View Full Version : Brittany Murphy dead...

20-Dec-2009, 07:00 PM
.. Just seen it on the news! Cant say ive ever been a fan, but still, a heart attack at 32 is a bit harsh! My money is on columbian marching powder having something to do with it....

20-Dec-2009, 07:34 PM
How shocking! This year has just been death after death, and it's still claiming lives late in December.

My money is on columbian marching powder having something to do with it....
I reckon you're right, Trick. Or something stronger.

20-Dec-2009, 07:46 PM
Man... I always thought she was decent in terms of an actress and would have shined through some day... That sucks

20-Dec-2009, 07:50 PM
Jesus, that's horrible!

My money is on columbian marching powder having something to do with it....

Yeah, she had been looking more and more thin, drawn and frazzled the last few years. I remember commenting that she looked like the stereotypical image of a strung-out Baltic hooker.

It's just a damned shame.

20-Dec-2009, 07:54 PM
I always thought she was a hottie.
Sad, but she's one I'd like to reanimate ROTLD3 style.
Sprinkle a little trioxin in with her blow...

20-Dec-2009, 08:10 PM
I always liked her. Sure she never did anything impressive, but she did just fine in the roles she had. Plus I'm a huge King of the Hill fan and her voice was perfect in that.

Ghost Of War
20-Dec-2009, 08:16 PM
Wow, that's sad. She was pretty good in whatever I'd seen her in.

20-Dec-2009, 08:21 PM
She was wonderful in Girl, Interrupted.

20-Dec-2009, 08:47 PM
I didnt realise she was the voice of Luanne in King of the Hill, used to love that cartoon years ago!
I still reckon fast dust is a likely cause, although there are folks saying she had a known heart murmur...:confused:

20-Dec-2009, 08:57 PM
I'm sure if she was on the whistle at the time of death then there will be some kind of cover story. Only time will tell.

20-Dec-2009, 09:31 PM
I didnt realise she was the voice of Luanne in King of the Hill, used to love that cartoon years ago!
I still reckon fast dust is a likely cause, although there are folks saying she had a known heart murmur...:confused:

Probably: heart defect + nose candy = goodye mortal coil, hello the bleedin' choir invisibile! :lol:

20-Dec-2009, 09:38 PM
I have absolutely no idea who this woman is. Does that make me out of touch or just old? More importantly, was she fit?

20-Dec-2009, 09:40 PM
She played in 8 mile, Sin City (She was fucking Clive owen, when benicio Came to her apartment, and she did some other flicks. She had potential as an actress.

20-Dec-2009, 09:46 PM
I have absolutely no idea who this woman is. Does that make me out of touch or just old? More importantly, was she fit?


20-Dec-2009, 09:50 PM

Gotcha. Pure filth then?:hyper:

21-Dec-2009, 12:59 AM
Just saw "Deadline" a few weeks ago and she was in it. I guess it will now probably be one of her last starring roles, which is sad because the movie was absolute shit.

Funny thing is, during the movie I kept thinking: "Damn, she looks like a crack whore. She really needs to grab a Big Mac or fifteen and lay off the White Mistress." No doubt, dead at 32 from a heart-attack doesn't really come as a surprise to me, even if it is always a shame when folks die so young. I feel bad for her family.


21-Dec-2009, 02:50 AM
I loved her in Sin City. Although, I must say the picture that Tricky posted is phenomenal...I prefer her as a brunette.

21-Dec-2009, 03:33 AM
My money is on columbian marching powder having something to do with it....

You're probably right, man. She got super thin. What a shame.

Side note: She was a major babe, imo.

21-Dec-2009, 10:04 AM
Was quite taken aback by this.

Had forgotten she voiced Luanne in KOTH, but yeah there was that - plus she was in Sin City, Cherry Falls (as Biehn's daughter - that was the first time I was aware of her, but had seen KOTH before that), Spun etc.

She was also in some shit movie with Ashton Kutcher ... Just Married, that's the one.

Yeah, that's a weird one. Guess we'll find out the cause as-and-when.

21-Dec-2009, 12:08 PM
Spun is the first movie to come to mind. Coincidence?:rockbrow:

She's also appearing in The Expendables. Which I'm dying to see...

21-Dec-2009, 12:24 PM
Spun is the first movie to come to mind. Coincidence?:rockbrow:

She's also appearing in The Expendables. Which I'm dying to see...
Has she shot her stuff for that movie? Must have done surely.

The way some non-entity commentator who could barely string a sentence together was talking about that role on Sky News earlier was as if she'd not even shot it yet, but patently that must be utter bunkum.

A shame really. Reading Total Film this month and they have a list of people that died in 2009 (folk from the movies anyway), and it's just crazy how many carked it, and how young some of them were...

21-Dec-2009, 12:38 PM
Has she shot her stuff for that movie? Must have done surely.

I'm pretty sure The Expendables was done filming a long time ago now....

According to IMDB it's in post production. The site also says that Murphy had several other flicks in the pipe for 2010, so maybe that's what the news lady was talking about?

21-Dec-2009, 01:28 PM
No one mentions Clueless??? Whats up with that. I think they claimed this was closest thing to academy material she had ever gotten. ;) This is a shame...I mean why her and not Britney?

darth los
21-Dec-2009, 01:47 PM
She hadn't starred in anything significant since the early to mid 00's anyway.

There are just some starletts that look unhealthy. The Olsen twins and the waif from Pirates of the carribean are a few others. I wouldn't be suprised if one of them keeled over any day now.

Still, R.I.P. hun. :(


21-Dec-2009, 01:59 PM
Spun is the first movie to come to mind. Coincidence?:rockbrow:

Rob Halford was in that! Not a bad film...

She's not done anything spectacular which is a shame, because she's always been in my top ten...now there's a glaring hole at number 4 where she used to be which I'm going to have to fill for the wank bank.

Goddamnit. She was gorgeous...pretty much my ideal woman...who wants a perfect looking plastic girl when you can have a hot girl with bruises? awesome.

21-Dec-2009, 10:14 PM
Rob Halford was in that! Not a bad film...

Ron Halford was in a movie?!?!?:stunned: I GOTTA see that!!!:hyper:

21-Dec-2009, 10:18 PM
Rob Halford was in that! Not a bad film...

She's not done anything spectacular which is a shame, because she's always been in my top ten...now there's a glaring hole at number 4 where she used to be which I'm going to have to fill for the wank bank.

Goddamnit. She was gorgeous...pretty much my ideal woman...who wants a perfect looking plastic girl when you can have a hot girl with bruises? awesome.

You don't consider Sin City spectacular?

21-Dec-2009, 10:35 PM
Didnt realise she was married to a guy clearly punching above his weight!

Even if he is one of those "how the fuck did he pull her" guys that we all secretly hate, poor bloke must be gutted

23-Dec-2009, 04:29 PM
Methylprednisolone, Topamax, Fluoxetine, Vicoprofen, Biaxin, Carbamazepine, Hydrocodone, Ativan, Klonopin, Propranodol...

...just some of the drugs found at her home. :(

darth los
23-Dec-2009, 04:35 PM
Methylprednisolone, Topamax, Fluoxetine, Vicoprofen, Biaxin, Carbamazepine, Hydrocodone, Ativan, Klonopin, Propranodol...

...just some of the drugs found at her home. :(

This is becoming a disturbing trend. The list of dead celebs that include Anna Nicole smith, Heath ledger and Michael Jackson and the pharmacies that are found at their estates post mortem is happening too often to be a coincidence. Until something is done about these live in "presciption writers" alot of them have or even on call it will continue to happen.

I'm aware that hollywood stars have always partied hard but this is veering into junkie territory.


23-Dec-2009, 04:53 PM
To be fair....just because those drugs were in her house doesn't mean she was taking all of them. I'm not trying to defend her....most likely this is how she died, but it is possible to have some of these drugs in the home and not be taking them.

We have some hydrocodone and several other of these kinds of drugs in our medicine cabinet. And they've been there un-touched for quite some time.

23-Dec-2009, 05:43 PM
Yeah I think these Hollywood types need to stop employing all these leeching "doctors" that they hang around with, why the hell would a 32 year old woman who other than being a bit skinny looked pretty healthy, need to be taking all that junk? same goes for jacko & the heath etc

23-Dec-2009, 05:49 PM
am i the only person who had no idea who this chick was until she died?

i just went down the list of her credits and no wonder i had no idea who she was, i've never seen a single one of the films she was in.

still, sad whenever somebody that young goes.

23-Dec-2009, 06:12 PM
am i the only person who had no idea who this chick was until she died?

i just went down the list of her credits and no wonder i had no idea who she was, i've never seen a single one of the films she was in.

still, sad whenever somebody that young goes.
You haven't seen Sin City?! :eek:

23-Dec-2009, 06:25 PM
You haven't seen Sin City?! :eek:

nope. probably never will. that's not my cup of tea. i find frank miller's work to be bleak, emotionally bankrupt and overly nihilistic. i'm really not interested in anything that the man is associated with.

23-Dec-2009, 07:54 PM
nope. probably never will. that's not my cup of tea. i find frank miller's work to be bleak, emotionally bankrupt and overly nihilistic. i'm really not interested in anything that the man is associated with.

I would normally agree, however, I would wager you would enjoy Sin City.

23-Dec-2009, 08:03 PM
yeah, sin city is worth at least one viewing, mike. kick back with a comfy buzz and turn off the lights and the movie really draws you in. i think i've only seen it once but it was a pretty fun ride.

23-Dec-2009, 08:07 PM
i find frank miller's work to be bleak, emotionally bankrupt and overly nihilistic.

Mike...is that you....???:lol::p C'mon, 2 outta 3 ain't bad!:lol:;):D

23-Dec-2009, 08:13 PM
God bless the bleak and overly nihilistic. I'm not a fan of Miller, to be honest, but I quite enjoyed Sin City.

23-Dec-2009, 10:01 PM
Mike...is that you....???:lol::p C'mon, 2 outta 3 ain't bad!:lol:;):D

yeah, on second thought that's almost a self-description. :lol:

23-Dec-2009, 10:53 PM
yeah, on second thought that's almost a self-description. :lol:


I was going to point out that you use bleak & overly nihilistic like they're BAD things too.;)

24-Dec-2009, 02:33 AM

I was going to point out that you use bleak & overly nihilistic like they're BAD things too.;)

well, i am mr. sunshine.:lol:

24-Dec-2009, 03:26 AM
I would wager you would enjoy Sin City.

Ahhhhh. . . so the wagers of sin? :D

24-Dec-2009, 03:37 AM
Ahhhhh. . . so the wagers of sin? :D

Is there really anything else to wager on, clang? ;):shifty:

24-Dec-2009, 11:03 AM
I thought Sin City was kinda boring. It's the kind of movie that tries to hard to be really, really cool, you know? And it just falls flat, and turns out that it's attempts at coolness are really kinda lame, but it still keeps trying? Which makes it all a rather awkward experience, because you just want to tell the movie that "Uh, I don't think you're cool so you can stop trying... You're just making an ass of yourself...".

24-Dec-2009, 02:34 PM
I thought Sin City was kinda boring. It's the kind of movie that tries to hard to be really, really cool, you know? And it just falls flat, and turns out that it's attempts at coolness are really kinda lame, but it still keeps trying? Which makes it all a rather awkward experience, because you just want to tell the movie that "Uh, I don't think you're cool so you can stop trying... You're just making an ass of yourself...".

Sounds like every Tarantino film made after Reservoir Dogs...:rolleyes:

I would agree that Sin City does try awfully hard. However, it has quite enough stand-out moments that I can forgive the transgression. Also, considering the source material, I didn't expect much less from the movie.

Frankly, I found this to be one of Mickey Rourke's better roles.

25-Dec-2009, 02:52 AM
Sounds like every Tarantino film made after Reservoir Dogs...:rolleyes:

I would agree that Sin City does try awfully hard. However, it has quite enough stand-out moments that I can forgive the transgression. Also, considering the source material, I didn't expect much less from the movie.

Frankly, I found this to be one of Mickey Rourke's better roles.

Haven't seen The Wrestler yet, eh?

25-Dec-2009, 11:28 AM
Of course Sin City is over the top. It's meant to be. It's the most straight forward comic adaptation ever....

You should check it out even if you don't like Miller, Mike. I think you would enjoy it.

As for The Wrestler - Rourke was great(and so was Tomei if you know what I'm sayin.:sneaky:), but I didn't think it was as incredible as everyone made it out to be. And it felt like I had seen it before.

It's not on par with Aronofsky's earlier films, that's for sure.

25-Dec-2009, 04:14 PM
The Wrestler...meh. I loved Rourke in Sin City. Beyond that, he really hadn't done much for me since Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man / White Sands era.

25-Dec-2009, 04:26 PM
The Wrestler...meh. I loved Rourke in Sin City. Beyond that, he really hadn't done much for me since Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man / White Sands era.
Barfly. That's the only film Rourke has done that made me smirk. Especially for the line "your mom's cunt smells like carpet cleaner!" :D

I love Roeg's Eureka too, but his role is minimal in that.

26-Dec-2009, 10:08 AM
Sin City was awesome, as was The Wrestler. That is all. :thumbsup:

26-Dec-2009, 11:15 AM
Interesting twists and turns going on with this story. Apparently the husband has been shut out of the will and wants to live with Murphy's mum. :stunned:

Click (http://www.vancouversun.com/health/Brittany+Murphy+death+husband+Simon+Monjack+left+w ill/2371218/story.html) for article.