View Full Version : release the kraken!

18-Dec-2009, 03:08 PM
this is the 2d trailer for the upcoming "clash of the titans" remake. medusa and the kraken are both shown. medusa looks totally badass in the glimpses you get of her.


18-Dec-2009, 03:33 PM
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:lol: Cracked me up for some reason.:p

I'm of mixed opinion on the remake, as the first one was cool, weird and campy as all fuck. I hope they keep some of the weirdness and other-worldliness of the original intact for the update/remake/whatever it is.

18-Dec-2009, 04:30 PM
:lol: Cracked me up for some reason.:p

I saw it and thought maybe I was being granted parole. :shifty: :lol:

darth los
18-Dec-2009, 04:44 PM
Well, Ive always said if any film needed a remake this is it.

I just hope they aren't over reliant on the cgi to the detriment of the story. Looking good though.


18-Dec-2009, 04:56 PM
I take back my original thoughts on this remake. That looked fucking awesome!

18-Dec-2009, 05:21 PM
I'm sold. Looks badass.

Even if it looked like shit I would see it for one reason alone: Liam Neeson.

darth los
18-Dec-2009, 05:53 PM
I'm sold. Looks badass.

Even if it looked like shit I would see it for one reason alone: Liam Neeson.

I didn't want to be the only one who said it but he Blows Olivier out of the water from what i saw in the trailer alone.

Neeson just has a screen presence about him.


18-Dec-2009, 06:10 PM
Better trailer than the one before, but they've still gotta get shot of that gash music that's totally out of place. This sort of movie needs an orchestra, not Limp Bizkit or some such wank.

darth los
18-Dec-2009, 06:17 PM
Imo, this could be cool if it actually takes itself seriously, ala, lord of the rings.


18-Dec-2009, 06:28 PM
qui-gon crazy?
perhaps, if this isn't up to the task like the original.

18-Dec-2009, 07:20 PM
Better trailer than the one before, but they've still gotta get shot of that gash music that's totally out of place. This sort of movie needs an orchestra, not Limp Bizkit or some such wank.

Normally I would probably agree with you, but I quite like the use of the music here. It got me pumped. Which it's meant to do...so I guess it works. I was thinking "Fuck yeah! KILL!!!!".:evil:

Kinda like the trailer for "9". I don't like the band that performed the song and I never saw the actual film, but seeing that trailer in theater had me pumped for a movie about dolls.:lol:

21-Dec-2009, 02:37 AM
Oh Gosh, Orga is the Kracken!



22-Dec-2009, 09:43 PM
While the CGI and visuals looked impressive, the heavy metal song used in the new Clash of the Titans trailer didn't fit the material.

Compare it to the original Clash of the Titans 1981 trailer m-r6YvB5vCI

22-Dec-2009, 10:29 PM
Oh Gosh, Orga is the Kracken!



Dubious for the WIN!!!


22-Dec-2009, 10:56 PM
Okay, I'm gonna be the one to say it...

What the fuck is a KRAKEN doing in a film about GREEK mythology?

22-Dec-2009, 11:54 PM
Okay, I'm gonna be the one to say it...

What the fuck is a KRAKEN doing in a film about GREEK mythology?

Uh oh. I see another mutants in 300 debate coming!:p

23-Dec-2009, 10:00 AM
Another thing with all these remakes, it's producing a generation of little shit bags that will never want to see an "old" movie because it doesn't have CGI in it, or a metal soundtrack, or some other such shit.

Christ almighty... :rolleyes:

I could make a film that's two hours long of just a decaying log of CGI turd spinning on a glitter-encrusted pedestal with a hip hop soundtrack, and every now and then some Z-Lister pops up in the background of the turd and makes a tired reference to MySpace or iPods, and then says something vaguely hip-hoppish ... ... but it wouldn't be any good.

Ergo - Hollywood needs to stop being silly billies. :D

23-Dec-2009, 04:39 PM
I could make a film that's two hours long of just a decaying log of CGI turd spinning on a glitter-encrusted pedestal with a hip hop soundtrack, and every now and then some Z-Lister pops up in the background of the turd and makes a tired reference to MySpace or iPods, and then says something vaguely hip-hoppish ...

Hollywood called. They have $100 million & need you to start filming this movie ASAP.


23-Dec-2009, 06:14 PM
Hollywood called. They have $100 million & need you to start filming this movie ASAP.

I'll do it! Where's my cheque? :D

23-Dec-2009, 06:31 PM
the music being used in the trailer isn't necessarily the film's score. there have been other trailers that have used rock songs but yet the movie actually had a real score.

anyone remember the "starship troopers" trailer with the "whoohoo" song (i think it was by blur, don't really care though) all over it? everyone back then was bitching about that song not "fitting" the story. it was all crying for nothing.

23-Dec-2009, 07:17 PM
the music being used in the trailer isn't necessarily the film's score. there have been other trailers that have used rock songs but yet the movie actually had a real score.

Just as past film scores have been used for new trailers. I can't tell you how many times I've seen trailers with James Horner's score from Aliens....

The music in the trailer generally has nothing to do with the film. It's just meant to get you excited. In this case, the heavy music is meant to pump you up and highlight the action aspect of the flick.

23-Dec-2009, 08:09 PM
I'll do it! Where's my cheque? :D


Just as past film scores have been used for new trailers. I can't tell you how many times I've seen trailers with James Horner's score from Aliens....

Or the kick ass score from "Bram Stoker's Dracula" either.:mad:

23-Dec-2009, 08:37 PM
Just as past film scores have been used for new trailers. I can't tell you how many times I've seen trailers with James Horner's score from Aliens....

The music in the trailer generally has nothing to do with the film. It's just meant to get you excited. In this case, the heavy music is meant to pump you up and highlight the action aspect of the flick.

Even still, you've got ancient Greece and whatever going on, and you've got heavy metal going on. You can easily find better music to pump you up that fits better.

As for Aliens - goddamn that's a great soundtrack, and it always pumps me right the hell up.


Only so I can make my zombie epic. :cool: