View Full Version : Rage Against The Machine to be UK Xmas no.1?

16-Dec-2009, 07:59 PM
Rap metal legends Rage Against The Machine are in the pole position to be the 2009 UK Christmas number one. Fans on Facebook are campaigning to prevent X Factor winner, Joe McElderry, from reaching the top slot this year by downloading RATM's classic tune Killing In The Name, and it's working!

Click (http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/music/article6957231.ece) for article.

RATM are in the lead with 83,000 and McElderry has 77,000. :D

16-Dec-2009, 09:28 PM
I bought it today :D hopefully it will put a spanner in the works of these shite karaoke shows that the cheese loving sheep bang on about all the time, and will stick two massive fingers up at Cowell who seems to think the Xmas number one slot is soley reserved for his overblown fucking ballads sung by talentless twats that nobody will remember in 6 months time!

16-Dec-2009, 09:34 PM
I bought it today :D hopefully it will put a spanner in the works of these shite karaoke shows that the cheese loving sheep bang on about all the time, and will stick two massive fingers up at Cowell who seems to think the Xmas number one slot is soley reserved for his overblown fucking ballads sung by talentless twats that nobody will remember in 6 months time!
Poetry, Trickster. Sheer poetry, my friend.

16-Dec-2009, 09:48 PM


16-Dec-2009, 09:52 PM
It would be nice but I doubt they will succeed. :(

The X Factor guy's single came out today and we have sold hundreds and hundreds of them at my work. We haven't even had any physical RATM singles delivered. Here's hoping they can pull it off entirely through downloads.

16-Dec-2009, 10:05 PM
I just fail to understand why anyone under the age of 40 actually goes mad for the kind of shite that gets pumped out of X-factor, I mean is that the kind of music the youth of today are into or is it just because its X-factor & the sheep feel they have to buy it whether its good or not?
If only people paid even half as much attention to the state of our country as they do to all these opium for the masses reality shows then maybe our economy & society wouldnt have got as fucked up as they are now :rolleyes:

16-Dec-2009, 10:08 PM
I so hope that cocksmoker doesn't make it to number one. Number two maybe because the song is a sloppy turd of the highest order. What would you rather have?


Or this?
Nuff said. :cool:

I just fail to understand why anyone under the age of 40 actually goes mad for the kind of shite that gets pumped out of X-factor...
Should be amended to 'anyone outside of the female species'...

16-Dec-2009, 11:16 PM
Just bought it myself.

Ghost Of War
17-Dec-2009, 07:32 AM
I bought 3. Any more than that to the same credit card/IP address and it doesn't count, apparently. For 29p I can't complain.

Fuck You, Cowell, I Won't Buy What You Sell Me.

17-Dec-2009, 08:21 AM
Cowell branded it "cynical"....well, he would, wouldn't he?
I mean I could go on about how much damage this guy has done to music, I could go on about how much damage he's done to television.

I mean I could rant for hours about how he popularises fake "music", how he judges acts on their talent, based on covering someone else's song!!!

I could go on and on about how this sorry sack of turds has deflected attention from real talent, real music, and real artists.

But it's not like the charts are actually worth a shit anyway. When has there ever been anything good in the charts? Not since Iron Maiden's Bring your Daughter to the Slaughter - and that was rubbish. The chart is full of shite music, from shite bands, and is nothing less than a commercial money making venture that brings nothing good to the world.

So really, we're sabotaging something that doesn't need to be promoted, by promoting it. This is like Lordi winning the Eurovision a few years back, Rage is a joke vote, a backlash - fuck you Cowell, you absolute waste of space.

Great stuff. Mainstream music is pathetic and it helps propogate the very chav culture which is destroying this country. NONE of those people are worthy of any respect. Leona Lewis, Susan Boyle, none of them. They're just placeholder, flesh to fill the commercial gap, and no one in this world really gives a flying fuck about them.

personally I hope they're all fucking wiped out in a dirty bomb attack. And their "fans". I hate them all. I hate the x-factor, pop idol, britains got talent....FFS what is the world coming to!?!? Pop music is, and always has been, fucking shite and this is a perfect example of that. Fuck them.

I don't even love Rage against the machine (they are awesome, but not my fav band).

Next year I'm starting the christmas no1 vote for Vomitory - R@ped In Their Own Blood.

Ghost Of War
17-Dec-2009, 08:55 AM
Next year I'm starting the christmas no1 vote for Vomitory - R@ped In Their Own Blood.

I'll buy it (again, I'm a fan of Vomitory). Either that, or pick something by Decapitated.

17-Dec-2009, 11:19 AM
Latest figures show Joe's single The Climb is 60,000 sales BEHIND Rage's 1992 hit Killing In The Name, which is being bought as a protest vote against Simon Cowell's show.
Woot! :hyper:

Ghost Of War
17-Dec-2009, 11:32 AM
It's just been on the radio that they've both sold over 200,000 copies, but Joe is catching up. There's over 600,000 people in the Facebook group, so surely RATM should win.

17-Dec-2009, 11:41 AM
Well, it's just Friday left to go and that's it. I wholeheartedly agree and say RATM must surely have this thing in the bag.

17-Dec-2009, 01:13 PM
I so hope that cocksmoker doesn't make it to number one. Number two maybe because the song is a sloppy turd of the highest order. What would you rather have?



seriously, who in the fuck listens to that shit besides old women and gay dudes?

18-Dec-2009, 11:39 AM
Paul McCartney backs RATM. Click (http://www.unrealitytv.co.uk/x-factor/paul-mccartney-backs-rage-against-the-machine-for-christmas-number-one/) for article.

I hate to put a jinx on it but I think McElderry is gonna snag it. According to the NME (http://www.nme.com/news/rage-against-the-machine/48944), he is only 9,000 behind as of yesterday. One can only hope more people become aware of the Facebook campaign.

BBC interview (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8415750.stm) with Tom Morello.

19-Dec-2009, 02:51 PM
Joe McElderry talks smack about RATM.

The pint-sized popster blathered to The Sun: "They can't be serious! I had no idea what it sounded like. It's dreadful and I hate it. How could anyone enjoy this? Can you imagine grandma hearing this over Christmas lunch?

"I wouldn't buy it. It's a nought out of ten from me. Simon Cowell wouldn't like it. They wouldn't get through to boot camp on The X Factor - they're just shouting."

I think that just about says it all, as far as I'm concerned.

Did you see The Sun this morning? It's got a photo of Joe throwing darts at a pic of RATM frontman, Zack de la Rocha. Just goes to show the mentality of these X Factor cunts. Anyway, RATM have "almost got it in the bag" and the bookies have now changed their bets back to 'Killing In The Name' to be Xmas number one. Yay!

19-Dec-2009, 03:57 PM
Joe McElderry talks smack about RATM.

Did you see The Sun this morning? It's got a photo of Joe throwing darts at a pic of RATM frontman, Zack de la Rocha. Just goes to show the mentality of these X Factor cunts. Anyway, RATM have "almost got it in the bag" and the bookies have now changed their bets back to 'Killing In The Name' to be Xmas number one. Yay!

this guy is complete and total cuntbag.

The pint-sized popster blathered to The Sun: "They can't be serious! I had no idea what it sounded like. It's dreadful and I hate it. How could anyone enjoy this? Can you imagine grandma hearing this over Christmas lunch?

"I wouldn't buy it. It's a nought out of ten from me. Simon Cowell wouldn't like it. They wouldn't get through to boot camp on The X Factor - they're just shouting."

he has no idea what rage sounded like? has he lived under a rock or does he really listen to the kind of sugary pap that he sings?

"simon cowell wouldn't like it." well stop the fucking voting everyone, simon wouldn't like it.

wouldn't get through boot camp on x factor? who fucking cares about pansy ass shit like that?

Rage Against the Machine are fucking titans and this guy is a flea. a pussy ass, sugar coated, poncy, sucking-on-the-dick-of-cowell, degenerate. those are actually the good things i can find to say about him.

blue snaggletooth thinks any male who watches shit with simon cowell in it, ought to have to turn in his balls.

19-Dec-2009, 06:30 PM
Quick there's just a few hours left! Rage will play a free UK 'victory' concert if they get to number one! :stunned::hyper:

Clicky (http://www.gigwise.com/news/53954/Rage-Against-The-Machine-Plan-UK-Victory-Gig-If-Christmas-Campaign-Is-Successful).

20-Dec-2009, 05:54 PM
Rage have done it! hahahahaha fuck off X-factor! :cool:

20-Dec-2009, 05:59 PM
Yup, see how Cowell and that little cock of his are now praising RATM. Losses, the pair of them. :lol:

Official word (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8423340.stm).

20-Dec-2009, 10:21 PM
Hitler reacts to the news....


21-Dec-2009, 12:05 AM
Hitler reacts to the news....


haysoos christoos, there is one of these for everything now isn't there?

i love that "i watch the x factor. do you think i can make up my own mind about music" bit.

21-Dec-2009, 04:29 AM
oh this is just exquisite, this has made my day.

lets gather the children round the tree for a rousing chorus of "FUCK YOU' A-WONT DO WHAT YA' TELL ME!"

21-Dec-2009, 10:07 AM
When we got out of Avatar a couple of my chums checked their lah-dee-dah phones that have internet (and a sodding stylus too) and we found out the good news, so that made "Avatar day" even better for all of us. A chuffing great movie (in 3D as well - with 4 out of 6 of us popping our 3D cherries) followed up by the shafting of Shit-Factor by an actually good piece of music.

Aces. :thumbsup:

21-Dec-2009, 02:12 PM
Thoroughly disappointed at the hypocrisy and blatant attempt at appearing like a good loser by Cowell and co. They hate it to begin with, then it FUCKS them up for number one and suddenly it was a worthy competition. No it wasn't, because a worthy competition is between two almost equals. This was a turd fighting against a classic. Never gonna happen.

But hey, we all know just how plain OFFENSIVE both Cowell and x-factor are to music. I mean, it's beyond taking the piss now - it's at the level of them actually deflecting attention from Picasso to the cover of a men's magazine. They are so boring, and pathetic. No talent, or skill, anything, other than business acumen.

And there's Rage, stonkin' band who don't even have to make a single for Christmas for it to fly to the top of the charts. I bought two copies myself.

I really can't articulate just how much Cowell and his endeavours anger me. I really can't. There just aren't words to describe the gore that goes through my mind when I think of that tight shirt wearing bell end and his smug fuckin' face.

Y'know, John Lennon and Dimebag and Randy Rhodes and countless, countless other musical heroes have been killed or had their lives stolen in some way and this fuckin' prick not only gets to go on living but also goes on living with the pretense that he is actually HELPING music come along as an art form. Someone needs to fucking destroy him, take him out, and get him the fuck away from the TV industry. Stop making us all look bad.

Am I bad for wishing him dead? Probably childish to think that, but part of me would rejoice if someone shot him in the back/head four times with hollow point bullets.

-- -------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:10 PM ----------

By the way I am full of Christmas fuckin' cheer!!! WELL DONE RAGE!!!!!!!

21-Dec-2009, 02:52 PM
It's just amazing that this little scheme worked.:eek:

21-Dec-2009, 03:04 PM
Am I bad for wishing him dead? Probably childish to think that, but part of me would rejoice if someone shot him in

no, not really. cowell has been, without a doubt in my mind, the absolute worst thing that has happened to music in the last 50 years. even the fucking macarena cannot compete with the damage this asshat has done to popular music.

popular music has always been shit but up until now is was mostly done by artists who were writing their own tunes and willing to pay their dues in shitty bars and clubs in an effort to "make it."

now we have a host of tv programs artificially trying to create "stars" out of folks who can undoubtedly sing but in the main are about as artistic as a pixie stick. that's my thing about it. i don't want to hear sappy, sugary, overly sentimental music sung by what amounts to human myna birds.

21-Dec-2009, 03:08 PM
I'm not a fan of RATM at all..but in this case, they are the lesser of 2 evils.

21-Dec-2009, 04:10 PM
no, not really. cowell has been, without a doubt in my mind, the absolute worst thing that has happened to music in the last 50 years. even the fucking macarena cannot compete with the damage this asshat has done to popular music.

popular music has always been shit but up until now is was mostly done by artists who were writing their own tunes and willing to pay their dues in shitty bars and clubs in an effort to "make it."

now we have a host of tv programs artificially trying to create "stars" out of folks who can undoubtedly sing but in the main are about as artistic as a pixie stick. that's my thing about it. i don't want to hear sappy, sugary, overly sentimental music sung by what amounts to human myna birds.

lol that did crack me up!!!
OK so we can join the Cowell Death Squad...

I've always thought what a c**t that guy must be to Carol singers..."absolutely awful, get out of my studio!!"

---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

and Mo that animation is killing me!!!!! LOL who is that?!

21-Dec-2009, 04:44 PM
Also with Shit-Factor and the like, it's such a fucking factory. Churning these drones through and then forgetting about them immediately when the next year rolls around and they start all that shit off again.

A bunch of celeb-obsessed numpties.

What's more, it exposes to the light the sort of people who are so intensely delusional that they think they're a good singer, when in fact they're the worst singer on the planet, and they instead mirror diseased excrement sliding gratuitously down the pimply arse of a Rhino reading Heat magazine.

Even worse than that, some of these weirdos might know they're shit, but go on anyway just to get 15 minutes of 'fame'. Notoriety (even lame notoriety, which is what Shit-Factor represents) is not fame.

It makes my skin crawl, that programme, any mention of it on telly makes me uneasy and it's like a fucking barrage of bullshit everytime it rocks up on telly clogging the airwaves.


Ahhhhh ... venting, complete.