View Full Version : New Texas Chainsaw Massacre dvd

28-May-2006, 03:33 PM

Plus there's a new TCM2 dvd coming out. I really like this. It seems that older horror movies from the 70s and 80s are finally getting a decent release. Just look at some of the recent releases of the past 3 years, Dawn of the Dead got a great release, so did Day, Zombi 2, Near Dark, and even the Sleepaway Camp movies. At least some studios know there's still an audience for the genre.

28-May-2006, 09:50 PM
Hmmm, looks almost identical bar a couple of new additions, to the R2 Special Edition, which came out about 2 years ago I think - I've got it, it's a great package and just goes to show proper DVDs can be made of classic flicks such as these.

On those other titles you mentioned, I've got the Divimax R1 Day of the Dead DVD, which is an excellent release, also got the "Ultimate Edition" of Dawn of the Dead - fantastic package. I have the R1 2-disc 25th Anniversary Special Edition of Zombi 2, a good package, but the documentary/interview footage is spoiled by subtitles all the bloody time (for me personally anyway). Sleepaway Camp - I've got the 3 movie boxset from America, the one that looks like a medical kit. I remember watching those films with a friend of mine at uni, I was amazed I got him to watch them all - but I'm sure the booze and weed helped - because he doesn't usually go in for slasher flicks and especially slasher flicks of Camp's 'quality', lol.

Still, the face of whats-'her'-name after being 'discovered' creeps me out, I didn't see that one coming...

29-May-2006, 05:42 AM
I'll definitely check out a re-tooled TCM2 dvd.

The original is one of the best horror flicks of all time, and in a way epitomizes horror in the 80s.;)

30-May-2006, 02:13 AM
Post deleted.

30-May-2006, 03:41 PM
Great. I've been waiting for a worthy release of this film. The one they released to cash in on the remake was bare and the transfer was horrible. Thankfully my buddy got it before I did so I knew to stay away.:D