View Full Version : Flip Mino HD pocket video cameras?

03-Dec-2009, 01:22 PM
I'm thinking of getting one of these, but wanted to know what you folks thought of them/if anyone here had experience of them.

I'd want something that I can stuff in my pocket and use to shoot something I might see when out for a walk, or on holiday somewhere or whatever - and then take the footage and incorporate it convincingly (i.e. no huge disparity in picture quality) into projects I'd primarily shoot with my Panasonic DVX100B video camera (which is SD, but actually very good quality SD - you should all know how much I love my DVX100B :D).

So yeah - thoughts on the Flip Mino HD?

03-Dec-2009, 01:24 PM
I don't know about your editing for your flicks and all that, but we have one and it's great. So small you can fit it in your pocket and the picture quality is great for our home movie needs. Easy-as-piss to upload and edit, too.

03-Dec-2009, 01:29 PM
I don't know about your editing for your flicks and all that, but we have one and it's great. So small you can fit it in your pocket and the picture quality is great for our home movie needs. Easy-as-piss to upload and edit, too.

This is good to know, as I'm thinking about picking one up, either for the holidays or after holiday sales.

Bassman, any thoughts on suggested accessories? I mean, does it need extra battery, to back the one it has, software etc.?

03-Dec-2009, 01:34 PM
Back up.....

I just noticed that you're asking about the HD flip. I DON'T have the HD. I have the older standard video version. But even at that it's still good for all my simple family video needs.

Battery life is long. The camera holds about an hours worth of footage. But if you want more it's just a quick plug up to the pc and then you're ready to rock again. Software is already there and everything. A 2 year old could edit with the built-in software. It's that easy.

Like I said....I only use it for the simple family video stuff, but it's good for that.:)

03-Dec-2009, 02:03 PM
Been looking further into it, including comparison footage on YouTube (in HD) - the video quality looks good to me, and I could certainly see myself cutting it into DVX stuff just fine.

I'd be looking now at the Flip Video Ultra HD - it's a bit cheaper, but has double the capacity and is generally better for my needs, and provides improved video and audio quality over the Flip Mino HD.

Battery life, so Amazon says, is 4.5 hours for the SD Flip devices, and 2.5 hours for the HD Flip devices. Recording time on the HD is 2 hours, so that's plenty fine - plus with the Flip Video Ultra HD, you can insert standard AA batteries if you find yourself in a pinch, or indeed buy another battery pack just like the one provided (which would also, likewise, be rechargeable) - so that's a cool feature for emergency filming situations, which could very well happen.

For your money you get:

* Flip UltraHD Camcorder
* Flip Video AA rechargeable battery pack
* Wrist strap
* Soft carrying case
* Quickstart guide

The Flip Video Ultra HD is a bit bulkier than the Mino, but that's not much when it's smaller than your hand anyway, hehe.

Here's a couple of comparison (HD) videos on YouTube for footage:



Obviously I'd be using it in conjunction with a "Gorillapod" as hand shake clearly has an affect on the video. But this seems like the ideal thing for pocket-held HD video shooting for when you're out and about and never know what you might get.

Plus, being a small size, I'd be much less likely to attract bacon cozzers using poorly worded, ill-defined anti Terror legislation against me - seriously, photographers and videographers in the UK are being stopped for suspected terrorism up and down the country - hell, I was stopped on the day the legislation came into being ... and nobody had any idea it had been introduced in the first place!!! (Thanks Labour ... NOT).

Anyway - yeah, Flip Video Ultra HD 8gb - it's tickling my danglers alright. :)

03-Dec-2009, 02:06 PM
I think my sd flip is good for me....but damn that HD looks nice.:stunned:

03-Dec-2009, 04:35 PM
what's the maximum resolution for the HD pictures? 720 or 1080?
Those comparison vids...I'm confused...surely you're watching the footage A) compressed to shit and B) at a completely different resolution to what it records natively...also the SD and HD footage has been shrunk to the same proportions, pixel for pixel this can't happen - all you are getting for comparison is brightness, and a bit of colour - the rest is all variations of the FLV compression used comp'd with the fact that the true nature of the pictures have been digitally distorted one way or another...

03-Dec-2009, 04:55 PM
Wierd ive just been looking at the same type of thing a minute ago and then see this thread. Though im just looking for a fun carry around, ive got my little canon 900 but the battery is like 15 minutes of constant filming, no thanks. i just want something i can have in my pocket when i go to somehere note worthy with friends or family yknow?
Ive seen em cheap, like £50 preowned, but im just looking for a cheap handycam, if you want a big hd one your gonna have to look harder for a bargain.

03-Dec-2009, 06:28 PM
what's the maximum resolution for the HD pictures? 720 or 1080?
Those comparison vids...I'm confused...surely you're watching the footage A) compressed to shit and B) at a completely different resolution to what it records natively...also the SD and HD footage has been shrunk to the same proportions, pixel for pixel this can't happen - all you are getting for comparison is brightness, and a bit of colour - the rest is all variations of the FLV compression used comp'd with the fact that the true nature of the pictures have been digitally distorted one way or another...

The comparison video is Flip Mino HD and and Flip Ultra HD.

And it's only to give an idea, when watching it in YouTubeHD.

Wierd ive just been looking at the same type of thing a minute ago and then see this thread. Though im just looking for a fun carry around, ive got my little canon 900 but the battery is like 15 minutes of constant filming, no thanks. i just want something i can have in my pocket when i go to somehere note worthy with friends or family yknow?
Ive seen em cheap, like £50 preowned, but im just looking for a cheap handycam, if you want a big hd one your gonna have to look harder for a bargain.

"Big one"? Whatchu mean, Willis?

Indeed - ideal for wanging in your pocket and whipping out if there's a good shot to be had. Exactly what I'm looking for, because my main camera is the sizeable (but very awesome) DVX100B ... there's nout subtle or pocket sized about it. :p:)

As for the Flip Mino HD and the Flip Ultra HD, the latter is cheaper than the former, and has better video and audio quality, the ability to swap in fresh battery packs, and a HDMI link.

It's 720 HD as well ... but even still, as I said before, I'd be putting it with projects shot with my SD bucket of awesome sauce that is the DVX100B, and even still, the truest of true HD isn't going to be found in your pocket. You need something the side of an HVX or above for that ... not that I want that. As long as it's great quality video and fits in my pocket, then sorted - and the Flip Ultra HD seems to offer that.

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ----------

Further research, and I'm now quite horny for the Kodak Zi8 HD.

Seems to be better over-the-piece than the Flip Ultra HD. Has a range of shooting modes (1080p, 720p - at both 60fps and 30fps - as well as WVGA, and it acts as a 5mp photo camera). It also has a form of image stabilisation, which will help with standing still hand-held footage (but obviously not so much for walking around, naturally). However, it doesn't come with it's own carry case - which is obviously a must-have, so that'll mean a separate purchase.

It's got a point where you can plug in an external microphone, and it records the footage in .mov format (Flip does it in MP4) - from my experience, I've found MOV footage to be more Sony Vegas friendly over MP4.

The Kodak does require you to buy an SDHC card though, and has a small internal memory, however the added flexibility of SDHC cards is ultimately a plus point. It also seems to have a better battery recharge rate over the Flip. The Kodak also includes a HDMI cable, as well as having the option to connect it to your telly via composite leads.


So yeah, I'm now sniffing around the Kodak Zi8 due to it's greater array of options and features, despite having to purchase external memory and a carry case separately (but you do get a HDMI cable included) ... swings and roundabouts really.

03-Dec-2009, 06:33 PM
The comparison video is Flip Mino HD and and Flip Ultra HD.

And it's only to give an idea, when watching it in YouTubeHD.

Oh yeah, now I see it...duh...I was reading SD and HD...which would be utterly pointless - but yea you get a good idea for comparison on those images...

I'm having a war with companies who use your SD screen to compare an SD and HD image, but this one misfired! haha

03-Dec-2009, 06:36 PM
I'm having a war with companies who use your SD screen to compare an SD and HD image, but this one misfired! haha

Eh? :confused:


Any thoughts on the Kodak Zi8 (just added extra text to my previous post)?

03-Dec-2009, 06:49 PM
Eh? :confused:


Any thoughts on the Kodak Zi8 (just added extra text to my previous post)?

That kodak sounds much better - image stabilisation buys it for me....I've been reading your words carefully as a purchase of similar items is needed, but I'm great at professional kit, but useless at domestic stuff...!

By the original statement I mean when you like see a teleshopping ad that's selling HD TVs and they say things like "look at this image" or when you watch a show like "the gadget show" and they take an SD xbox image, a HD xbox image, compare them side by side in little boxes on your screen and somehow try to convince you that you are looking at anything even CLOSE to a comparison....!!! So many variables between the original image, and what you see on your screen - dictated by compression ratios of the broadcaster, the quality of your screen, the fact that the full image of the whole show only gives you an SD image and somehow they're putting HD pictures WITHIN that SD image and trying to sell me HD???!

meh! That was a long rant over basically nothing, hahaha

03-Dec-2009, 07:03 PM
I've been watching a few YouTube reviews of the Flip and you get a more up front view of the device, then I went hunting for alternatives, and found the Kodak Zi8, and just reading the blurb it immediately has a better array of features for folk like us - i.e. we've got and use to it's proper potential, professional video cameras - so clearly, the Kodak would better suit us (even though the price is a bit higher when all is said and done, because you have to get the case and memory seperately - however, for the added features and functionality, it's worth the little extra you know?)

Anyway - video test footage of the Kodak Zi8 is here (obviously, click the YouTubeHD option for the best effect):


There's also a video review (recorded using the Zi8) here:

You can even DOWNLOAD the MP4 full HD version of the review here:

The Zi8 also has Macro and Landscape modes - so you can shoot stuff with "Macro" mode in close up, unlike the Flip. :cool:


I'm great at professional kit, but useless at domestic stuff...!


I have to say I really pushed myself when researching and putting together my Quad Core PC last year, but when it came to researching and buying my DVX100B, it was much easier for me - I guess I understand cameras better than I understand computers.

Anyway, finding a good consumer product is much the same in terms of research. Figure out what the items you're after should be, find a range of such items, read/watch reviews of them, weigh up the vital statistics, find any bad press that's worth being concerned about (i.e. ignoring the one-star-raters who more often than not complain about something in an unfair, possibly even ignorant, manner) and then pop out your testicles and lay them on the proverbial drum set of decision... :D

I suppose with consumer goods there are less technical things to worry about in general, however knowing and understand the technical stuff really does make you find the better purchase. Something the average joe schmoe wouldn't have.


As for the "HD on SD" thing - damn straight. I'd never really thought about that.

Reminds me of people championing DVD compared to VHS - an unfair element being that VHS tapes were more often than not Pan & Scanned, which meant the image was often blown up - thus significantly degraded. Meanwhile, my Blade Runner, and The Abyss widescreen videos still look really quite good. Not DVD quality, but it's a fair playing field rather than comparing DVD to Pan & Scanned VHS tapes, you know?

You really need to see HD in a shop with your own eyes though - I have ... gotta say I didn't see what the fuss was about. :p Saw the difference, but it's really not amazing, especially as I never sit so close that my nose rubs bogies all over the screen. :p

03-Dec-2009, 11:50 PM
Well the Flip UltraHD has a deal going on at amazon right now, you get 2 free accessories if you buy before dec 12th. . .not bad. But yeah, I like the options on the Kodak a bit better. Expecially the expandable mic. But both are good for what they are really.

04-Dec-2009, 12:46 AM
Those mini camcorders are sketchy to me. I always feel like the footage would be super shaky since you're holding something the size of a cell phone, essentially.

04-Dec-2009, 09:18 AM
Those mini camcorders are sketchy to me. I always feel like the footage would be super shaky since you're holding something the size of a cell phone, essentially.
Hence why you'd get a Gorillapod at the same time, so you can set it up.

Plus, professional camera folk know how to hold a camera steady better than the average punter (sometimes much better) ... I mean think about it, how many YouTube videos have you seen by someone who can't figure out you're supposed to hold it the correct way up? So you get a shaky as all buggery, out of focus, too close up, under-exposed video that has an image turned on its side. :D

My point being, in the hands of a professional or enthusiastic amateur, then it'll be fine - especially with one of those little tripods you can get for them.

Or indeed, find a solid surface to lean against, perhaps even gently balancing the device on said surface (like a wall) and away you go. It's all about posture, position and breathing to get a steady hand held image. :)