View Full Version : HELP: Should I buy an X360 or a PS3?

04-Dec-2009, 04:30 PM
I am getting a good bonus here at work this year (not good enough to buy BOTH systems though), and I am hoping to buy either an X360 or a PS3. I'm leaning more in the direction of the PS3 just because you have Blu-Ray ability on the PS3 and not on the X360. Price wise (on average) seem to be the same for both systems at around $300. I think I'd probably use the system primarily more for the blu-ray feature than actually playing games, but I would look forward to playing games as well.

However, hands down, X360 seems to have far better games overall and alot of the games I would want to look into playing like "Left For Dead" and (I think) "Dead Rising" are only available for X360. PS3 just doesn't seem to have a very good variety of games, even though I do hear the graphics on the games that are offered are superior. But, what does it matter if the graphics are a wee bit better if you can't play the games you want to play though because they aren't made for the console?

At the same time, I'm looking forward to doing online gaming as well (maybe with some of the folks here?). You gotta understand, the last game console system I had was the Super Nintendo back when I was in middle school so this is a whole new adventure getting back into gaming and the like for me. I think the idea of being able to play "online gaming" for games with people throughout the world is just incredible really. I'm really looking forward to killing a bunch of zombies with other people. :skull:

Anyway, I'm just mixed on which one I should go with as a console. While I want the blu-ray player, I also want to be able to play the games that interest me (most of which aren't available on PS3). Another option I considered would be to go with the X360 Arcade version which is only $199 and then I could buy a Blu-Ray player for around $150 in addition to this to have the best of both worlds. The only problem with the Arcade version of X360 is I know that it doesn't offer a tremendous amount of memory. Would this cause any major issues though? I have a good computer with over 250 GB available on it, so I don't really see the point in storing music/etc. on the game console.

Anyway, I would really appreciate some help/advice/thoughts on this.



04-Dec-2009, 04:32 PM
If you want Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 and Dead Rising then get a 360 and play with us good folks on Live. :D

As for PS3 graphics being superior, it's not by a great deal. If I was you, I would get a full on 360 package with hard drive and get a years subscription to Xbox Live. Thousands of free demos, Netflix, you name it. Blu Ray is nice but really, it can wait.

darth los
04-Dec-2009, 04:45 PM
I would go with the 360, 100%. As you said it's the games that make a console worth getting not it's specs.

As for the memory, you would do well to get a system with atleast 20 gigs on it. There's plenty of stuff to download on the marketplace and the miniscule space that a memory card provides is woefully inadequate.


04-Dec-2009, 05:08 PM
if you want a console for online get the 360, theres always some online element in play, your either talking to friends in party chat whilst you play separate games, or sending messages or something to full co-op games and such. if that appeals then get a 360, this is offset however by a 60% failure rate on the hardware, to be blunt, get ready for it to break and have to be shipped away for a week.
The ps3 is much more of the same from the ps2 generation , its more a single player experience. load up a blu ray movie or a game like infamous or resistance or something and just enjoying your self in peace without constant intrusions. Theres still online, but its much less in your face. also the hardware, whilst a bit more expensive, is much more reliable.
I guess its what appeals to you, if you want a console for online play where you can find anyone to play a game with in seconds, go xbox. If you want a more media center type thing where you can just sit back in peace for some alone time, go for the ps3. Its up to you really.

04-Dec-2009, 06:01 PM
As an owner of both.....I prefer the 360 for games. But it's not for the same reasons as most people. I prefer the 360 because of the feel of the system. Somehow it just feels better to me. It's hard to explain, I guess.

As for the online gaming - the 360 is best for that sort of thing. If you're NOT a hardcore gamer(like myself) then the xbox live may not appeal to you. It doesn't appeal to me simply because I don't use it enough to justify the extra money i would be giving away to Microsoft after already purchasing their system. The PS3 network is free, but doesn't have a lot of the features offered on the Xbox live network...

So if it were me....I would get the 360 for gaming and purchase Sony's blu ray player for movies. I can't think of the name of the player now, but it's supposedly the best player next to the PS3. The one with the blue front. It's only about 150-200 bucks.

04-Dec-2009, 06:32 PM
PS3 just doesn't seem to have a very good variety of games, even though I do hear the graphics on the games that are offered are superior.

Actually it varies depending on what game you're comparing, there are some games in which the PS3 produces better graphics, but there are also many (some would say a majority) in which the Xbox 360 outperforms the PS3. On paper, the PS3 is slightly more powerful, but it's more difficult to efficiently code for than the Xbox (which is based on PC architecture) so 360 games often have a higher level of polish to them.

04-Dec-2009, 06:54 PM
Its a hard coin to toss depending on what you want. If it is online, the XBL over PNS, but you have to pay for it. But $50 for a year is not bad. PNS of course is free and you have Home, but XBL has a larger community. I favor XBL arcade over PSN Store, because of the game selection. PSN does have PS games from last decade for sale at a cheap price.

The new PS3 is stripped down compared to the original. Major strike in my book. Also, I have noticed that some of the dlc of certain ported games come out much sooner on XBL. ex. Fallout 3

Btw, most people on here who own a console have a 360. I have no problem with the PS3. But there are far too few exclusives now days for consoles, unless your Nintendo. You cannot go wrong with either system. 360 or PS3. If I did not already own both and had to buy one it would be the 360. I am more lured in by its exclusives. But God of War 3 and Uncharted series do look good.

Rancid Carcass
04-Dec-2009, 07:43 PM
Two words: Dead Rising. No matter how cool or how many formats the sequel appears on, zombies in a shopping mall - Just sit back, open a beer, put the Dawn soundtrack on and fire up that lawn mower... live the dream my friend, live the dream! :D

04-Dec-2009, 08:31 PM
If you're looking forward to online gaming and are finding the software library more appealing, you should definitely go with the 360. Do NOT buy the Arcade, buyer's remorse will kick in soon after you realize the only memory you've got is a 512MB memory card.

The ability to install every 360 game on to the HDD is the biggest draw, simply because it silences the 360's fans and puts a halt to the spinning disk drive. This reduces the wear and tear on the system by a huge amount, and greatly decreases the risk of getting the dreaded red ring of death. Speaking of which, all Xbox 360 consoles manufactured after 8/08 have the Jasper chipset installed, which again greatly reduces the chances of getting RRoD'd. Any new 360 you find in the store should have it, so you're good there.

There's a limited edition, $399 bundle which includes a 250GB HDD, a copy of Modern Warfare 2 and two black controllers, but it's understandable if you don't want to spend that much, seeing as the 60GB Pro model has plenty of hard drive space.

Plus, you can download an entire library of awesome Xbox Live Arcade games with the hard drive, but we'll get to that bridge when we cross it.

04-Dec-2009, 08:36 PM
Get an Xbox 360.

04-Dec-2009, 08:38 PM
There's a limited edition, $399 bundle which includes a 250GB HDD, a copy of Modern Warfare 2 and two black controllers, but it's understandable if you don't want to spend that much, seeing as the 60GB Pro model has plenty of hard drive space.

Plus, you can download an entire library of awesome Xbox Live Arcade games with the hard drive, but we'll get to that bridge when we cross it.

The money-grabbing bastards have discontinued the Pro, sadly. Your options are now Arcade, Elite or hit the road Jack.

06-Dec-2009, 04:27 PM
i was torn over this decision for a short bit. i initially was going to stick with my playstation loyalty, but had heard a lot of good stuff about the 360 (with the exception of the RROD). after asking the same question to all of my friends and comparing what i would be getting out of the two systems, i made the (wise) decision to go with the xbox.

50 bucks a year is justifiable for all the services and features that XBL offers and the library of games is way better.

08-Dec-2009, 08:37 PM
I would have said a 360, simply because as a premium service is available, they do the work rather then the shortcuts. For example, The PS3 did have voice communication. They ditched it when people abused it. Abuse the talk function on the 360 and get banned. Can't fault that attitude.

09-Dec-2009, 02:20 PM
Maybe this should have been in poll form so I would not have to waste fifteen minutes reading that everyone thinks you should get a 360... Oh wait Damn now I became a part of this monster!!

Buy a 360, I do not know what this ps3 thing is you speak of.

09-Dec-2009, 10:06 PM
If anyone is looking for an Xbox in the UK, HMV is now selling the Elite for £159.99 (or maybe £169.99, I'm tired and confused) for a limited period. As far as I know, we're the only ones selling them at that price (most places still seems to be selling it for £199.99 or thereabouts). Not spamming or plugging my place of work at all - I get paid the same wage whether people buy it or not - just thought I'd give you guys a heads up in case you're thinking Xbox for Christmas: it's only a few quid dearer than the Arcade at that price.

11-Dec-2009, 01:13 PM
Looking at the games on the shelf for both consoles i'd say they both have an almost identical catalogue of games at the moment, most seem to be released on both systems now. I was always under the impression the PS3 had a slight graphical edge on the 360, as well as blu-ray & lack of RROD. I think most of the fan boy arguments & fighting from the last couple of years have gone out of the window & it just comes down to personal preference.

11-Dec-2009, 05:45 PM
Xbox and PS3 still have their respective exclusives though, and I reckon the 360 has the better exclusives, or certainly a greater number of them so it seems.

As for RROD, that's not really a problem to worry about anymore with newly manufactured units, so that's sorted, and as for graphics, anytime I see a comparison video, the PS3 always looks more washed out than the 360 to me. Like the shadows etc aren't deep enough on the PS3. Otherwise, totally no difference.

Also, if you want a BR player, buy a stand alone BR player - because you'll use a hell of a lot less energy using a stand alone player rather than a PS3. Consoles playing movies are notoriously energy hungry by comparison, so it's just silly to do so.

11-Dec-2009, 06:24 PM
If it's a multiplatform release, you can bet your bottom dollar it's going to be superior on 360. The only PS3 games that look more stunning than 360 games are the ones built from the ground up for PS3 (Uncharted 2, Killzone 2). Otherwise, PS3 has a nasty habit of washing out colors and not having anti-aliasing like it's 360 counterpart. Take for example Bayonetta, the PS3 version is a joke:


Taking a little more sheen off an otherwise superb gaming experience, Bayonetta's graceful ballet of death also occasionally stumbles on the PS3 due to an ailing frame-rate and moments of annoying screen tear that emerge when swinging the game camera.

Also, you can't play Left 4 Dead on PS3. Fail.

darth los
11-Dec-2009, 06:51 PM
If it's a multiplatform release, you can bet your bottom dollar it's going to be superior on 360. The only PS3 games that look more stunning than 360 games are the ones built from the ground up for PS3 (Uncharted 2, Killzone 2). Otherwise, PS3 has a nasty habit of washing out colors and not having anti-aliasing like it's 360 counterpart. Take for example Bayonetta, the PS3 version is a joke:


Also, you can't play Left 4 Dead on PS3. Fail.

With the amount we play that game you know it's a dealbreaker. :lol:

But yeah, that's why I go to coin, Mz, And Hells for all my gaming info.


11-Dec-2009, 07:14 PM
If it's a multiplatform release, you can bet your bottom dollar it's going to be superior on 360. The only PS3 games that look more stunning than 360 games are the ones built from the ground up for PS3 (Uncharted 2, Killzone 2). Otherwise, PS3 has a nasty habit of washing out colors and not having anti-aliasing like it's 360 counterpart. Take for example Bayonetta, the PS3 version is a joke:


Also, you can't play Left 4 Dead on PS3. Fail.

actually,whilst it doesnt look as sharp, i found the controls in the ps3 bayonetta slightly more playable than the 360's, but the controller is more reminiscent of dmc 1 thru 3 from back in the day so that might play a part.

-but yeah, side from that id say its like 360 is pc and ps3 is mac, sure the ps3 looks flashier, and in many ways it is, but its also tougher to actually get stuff to play on so your options are more limited. Whereas if its multiplatform then it stands to reason the 360 version will be better, just look at the lost planet screenies form both.
-that said the ps3 versions are often later, but with a lot of extra content in the games.
Though more games for the 360 doesnt necessarily mean its right for you, something like killzone 2 might appeal to you more than halo ODST or something.

I'd just not rush into it, find out what your friends have, find out what games are on what and get what appeals to you, really both have positive and negatives, neither is "the one" because really each is missing something the other does not have so you wont have the best of both worlds unless you can get both, if you cant then its just taste in games dude and nothing else.

-also, in terms of multiplatform im grabbing FFXIII on the PS3, in hopes for a FFIV beta and just because Final fantasy should be on a nintendo or sony console, ive had nothing but mediocre experiences with square enix and the xbox 360.