View Full Version : The official "Recommend an overlooked game" thread

04-Dec-2009, 07:40 PM
Playing through some older games ahs reminded me that there are plenty of games that deserve praise but whent relatively overlooked. Most of which are now dirt cheap, so i thought we could all recommend a few, for the price of a new piece of shit you might be able to get half a dozen fantastic games that arent modern warefare 2:D

i'll go first.


is Mirror's edge, yes i hear you gasp that its an EA game, but i got this on a whim because i liked the art style, i was surprised to find one of the best, more innovative games of the last few years that has received very little praise.
If you aint heard of it, you play a free running courier in a city where a facist police force stem any and all outbursts and control information with an iron fist. The protagonist ships things that the people holding onto the old ways of freedom want out of the polices hands, the game begins with a package the police, who normally ignore the runners, are willing to kill to get back.
The games a first person free running platformer with excellent controls. lb is jump, lt is crouch, or slide if you have forward momentum. rb is punch, rt is kick, y is disarm an enemy and a is the all purpose use button.
Sounds simple but as the game goes on and you become more fluent you can string combos like lb,rb,lb,rt,y to runup a wall,turn and backflip off to kick a cop in the neck and disarm him.
Its like the tony hawks pro skater of platforms in terms of combos and this allows for the exploration of the stunning world in a totally unique way.
I played this for the first time in 1080 HD today and it takes your breath away. the minimalist style in the audio and visual sites are a joy from start to finish and there is absolutely nothing like it on the market.
Its very hard to recommend on a "if you liked blank" basis, at best i can say people who liked portal will like it. Aside from that all i can say is its in most game stores for £2, for a single two quid coin you get hours of entertainment in a game like nothing you will have seen before.

ALSO- a bloke form e.a let slip on his public cv that his latest project is Mirror's Edge 2, cant wait.

04-Dec-2009, 08:19 PM
Playing through some older games ahs reminded me that there are plenty of games that deserve praise but whent relatively overlooked. Most of which are now dirt cheap, so i thought we could all recommend a few, for the price of a new piece of shit you might be able to get half a dozen fantastic games that arent modern warefare 2:D

i'll go first.


is Mirror's edge, yes i hear you gasp that its an EA game, but i got this on a whim because i liked the art style, i was surprised to find one of the best, more innovative games of the last few years that has received very little praise.
If you aint heard of it, you play a free running courier in a city where a facist police force stem any and all outbursts and control information with an iron fist. The protagonist ships things that the people holding onto the old ways of freedom want out of the polices hands, the game begins with a package the police, who normally ignore the runners, are willing to kill to get back.
The games a first person free running platformer with excellent controls. lb is jump, lt is crouch, or slide if you have forward momentum. rb is punch, rt is kick, y is disarm an enemy and a is the all purpose use button.
Sounds simple but as the game goes on and you become more fluent you can string combos like lb,rb,lb,rt,y to runup a wall,turn and backflip off to kick a cop in the neck and disarm him.
Its like the tony hawks pro skater of platforms in terms of combos and this allows for the exploration of the stunning world in a totally unique way.
I played this for the first time in 1080 HD today and it takes your breath away. the minimalist style in the audio and visual sites are a joy from start to finish and there is absolutely nothing like it on the market.
Its very hard to recommend on a "if you liked blank" basis, at best i can say people who liked portal will like it. Aside from that all i can say is its in most game stores for £2, for a single two quid coin you get hours of entertainment in a game like nothing you will have seen before.

ALSO- a bloke form e.a let slip on his public cv that his latest project is Mirror's Edge 2, cant wait.

Mirror's Edge for £2!? Jesus! I remember when this came out last year, I was working at Zavvi, and this was one of the big releases of that Autumn along with Left 4 Dead. Yet it fell into obscurity so fast.

My overlooked game goes back a bit:


Back in the day, this game knocked my fucking socks off. Everything about it - the graphics, the music, the game mechanics, the atmosphere - just seemed so much better and more mature than any other NES game I ever played, and yet I seem to be one of only six people in the planet that played the damn thing.

04-Dec-2009, 09:02 PM
Dunno where you go shopping but the cheapest I've seen Mirror's Edge is £8 at GameStation (http://gamestation.co.uk/Games/Xbox-360/Mirrors-Edge/~r408218/). Still cheap though.

04-Dec-2009, 09:06 PM
Dunno where you go shopping but the cheapest I've seen Mirror's Edge is £8 at GameStation (http://gamestation.co.uk/Games/Xbox-360/Mirrors-Edge/~r408218/). Still cheap though.

two for a fiver preowned at blockbuster dude. that and crackdown is totally worth £5

04-Dec-2009, 09:13 PM
Ah, no Blockbusters down here, mate. In fact we've gone from three GameStation's down to one and it's the most useless shop in town. No retro gear anymore, not even PS2 or Xbox, just overpriced current gen shit. :(

04-Dec-2009, 09:17 PM
Ah, no Blockbusters down here, mate. In fact we've gone from three GameStation's down to one and it's the most useless shop in town. No retro gear anymore, not even PS2 or Xbox, just overpriced current gen shit. :(

dude all the stores from nottingham to swad all stock everything from amigas and the origional asteriods and pong stuff to a roaring trade in dreamcast and sega saturn games.
Sure theres cahvs everywhere, but when you can ask for a dreamcast lightgun and not have the clerk go "whats that?" you know the stores rock:lol:

04-Dec-2009, 10:00 PM
For anyone who missed it the first time around:


04-Dec-2009, 10:37 PM
Oh yeah, Serious Sam and Serious Sam: The Second Encouter were perhaps the best budget games ever released. I love how the concentrated on huge maps and fast, twitchy gameplay. Very remniscent of Doom and Duke3D.

I've got 2 game to throw into the pile, the first is an XBLA side scrolling shooter called Omega Five. If you're a fan of 2D shooters like R-Type or more flashy top-down arcade games like Ikaruga, definitely check it out. The soundtrack is great too, very reminiscent of synthy, first gen PS1 games. It can be found for 800 Microsoft Points ($10):

(Click the HD icon, it's very blurry otherwise)

The other game I'd like to bring up is Earth Defense Force 2017 for Xbox 360. If you have any interest at all in giant monster movies like Godzilla, Gamera, or even Cloverfield, then you NEED to play this game. It might look ultra-low budget, with cheesy effects and voice acting, but it's all intentional. With hundreds of unique weapons and 6 difficulties, it stands as one of the best examples of how to make repetitive shooters interesting and replayable. Also, the local co-op remains one of the most addictive experiences ever. EDF2017 was originally a $40 budget title, and can easily be found for less than half that these days:


This guy gave it a 7.5, but it's easily a 9 in my book.

05-Dec-2009, 05:03 PM
One of my favorite games when I had a playstation. I really enjoyed the art style, the serious an adult tone to the game. It has a very Ghost in the shell/ blade runner feel to it.

Of course I played it when I was like pretty damn young. The sequel is very enjoyable to. A series I wouldn't mind seeing brought back.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uqFOGIIw6F0&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uqFOGIIw6F0&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

05-Dec-2009, 05:04 PM
One of my favorite games when I had a playstation. I really enjoyed the art style, the serious an adult tone to the game. It has a very Ghost in the shell/ blade runner feel to it.

Of course I played it when I was like pretty damn young. The sequel is very enjoyable to. A series I wouldn't mind seeing brought back.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uqFOGIIw6F0&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uqFOGIIw6F0&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

ive got the second but never got into it, might give it a look.

07-Dec-2009, 08:27 AM
I recently downloaded a patch to get "Populous - the beginning" working on my PC & ive spent hours playing it through again!graphics look basic by todays standards (it used the same graphics as "magic carpet" if you remember that?) but its highly playable & enjoyable!

08-Dec-2009, 10:27 AM
Populous was awesome!!!! Loved that game, only God sim I ever got into...

I also recommend:

Terminator: Future Shock and Terminator: Salvation - both very influential fps games, but look totally dated now...still I think they introduced the WASD keyboard structure for playing games...

Also, DELTA FORCE games for the PC were pretty awesome...

08-Dec-2009, 08:11 PM
You guys sure haven't mentioned much about Borderlands, so I gotta say you have overlooked the best game of the year :p

On a bit of a more serious note, I'd heartily recommend X-Com: Enemy Uknown (X-Com: UFO Defense in America) and it's follow up; X-Com: Terror From The Deep. This game (the first one) ranks as no.1 Heavyweight of my all time game lists.

Unbelievably hard, glitchy and they don't tell you much about the game. I never finished it, which probably adds to its mystique. I'm getting the urge to play it now. Hope they bring it out on live.

Whilst not amazingly pretty, with twitchy and near impossible enemies (That time a zombie creature attacked my first man out, and the following fella panicked and fired his rocket launcher directly into my ship...). I just loved how it all came together and pretty much put into motion my fascination with stats and economy running.

effectively you are given money every month from the nations of the world. You then proceed to defend the planet from alien incursions. This can mean anything from;

- Destroying scouts (they reveal your base location)
- Fighting Battleships
- Following transports (find their bases)
- Capturing enemy units
- Build and maintain an economy
- Hire and fire staff, soldiers, engineers, scientists.
- Steal alien technology

... why are you still here? Abandonia exists, go get this classic game! Play it on dos-box.

08-Dec-2009, 08:27 PM
I also recommend:

Terminator: Future Shock and Terminator: Salvation - both very influential fps games, but look totally dated now...still I think they introduced the WASD keyboard structure for playing games...

Terminator: Skynet you mean? Amazing games from Bethesda "Elder Scrolls" Softworks.

08-Dec-2009, 09:22 PM
Homeworld 1 and 2. I don't have much to add, but wiki/google it. Very fun Strategy game, and it is made by the people that did Dawn of war 1 +expansions, 2, and the company of heroes series, so you can expect a very high quality product from them.

also, Moder warfare 2.

08-Dec-2009, 09:34 PM
also, Moder warfare 2.


08-Dec-2009, 09:48 PM
>implying That I am your son and that modern warfare 2 isn't under rated.


08-Dec-2009, 11:28 PM

Looks like Simon Cowell on steroids.

08-Dec-2009, 11:29 PM
Simon Cowell with a large triangle down his throat.

09-Dec-2009, 01:29 AM
Should I?...... aw, whatever. Mischief Makers.

09-Dec-2009, 02:47 AM
Rags to Riches. . . old school C64 game. One of the most addictive and frustrating, and yet strangely rewarding games ever. You play a bum, who, avoiding cops and thieves (and later on the irs) you work your way up to millionaire. You start out collecting bottles, and then get a haircut and move to a better part of town to get a regular job and go to school etc etc. It sounds banal, but it was really really great. . . matter of fact, I think I'm gonna get an emulator as soon as I get home so I can give it a whirl again.

09-Dec-2009, 05:42 AM
anyone ever play "shadow complex" on the XBLA? i just downloaded the demo the other day and played it and holy shit, talk about a cool game.

i try not to spend any $$$ on myself till after the holidays, but i think this one is a great deal for 15 bucks. old school 2d side-scrolling, ratcheted up with modern graphics and gameplay. i don't own it yet, but from what i've played in the demo, this looks like a real gem. here's a trailer:


09-Dec-2009, 05:54 AM
Damn, Prof. That looks friggin' awesome!

09-Dec-2009, 07:24 AM
anyone ever play "shadow complex" on the XBLA? i just downloaded the demo the other day and played it and holy shit, talk about a cool game.

i try not to spend any $$$ on myself till after the holidays, but i think this one is a great deal for 15 bucks. old school 2d side-scrolling, ratcheted up with modern graphics and gameplay. i don't own it yet, but from what i've played in the demo, this looks like a real gem. here's a trailer:

Also played the demo, when it first came out, and was wayyy into it. I wish I had the loot to purchase it.

09-Dec-2009, 10:37 AM
got it and played through it like 9 times, currently playing it on nightmare mode, or whateevr the hardest is called, very neat game, nothing like it really this gen on a home console so if you dig castlevania or metroid you will have a blast.

09-Dec-2009, 04:13 PM
Yeah, Shadow Complex is great and I just recently finished it. Here's hoping for a sequel during next year's "Summer of XBLA" campaign.

09-Dec-2009, 05:19 PM
I've only heard good things about Shadow Complex, but I think my days of side-scrolling may just be over for all but the most casual of endeavors. Still, I may give it a shot eventually.

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------

In the spirit of this thread, and noting that it does not specifically mention that the game must be a video game (this is the game forum and does not preclude such heretical ideas as gaming without pixels), I present to you a critically acclaimed and very offbeat game:

Dogs in The Vineyard (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogs_in_the_vineyard) by Lumpley Games.


You stand between God's law and the best intentions of the weak.

You stand between God's people and their own demons.

Sometimes it's better for one to die than for many to suffer. Sometimes, Dog, sometimes you have to cut off the arm to save the life.

Does the sinner deserve mercy?
Do the wicked deserve judgment?

They're in your hands.
roleplaying God's Watchdogs
in a West that never quite was.

Why do I bring it up? Hell, I've never even played it, but it sounds fun, the system has some interesting bits from a tabletop perspective and something about a game with ass kicking Mormons sounds...weirdly entertaining. Were I ever to run a campaign or even a one-shot based on such material I'd rather incorporate it into a general weird west style of game (along the lines of Deadlands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadlands)), though. Anyway, the game always sounded interesting to me, so I am mentioning it. :p

09-Dec-2009, 05:33 PM
The only game for me with shadow in the name is Shadow Of Memories (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XBLwSItMtE&feature=related)!

Other examples of underrated nerdy pleasures are this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0LlTDxiw38) and this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl6T6zxGp9c). Please don't hate me. :lol:

Edit: And let's not forget Mizzurna Falls (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etejtuQnlu0).

26-Jan-2010, 05:09 AM
The only game for me with shadow in the name is Shadow Of Memories (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XBLwSItMtE&feature=related).

For me it would have to be the original ShadowRun:


27-Jan-2010, 09:39 AM
Marko for Sega Genesis was a LONG TIME favorite of mine. Makes me want to find my old Sega stuff...


27-Jan-2010, 10:05 AM
For me it would have to be the original ShadowRun:


oooohhhhhh, good call newguy!!!

I actually quite enjoyed this little gem

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FXJzTwU-XnI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FXJzTwU-XnI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>