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View Full Version : Cabin Fever 2: WUT.

10-Dec-2009, 11:00 PM
Now im one of few that liked the first cabin fever movie, but i saw it, it was creepy, and kinda stupid but it was a body horror film where at the end, and before you bitch the statute on this is OUT, they all die from the flesh eating virus. Sure there is a set up, but thats a given.
I knew they were planning, with different writers and directors, to go up to cabin fever 5, quoted as "we think this has longer legs than saw", which is bollocks, but anyway, i just saw the trailer for the sequel, and surprise it looks like shit.


-my problem is who is going to be sold on that trailer?, they'll watch it and just be waiting through the set up bullshit for the big bloody scene at the prom? We saw in the first you can escape the disease, why do we need to see more people die? its not horror if its without a chance to escape, hell even saw has that going for it. This is just "sit back and watch teenagers die" this is like why i dislike the final destination but worse.:bored:

11-Dec-2009, 12:17 AM
I thought the first was decent enough. It combined gore & suspense well enough to hold my interest through an entire viewing, which is more than I can say for some of the garbage that gets good reviews.

That looks like utter garbage, though. I'd agree that it has Final Destination style gore-for-the-sake-of-gore written all over it, without the bonus of the unique death scenes (which Saw did better).


11-Dec-2009, 12:21 AM
Yeah, this looks like a complete turd. I didn't even like the first one, so I can't imagine this being worth seeing, other than by accident.
And the trailer ruined what little chance it may have had suckering a few in.

11-Dec-2009, 10:00 AM
I have, at best, a 1% interest in seeing it ... and even then, only moments of it.

Seriously, that looks retarded. I too dug the first movie. Sure it was derivative, and it's kinda that film that many modern filmmakers want to make - the one that has all the references in it - but I still enjoyed it, it was funny, it was gory, and was just generally quite enjoyable. I even listened to every single one of the four commentaries on the DVD. In fact, I've only seen the movie properly once I think...I should rectify that.

Anyway, the whole bit with the circular saw is so on the nose that it's tunnelled its way right up there and caused havoc in a Westbrook kinda way.

Again, this looks absolutely shit. What a pish trailer too, especially as they have to use so much footage from the first movie.

11-Dec-2009, 01:57 PM

They all die at the end? :|

:rant: Hellsing must burn at the stake for this affront! :rant:

I actually didn't mind the 1st movie, myself. It was good for a rather low budget, quick-churned but still rather slick, pretty-actor filled Hollywood horror flick. It'd be nice if they went a different way with the ending in the second one...I wonder if they did...

Anyway, I can't watch your clip from work, Hells, so I'll give it a look later.

11-Dec-2009, 02:04 PM
Again, this looks absolutely shit. What a pish trailer too, especially as they have to use so much footage from the first movie.

that's never a good sign. when your trailer plays out like a "previously on cabin fever" tv intro, there just might be some, uh, problems.

the first movie was a decent popcorn flick. nothing that is going to realign the cosmos or make me rethink modern horror but it is a passable fri night flick.

11-Dec-2009, 02:11 PM
I didn't much like the first Cabin Fever - nothing happened in it! Like Eli Roth's other movies it was about 80% unlikable teenagers bitching and screwing each other, 20% horror. This, to me, actually looks somewhat more entertaining. Not good, I hasten to add, but better than the first.

11-Dec-2009, 03:01 PM
I didn't much like the first Cabin Fever - nothing happened in it! Like Eli Roth's other movies it was about 80% unlikable teenagers bitching and screwing each other, 20% horror.

I agree, but damn I want to see him make Thanksgiving!:)

I barely remember the first Cabin film. But I do remember wanting it to be over and never looked back once it was. Boooooring.:dead:

The only semi-cool thing I remember is the effect of skin being eaten away...

11-Dec-2009, 04:43 PM
Eh...liked the first one a bit...it was odd & quirky...was actually kinda funny...but I've seen it, & don't really need ANOTHER one....:confused:

11-Dec-2009, 05:47 PM
I forgot to mention - the CF2 trailer having those "woosh" sound effects when there was a screen wipe effect - how Windows Movie Maker school of filmmaking is that? That's just wrong ... it's not even like they're trying to "do an Edgar Wright". They're just being crap.

11-Dec-2009, 10:37 PM
OH! Mark Borchardt's in it!

For those of you who don't know who that is:


Man is my hero.