View Full Version : Xmas present

19-Dec-2009, 10:21 PM
Dunno if it was Santa or one of his pals but an ounce of weed and some coke (I think maybe about an eighth) just got posted through my letterbox randomly tonight. Been hearing sirens for most of the night too. Anyway, pains me to say but the whole lot went down my toilet. I can't start getting into that shit again otherwise I'm a goner. If it was the other way inclined however, I'd probably be saying, "Lord, you work in mysterious ways!" :D

Anyone else get any unexpected gifts?

19-Dec-2009, 10:28 PM
Standard, run-of-the-mill-Coke-and-a-straw-Hut delivery, I'd wager.

19-Dec-2009, 11:06 PM
the whole lot went down my toilet. I can't start getting into that shit again otherwise I'm a goner.


Good boy.

19-Dec-2009, 11:12 PM
not recently but when i was in africa in 1993, i told my brother that there wasn't any drug testing going on and that we had started to take advantage of that.

heheheehe, next package i got from home had a letter from my brother in it that started, "whatever you do, don't open the potato chips around anyone else."

he'd stuck a half ounce of the monkeyfoot into a bag of ruffles and then resealed the bag. that shit lasted me for pretty much the rest of my tour...

19-Dec-2009, 11:12 PM
Sorry, a typo on my part. TORLET I meant. :D

19-Dec-2009, 11:14 PM
Dunno if it was Santa or one of his pals but an ounce of weed and some coke just got posted through my letterbox randomly tonight.
Awesome, it got through customs!

19-Dec-2009, 11:27 PM
I've found sacks on the curb before, but never had anyone nice enough to deliver.:(


20-Dec-2009, 05:57 PM
I find little baggies of weed sometimes at the gas station down the street.
It's usually the killer or they wouldn't have dropped it in the first place. I always walk staring at the ground when I go. People are like WTF?!?!?