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View Full Version : DC COP Pulls gun out during snowball fight

22-Dec-2009, 10:10 AM

His poor SUV, an H2, got hit with a snowball so he gets out and pulls a gun on the snowball fighters...

Boo Hoo Hoo ... Cry to Mommy.

22-Dec-2009, 12:06 PM

His poor SUV, an H2, got hit with a snowball so he gets out and pulls a gun on the snowball fighters...

Boo Hoo Hoo ... Cry to Mommy.

this guy needs to smoke a joint, take a valium, take whatever it is that makes life bearable for people in DC and then chill the fark out.

22-Dec-2009, 12:12 PM
Waiting for the first comment along the lines of "he was right to do it. that's what you get when you mess with the guy with the gun. a bigger stick equals moral superiority." :p

22-Dec-2009, 12:13 PM
:lol: The editing of that segment is brilliant.

What a douche. I don't think snowballs are going to hurt your hummer, pal.

He's obviously compensating for a small penis with a car and additude like that....

darth los
22-Dec-2009, 02:03 PM
Waiting for the first comment along the lines of "he was right to do it. that's what you get when you mess with the guy with the gun. a bigger stick equals moral superiority." :p

There will always be those that will give the benefit of the doubt to the authorities barring the most heinous of circumstances.

The otherside of that coin is when a something bad happens to a cop, let's just say people aren't that sorry.

Man i hate pigs. That is all.


22-Dec-2009, 02:08 PM
Ironically when i posted this on my facebook page one of myf riends chimed in about it as I labeled the post DC COPS ARE COWARDS... I had to further explain why I made such a statement because it seemed to offend that person. The carlification I added was to state that other cops in the DC metro PD sided with the cop who pulled his gun.

So in essence it is ok to threaten to shoot someone just because they threw a snowball at your car... boo fucking hoo.

Had it been a rock or something that could have cause damage I may have been on a different note, but it is a snowball, and consider how light the snow was... what harm could it have done.

Seriously the police wonder why people hate them?... Perfect example of why is in that news segment I posted from CNN.

darth los
22-Dec-2009, 02:25 PM
Seriously the police wonder why people hate them?... Perfect example of why is in that news segment I posted from CNN.

Well, I'm a minority male living in the United States so there's no need to explain to me about why people hate them. However, it's gotten to the point where even legitimate criticism of the PD gets that type of reavction in some people, which is rediculous.

There's obviously a P.R. problem the cops have with the public. I'm sure for every "bad apple" who plants evidence, beats suspects, shoots unarmed civilians along with a host of other constitutional violations there are 20 that are upstanding officers. But wait a minute, if they know of wrong doing and keep it within the "blue wall of silence" are the actually without fault? That's for every man to decide for himself but if a cop plants evidence and the suspect goes down for a 5-10 and there's another cop who knows but keeps shut about it then imo he's just as guilty, he has viloated his role as an officer and is no better than the common criminals he is trying to catch.

Now, one could argue that they would never make any arrests otherwise, but i won't go into that now.

It's like trying to criticize the military for their astronomical instances of rape of other sexual misconduct, particularly towards women but it seems to be taboo to talk about that as well. How are we supposed to solve these problems if there's a segment of the population out there that refuses to admit that there even is one?


22-Dec-2009, 03:29 PM
One bad seed out of a group does not mean they are all like this.:rolleyes:

Just like any other situation or profession, there are people that abuse their power or don't operate correctly. That doesn't mean everyone in that bracket is the same.

22-Dec-2009, 03:42 PM
Well it's not like they targeted the guy because he was a cop; they tageted the "Knob in the Gas-guzzling Hummer".

Wouldn't you?

It's a sad testament to how quickly we pull out weapons in this country. For the smallest things. Argh.

darth los
22-Dec-2009, 03:49 PM
One bad seed out of a group does not mean they are all like this.:rolleyes:

Just like any other situation or profession, there are people that abuse their power or don't operate correctly. That doesn't mean everyone in that bracket is the same.

I don't believe that every cops plant evidence, no. But i do believe that virtually every cop has atleast looked the other way if not aided his "buddy" in doing so. So, i pose the same question to you. Aren't they just as guilty.

And as to your first statement: Cops shooting unarmed minorities 41 times, sexually assaulting them in the bathroom of the police station with a plunger, and tasing pregnant women doesn't happen often but when it does it casts a cloud over the entire profession and everyone is now a suspect. If they don't like that then rat the people out who are doing it and restore your good name. Otherwise, how did mike put it? " It's just keyboard masturbation."

People don't hate police for no reason. Not to say it doesn't happen but there's normally an incident behind the vitriol, including for me. So when four cops get shot up in the northwest i don't feel one bit bad for them. Here's to all the people they gunned down in cold blood. Like john from day said, "that kinda evens the odds between us then." And if that makes people here hate me then so be it. The truth normally does that.


22-Dec-2009, 04:12 PM
The truth normally does that.


the truth is a 3 edged sword. it might come from kosh in B5 but it is a valid statement when dealing with a subjective event. there is your side, the other side and in the middle is what actually happened. the only way to actually get at the facts is to have people involved who don't give a rat's ass about either side.

do cops step over the line from time to time. sure, but that is true in just about any profession you can name.

don't take this personally, because it is a clinical observation but i've noticed that most people with an extreme dislike of the police have some sort of criminal background and seem to blame the police for the fact that they got caught, then held responsible for their actions. i don't have any sympathy for that particular viewpoint. if folks don't want problems with the cops, perhaps they shouldn't commit crimes or associate with the kind of people who do.

i smoke weed and i know if i get caught with it, it is going to cost me $100. i'll get a pay out ticket (like i was speeding or something), i'll send in the money and be done. i know what i am doing is taboo (though simple possession of weed is decriminalized in ohio) and if i get caught, it isn't the police's fault, it's mine.

22-Dec-2009, 04:53 PM
don't take this personally, because it is a clinical observation but i've noticed that most people with an extreme dislike of the police have some sort of criminal background and seem to blame the police for the fact that they got caught, then held responsible for their actions. i don't have any sympathy for that particular viewpoint. if folks don't want problems with the cops, perhaps they shouldn't commit crimes or associate with the kind of people who do.

Exactly. And the funny thing is....these same people will be kissing a cop's ass when they need his help.

People don't want to be told that things are illegal, but they'll welcome a policeman with open arms if it's something in their favor or order is needed.:rolleyes:

22-Dec-2009, 05:18 PM
I had a DC cop actually reply to my facebook post on this subject especially because I called them cowards.

His response:

DC Cops are cowards? I worked in South East DC for 5 years one of the most dangerous places in the world..and we are cowards?? Cowards are the ones who are afraid to do anything other then judge those who do.

Okay let me explain what really happened, Its snowing right?? slippery as hell. They are hitting cars with snowballs which could cause an accident. OR you hit a DC thugs car and he starts blastin.

What you didnt see was when he stopped he got pelted in the face with a snowball, BTW most of the people there were protesters. So he pulled his weapon..WHY??? Okay let me explain the thought process of a cop. We are trained to expect the worse...how could he be 100% sure there wasnt rocks, or razor blades in the snowballs..its happened before in DC..Ask Sgt Lafrance from N.E who got hit with a snowball with blades in it, he can show you the scars. HE NEVER WAVED THE WEAPON. He had it in a proper defensive stance. While he was being pelted with snowballs.... See More

One guy hit him in the face...you can see that. But thats fine right? But if people were so scared..why were they still throwing snowballs??? It was one cop against 100 people, yeah he had to act like a prick..its called verbal judo, 5th week in the academy training.

So in closing it was a bunch of punks throwing snowballs at cars and when someone stopped there good time they cried about it and took it out on the cops like they always do.

I dont mind being hated, just stop calling me when someone robs you or steals your stuff. Oh and quit whining about the crime rate, and murders. Thank your legal system and idiots with camcorders who make the Police afraid to do there jobs. Not everybody goes quietly.

So this is the response I posted:

While I do sympathize with the officer in the razo blade incident... pulling a weapon on UNARMED civilians is cowardly, and they were not protesting it was an arraigned snowball fight via facebook.

The cop had a hissy fit when his poor little Hummer got hit with a snowball... WAH WAH WAH, its a frickin car, and this was something minor, a snowball to a car. His actions and reactions were a disgrace in my opinion. He jumped out weilding a weapon without announcing he was a police officer, the videos show this much, it was only after a uniformed patrol officer arrived on scene did he finally get identified as a police officer.

You're supposed to be professionals not assholes. My Uncle is a police chief in town in Pennsylvania and even he agreed the actions of the PD were unwarranted. Instead of jumping out the car gung ho with gun in hand he could have approached the situation with more professionalism and some manners instead he acted like a bully with a gun and a badge. You wonder why people don't respect the police... this is a perfect example.... See More

Respect isn't automatic, it has to be earned. If a Traffic officer stops me and shows me respect I show him the same professional courtesy back, if he acts like a cock I just set the camera phone to on, and let him go about his way making an ass out of himself, luckily I haven't had that issue and most officers I have dealt with have been very professional and courteous... this incident was a major exception to the rule and his brethern jumped behind him in a heartbeat, which is again why there is so much backlash.

You wanna gain public trust and respect? Learn from this incident on not how to act and learn to treat people like humans, not criminals. The fundamnetal failure of any police force is the overuse and abuse of authority.

22-Dec-2009, 05:40 PM
I had a DC cop actually reply to my facebook post on this subject especially because I called them cowards.

gary, why do you want to waste your time arguing with people on facebook? i'm serious here, all sarcasm is aside. that is one of the reasons that i'm no longer on facebook. i got sick of folks wanting to start debates over whether i like syrup & butter on pancakes or just syrup, along with the whining about the syrup industry.

22-Dec-2009, 05:57 PM
And incidents like this is why the UK government has always been very reluctant to arm ordinary PC's...........

darth los
22-Dec-2009, 06:43 PM
don't take this personally, because it is a clinical observation but i've noticed that most people with an extreme dislike of the police have some sort of criminal background and seem to blame the police for the fact that they got caught, then held responsible for their actions. i don't have any sympathy for that particular viewpoint. if folks don't want problems with the cops, perhaps they shouldn't commit crimes or associate with the kind of people who do.

i smoke weed and i know if i get caught with it, it is going to cost me $100. i'll get a pay out ticket (like i was speeding or something), i'll send in the money and be done. i know what i am doing is taboo (though simple possession of weed is decriminalized in ohio) and if i get caught, it isn't the police's fault, it's mine.

For the record i do indeed have a felony (i did a 5 -10) and it was no one else's fault but mine. I don't think any rational adult is going to argue otherwise. However, i do also have a bachelor's degree in legal studies and i am in currently in law school, so i know both sides of the argument very well.

That aside, My views about the police come from a lifetime of being a minority male in "da hood" and seeing the abuses that go on. Now keep in mind these instances are totally independent of my experience with the law. But there's no way anyone can tell me that racial profiling aka "stop and frisks" aren't unconstitutional and an abusive practice in itself. 90% of those stopped and frisked in NYC are either Black or Hispanic. Of that number only a mere 12% are ever arrested or issued summonses. Now, those are the facts. Take them and process them how you will.

With that said we are the sum of our life experiences and if you didn't grow up like that you wouldn't understand nor could i expect you to. And no one doesn't lack "streed cred" because they've never been through what i have but at the same time it's patently unfair to just discount my views just because you can't relate to them.


22-Dec-2009, 08:29 PM
This guy should be suspended without pay for a couple weeks.

22-Dec-2009, 09:49 PM
This guy should be suspended without pay for a couple weeks.

We don't have the full story. Sure, we have the media filming showing him waving his gun around, but the media attempts to make us believe what they want us to believe, not necessarily the truth. If this guy simply had a few snowballs thrown at his Hummer and got pissed and pulled his gun, yeah, he needs a good suspension/review for it. That's not excusable if that's all there was to it.

But, what happened that wasn't caught on camera? I seriously doubt this event was as simple as some "innocent fun-loving people throwing some snow balls around" like something out of a Charlie Brown Christmas Special. I seriously doubt that. There's probably alot more to it than this. I wouldn't be surprised if these folks were probably blocking traffic, causing a public nuisance, disturbing the peace, etc. etc. If this is the case, I wouldn't be surprised if he showed his badge and some wise-ass decided it would be a good idea to smart off to him or attempt to do something like throw a snowball at the officer. If this is the case, I salute the officer for standing up to the crowd and telling them to back off.

Before we start passing judgment against this officer, I think it's better that we have his side of the story instead of being spoon-fed more nonsense by the media for ratings/attention.


22-Dec-2009, 10:01 PM
Yeah, if you're not cop you're little people. Snowball throwing replicant scum.

22-Dec-2009, 10:04 PM
We don't have the full story. Sure, we have the media filming showing him waving his gun around, but the media attempts to make us believe what they want us to believe, not necessarily the truth. If this guy simply had a few snowballs thrown at his Hummer and got pissed and pulled his gun, yeah, he needs a good suspension/review for it. That's not excusable if that's all there was to it.

But, what happened that wasn't caught on camera? I seriously doubt this event was as simple as some "innocent fun-loving people throwing some snow balls around" like something out of a Charlie Brown Christmas Special. I seriously doubt that. There's probably alot more to it than this. I wouldn't be surprised if these folks were probably blocking traffic, causing a public nuisance, disturbing the peace, etc. etc. If this is the case, I wouldn't be surprised if he showed his badge and some wise-ass decided it would be a good idea to smart off to him or attempt to do something like throw a snowball at the officer. If this is the case, I salute the officer for standing up to the crowd and telling them to back off.

Before we start passing judgment against this officer, I think it's better that we have his side of the story instead of being spoon-fed more nonsense by the media for ratings/attention.


Actually it did all start from a snowball hitting his SUV. You Tube it to find out more, after he got out and pulled his gun out on people then someone hit him with a snowball, but it was after he pulled his gun on people.

22-Dec-2009, 10:08 PM
Actually it did all start from a snowball hitting his SUV. You Tube it to find out more, after he got out and pulled his gun out on people then someone hit him with a snowball, but it was after he pulled his gun on people.

That's not groovy at all. The only time you should pull a gun on someone is under extreme duress / fear of your life. Pulling a gun with no logical / apparent cause, even in the state of Texas, just doesn't fly.


23-Dec-2009, 03:41 AM
ummm...actually I have had guns aimed at me
by the police for throwing snow.

Its kinda thier way of making u stop what ur doing
that is annoying them.

pointing a 9mm or a riot shotgun in your face seems to
get better results then yelling 'stop it'.

23-Dec-2009, 04:18 AM
Oh, it's all just fun, since it's happening to a cop. I'm sure you guys would just laugh it off if someone decided to fuck with YOU. Yeah. Just like how my dick knows how to sing and dance, too.

If you don't want people pulling guns on you, don't fuck with them. How hard is it for dumb fucks to get that through their heads? It's not hard to leave people alone.