

that makes me suspicious of wakes date:shifty: different divisions im sure, but if they even mention alan wake the game will be delayed by a further 6 hours each time :lol:

NO! they are not both Remedy games. Rockstar simply published Max Payne 1 and 2 (now developing 3...and is completely fucking the franchise up but will still probably be a good game if that makes sense)... Remedy is a independent studio and Alan Wake is being published by Microsoft.

2) Neither Red Dead Revolver nor Alan Wake has ever had official release dates prior to there respective recent dates mentioned.... Far to many people rely on bogus crap internet and retailer dates... If you don't see it on a publisher or developer site or from the horse's mouth at a press event DONT count on it. Everybody is all butt hurt over a date push that is under a month out... While this is not awesome news it is really nothing compared to most date pushes that happen.

18-Mar-2010, 12:03 PM
Life In The West (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/life-in-red-dead/63316)


I have to keep reminding myself that the wait is almost over...

18-Mar-2010, 02:32 PM
One step closer to Westworld (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYvyiruWzYo).

18-Mar-2010, 06:49 PM
Indeed, this new trailer makes the game look even more epic. Shame they set it back 3 weeks for no good reason to stick it right out there at exactly the same time as Alan Wake. :rolleyes:

Anyway, looks badass ... I can tell I'm gonna spend a lot of time on RDR.

19-Mar-2010, 11:43 AM
One step closer to Westworld (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYvyiruWzYo).

One of my favorite flicks. I'm dreading when the time comes for Hollywood to remake that (you can bet it'll happen).

This game just gets better and better each time they release something new about it. The newspaper idea is great! I foresee myself sitting down and actually reading the in-game paper. Just Cause 2 this Tuesday and then Red Dead Redemption in May means this year will probably be my personal favorite [thus far] for sandbox gaming.

Rancid Carcass
19-Mar-2010, 01:06 PM
One of my favorite flicks. I'm dreading when the time comes for Hollywood to remake that (you can bet it'll happen).

They already have done - it's called Jurassic Park!

19-Mar-2010, 03:15 PM
They already have done - it's called Jurassic Park!

Haha, that doesn't count; it was a Michael Crichton book.

20-Mar-2010, 12:42 PM
I have to keep reminding myself that the wait is almost over...

Oh my god, that game looks amazing.

fulci fan
21-Mar-2010, 01:04 AM
My only thing about this game is the lack of gore. I bet when you shoot someone in the head with a shotgun, it won't explode. Just like GTA 4. It would be surprising if you could actually shoot limbs and heads off, though.

27-Mar-2010, 11:03 PM
"Gentlemen and Vagabonds" Trailer


02-Apr-2010, 04:25 PM
Life in the West part II:


02-Apr-2010, 05:27 PM
The two life in the west videos are the best so far. Really good stuff.

A month and a half to go.:hyper:

fulci fan
02-Apr-2010, 05:32 PM
I am sick of these teases. I just want to play! :D

I like how the blood splatters on the wall. Maybe it will be gorier than gta4, but I still don't think that you will be able to shoot heads off or anything.

02-Apr-2010, 05:41 PM
The two life in the west videos are the best so far. Really good stuff.

A month and a half to go.:hyper:
Got mine pre-ordered. Can't wait to delve into this world.

Will play Alan Wake first, simply because I'll complete it faster, and I've been waiting for that game for friggin' ages ... then after AW is done, really spend the time lapping up the world of RDR. It looks like a really engrossing game, and it's a sandboxer - so that's extra awesome (I'm currently lapping up Assassin's Creed II, which I'm really enjoying).

Back to the video though, watched it a couple of times now, and hot damn - that game looks ridiculously bad ass. :cool:

02-Apr-2010, 06:44 PM
Boooo. Down with Alan Wait. RDR is where it's at!

And you passed up Batman for some Ass Greed garbage. You're dead to me, MZ.:p

02-Apr-2010, 06:52 PM
I'm trying not to think about this one and just leave as a nice surprise that pops up whenever it gets released. It continues to look great.

02-Apr-2010, 07:38 PM
Boooo. Down with Alan Wait. RDR is where it's at!

And you passed up Batman for some Ass Greed garbage. You're dead to me, MZ.:p
Have you played AC2? :rockbrow: It's awesome! :)

Alan Wake comes first simply because I'll complete that in less time than I'd take to complete RDR ... like I was saying, RDR is something to really invest the time into and explore like a motherfucker. Looks insanely good, all the awesome touches, random events occurring, skirmishes, ambushes etc ... the idea that you can create a ghost town by killing a bunch of bandits that have taken over a deserted area etc. All the weird and wonderful characters, plus it looks pretty darn violent.

Perhaps this is the western game we've all been waiting for?

02-Apr-2010, 09:23 PM
explore like a motherfucker.
:lol: It's how all the greats did it.

This and Mafia II are shaping up to be two pretty interesting sandboxy games, Mafia II being the only definite console game purchase for me this year, with RDR looking a distinct possibility.

02-Apr-2010, 09:48 PM
Have you played AC2? :rockbrow: It's awesome! :)

No, I haven't. I wasn't being serious. I'm sure it's fun - I've heard good things. It's just a shame that you have your gaming priorities all out of whack. :p

03-Apr-2010, 11:02 AM
:lol: It's how all the greats did it.

This and Mafia II are shaping up to be two pretty interesting sandboxy games, Mafia II being the only definite console game purchase for me this year, with RDR looking a distinct possibility.


Hell yeah, Mafia 2 will be another must-have pre-order for me. Never played the first game, (never played the first Red Dead game either), but again seeing videos and screenies of Mafia 2 (like with RDR) has made me randier than a blue-balled teenager.

I'm sure it's fun - I've heard good things. It's just a shame that you have your gaming priorities all out of whack. :p

It's hella fun, the parkour mechanics work really well, and it sometimes goes into platformer territory which is fun in an old school nostalgia way, but it's also awesome to leap across rooftops while being chased by a gaggle of Agile guards, only to stop running and engage them in a wonderfully brutal rooftop sword fight. :elol:

Finding all the treasure boxes and viewpoints is also hella fun, as is upgrading your fortified villa with shops, services and art, as well as upgrading Ezio himself ... not to mention all the puzzle solving. A really spiffing sandboxer, so it is.

Sorry to disappoint, I'll get to Arkham Asylum at some point, but just going on the footage I saw on YouTube, I figured I'd enjoyed AC2 more and get more play time out of it too (currently just shy of 25% completion ... sorry, "synchronisation").


Back to RDR ... seriously can't wait to play that game!

09-Apr-2010, 02:51 AM

Holy shit!! :hyper:

I figured this was going to be singleplayer only, and had no clue there was a multiplayer mode or that it was this feature rich. RDR is going to be truly great.

09-Apr-2010, 04:39 AM
okay, maybe i will get that on day one...looking pretty fucking sweet, i gotta admit.

09-Apr-2010, 11:41 AM

So it's just Live Multiplayer? What happened to the good ol' days when multiplayer meant you could play with someone on the same console?:dead:

But if anything can convert me to a Live member, this may just be it. Looks incredible!

09-Apr-2010, 04:16 PM
Agreed on the 'same console multiplayer'. I don't have XBL, and won't be getting it ... but I'd like to play more games with someone in the same room on the same console. How this can't be brought in easily is beyond me - if you can figure out XBL multiplayer, how hard can it be to make 'same console multiplayer'?

Anyway, I just know I'm gonna have a balls-out-swinging blast with RDR when its released. First video I saw of it earlier this year (having had no idea about it prior) I was sold instantly.

09-Apr-2010, 05:24 PM
They had same-console multiplayer for San Andreas. They could easily do the same or better with this. It's like they're trying to keep people apart. "Make them stay home alone and they'll have to use our expensive online service! MWAHAHAHA"

I know most people enjoy Live, but come the fuck on. It seems like the folks without it are getting the shaft lately.:dead:

Hopefully they'll announce some sort of multiplayer for us in the "revealed soon" multiplayer options....

09-Apr-2010, 07:17 PM
The thing with the GTA:SA multiplayer was you couldn't (I don't think) stray too far from the other player because it didn't have split-screen, hence a similar thing in RDR would mean no roaming around seperately and probably be very awkward.

As for split-screen in RDR, I dunno, seems a lot of new games don't opt for it. I thought maybe it was because of the strain of rendering the same world for two different players on one console (and the RDR gameworld seems pretty massive). Either that or as you say, they really are just trying to force the online services on people.

I too am considering getting Xbox Live again for this. I could have asked for it to be renewed as a Christmas present but I didn't think I'd be wanting it this year, what with Mafia II being the only 360 game I thought I'd be buying.

fulci fan
09-Apr-2010, 10:28 PM
I don't have xbl, but this multiplayer feature will be hard to pass up. :stunned:

10-Apr-2010, 10:56 AM
I know most people enjoy Live, but come the fuck on. It seems like the folks without it are getting the shaft lately.:dead:

Exactly! :mad:

I'm fed up of games coming with exclusive content, but you can only access it via XBL. A lot of stores charge extra for this "exclusive" content (with RDR it's outfits or special abilities etc), but if you don't have XBL you don't get it. Why can't this content be on the disc itself and you just unlock it like normal?

Fuck XBL.

20-Apr-2010, 12:57 AM

20-Apr-2010, 09:28 AM
Exactly! :mad:

I'm fed up of games coming with exclusive content, but you can only access it via XBL. A lot of stores charge extra for this "exclusive" content (with RDR it's outfits or special abilities etc), but if you don't have XBL you don't get it. Why can't this content be on the disc itself and you just unlock it like normal?

Fuck XBL.

No stores are charging extra for exclusive content*. These are incentives to in most cases pre-order the game from them. It is also a way to combat used game sales and rentals.**

Also the whole split screen issue is as mentioned in another thread a technical issue and has nothing to do with forcing people to sign up for xbl.

*Unless you are speaking of special editions of the games that are sold universally such as the Alan Wake special edition which feature xbl unlock codes.

**EA has recently started "Project 10 dollar bill" to combat used sales and rentals offering content that can be downloaded with a code that comes with there games like Mass Effect 2 or Battlefield bad company 2 that can be also purchased on xbl or psn for the latter.

Last but not least "Fuck XBL"..... Really? Right on FUCK the MAN... Fuck companies that offer a quality service that people enjoy! How dare they charge a premium for the service that is not free to run and expand! Fuck em it should be free and shitty like PSN!!! It would be a crappy service but at least it would be free!

To those whom complain about not being able to access content that is on xbl:

Take an Ethernet cable and plug it into the back of you xbox and stop whining.

xbl silver is free.

20-Apr-2010, 10:05 AM
Cooperwasright works for Microsoft.:lol:

As for using silver....silver does nothing. Silver offers none of the stuff one would want Live for in the first place. And nobody is denying that Live is a good service for certain people. For others like me that don't take gaming THAT seriously, it's an expensive service that wouldn't be used enough to warrant the 60 dollar price tag. So because I wouldn't use it enough for the high price, i'm also going to miss out on multiplayer and other additional features for games that I do want to play.

When I was younger, multiplayer meant you could go home, sit in the same room with other people, and play together. These days they figure that most people don't have friends outside of Twitter and Facebook...

20-Apr-2010, 10:17 AM
I'm not saying "fuck MS", I'm saying "fuck XBL" because being out in the sticks my broadband is nowhere near fast enough for XBL (never mind the fact that the box is nowhere near the internet connection). I'm also not made of cash, so I ain't paying for a service I'd barely use.

My point was I rather dislike buying a game that has "exclusive unlockable content", but I get screwed out of it because I don't have XBL - so I return to my point - put it on the fucking disc. Not everybody has XBL ffs.


And I figured hellsing would post that Mega64 video. :D Just saw it prior to coming here ... RDR looks properly boss as fuck.

20-Apr-2010, 11:23 PM
Cooperwasright works for Microsoft.:lol:

As for using silver....silver does nothing. Silver offers none of the stuff one would want Live for in the first place. And nobody is denying that Live is a good service for certain people. For others like me that don't take gaming THAT seriously, it's an expensive service that wouldn't be used enough to warrant the 60 dollar price tag. So because I wouldn't use it enough for the high price, i'm also going to miss out on multiplayer and other additional features for games that I do want to play.

When I was younger, multiplayer meant you could go home, sit in the same room with other people, and play together. These days they figure that most people don't have friends outside of Twitter and Facebook...

If you know were to look you can often get 1 year cards for around 30 bucks... Thats 3 bucks a month dude. And yes I work for Microsoft.

I'm not saying "fuck MS", I'm saying "fuck XBL" because being out in the sticks my broadband is nowhere near fast enough for XBL (never mind the fact that the box is nowhere near the internet connection). I'm also not made of cash, so I ain't paying for a service I'd barely use.

My point was I rather dislike buying a game that has "exclusive unlockable content", but I get screwed out of it because I don't have XBL - so I return to my point - put it on the fucking disc. Not everybody has XBL ffs.


And I figured hellsing would post that Mega64 video. :D Just saw it prior to coming here ... RDR looks properly boss as fuck.

If you have ANY type of broadband you can use a silver account to dl content.

21-Apr-2010, 12:57 AM
My point was I rather dislike buying a game that has "exclusive unlockable content", but I get screwed out of it because I don't have XBL - so I return to my point - put it on the fucking disc. Not everybody has XBL ffs.

Do you know how expensive it'd be for them to do that? Take Just Cause 2, for instance. Depending on where you pre-ordered from, you'd get certainly free stuff to download. Gamestop had a monster truck, Walmart had a hovercraft, etc.

For a company to produce 8 variations of the game just to include DLC for each specific outlet would probably make them go broke.

22-Apr-2010, 09:52 PM

I wasn't a huge fan of GTA4's multiplayer but damn, that looks really good.

fulci fan
23-Apr-2010, 05:37 PM
Do you think you will be able to make your own character for multiplayer?

23-Apr-2010, 06:03 PM
if it's like gta4's multiplayer, yeah, you should be able to. gta4's options were pretty limited, with maybe 8 different player models to chose from and about a dozen options as far as pants/shirts/hats/glasses.

23-Apr-2010, 06:23 PM
The director of "The Road" is using Red Dead Redemption's fine ass to make what is essentially a 30 MINUTE TRAILER (http://www.joblo.com/john-hillcoat-directing-half-hour-red-dead-redemption-trailer) that will air on TV.

Interesting. I'll definitely check it out.

23-Apr-2010, 07:37 PM
Do you think you will be able to make your own character for multiplayer?

Yes. I'm not sure if the vid posted here is the same one I've seen, but in the multiplayer vid I saw they tell you that you can decide what your online guy looks like.

fulci fan
23-Apr-2010, 10:27 PM
Do you guys think it is safe to pre-order? lol

24-Apr-2010, 11:12 AM
The director of "The Road" is using Red Dead Redemption's fine ass to make what is essentially a 30 MINUTE TRAILER (http://www.joblo.com/john-hillcoat-directing-half-hour-red-dead-redemption-trailer) that will air on TV.

Interesting. I'll definitely check it out.

Yeah I heard about that, pretty cool. There's also a live action series of videos (in the style of Twin Peaks) for Alan Wake over the next few weeks (www.brightfalls.com, I believe) ... anyway, looking forward to seeing what Hillcoat does with this RDR thing ... I was quite intrigued when I heard about that.

darth los
05-May-2010, 07:09 PM



08-May-2010, 03:27 AM


In the immortal words of Rake Yohn: "BRING IT THE FUCK ON!" http://i42.tinypic.com/k15m6d.gif

fulci fan
08-May-2010, 03:57 AM
I pre-ordered and am watching all the westerns I have. :D

I wonder if there will be an ammo limit. And I hope the knife fighting is cool.

08-May-2010, 10:41 AM
*About ready to jizz his fucking trousers off*

CAN'T WAIT FOR RDR!!!!!!! :stunned:

First though, a certain chap called Alan Wake (nevermind all that awesome looking light & dark stuff ... I can't wait to listen to the radio stations, watch the TVs and talk to the residents). :)

08-May-2010, 04:20 PM
Some more great footage from GTTV:

08-May-2010, 06:17 PM
Some more great footage from GTTV:
Goddamn this is taking ages to load (in SD as well!) ... and there's still "Chapter 3" to look at too on top of Chapter 1!

Really looking forward to RDR, read that magazine review posted earlier ... sounds completely bad ass.

fulci fan
10-May-2010, 10:19 PM
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/SmSga7k5pLg&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/SmSga7k5pLg&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

10-May-2010, 11:00 PM
One week....

I'm thinking of being irresponsible and taking the day off. :elol:

fulci fan
11-May-2010, 03:58 AM

darth los
11-May-2010, 04:07 PM
One week....

I'm thinking of being irresponsible and taking the day off. :elol:

I did that for the release of L4D 2 and didn't regret it one bit. Go for it dude.

But yeah, this, Prince of Persia and alan wake come out next week. Very good release period. :thumbsup:


11-May-2010, 04:19 PM
I took a few days off for Ghostbusters. :lol:

The only problem is coming up with a good excuse for it. I work with a lot of family, so it makes it harder to lie....

The thing i'm most excited for in RDR is the huge world and long storyline. I've gotten tired of recent games being completed within a week. GTAIV took me quite a while, so i'm hoping this will be the same.

darth los
11-May-2010, 04:35 PM
I took a few days off for Ghostbusters. :lol:

The only problem is coming up with a good excuse for it. I work with a lot of family, so it makes it harder to lie....

The thing i'm most excited for in RDR is the huge world and long storyline. I've gotten tired of recent games being completed within a week. GTAIV took me quite a while, so i'm hoping this will be the same.

I actually enjoy certain shooters that are only about 15 hours long or so. I also keep a game on the side that i can continuously go back to and get maybe 100 hours of gameplay out of it.

it was Assasin's Creeds 2 a couple of months back. This could hold that spot.


11-May-2010, 05:32 PM


darth los
11-May-2010, 05:34 PM
I goot it coming from gamefly so it should be in my hands by next thursday, but yeah this looks really good and just different enough to hold my attention.

The fact that it's set in the old west is a big plus in that regard.


11-May-2010, 05:45 PM
Dear God I hope that song is in the game. I got chills...

11-May-2010, 06:56 PM
Goddamn people, my jeans are caked with spoodge over all these awesome trailers popping up of late.

I was gonna say "I hope the health system is better than GTA IV" ... but then found on some article that it's a regenerative health system (i.e. take cover and recover) - GOOD. All that hot dog/sleep bullshit in GTA IV pissed me off to no end ... as did going to the fucking gun shop after EVERY SINGLE MISSION.

Hooray for regenerative health! That should make the combat more fun, with less worry about your health bar.

That Ecstasy of Gold trailer that somebody made and bunged onto YouTube was awesome sauce too. Although, bassman, I'd highly doubt any Morricone tracks will be in the game. I'd imagine it'll all be original pieces - but no doubt there'll be some nods and winks to the master himself.

Even without it in the game, I'll still waltz into a town and not be able to think of anything else but Clint Eastwood, Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone. In fact I think I might finally get that 2-disc DVD of Once Upon A Time In The West that I've been meaning to get for ages.

I've already got the double discer for The Good The Bad and The Ugly, mind - natch.

Where was I? RDR - wooooooo! :cool:

This has GOTY written all over it for sure, this is going to be one of the titles of the year.

11-May-2010, 07:00 PM
You've just given me an idea there, MZ.

Man With No Name Trilogy marathon before the game's release. Perfect!:elol:

Or Dollars Trilogy, as i've recently learned you guys call it.

darth los
11-May-2010, 07:02 PM
Or Dollars Trilogy, as i've recently learned you guys call it.

Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef. Nuff said. I'm there.


11-May-2010, 08:14 PM
Well my enthusiasm has sort of run dry for getting this game straight away, an internet pal and I had been rubbing our nipples raw over this for a couple of weeks but he messaged me the other day on Steam saying he wasn't that excited any more and I had to agree. So, I cancelled my pre-order not long after, it still looks great though and I definitely think I'll pick it up at a later date and for a smaller price.

fulci fan
11-May-2010, 08:59 PM
Goddamn people, my jeans are caked with spoodge over all these awesome trailers popping up of late.

I was gonna say "I hope the health system is better than GTA IV" ... but then found on some article that it's a regenerative health system (i.e. take cover and recover) - GOOD. All that hot dog/sleep bullshit in GTA IV pissed me off to no end ... as did going to the fucking gun shop after EVERY SINGLE MISSION.

Hooray for regenerative health! That should make the combat more fun, with less worry about your health bar.

Health does not bother me but I hate infinite ammo. Even infinite pistol ammo pisses me off (gears of war). I sure hope they make it realistic as far as the guns go.

Can't wait to rumble in a saloon. :D

11-May-2010, 09:18 PM
I was gonna say "I hope the health system is better than GTA IV" ... but then found on some article that it's a regenerative health system (i.e. take cover and recover) - GOOD. All that hot dog/sleep bullshit in GTA IV pissed me off to no end ... as did going to the fucking gun shop after EVERY SINGLE MISSION.

Hooray for regenerative health! That should make the combat more fun, with less worry about your health bar.

Gorram casuals and there jelly vision....

darth los
12-May-2010, 03:20 PM
I sure hope they make it realistic as far as the guns go.

Be careful what you wish for. Call of Juarez: Bound in blood had very realistic weapons as it pertained to that era and it wasn't a good thing, imo.


12-May-2010, 05:57 PM
Be careful what you wish for. Call of Juarez: Bound in blood had very realistic weapons as it pertained to that era and it wasn't a good thing, imo.

Fair point. Realism can be a good thing, but it's a videogame too - and videogames are supposed to be enjoyable. I don't think people standing 20ft apart in a shoot-out not managing to hit each other would be much fun.

We all know we want Spaghetti Western style shootouts. :D

darth los
12-May-2010, 06:45 PM
Fair point. Realism can be a good thing, but it's a videogame too - and videogames are supposed to be enjoyable. I don't think people standing 20ft apart in a shoot-out not managing to hit each other would be much fun.

We all know we want Spaghetti Western style shootouts. :D

I do have to say, that's something tat COJBIB did very well. Those one on one gun fights were epic. I'd like it if you could just challenge anyone you wanted to a duel and take his girlfriend and stuff. You know, club her on the head and drag her back to the cave. :lol:

That would be bad ass. :elol:


12-May-2010, 07:09 PM
I do have to say, that's something tat COJBIB did very well. Those one on one gun fights were epic. I'd like it if you could just challenge anyone you wanted to a duel and take his girlfriend and stuff. You know, club her on the head and drag her back to the cave. :lol:

That would be bad ass. :elol:

Apparently there won't be any running around with whores in this game ... Marsden is a family man now ... ... we can still look though. :p

darth los
12-May-2010, 07:21 PM
Apparently there won't be any running around with whores in this game ... Marsden is a family man now ... ... we can still look though. :p

If i can't run around with whores then i don't what i got in this for. :p


12-May-2010, 07:26 PM
No whores? I know I saw Sexual Content on the rating info, damn it.:p

12-May-2010, 09:08 PM
No whores? I know I saw Sexual Content on the rating info, damn it.:p
See, told you you could still look. :p

There are whores in the game, but there's no participation ... ... you won't be able to steal a wagon, cruise along whore street, and pick up prozzy after prozzy to shag 'em and stab 'em like some psychopath 'round the back of the saloon.


An interesting thing in that GTTV episode about it - the horses have 'self preservation' - so you can't just leap your horse over a cliff edge, and that perhaps a horse might fling you off and scarper.

fulci fan
13-May-2010, 12:51 AM
Back when the game was first announced, I heard that npc's will talk about things that actually make sense. Instead of the random "I've been drankin' again" lines. I heard they talk about things that actually happen in the game. I think little stuff like that is cool.

I bet there won't be exploding heads in this game, though. I think it is more realistic to blow someone's head off with a shotgun rather than shooting a little blood drop from them. That is one change they made to the Rockstar games that I don't enjoy. :|

13-May-2010, 06:02 PM
Launch trailer, hype level at maximum:


13-May-2010, 06:07 PM
Once again....


13-May-2010, 06:16 PM
Once again....

Damn straight. :D

Some lovely touches in there - like the weather effects, and how your clothes are blown about in the wind. Excellent little things like can really bring out that special shine in a title and add that extra touch of immersion.

There's gonna be spunk all over the place next week, lol!

17-May-2010, 03:57 PM
Picking up my copy tonight, and with reviews pouring in the wait will be even harder:

IGN - 9.7 (http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/109/1090125p1.html)

Red Dead Redemption is a must-play game. Rockstar has taken the Western to new heights and created one of the deepest, most fun, and most gorgeous games around. You can expect the occasional bug or visual hiccup, but you can also expect a fantastic game that offers the Western experience we've all been waiting for. Red Dead Redemption is a complete game in every sense -- both the single player and multiplayer modes are excellent -- and still manages to offer an attention to detail you rarely see from a game of this scope.

CAVG 9.5 (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=246846)

It's a tremendously detailed and authentic realisation of the Wild West with great stories, characters and inner workings.

Game Informer issue #206 - 9.75

The game perfectly captures the expansiveness of frontier life and the gritty gunplay of spaghetti westerns, rightfully earning its place alongside the great Western films and the best Rockstar games.

17-May-2010, 04:20 PM
Tomorrow I shall have it!

17-May-2010, 05:04 PM
I think I might have to get sick tomorrow. Feel a cold coming on.:sneaky:

17-May-2010, 05:46 PM
I'd better get Alan Wake finished off (part-way through episode 4 of 6) - RDR gets released on the 21st in the UK, although I'll probably have it on the 20th thanks to the sweet-sweet-canday that is pre-ordering.

Respect if you get the candy reference above. :D

fulci fan
17-May-2010, 05:58 PM
My woman is coming with me to the midnight release tonight. Ain't that a good woman? :D

17-May-2010, 06:20 PM
A couple more reviews:

Edge (my favorite site, notoriously tough reviewers) - 9 (http://www.edge-online.com/features/review-red-dead-redemption)

If the story leads us through well-trodden territory – blending The Good, The Bad And The Ugly’s adventurous sweep with Unforgiven’s morality, as played by Deadwood’s perverts and bigots – the greater game is more digitised Westworld: an impeccable example of world building begging to be interrupted with a bullet. As one character notes: “I dreamt of documenting the last days of the old west. The romance, the honour, the nobility! But it turns out it’s just people killing each other.” There’s no shame in that.

X-Play 5/5: (http://g4tv.com/games/xbox-360/57148/Red-Dead-Redemption/review/)

The Pros

*The best western game made to date
*A massive, dynamic and alive world to explore
*Incredible voice acting
*Multiplayer offers potential hours of enjoyment

The Cons

*Controls can sometimes be clunky
*Occasional glitches
*Free roam spawning

darth los
17-May-2010, 06:22 PM
My woman is coming with me to the midnight release tonight. Ain't that a good woman? :D

Sounds like a regular rootin', tootin', scootin' gal you got there pardner. ;)


17-May-2010, 06:25 PM

Video versions of the IGN Review - with new footage! :cool::thumbsup:

Game looks badass, chums. :)

17-May-2010, 06:29 PM
Daaaaamn, that execution montage starting at 2:15 of that review. So good :D

darth los
17-May-2010, 06:41 PM
I will be avoiding this thread for the next couple of days in order to avoid spoilers.

I'm getting it from gamefly so it won't be in my grubby mitts till wed or thur. And what's more, I get Alan wake on the same day. :hyper:

Now where's that pope pic when you need it !?! :lol:


fulci fan
18-May-2010, 12:53 AM
Sounds like a regular rootin', tootin', scootin' gal you got there pardner. ;)


Yeah, she was the cheerleader and I was the horror geek. :D

18-May-2010, 02:46 AM
This looks amazing. :eek:

No why couldn't Rockstar make a (SLOW) zombie game? Maybe have 15 - 20 missions during the initial outbreak, 15 - 30 while the war still wages, and then 30 - 60 in a post-apocalyptic zombie wasteland?

fulci fan
18-May-2010, 02:17 PM
Well, I was pissed I had to work today but they called and said I didn't have to come in because it was raining too hard. Now I can play Red Dead Redemption all day. Maybe I should believe in god now. :hyper:

18-May-2010, 02:35 PM
Well, I was pissed I had to work today but they called and said I didn't have to come in because it was raining too hard. Now I can play Red Dead Redemption all day. Maybe I should believe in god now. :hyper:

Lucky sonuvabitch:p

I had my wife pick it up for me this morning. So I know it's sitting at home.....waiting. Calling me.

And fuck me it's only 10:30 am. Seven hours to go.:mad:

18-May-2010, 03:41 PM
I am trying to rent either the PS3 or the 360 version from Gamefly, since my next purchase is UFC 2010.

18-May-2010, 05:06 PM
I am trying to rent either the PS3 or the 360 version from Gamefly, since my next purchase is UFC 2010.
Eh? You're not renting UFC and buying RDR?

Is this topsy-turvy land?! :confused:

Horses for courses, I guess.


My copy has been dispatched - woo! Should be here Thursday, day before UK release ... ... however, I'm still playing Alan Wake (on Episode 5 of 6, although I must be getting near to the end of that episode by now). But I'll force myself to only start RDR once I've completed Alan Wake.

18-May-2010, 09:18 PM
Ah, in a few short minutes I'm making the commute to Gamestop. I'm trading in Just Cause 2, Modern Warfare 2, Skate 2, and Halo Wars toward the game a lot of us have been waiting for, for over a year: Red Dead Redemption. :hyper::hyper::hyper:

Thankfully, Just Cause 2 was awesome enough to hold me over for the past couple of months. And I just started to grow tiresome of it - just in time for RDR's release.

I'll be looking forward to doing some posse shit with you guys (excluding MZ :p)!

18-May-2010, 10:57 PM


Alright....I'm lying. About 2 hours in and I friggin love it. Rockstar makes some truly immersive games.

18-May-2010, 11:30 PM
The controls aren't quite as smooth as I'd expected coming from GTAIV, but that's the one and only complaint.

Rancid Carcass
18-May-2010, 11:34 PM
The controls aren't quite as smooth as I'd expected coming from GTAIV, but that's the one and only complaint.

That's probably because it's the olden times and horses don't have power steering... :p

18-May-2010, 11:44 PM
:mad::mad::mad: EVERYWHERE around here is sold out. I gotta wait to pick this up. UGGGH!

19-May-2010, 06:20 AM
with arkham asylum and the 2 mass effect games waiting to be played, i'm waiting this one out for a few weeks till the price drops, ditto with alan wake. very excited about both games though.

and pizz, congrats on getting rid of MW2. i doubt i'd play a single round of that game again even if i was given a free copy.

19-May-2010, 09:57 AM
Should have my copy tomorrow ... still to finish Alan Wake, but am getting very close now.

Was checking out some more footage online, looks spiffing ... it might take a little while to get into the 'feel' of the game and the controls (as it did with GTA IV), but once you 'get the feel' then you're sorted (same with GTA IV - initially I couldn't control the cars for shit, then after a little while I was power sliding those things round corners through traffic and causing all sorts of mayhem :elol:).

Even got myself Once Upon A Time In The West on DVD to further the western vibe. :cool:

19-May-2010, 01:28 PM
Anybody else having some screen problems with RDR? I'm no expert on the subject, but the game seems to be "jumpy". Instead of smooth camera pans and movements, i'm getting a sort of clipping jump every so often. GTAIV never had this problem.

Is this just a result of the large open world game, or do I need to pay to download some patch?:dead:

19-May-2010, 01:42 PM
Picked up my copy during lunch yesterday and will be trying to do some more damage to Mass Effect 2 before launching into RDR.

darth los
19-May-2010, 01:47 PM
Picked up my copy during lunch yesterday and will be trying to do some more damage to Mass Effect 2 before launching into RDR.

That's some amazing willpower you have there buddy. If that thing's in my mailbox today splinter cell is getting dropped !! :lol:

19-May-2010, 01:56 PM
Anybody else having some screen problems with RDR? I'm no expert on the subject, but the game seems to be "jumpy". Instead of smooth camera pans and movements, i'm getting a sort of clipping jump every so often. GTAIV never had this problem.

Is this just a result of the large open world game, or do I need to pay to download some patch?:dead:

I've heard a few stories of things like that. Pretty sure they're already working on a patch.

19-May-2010, 02:07 PM
Do you have any links mike? All I can seem to find are problems with the online multiplayer. Which I hear is A LOT.

I'm wondering if maybe there's some setting I can change on my 360. I really hope I don't have to go through the online bullshit again to solve this problem. Until then it's not that big of a problem, anyway.

darth los
19-May-2010, 02:30 PM
with arkham asylum and the 2 mass effect games waiting to be played, i'm waiting this one out for a few weeks till the price drops, ditto with alan wake. very excited about both games though.

and pizz, congrats on getting rid of MW2. i doubt i'd play a single round of that game again even if i was given a free copy.

It's been my observation that triple A titles don't drop in price very quickly. Mario Galaxy 1 is still 50 Bucks for christ's sake and the sequel comes out next week!


19-May-2010, 03:30 PM
It's been my observation that triple A titles don't drop in price very quickly. Mario Galaxy 1 is still 50 Bucks for christ's sake and the sequel comes out next week!


Yeah, wtf is up with that shit???

Gamefly has listed my Super Mario Wii as shipped, so I should know by the end of the day what they will send. The way things are looking it may be Scarface for the XBOX.

darth los
19-May-2010, 03:40 PM
Yeah, wtf is up with that shit???

Gamefly has listed my Super Mario Wii as shipped, so I should know by the end of the day what they will send. The way things are looking it may be Scarface for the XBOX.

That's why I empty out my q when I want a specific game, if not they'll pull that shit.

If you want a brand new game on day one. Make sure they and only they are in your q atleast 2 days prior to release and make sure you have the requesite open slot.

Did it with alan wake and RDR, no problems. In fact they should be in my mailbox as we speak. damn this work day is gonna drag. :(


19-May-2010, 03:58 PM
That's why I empty out my q when I want a specific game, if not they'll pull that shit.

If you want a brand new game on day one. Make sure they and only they are in your q atleast 2 days prior to release and make sure you have the requesite open slot.

Did it with alan wake and RDR, no problems. In fact they should be in my mailbox as we speak. damn this work day is gonna drag. :(


Yeah, but the games on my list I really want to play. It does not really matter which one they send. I put Mario Wii, for example, on the list when it came out. But I was playing other games, so it was not a big deal. It is like a surprise.

darth los
19-May-2010, 04:10 PM
Anybody else having some screen problems with RDR? I'm no expert on the subject, but the game seems to be "jumpy". Instead of smooth camera pans and movements, i'm getting a sort of clipping jump every so often. GTAIV never had this problem.

Is this just a result of the large open world game, or do I need to pay to download some patch?:dead:

Did someone say patch !?!



19-May-2010, 04:21 PM
That patch is for the online multiplayer problems. My problem is the twitchy screen.

19-May-2010, 09:46 PM
well, i gave in to temptation...just got back from picking up my copy. will dive into it tonight and post a few impressions.

19-May-2010, 10:13 PM
While I would love to get this game and play online I really do not want to pay 110+ dollars for one game.

19-May-2010, 10:33 PM
lol...it's not quite that much, Terran. I agree that gaming is becoming too expensive, but that's for another discussion.

If you're a fan of Rockstar's previous games or westerns in general, I'm fairly certain you won't be let down by RDR. At only a few hours i'm enjoying the hell out of it. The first western game that actually FEELS like a western.

20-May-2010, 12:23 AM
lol...it's not quite that much, Terran. I agree that gaming is becoming too expensive, but that's for another discussion.

If you're a fan of Rockstar's previous games or westerns in general, I'm fairly certain you won't be let down by RDR. At only a few hours i'm enjoying the hell out of it. The first western game that actually FEELS like a western.
Well the game is like 60 bucks and Xbox Live is another 50

20-May-2010, 01:05 AM
Well the game is like 60 bucks and Xbox Live is another 50

Ah...yes. That's true.

I too don't have live, so to play the multiplayer on RDR I would have to pay for it. You have a point there. But I hate Live so i'm just sticking to the single player. If you're cool with the single player, you should enjoy this for the disc price.

20-May-2010, 10:06 AM
My copy just arrived in the post - will start it up later today. :)

I knew it was in the dying days of the Wild West, but even still I was a smidge surprised to see "1911" on the back ... but then I guess it makes sense ... I do recall seeing an "auto-mo-car" (:p) in one brief shot ... and then I guess being 1911 it allows you to get your mits on the 1911 handgun.

Completed Alan Wake yesterday afternoon (spiffing game :cool:), so I'm all cleared out and ready to go (aside from reading "The Alan Wake Files" book, the bonus disc videos were kick ass - lengthy docs, and a whole list of trailers and gameplay footage dating back to 2005 - fascinating how the game changed over the years).

20-May-2010, 11:54 AM
I do recall seeing an "auto-mo-car" (:p) in one brief shot ...

There's a car seen within the first few minutes of the game. You don't get to drive it or anything, it's just being loaded from cargo with a crane.

One thing I didn't expect from this game is that you pick flowers. Seriously. I had a good chuckle about that.

"I just killt me a yella-bellied indjian and now i'm gonna have some whisk...... OHHHH look! Dandelions!"

darth los
20-May-2010, 02:09 PM
That patch is for the online multiplayer problems. My problem is the twitchy screen.

I know. It's just funny how you mentioned a patch and they're releasing one to fix a problem for a game that hasn't been out 3 days.


20-May-2010, 02:44 PM
I know. It's just funny how you mentioned a patch and they're releasing one to fix a problem for a game that hasn't been out 3 days.

Well that doesn't help ME! So fuck off!:p

Seems to me that patches are a normal thing these days. The last few games i've purchased had patches. But for LIVE-less players like me....we don't get the improvements. Thanks gaming industry. Not only have you stuck it in....but you've also broken it off.

20-May-2010, 03:46 PM
Well that doesn't help ME! So fuck off!:p

Seems to me that patches are a normal thing these days. The last few games i've purchased had patches. But for LIVE-less players like me....we don't get the improvements. Thanks gaming industry. Not only have you stuck it in....but you've also broken it off.

Well how else are they supposed to get a patch out to players? It's been like this even for PC games back in the mid-90's. Silver members get all patches, so all you need is an internet connection.

Anyway, I love this game, and I'm taking my sweet ass time with it. Just collected the Deadly Assassin outfit and am now the most badass wrangler in all the land. :cool:

darth los
20-May-2010, 04:02 PM
I think we need a tutorial that explains what comes in the silver vs. gold packages. :shifty:


20-May-2010, 04:04 PM
Maybe i'm just old fashioned.... but completing, testing, and assuring a quality product is usually the stance that companies take. Quality companies anyway...

Now they rush the product to the market with the mindset of "oh....we can just fix it later.":rolleyes:

EDIT: and yes i'm aware of the difference between gold and silver. My biggest problem is I can't hook up my 360 where it sits. And besides....you guys act like it's all free. I remember trying to get DLC on silver(when I had it) and it told me a needed Gold. Can't play online, can't get DLC, can't get netflix....what's the fucking point of silver? They con you into the gold if you want anything. The silver is just a gimmick....

20-May-2010, 04:21 PM
I've just played a couple of hours of RDR (I'm currently in Armadillo - done one mish for the Marshall, and one side mish that's set me off tracking some lady's boy), and ... let me sum my reaction by this:

*prances around like an exasperated tween outside the premiere of New Moon*

Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God...

*fans self with hands*



I had a brief go at it earlier this afternoon to just get it going and see what was what, and was a bit perturbed by the horse-mounted shooting, but I've gotten better at that - controlling the horses is a whole other ball game too. It's not like driving around in a car, it's like being on-foot ... but being on horse's foot ... so the control system needs a bit of getting used to on that.

I like also how the movement and looking control/feel has been tweaked from GTA IV, because it was always a bit fiddly in GTA IV - at times you were wrestling with the camera ("No! I wanna look THERE, not here!" or whatever), but it feels much, much nicer in RDR.

I'm in Armadillo now, as I'd said, and I've bought a room in the saloon with my earnings and lootings - was given a fright when all of a sudden a band of ... ... bandits ... ... blew through town dragging a man behind them. I was stunned into inaction, and then figured - wait a minute - BAD GUYS - so I hunted them down in a bit of scrub land just outside town and nailed them all, then looted their bodies. :cool:

Also, coming back from my first session tracking a person, I was like "woah, what's this" - 2 or 3 dudes hanging an innocent man from a tree! :eek:

I was charging full speed, so the horse controls got fudged a bit and I wasn't in time to save the hanging man, but did take out the baddies - then I turn around and there's a guy mourning the hanged man! :eek: ... ... then I shot the rope and the body fell (and I looted that too :lol:) ... ... omfg.

Actually, on the way to tracking that person I mentioned before, I saved a guy from two men and he gave me a treasure map.

Played some five finger fillet, or whatever it's called, as well - there's SO MUCH TO DO AND SEE! This is seriously awesome, this world feels real (or as convincing a world as a videogame can give us ... it's not our world, but it's a world, you know?) and I'm so wrapped up in the atmosphere.

I thank the convincing nature of the game to allowing my to switch smoothly from Alan Wake to this game. I'd only recently properly gotten the vibe for Alan Wake in me, if that makes sense - you feel really comfortable with the game - and then I'd completed it, lol ... but so far RDR is boss-as-fuck! :thumbsup:

fulci fan
20-May-2010, 08:12 PM
John's voice sounds like Ajax from the Warriors.:lol:

darth los
20-May-2010, 08:37 PM
John's voice sounds like Ajax from the Warriors.:lol:

I can dig it. Can you? :lol:


21-May-2010, 12:44 AM
I gave in and bought it after reading. I fucking hate you guys.:p

21-May-2010, 03:52 AM
wow. this game is fucking amazing. definitely living up to the hype.

just got done taking down all gang hideouts in the multiplayer free roam lobby. and how about this online play? fucking EPIC online experience. can't wait to get some friends together to form a posse...:hyper:

21-May-2010, 10:10 AM
I gave in and bought it after reading. I fucking hate you guys.:p

Awww, thanks. ;) :D


I can see this is going to be the sort of game where I intend to go and do something, and then get sidetracked - like I was on my way back to do Bonnie missions, but a side quest came up - now I want to do it the honourable way, so I'll have to wait till I have enough money to pay some dude off.

Another random event that I saw happen was at the Armadillo saloon - some drunkard was wrestling with a whore on the porch and he just fucking stabbed the shit out of her! :eek: So I blasted him and his buddy down, but at the time I was like "what the fuck?!"

All these little side events really make it seem like the gameworld really is alive independent of you and your actions ... very cool.

21-May-2010, 12:07 PM
Man I can't wait to hold up a train!:hyper:

Did a mission last night in a mine and ended up riding the mine cart out Temple of Doom style. Then shooting barrels to kill bad guys and clear the track? Awesome.

As everyone else has been saying....I'm absolutely in love with this game. It's finally Friday, so I've got the weekend to do some real damage.:elol:

MZ - you were saying that you weren't comfortable with the aiming system. Did you know that it has a sort of auto-aim? If you make John face the target and hit aim it will aim it up for you. You might already know this, but it took me a while to figure it out. I must have missed that in the instructions and was trying to manually aim it while riding. As you can imagine....aiming yourself while riding is not an easy task...

So far i'm nothing but Honor. Haven't killed anybody that didn't deserve it and have helped everyone that asks. Fame is shooting up there, too.

fulci fan
21-May-2010, 05:47 PM
I am in Mexico already. I think there is only one city in each area which kind of sucks. David Carradine plays a character too. And I have not been able to cheat in poker yet either. The stupid arrow moves around everywhere!:rant: Anyone know the trick?

21-May-2010, 05:52 PM
Indeed, good old "casual" aim - I love it.

Yeah, my initial "ooh-err" about about the aiming on horse back was still with casual aiming on, but I think part of it was not knowing how to ride the horses so well - I know a lot better now.

I've been herding cattle, taming horses, and have done a couple of bounties - even got one alive once I'd learned how to use a lasso and hogtie the bastard ... then, after saving, I simply had to try out lasso'ing a stranger while on my horse and drag the fucker through town, just to see what it was like ... didn't save that bit though, cos my Marston is - like bassman's - an Eastwood style "Good", I help folks (or try to) and I paid off a land owner today for a stranger now that I've gotten myself a bit of cash at last.


Not sure if it was me loading the wrong save game, or if it was a glitch, but the mish where you take the Armadillo Marshall and his cronies to Pike canyon or whatever nearby to shoot up some bad guys - that mission came back. :confused: WTF?

I hope it's not some silly bug that'll mean I'll have to start all over again to move past it or some nonsense ... anyone else had that mission repeat on them?

Bassman - I think I see what you mean about the stutteriness to the image. It happens occasionally, but it's not a huge deal as you said ... a teeny-weeny bit annoying when it happens, but I can live with it.

Ooh! I also got to do my first stand-off - awesome - although I kinda bumbled into the targetting business, it didn't explain it properly I thought ... that can happen sometimes, I do wish such tutorial information would pause the action so you could fully concentrate on the instructions, you know? Many games do that too, actually.

21-May-2010, 06:25 PM
Ooh! I also got to do my first stand-off - awesome - although I kinda bumbled into the targetting business, it didn't explain it properly I thought ... that can happen sometimes, I do wish such tutorial information would pause the action so you could fully concentrate on the instructions, you know? Many games do that too, actually.

Yeah...I found the Dead Eye instructions a bit confusing, as well. And f*ck yes I wish the action would pause while instructions are being delivered. That's been happening with the last few games i've played lately. How am I supposed to read the instructions when i'm driving, shooting, and reloading all at once? Annoying...

fulci fan
21-May-2010, 07:04 PM
^^^^ I guess it is hard for Atari boys to get used to modern day controls. :lol:

21-May-2010, 07:07 PM
You damn kids. You don't know what it' like to have to walk to school in 20 feet of snow. Uphill. BOTH WAYS!


fulci fan
21-May-2010, 07:11 PM
I remember my grandfather would actually tell that story. You ain't that old, are you? ;)

darth los
21-May-2010, 07:38 PM
I remember my grandfather would actually tell that story. You ain't that old, are you? ;)

The thing is it was probably true. They were a tough lot back then, unlike the doughey bodis we have running around today.

I wouldn't doubt it.


21-May-2010, 07:50 PM
Check your journal from the pause screen, all recent instructions/text popups will appear there.

21-May-2010, 09:18 PM
Check your journal from the pause screen, all recent instructions/text popups will appear there.
Aye, I discovered this soon after missing out on instructions - or sometimes when a whole list of text is flying up in the top left corner and I'm pressing "A" to run or something and it skips past before I get to see it, I check the journal.

22-May-2010, 01:33 AM
Having owned both systems, i'm often surprised by these comparisons (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/console-comparison-red-dead/100419).

22-May-2010, 03:20 AM
Like you guys, I'm just blown away by the intensity of this game. There's just so much going on in the world, it's crazy. I love how much you can do.

I spent an hour alone playing Texas Hold 'Em (and winning more than double my money). Also spent quite some time playing horse shoes and finger fillet.

I love randomly roaming the world and saving someone who's getting attacked by coyotes. Or hearing gunshots in the distance and following the sound, only to stumble across a raging gun fight. Or even when you're tricked in one way or another and you get ambushed or have your horse stolen.

Among many other things.

Wish I wasn't so busy with stuff at the moment, as I've only been about to put around 5 hours into the game (2 of which were spent playing mini games).

22-May-2010, 10:07 AM
Having owned both systems, i'm often surprised by these comparisons (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/console-comparison-red-dead/100419).

Aye I saw a comparison on YouTube yesterday - why do they bother? Aside from a few minor differences (e.g. ground textures are sharper and more defined on 360, so it seems), what's the point? They're practically identical.

Speaking of random events - I too have had my horse stolen, tried to chase after him and shoot the bugger, but he lost me - tried whistling my horse to see if he'd bring back the rider, but he didn't - my horse just appeared from the brush on his own - so if you lose your horse to such a trick, just whistle and you'll get it back. :D

I've named ... in real life :p ... my new horse "blondie", as it's a blonde horse ... the one I got when helping Bonnie and her Pa round up some wild stallions ... ... *thinks of Bill & Ted for a moment :D*

Yeah, cool game ... might have to take a break from it today (BBQ day).

22-May-2010, 11:17 AM
Aye I saw a comparison on YouTube yesterday - why do they bother? Aside from a few minor differences (e.g. ground textures are sharper and more defined on 360, so it seems), what's the point? They're practically identical.

While it's true they look nearly the same, the PS3 version's native resolution is 640 by 1152, compared to the Xbox 360's 720 by 1280 pixels. If you've got an HDTV you should definitely go with the 360 version.

And don't forget to install this one to your 360 hard drive if you have the room, it cuts down significantly on load times.

I've been playing this a bit more, and I've got to say the characters rival those in Mass Effect when it comes to diversity. Seth and his philosophy on his lifestyle make for some great writing.

Rancid Carcass
22-May-2010, 01:28 PM
as it's a blonde horse ... the one I got when helping Bonnie and her Pa round up some wild stallions

Just had that horse killed in a shoot out at Hanging Rock... :(

Goddam yeller belly varmints!

22-May-2010, 02:23 PM
I ended up in a place called Tumble Weed, which was gang controlled, so I got off my horse and went on foot to use proper cover etc and let my horse stay elsewhere ... made the mistake of untying the captured Sheriff, who dumbly walked into a wall of bullets from the elevated mansion ... next time I'll clear the place out myself and then untie the bugger! :p

22-May-2010, 03:26 PM
I ended up in a place called Tumble Weed, which was gang controlled, so I got off my horse and went on foot to use proper cover etc and let my horse stay elsewhere ... made the mistake of untying the captured Sheriff, who dumbly walked into a wall of bullets from the elevated mansion ... next time I'll clear the place out myself and then untie the bugger! :p

The same thing happened to me. I need to research what I missed out on. I can see why he was captured to begin with. :D

22-May-2010, 04:09 PM
Slick - haha, damn straight, no wonder the old fool got so easily captured by the gang in the first place, he was feckin' useless.

Was in some town called Thieve's somethingeruther, and a woman screaming "help! I've been kidnapped", and I chased down some dude with her hogtied and over his shoulder and promptly shot his leg and hogtied him instead. :elol:

Also discovered Liar's Dice - finally! - a game I can figure out! :p I've got no idea how to play Poker and other such card games ... no idea at all. Wish I did know Poker ... it's like not being a tea or coffee drinker, it's always awkward ... ... actually I don't drink tea or coffee ... bugger. :D

22-May-2010, 05:30 PM
just got an achievement for throwing a ringer in horseshoes...not very easy, let me tell ya.

also got a secret achievement for shooting someone's hat off and another secret one for hogtying a lady, laying her on the train tracks, then sitting back and watching the train run her over.:elol:

oh, and by the way, did anyone notice the little nod to "there will be blood"? there's an area with several oil rigs named "plainview"...pretty cool. now if only daniel day lewis was the voice actor for some crazy dude wanting you to kill local land owners so he could drink their milkshakes...

22-May-2010, 06:08 PM
You mean something like this?

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LVh-dEI9iiY&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LVh-dEI9iiY&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


22-May-2010, 06:41 PM
I earned the hat achievement, too, during the Tumbleweed sheriff mission. The last two guys were hiding in the basement. One of them poked his head out from behind a support column. The second bullet went through his head. I shot one guy through the eye during that mission.

22-May-2010, 08:58 PM
Well, I think I'll be going for the hat achievement ... and I'll totally save my gave, and then run off and do that hogtie a chick and put her on the train tracks thing. :elol:

24-May-2010, 06:54 PM
Speaking of random events - I too have had my horse stolen, tried to chase after him and shoot the bugger, but he lost me - tried whistling my horse to see if he'd bring back the rider, but he didn't - my horse just appeared from the brush on his own - so if you lose your horse to such a trick, just whistle and you'll get it back. :D

I've named ... in real life :p ... my new horse "blondie", as it's a blonde horse ... the one I got when helping Bonnie and her Pa round up some wild stallions ... ... *thinks of Bill & Ted for a moment :D*

Yeah, cool game ... might have to take a break from it today (BBQ day).

I whistled and the horse threw the guy - then I shot him him as he was running and it lowered my honor..:elol:

26-May-2010, 12:21 AM
Greatest glitches ever...




26-May-2010, 06:47 AM
haven't played in a few days (fucking school deadlines...ugh), but i'm looking forward to firing it up again sometime this weekend. and maybe running across some of those funny glitches.

also, for those on XBL, we need to get a HPotD posse going and take down some gang hideouts...

darth los
26-May-2010, 03:56 PM
haven't played in a few days (fucking school deadlines...ugh), but i'm looking forward to firing it up again sometime this weekend. and maybe running across some of those funny glitches.

also, for those on XBL, we need to get a HPotD posse going and take down some gang hideouts...

Awsome idea. I just finished Aln wake first because i knew it was ashorter game and there no time for both. I need to get a hang of the control scheme and I'm there.


27-May-2010, 06:30 PM
Well, I just picked up my copy of RDR today... hope it's all it's cut out to be. :D

I still have yet to get me a copy of Alan Wake... I guess part of it is parting with the $, but also, I'm kinda secretly hoping the PC version isn't far behind the 360 version.

Imagine the mods that could be done on the PC for Wake... *drool*

27-May-2010, 06:45 PM
Make sure you do all the Bonnie missions first - she essentially shows you the ropes, but after that, yeehaw boys! :D

It's really rather addictive, and all the random things and side missions and mini games and challenges and tasks and ranking stuff and all that that there is makes it a big old game. The short film directed by John "The Road, and The Proposition" Hillcoat is coming soon too ... by the looks of things it's based around the first portion of the game (the first territory, and first target), so I'll have to make sure I crack out the rest of this area before I head on down to Mexico in the next chunk (so I assume).

27-May-2010, 06:47 PM
Thanks for the tip, MZ. I'll do Bonnie missionary first... errr.. I mean, I'll do the Bonnie missions first. *snicker* :shifty:

fulci fan
27-May-2010, 07:37 PM
Well, I finished the game. Overall, I thought it was great. The land is not as big as I thought, there are a ton of glitches, and It is pretty short. The ending was dumb. Maybe there are 2 endings depending how well you shoot ;)

How do you get the buffalo rifle? it is unavailable everywhere throughout the entire game.

27-May-2010, 07:40 PM
Beat it already? Damn....and I heard it's a 20+ hour game. No offense...but you must be a student that's out for the summer?

27-May-2010, 11:50 PM
well i'm a student who's stuck in school for the summer and i've barely scratched the surface..however, i've got the evening off and no classes till tuesday, so...:hyper:

*dashes of to xbox*

fulci fan
28-May-2010, 02:49 AM
Beat it already? Damn....and I heard it's a 20+ hour game. No offense...but you must be a student that's out for the summer?

Nah. couple hours everyday since it came out. The 20 hour thing is bullshit. I think rockstar bullshitted us on a lot of things.:rolleyes:

28-May-2010, 03:43 AM
I'm 17 hours in and just got to Mexico. Like most open world games, I really think the length depends on how willing you are to hunt everything down. Just got an achievement for finishing a group of 3 gang hideouts, and there are two more like it, so I've got a ways to go in that area.

Do you know what your end game percentage was fulci?

28-May-2010, 07:57 AM
wow...marathon session tonight...jumped on to play single player and me and a few friends ended up going hunting for 7 hours...must've killed damn near everything: bears, elk, rams, rabbits, cougars, wolves, coyotes, boars, foxes, bald eagles, gang members, and several lawmen.

the online in this game is beyond amazing. seriously, bassman, get a 48-hr XBL card and let us HPotD'ers know in advance and we'll have a grand time. trust me.

28-May-2010, 12:43 PM
I may have missed it....but did you guys see this teaser (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/short-film-red-dead/100636) for the short film? It doesn't seem quite as appealing now that the game is out, but I'll still check it out.

darth los
28-May-2010, 01:15 PM
Nah. couple hours everyday since it came out. The 20 hour thing is bullshit. I think rockstar bullshitted us on a lot of things.:rolleyes:

I haven't embarked on the journey yet. What were they bullshitting about?


28-May-2010, 01:19 PM
I haven't embarked on the journey yet. What were they bullshitting about?

I'm not sure what Fulci is talking about. I haven't completed it yet, but this game has delivered on everything they promised. I really don't have any strong complaints. A few minor, but nothing that hurts it.

Fulci - did you just bust through all of the main missions or did you take time to help strangers, collect treasures, take out gangs, play games, etc?

28-May-2010, 02:29 PM
Speaking of games, I spent about 40 minutes playing poker last night. I got some pretty horrible hands dealt to me.

Anyone know if there is an in-game way of throwing the poker table over and drawing weapons in the middle of a game, when these cheats keep dealing me crap hands?

And, yes, I realize I could just quit the game, stand up, pull a gun and start wasting people. I'm wondering if there's something more cinematic.

28-May-2010, 02:43 PM
Speaking of games, I spent about 40 minutes playing poker last night. I got some pretty horrible hands dealt to me.

Anyone know if there is an in-game way of throwing the poker table over and drawing weapons in the middle of a game, when these cheats keep dealing me crap hands?

And, yes, I realize I could just quit the game, stand up, pull a gun and start wasting people. I'm wondering if there's something more cinematic.

There is a suit that allows you to cheat at cards, but if you get caught, then you will be challenged to a gun duel outside.

I am in Mexico, but I put the game down for a bit to play UFC 2010. Don't remember if it was mentioned on here, but has anyone ran into the Daniel Day Lewis inspired character? He has a creepy and wickedness to him.

28-May-2010, 03:53 PM
There is a suit that allows you to cheat at cards, but if you get caught, then you will be challenged to a gun duel outside.

I am in Mexico, but I put the game down for a bit to play UFC 2010. Don't remember if it was mentioned on here, but has anyone ran into the Daniel Day Lewis inspired character? He has a creepy and wickedness to him.

I haven't seen the character, but the town of "Plainview" is a reference to There Will Be Blood. It's got oil rigs too. Nice little nod.

I'm surprised I haven't seen any obvious nods to John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, etc...

darth los
28-May-2010, 04:19 PM
I haven't seen the character, but the town of "Plainview" is a reference to There Will Be Blood. It's got oil rigs too. Nice little nod.

I'm surprised I haven't seen any obvious nods to John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, etc...

I'm sure there are intellectual property issues there but yeah, you would think they would have similar characters for Old West icons such as those men.


28-May-2010, 05:33 PM
I've just entered Mexico and did the first "LR" mission ... gonna tour around the place for a bit though before I really get into things. I'm going around purchasing save points right now ... got some new weapons in though, so must go check those out.

Oh, and also, rest in peace to "Blondie", my blonde horse took the brunt of a wolf attack - I tried to fend them off instead of run, but my horse went down. :(

Now I've got some grey/black thing I nabbed with a lasso on my way to Irish at the ferry dock. No where near as good as "Blondie" though ... I could have gone back to an earlier save, but, well ... I'd already done a couple of things by then ... maybe I'll buy myself a new horse at a store - any recommendations that are as good as or better than "Blondie" (the horse you get from Bonnie that you help tame earlier in the game)?

fulci fan
28-May-2010, 05:49 PM
I'm 17 hours in and just got to Mexico. Like most open world games, I really think the length depends on how willing you are to hunt everything down. Just got an achievement for finishing a group of 3 gang hideouts, and there are two more like it, so I've got a ways to go in that area.

Do you know what your end game percentage was fulci? Idk. I finished the game, though.

I haven't embarked on the journey yet. What were they bullshitting about?
Little things. The world is not as big as I thought. And I was pissed there are only a few towns in the whole game. Don't get me wrong, I love the game.

I'm not sure what Fulci is talking about. I haven't completed it yet, but this game has delivered on everything they promised. I really don't have any strong complaints. A few minor, but nothing that hurts it.

Fulci - did you just bust through all of the main missions or did you take time to help strangers, collect treasures, take out gangs, play games, etc?
No. I did a lot of other stuff too.

29-May-2010, 01:41 AM
- any recommendations that are as good as or better than "Blondie" (the horse you get from Bonnie that you help tame earlier in the game)?

The Kentucky horse that you can buy at the general store. It was $750 I think..

29-May-2010, 06:20 AM
anyone else get a DLC code with their copy? i got mine at best buy and i got a bonus of a bad-ass horse aptly titled "warhorse".

29-May-2010, 06:52 AM
anyone else get a DLC code with their copy? i got mine at best buy and i got a bonus of a bad-ass horse aptly titled "warhorse".

I have the warhorse. Best DLC bonus compared to the others.

29-May-2010, 12:52 PM
Has anyone tried any cheats? I was considering it for shits and giggles, but all the cheat sites are saying it will prevent the game from saving. Does that mean you can no longer save the game at all or just that you have to restart it without the codes and you'll be back to where you last saved?

30-May-2010, 10:47 AM
Has anyone tried any cheats? I was considering it for shits and giggles, but all the cheat sites are saying it will prevent the game from saving. Does that mean you can no longer save the game at all or just that you have to restart it without the codes and you'll be back to where you last saved?
I think with cheats, as with GTA IV, turn off "autosave" (unless it's already done for you) and then just fuck around - you cannot save your progress while using cheats, nor can you gain achievements while using cheats, but you can turn them off and restart the game as-normal and resume your progress without cheats.

I think they explain it in the manual or in the game menu or something, but yeah, I think that's how it works. Haven't tried that myself, and haven't played the game in a couple of days actually ... been distracted by other things.

darth los
31-May-2010, 11:06 PM
Has anyone tried any cheats? I was considering it for shits and giggles, but all the cheat sites are saying it will prevent the game from saving. Does that mean you can no longer save the game at all or just that you have to restart it without the codes and you'll be back to where you last saved?

I heard that the disabling achievement thing might be permanent if you do that so beware.:dead:


04-Jun-2010, 03:15 PM
Quick question....where the fuck are the beavers?:lol:

I'm trying to collect all the things needed for the guy building the plane, but I can't find beavers anywhere. The whole map is unlocked. I've lately been doing the tall trees missions, but I just can't find any beavers.

On top of that....How many flowers does the "Flowers for a Lady" guy need? I've got loads of flowers, but he always says I don't have enough.

Anyway....anybody else get the northern part of the map yet? It's pretty surprising and cool when you walk into a more advanced town with paved roads and such. The indian subplot is pretty cool too. But fuck the bears in the mountains. Those things are intense. NEVER get off your horse when in the mountains.:lol:

04-Jun-2010, 03:23 PM
New DLC June 22 for free.


darth los
04-Jun-2010, 03:35 PM
Quick question....where the fuck are the beavers?:lol:

I'm not touching that one. :lol:

New DLC June 22 for free.


Which is the way it should be. MAybe it'll catch on. NOT! :rolleyes:


04-Jun-2010, 05:45 PM
I've just completed the Mexican portion of the game - so will be heading northwards on my next gaming session.

As for the 'flowers for my wife' thing - have you got the right kinds of flowers? You have to get three different types - check your Journal entry under "Strangers" for the side quest in particular, and "Y" will give you all the info you require - as well as which regions have what flowers.

I've got enough feathers and red sage for the flying dude, but as I've not been north yet I don't have any beavers - so when you do find them, let me know. :D


Also - the Presidio mission where you take on that fort thingy, man that's funny at the start when you walk in on Reyes shagging that peasant girl. To think so much fuss was made of "Hot Coffee" - meanwhile here you've got much more realistic character models, and her tits are flat-out on show throughout. :D


Bears, eh? I'll be sure to pack a hard-ass shotgun for that (elephant gun, or something ... not sure of the name now, but there's a double-hard gun for it apparently). I think there's an achievement for killing 18 bears too.

Oh yeah - got the "Dastardly" achievement - for hog-tying a woman to the train tracks and watching her demise ... amazingly my honour didn't drop! Also, if you turn on to "Expert" aiming mode and get a headshot, that's another 5gp.

If you find yourself in a shoot-out behind cover with a couple of dudes left (as I did at Madrugada) then it's a piss easy 5gp ... then switch back to your preferred aiming setup. :)

Can't wait to check out the northern territory. I did how each 'chunk' of the game has a different feel and look.

Anyone come across snakes out in the wilderness? I've come across one - bit my ankle - so I shot it and skinned it. :elol:

04-Jun-2010, 06:16 PM
I've just completed the Mexican portion of the game - so will be heading northwards on my next gaming session.

I just did the same last night. I took my time in Armadillo and environs, kind of rushed the main mission quests in Mexico to open up the whole world, and will now take my time enjoying side quests and the like before I do too much of the main storyline up North.

I'm really enjoying it so far.

05-Jun-2010, 10:44 AM
Anyone noticed people hopping off their horses to take a piss? I'd never seen it until yesterday, when it happened twice - once in Mexico and once up North. A dude pissing up a rock, and a dude pissing up a fence. I was like "wtf?" ... have had a brief time up North. Watched a movie in the cinema, did a "?" mission, bought a paper, bought a rare gun ... the change in environments really do keep it fresh when you move onto a new area.

I think I'd agree with some reviews that say you spend too much time in Mexico - that chunk is about 4 or 5 missions too long I think - but aside from that it was still good, and especially cool to ride around famous desert landmarks. :)

05-Jun-2010, 08:34 PM
Hahaha I can't wait to spot someone taking a piss.

Today, I rode the train for the first time. That was an awesome experience. Especially when I climbed up onto the roof, crouched down, and pulled out my rifle. The scenery looked incredible (and fresh, as I'd never seen it in this way before) and I could hunt animals with fair ease.

06-Jun-2010, 11:02 AM
Met an unfortunate end (as did my horse) when riding through the snowy portion of the north - two fucking bears lunged out of nowhere, I tried to shoot them in the head but they kept bashing me down ... I was returning from a bounty hunt and figured going through the woods would be a wise shortcut to try and avoid too many people chasing me.

Yeah ... not that wise. :p

Got the pistol now though, schweet. :D I'm something like 63% through the game now.

06-Jun-2010, 10:43 PM
New DLC June 22 for free.


That's it - I'm going to get Xbox live now. :cool:

07-Jun-2010, 10:38 AM
That's it - I'm going to get Xbox live now. :cool:

Good call. That's the most fun I have with this game! Free-roaming around the world with friends while taking down gang hideouts, hunting, and exploring is so much fun. Not to mention team deathmatch!

08-Jun-2010, 09:48 AM
FYI - the 30 minute short directed by John Hillcoat has now been posted on YouTube by IGN. Check it out.

I'm downloading the HD version so I can watch it in my own time. I'm quite looking forward to this.

In other news - I'm still looking for these fucking beavers - anyone know where they are? Bassman - have you found them yet? You were looking to get that flying guy is glue too, if I remember correctly. I've got everything else, except the five beaver pelts/skins.

08-Jun-2010, 11:57 AM
In other news - I'm still looking for these fucking beavers - anyone know where they are? Bassman - have you found them yet? You were looking to get that flying guy is glue too, if I remember correctly. I've got everything else, except the five beaver pelts/skins.

I haven't played in a few days, so I still haven't found the beavers. I've assumed they're up in the wetter northwest section of the map, but no luck. Didn't someone mention a map for purchase that shows the location of all animals? Should probably look out for that.

08-Jun-2010, 12:30 PM
I haven't played in a few days, so I still haven't found the beavers. I've assumed they're up in the wetter northwest section of the map, but no luck. Didn't someone mention a map for purchase that shows the location of all animals? Should probably look out for that.
There's a map for finding flowers, but not animals, as far as I'm aware.

I was hanging around all over the river up north and couldn't find any animals, let alone beavers - even used bait - but all I attracted was a bear (dead) and two wolves (dead). :elol:

08-Jun-2010, 12:37 PM
Correction : North EAST corner. Haven't had my morning coffee yet...

08-Jun-2010, 04:28 PM
Correction : North EAST corner. Haven't had my morning coffee yet...
North East corner what? Where the beavers are?

Saw a video online of someone finding beavers frolicking about by the river just left of the "Great Plains" text on the map ... will also try the North East corner too.