View Full Version : Something us Brits can be proud of...

28-May-2006, 09:40 PM
(from MelonFarmers.co.uk)

Record numbers of men and women are downloading pornography from the internet, making Britain the fastest-growing market in the world for the booming £20bn adult website industry.

In the first definitive portrait of the nation's consumption of pornography, The Independent on Sunday can today reveal that more than nine million men - almost 40% of the [adult?] male population - used pornographic websites last year.

In a major survey for the IoS by Nielsen NetRatings, a world leader in internet analysis, research discloses that women are among the fastest-growing users of pornography on the internet, with a 30% rise from just over one million to 1.4 million in the past 12 months. The figures also show that more than half of all children - some seven million - have encountered pornography on the internet "while looking for something else".

Until now, the extent of the use by Britons of internet pornography had not been accurately measured. But the new figures show that one in four men aged 25 to 49 have visited an adult website in the past month - a total of 2.5 million.

The UK porn industry is estimated to be now worth about £1bn, compared with £20bn worldwide. British internet surfers look up the word "porn" more than anyone in the English-speaking world.

Perhaps to illustrate this here, are the top search terms used to find melon farmers.

65004: sex
36344: adult
24043: porn
16341: dvd
14883: shops
14250: shop
12484: video
9359: movies
9246: videos
8920: xxx
8309: tv
8196: snuff
8059: lap
7323: online
5918: hardcore
5863: dvds
5431: british
5056: magazines
4924: phone
4646: films
4435: private
4423: dance

Oooh, Betty! (http://www.melonfarmers.co.uk/ssnews06a.htm#People_Like_Porn)

Needless to say I'm off to look at some now. :lol:

Interesting that the word "snuff" is included in the top words used in searches. :rockbrow:

Not that it's rude, just don't look at it at work ... cos you should be WORKING! :moon:

02-Jun-2006, 05:14 AM
now i cant shake the idea of vitor mildrew types downloading porn:lol:


02-Jun-2006, 05:37 AM
Like Minion I was reading the list checking them off and going "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh SNUFF???" Thats just weird!

02-Jun-2006, 10:15 AM
The best snuff film is supposed to be "August Underground". Dont think its porn though, unless you are a sicko (like just being a snuff fan doesnt make you one automatically!)

general tbag
02-Jun-2006, 10:41 AM
per capitia winnipeg , manitoba is the leader of pron downloading for a city .

02-Jun-2006, 04:13 PM
Well, fake snuff film anyway. I haven't seen August Underground (it's banned in the UK essentially and if you're caught importing it, those thieves Customs & Exise keep it for themselves and you get f*cked over). As far as I'm aware, a pure, bonafide, 100% snuff film doesn't exist - there are actual guidelines set out by people who examine these things, a checklist if you will, and some cases where a murderer has filmed his killing doesn't technically count as a snuff film - because I believe a snuff film has to be somewhat commercial - in the underground scene. Think the movie "8MM".