View Full Version : Resident Evil

16-Dec-2009, 04:27 PM
The Movie. Came out years ago.

I caught it on tv again, and it made me want to start a thread to argue about.

This movie was stupid!!

...whew. Okay, calm again.

But really, why was it so fucked up? It was based on a videogame, which HAD A STORY. If you're going to make a movie to cash in on the game, just what in hell is wrong with using the game's story?!

Seriously, a movie that actually had something to do with the material it was cannibalizing would have been great.

Seeing the bastard offspring of that game just pisses me off.

16-Dec-2009, 04:31 PM
resident evil is what it is just like terminator salvation is what it is. you get people who grab ahold of an idea or something in hollywood and they butcher it. but times have changed and this is what we get. it may be crap but enjoy it because it has zombies not because its crap.:rant:

darth los
16-Dec-2009, 04:40 PM
The Movie. Came out years ago.

I caught it on tv again, and it made me want to start a thread to argue about.

This movie was stupid!!

...whew. Okay, calm again.

But really, why was it so fucked up? It was based on a videogame, which HAD A STORY. If you're going to make a movie to cash in on the game, just what in hell is wrong with using the game's story?!

Seriously, a movie that actually had something to do with the material it was cannibalizing would have been great.

Seeing the bastard offspring of that game just pisses me off.

I was never pleased with the direction of the film franchise. Red queen!?! Alice!?! Who the fuck are these people!?!

Where's chris? Jill gets one stinking film and isn't even the heroine!?!

I just try to think of it as a different property. If i would have encountered the films and they were not named resident evil i would have liked them. Now before i get bashed, this is relative to all the other straight to dvd Zombie junk out there.


16-Dec-2009, 04:46 PM
Seriously, a movie that actually had something to do with the material it was cannibalizing would have been great.

Apply to Yawn04, Ghey08, and the like...

And I agree...resi evil movies have been nothing, I mean NOTHING, short of pathetic. I mean, not even remotely entertaining. BORING. And infantile.

Literally no redeeming qualities other than Milla Jovovich's vag.

16-Dec-2009, 04:49 PM
But really, why was it so fucked up?

Ill field this question if no-one else minds..






'Nuff said.

16-Dec-2009, 05:09 PM
They couldn't use the same story line... It has been told already!

Seriously... did we really expect something great here... Beside Shaun of the Dead, name a really good Z flick in the last 10 years. This is the direction films are going so I guess we have to get used to it.

Another better way of looking at things is that kids will grow up knowing only these types of films and when they get a look at what is really good they will change their future of cinema. We just have to live long enough to see it all come full circle.

16-Dec-2009, 05:14 PM
We just have to live long enough to see it all come full circle.

Odds are the current "entertainment" will actually kill us before we get that chance.

16-Dec-2009, 05:29 PM
i recall blindly walking into a movie theater out in NC to see the resident evil movie with a few of my jarhead buddies who were also fellow fans of the classic psx games. we all went in with high hopes but then....i also recall leaving said theater feeling incredibly disappointed and offended.

similary, my first couple of days back from the sandbox found me sitting in a barracks room drunk hanging out with some boot-motherfuckers who kept going on about the re2 movie and how good it was. they insisted that i watch it, cuz this one actually had characters from the games. i sat down with a six-pack and suffered through it, not saying a word till it was over. i told those boots they were all a bunch of fucking idiots for liking that horrible film. aside from the hottie playing jill, that movie is a total farce as well.

i have never sat through more than 5 minutes of the third film and am fine with that. come to think of it, 5 minutes was probably too much time and i wish i could get that back.

i recently read that mr. anderson and his wife are again about to further tarnish the resident evil franchise with a 4th film, but it's been delayed....indefinitely, let's hope.

having said all that, if they did a decent and well-done REboot using the events at the mansion or raccoon city and included actual characters from the game (and paul and milla had abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with the film), i'd be one of the first guys in line to see it, since the first couple of RE games will always hold a place in my gaming heart.

16-Dec-2009, 05:41 PM
having said all that, if they did a decent and well-done REboot using the events at the mansion or raccoon city and included actual characters from the game (and paul and milla had abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with the film), i'd be one of the first guys in line to see it, since the first couple of RE games will always hold a place in my gaming heart.

Could not agree more, seriously.

I know i bash romero's newer movies, but read his script for resident evil that was rejected. Its amazing, classic romero.

16-Dec-2009, 05:46 PM
ya know, i've never actually sat back and read that one. i've heard about it for years, but haven't ever been comfortable just sitting back and staring at a computer screen for that long. (like today, for instance....i stayed up all damn night typing a 15-page report for one of my finals and it feels like my monitor screen is slowly melting my fucking eyeballs from the inside out:dead:)

but i've suddenly got an inclination to look it up and print it up to take home for reading over the holidays. thanks for the reminder, andy.

16-Dec-2009, 05:57 PM
Its on the HpotD website somewhere..

16-Dec-2009, 07:07 PM
Someone find it! I want to read that!:hyper:

Back when they were making this movie, I heard something somewhere about how Romero was supposedly going to be "The Man" making this thing, but somebody (studio? producer?) said, "no, fuck George. We want someone else". Don't know how true that is, since I never heard anything more.

16-Dec-2009, 07:11 PM
I preferred RE2, as it was a bit more faithful to the videogame, but all three movies blow big time. :barf:

16-Dec-2009, 07:18 PM

The HPOTD links were outdated and led to bullshit, but a direct search took me right to it:


darth los
16-Dec-2009, 07:56 PM
Ill field this question if no-one else minds..






'Nuff said.

You mean the dude that nailed mila?

Yeah, what a total loser. :rolleyes:


16-Dec-2009, 08:02 PM
You mean the dude that nailed mila?

Yeah, what a total loser. :rolleyes:
You'd bang Milla? Golly, I wouldn't fuck that with a second-hand dildo...

16-Dec-2009, 08:09 PM
You mean the dude that nailed mila?

Yeah, what a total loser. :rolleyes:


Actually your misquoting me, please dont do that it annoys me.

I Never called the guy a loser or commented on his personal life, im sure he is but i dont know that. What i was doing was answering the question "Why are the resident evil movies so fucking shite?" or words to that effect, and the answer, quite correctly, is anderson who hasnt made a single good movie in his entire career.

16-Dec-2009, 08:14 PM
...anderson who hasnt made a single good movie in his entire career.

I quite enjoy Event Horizon. The rest are horrible, though...

16-Dec-2009, 08:18 PM
"Why are the resident evil movies so fucking shite?".

It always surprises me how many zombie fans dislike the first film. I find it passable fun. Shit, it even has shamblers. I mean, I get that it's not canonical or faithful to the minutia of the games and it's got a lot of tropes in it, but I find it rather enjoyable.

I couldn't finish the second film and haven't tried the third.

16-Dec-2009, 08:20 PM
Other than the SMOKIN' HOT Jill Valentine in the second film, none of them have any sort of Resident Evil "feel" to them. I am majorly disappointed that none of them have anything to do with the games! The RE games are the only things I play (I've never been much of a gamer), so that these non-recognizable movies were made is so depressing.

The games actually have a solid storyline, fun characters, creepy atmosphere...all stuff lacking in the films! I tell anyone who asks me why I like the RE franchise, to skip the movies and just play the games to find out why.

What a waste they made of the movies.

16-Dec-2009, 08:24 PM
I quite enjoy Event Horizon. The rest are horrible, though...

I hated...loathed Event Horizon when I saw it in the theater, but my opinion has changed dramatically over the years. I think the turnaround came when watching it one rainy, dark evening at the beach a number of years ago with a group of people. It was good fun and now I find the whole thing rather Lovecraftian and pretty charming

16-Dec-2009, 08:41 PM
It always surprises me how many zombie fans dislike the first film. I find it passable fun. Shit, it even has shamblers. I mean, I get that it's not canonical or faithful to the minutia of the games and it's got a lot of tropes in it, but I find it rather enjoyable.

I couldn't finish the second film and haven't tried the third.

Putting aside the ridicolous story, numerous plotholes and a licker instead of a tyrant, my reasons for not liking the resident evil movies can be summed up in 3 bullet points.

1. Paul Anderson, a fuckwit of a director who dosnt have a single good movie to his name or George Romero, the accredited creator of the entire modern day zombie sub-genre and director of the holy trinity of horror movies? This is the choice the backers of the movie had and we all know which way it went.

2. The Story. it completly diregarded the games before, not only trampled all over the idea's laid down in the games but went as far as to rape them. The Storyline of the movies is not remotely similar to any of the games, not even the second one, it steals a setting and few characters but thats it, its huge plotholes just ruin it at every moment, for example umberella covers up the accident in raccoon city to save face, and surpress knowlege of what happened there. Claire and Leon stumble into the city by accident. In the movie, umberella drives massive totally inconspicuous black 4x4's in in unison to evacuate their own top men and then in a matter of hours erects a massive steal wall around the entire city without anyone seemingly noticing or caring, your telling me the authorities didnt notice a giant wall going up around their city? Yeah right... This is all to cover up the infection but then what do they do? THEY LET PEOPLE OUT!

In my honest opinion the movies not only steal from the games but they try to trample them, even now, i would say when you talk about resident evil, the majority of people will automatically assume movie. That isnt right becuase the games have a far better story. better characters. more beleiveable story. i could go on.

3. I Actually blame the Resident evil movie for the downfall of romero. Seriously. The resident evil script was the last truely good script the guy wrote i think either he is on some kind of revenge mission with his newer movies OR the rejection effected him so badly he went soft in the head.

Think about it.

Im cutting this post short becuase i hate these movies so much i could dissect each resident evil movie and tear it to bits like i did with land, becuase quite honestly these movies are in the same league but having said that, i dont want to hijack this topic with a massive 12,000 word post.

16-Dec-2009, 09:49 PM
Just finished reading Romero's script.

To give a comparison, I'd rate it roughly 28x better than the bullshit movie that actually came out.

Have a nice day.

16-Dec-2009, 10:19 PM
It always surprises me how many zombie fans dislike the first film. I find it passable fun. Shit, it even has shamblers. I mean, I get that it's not canonical or faithful to the minutia of the games and it's got a lot of tropes in it, but I find it rather enjoyable.

^^^ This. I went & saw it opening weekend with low expectations, braced for disappointment, & was pleasantly surprised. Then again, I've never played the games so I don't have to compare them or try to distance the two, etc.

16-Dec-2009, 10:33 PM
I liked the first movie quite a bit. The second was horrible beyond all comprehension. The third was watchable but :|.

16-Dec-2009, 10:40 PM
We can only imaging what would have happened if Romero had been allowed to write and direct Resident Evil. Anderson's film was fairly successful commercially, helping to springboard his carrer, and since Romero's script was more action packed and exciting (not to mention more faithful to the games) it would be safe to assume that Romero's R.E. would have made at least as much dough.

He almost certainly would be treated a lot better by the film-making establishment and would probably have much more leeway to pursue non-Dead projects. I think we'd have got to see some of those interesting projects we has involved in or pitched that ultimately never appeared (e.g. The Ill, Solitary Isle, Diamond Dead, From A Buick 8, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, George A. Romero's Dracula, etc.)

darth los
17-Dec-2009, 03:50 PM
You'd bang Milla? Golly, I wouldn't fuck that with a second-hand dildo...

I guess that means more for me. :D

anderson who hasnt made a single good movie in his entire career.

And he's still banging mila.

Guys o.k in my book. :thumbsup:


19-Dec-2009, 08:48 PM
And he's still banging mila.

Guys o.k in my book. :thumbsup:


So your entire opinion of this man and his entire film making career is judged by the fact he's banging a OK looking women?

Seriously? :rockbrow:

19-Dec-2009, 10:03 PM
So your entire opinion of this man and his entire film making career is judged by the fact he's banging a OK looking women?

Jesus H. I've slung my hickory up better looking gypsies.

20-Dec-2009, 05:46 AM
I haven't gone into any of the films with real high expectations and haven't been disappointed yet.

I also haven't played any of the RE games except Nemesis,which seems to be what they mostly used as source material for RE:A.

That said, it would have been nice if they'd stayed closer to the base material.
S.D. Perry did the novelizations of the games, which I've read, most of them to date I think, and think there could have been some really good moments had they stuck better to the source material, which would have made a better movie.

I've got the RE trilogy and still enjoy them, for what they are-women, guns, zombies and stuff going boom!

20-Dec-2009, 06:11 PM
I haven't gone into any of the films with real high expectations and haven't been disappointed yet.

I also haven't played any of the RE games except Nemesis,which seems to be what they mostly used as source material for RE:A.

That said, it would have been nice if they'd stayed closer to the base material.
S.D. Perry did the novelizations of the games, which I've read, most of them to date I think, and think there could have been some really good moments had they stuck better to the source material, which would have made a better movie.

I've got the RE trilogy and still enjoy them, for what they are-women, guns, zombies and stuff going boom!

You know, I'm glad you mentioned the novelizations of the games. I have them all, and I think Stephanie Perry did an awesome job of not only sticking to the game storylines, but expanding on any "questionable" parts. She fleshed out the characters well too.

If you are a fan of the RE games, and youd like a good read, try out the novels! I tend to read thru all of them about every year and a half. I think they are fun.

20-Dec-2009, 07:14 PM
After reading Romero's script, I'd say his was at least alot more faithful to the games than what we got. While the movie wasn't horrible, it was disappointing that they veered off the course so much. When it came out I was dying for anything zombie to grace the screen. I did like the gore and make up but it was just a tad bit tame.
I guess I kinda like the movies still because of the games. I just wish they'd been more faithful. I liked the third movie the best, great monsters.
Maybe they will reboot someday if the new movie tanks. I saw Degeneration and it would not bother me if they made movies for the games via that route.
Make them 3D and I'm on it like a hobo on a ham sammich!
Gotta get some Leon up in that!

darth los
21-Dec-2009, 02:15 PM
i agree. It would have served them better me thinks thinks sticking to the source material and more vital characters from the games having significant roles like chris and Wesker.

Who knows what future installments hold in store...


21-Dec-2009, 02:54 PM
Who knows what future installments hold in store...

Well if Piece-of-shit Anderon follows the ending to his RE3 script.....apparently there will be thousands of his wife like that scene with Mr Smith in Matrix 2.:dead:

21-Dec-2009, 03:11 PM
I'm pretty sure that it is going to involve Milla wrecking shit in Tokyo or whereever Albert is, with a possible tie in to the Las Plagas from 4 and 5.

I don't care for these films, but Milla has a pretty face. A little too thin for me, but she really is pretty attractive when she isn't running around skewing people to death with her enormous nipples.

21-Dec-2009, 05:52 PM
i agree. It would have served them better me thinks thinks sticking to the source material and more vital characters from the games having significant roles like chris and Wesker.


The characters, the SETTING (very important), the monsters...just what did this have to do with Resident Evil?

It was like tossing a shark in the middle of the desert, flopping in the sand, and trying to pass it off as a Jaws movie.

darth los
21-Dec-2009, 07:11 PM

The characters, the SETTING (very important), the monsters...just what did this have to do with Resident Evil?

It seems as if the elements of umbrella, the "hive", common zombies, lickers, all made it but they took great artistic licensce with it along with the rest of the story.

Imo, it would have made more sense to do the Romero script first. Resident evil is all about the Stars team investigating mysterious murders on the outskirts of racoon city. The story almost writes itself from there. I'l never forget the first time i played that game. The whole way through i was like WTF is going on here!?! It had so many twists, the forrest, mansion lab it never got boring. That just didn't translate into the films at all. There was no tension. Nothing caused me more stress than the handful of bullets i was rationing in order to kill whatever abomination hid behind the next corner, which thanks to the camera i had no chance of seeing before it lunged out at me. :shifty:

The game was like a who dunnit. When you would find a chewed up body on the floor you would actually have no clue as to what was going on. One things for sure thogh, you didn't want to find out what did it.

First movies are about origins. They could have done that and then if they felt like it they could have introduced alice and the rest of this crap.


21-Dec-2009, 07:15 PM
Dammit, I'm thinking of writing my own Resident Evil script, and posting it for everyone to read. I think I could do better than what we actually got.

Hmm...since I wouldn't be getting paid for it, and nobody else would be paying to read it, would that violate any copyright laws?:confused:

darth los
21-Dec-2009, 08:10 PM
Dammit, I'm thinking of writing my own Resident Evil script, and posting it for everyone to read. I think I could do better than what we actually got.

Hmm...since I wouldn't be getting paid for it, and nobody else would be paying to read it, would that violate any copyright laws?:confused:

I'm sure it has something to do with actually disseminating it. It's like i can have every NBA finals game ever made in my possession no problem. It's when i actually try and distribute it, free or otherwise, where the legal trouble begins.

In any case i have a few ideas if you wanna brainstorm. Might be fun.


23-Dec-2009, 12:16 AM
Dammit, I'm thinking of writing my own Resident Evil script, and posting it for everyone to read. I think I could do better than what we actually got.

Hmm...since I wouldn't be getting paid for it, and nobody else would be paying to read it, would that violate any copyright laws?:confused:

As long as no money changes hands, no copyright laws are violated. You'd have to work on it for free and distribute it for free. Also, I would say you should include a line of info establishing that "Resident Evil" is owned by Capcom, along with the year you wrote it.

About time my comic book/copyright experience is useful for something! :)