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View Full Version : how often do you go to the cinema?

22-Dec-2009, 12:35 PM
while reading MZ's blog on avatar, i suddenly realized that i haven't been to see a movie in a theatre since "diary" came out. :stunned:

the last time i went before that was when "serenity" was released.:stunned:

the time before that was when "shaun" or "land" came out.:stunned:

i might be missing a film or two but i think that in the last 5 years or so, i've been to the movies maybe 4 or 5 times.:stunned:

dawn 04

that's pretty much it since 04.

i blame it on the miracle of the interwebz.:lol:

Ghost Of War
22-Dec-2009, 01:10 PM
For films I personally want to see, I don't go that often. In the last few years I've been to see Land, Diary, Drag Me To Hell, Zombieland, and Awaydays. Oh, and The Simpsons Movie. But having two young kids, I take them quite a bit, whenever the latest Pixar or Transformers (ugh) or something comes out.

22-Dec-2009, 01:16 PM
I go about once or twice a month. Maybe more depending on what's out.

There's nothing like a good cinema experience, Imo. There are some films that I just hate missing while they're in the cinema. Something about seeing films on dvd without seeing them on the big screen first just kinda loses the charm.

Luckily we've got relatives close by that can watch the kid, so the lady and I enjoy the movies quite a bit.

22-Dec-2009, 01:17 PM
I usually only really go twice a year or so, but this year has been a good film year. I've seen five films this year.

Star Trek
District 9

All of them great, except for the last one... And I could've done without the runners.

Anyway, I think I'm picking up pace. As soon as The Road hits the theathers here in Winterland, I am so there.

darth los
22-Dec-2009, 01:51 PM
I'll go when there's a movie that comes out that's a bonafide event, like the dark knight for example. Besides that i never really get the burning desire to go. i normally wait for the dvd. It's pretty much the same money spent anyhoo.


22-Dec-2009, 02:04 PM
I'm pretty much a DVD person as well. But some films, like you said, I just have to go see. It's usually more of an issue of me not being able to wait for the DVD tho, rather than me craving the cinema-feeling. Like Star Trek. If I can see Star Trek on the 8th of May, then I am GONNA see Star Trek on the 8th of May. :p

22-Dec-2009, 02:17 PM
For 2009

Avatar aka Ferngully 3
Bad Lt: Port of Call New Orleans (Nic Cage's best performance since Leaving Las Vegas)
Pirate Radio (Which was ok, BTW Nick Frost, Bill Nighy and Philip Seymour Hoffman iare in the cast)
Inglorious Basterds (F- should have called it Death Proof 2)

For 2008

The Dark Knight
Diary of the Dead
Harold and Kumar 2
Gran Torino

For 2007

28 Weeks Later

For 2006

Superman Returns

For 2005

Batman Begins
Land of the Dead
Star Wars Ep. 3
King Kong
Sin City

For 2004

Dawn of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead
(I am sure there are others but this is too far back to remember)

I used to collect ticket stubs for the movies I checked out, but only do it now for event films or genre films like TDK and ZL) back int he 90's I would attend the cineam at least once per week, now I wait for most stuff on Blu or DVD.

22-Dec-2009, 02:22 PM
I used to collect ticket stubs for the movies I checked out, but only do it now for event films or genre films like TDK and ZL) back int he 90's I would attend the cineam at least once per week, now I wait for most stuff on Blu or DVD.

i keep the ticket stubs from every film or concert i go to. there is precipitous drop in my ticket stub collection that occurs precisely when we decided to have a child.

i'm probably not the only sailor in that particular boat.

22-Dec-2009, 02:50 PM
I go about every other week.

I am a pretty regular movie goer.

22-Dec-2009, 03:19 PM
I'm good for a couple of times a season with a noticeable uptick in late Spring and early Summer.

22-Dec-2009, 04:56 PM
I've been a very regular patron of my cinema throughout 2008 and 2009, when we got a bit of a cine-group together. We can quite easily go every week for a long old stint - we recently had a 9 week stint of going every Sunday.

I'm not into clubs or bars, so I avoid all that shit, so going to the cinema is my version of clubbing ... and here's a list (with dates) of what movies I saw at the cinema this year.

Role Models - 11/1/09
The Wrestler - 18/1/09
Friday the 13th (Remake) - 20/2/09
Gran Torino - 8/3/09
Watchmen - 15/3/09
Lesbian Vampire Killers - 22/3/09
Crank 2: High Voltage - 19/4/09
I Love You, Man - 26/4/09
Observe & Report - 26/4/09
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 3/5/09
Drag Me To Hell - 31/5/09
Terminator Salvation - 7/6/09
The Hangover - 14/6/09
Doghouse - 14/6/09
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 21/6/09
GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra - 9/8/09
Inglourious Basterds - 16/8/09
Funny People - 30/8/09
District 9 - 6/9/09
Adventureland - 13/9/09
Gamer - 20/9/09
Surrogates - 27/9/09
The Invention of Lying - 4/10/09
Zombieland - 11/10/09
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - 8/11/09
The Men Who Stare At Goats - 15/11/09
2012 - 22/11/09
Avatar (3D) - 20/12/09

I'll be doing a round-up of 2009 and these very movies on my blog - this same list with pithy little asides, plus a full-on Top Ten of 2009 with three honourable mentions - will post all that as-and-when, but just posted this list (minus the remarks) as it was pertinent to the discussion and I fancied sharing/boasting/getting a step closer to 15,000 posts. :D

And yes, I do keep my ticket stubs. :cool:

22-Dec-2009, 05:09 PM
I tend to watch movies online tbh, I really hate the local theatre. Seats suck, food sucks, the screen is tiny.

22-Dec-2009, 05:10 PM
You saw Imaginarium in November??:confused:

It must have been released earlier over there. We don't get it in wide release until January. And I reeeeally want to see it:dead:

22-Dec-2009, 05:10 PM
I only go whenever there's something on that I want to see. Everything else can wait until it comes out on DVD. Last film I saw was Survival Of The Dead but I plan on seeing Avatar very soon.

You saw Imaginarium in November??:confused:

It must have been released earlier over there. We don't get it in wide release until January. And I reeeeally want to see it:dead:
Yup. Imaginarium has been and gone, mate.

22-Dec-2009, 05:31 PM
You saw Imaginarium in November??:confused:

It must have been released earlier over there. We don't get it in wide release until January. And I reeeeally want to see it:dead:

And that was about four weeks after it had opened too.

Still, while you Americalanders have The Road already, we've got to wait till January ... not the same amount of time, sure, but well.

Another example would be Land of the Dead. Came out in September in the UK, about 3 months after you American folks got it. Hell, the UK was almost the last country (that hadn't banned it) to get the damn thing! It was so late to our shores that I had the R1 DVD through the letter box 2 weeks after seeing it in the cinema! :eek:

Capn - good man, and go and see it in 3D as well. If there's one film worth seeing in 3D, it's Avatar. :cool:

22-Dec-2009, 05:51 PM
Not nearly as much as I'd like to! I used to go a fair bit in my late teens when I hung around with a big crowd, but once into my 20's I only ever really went when I was on a date with a girl or if it was one of those must see films that everyone wants to see! I always find it a struggle to get people to go to see films that I like & I dont like going on my own cos I'd feel like a weirdo! its not that I lack friends but none of them are ever really up for going or have different tastes in films. Theres been a lot of films over the years I would have liked to have seen at the cinema but i've let it drag & missed the boat. Then the DVD comes out & I've usually spent all my brass on nights out, clothes & hobbies, so I end up catching the film about a year or two after the cinema release when it premiers on TV :rolleyes:

22-Dec-2009, 06:30 PM
I hate going to the theatre. I'm not spending $4 for a damn soda. I'm sorry, I don't care how big it is or if I can get a free re-fill on my 300 ounce Coca-Cola that takes a pallet on a fork-lift to carry into the theatre with my $5 bucket of triple-buttered "coronary in a bucket" popcorn. Sorry, it's not worth all that in addition to spending like $9 (on average here) for a movie ticket. Then you get into the theatre and people get mad at me when I want to prop my feet up and light up a cigarette. Screw them, I'll damn well smoke if I want to! And can you believe people also have the guile to "shhh" or yell at me if I comment on my penchant of attraction for a good looking gal on the screen or express my feelings (between cigarette inhales) towards what is happening in the flick. Hell, I spent $18 for the ticket, popcorn, and drink, I should be able to express my views on the film.

I figured out the other day that I spend approximately $1.65 per each Netflix movie that I rent. I can watch that on my 50" Samsung HDTV in my blu-ray player and light up my cigarette and get a 2 liter coke for $1.50 along with a box of all the coronary-inducing super-duper buttered popcorn I want for like $3. If I want to enjoy my flick, I can do it for about $14 less than actually going to the theatre, plus the bathroom at my apartment is generally cleaner (depending on which friends I have over) than the theatre and far less traffic to have to deal with as well.



22-Dec-2009, 07:24 PM
My full 2009 cinema trip list is here via the link below, complete with pithy little remarks about all the flicks that didn't make it into my Top Ten or Honourable Mentions list.


2012 - 22/11/09 ... like driving a monster truck made out of cheese burgers, loaded with dynamite, through an exploding volcano made out of buildings that have a propensity to fall over, explode and fall over while exploding.

22-Dec-2009, 10:36 PM
1-2 times a year. As I've said before, time, $, & childcare are all limiting factors. Plus there just aren't that any movies released anymore that I have this big, burning desire to see any more like back when I was a kid, when I went every weekend, some times twice in one weekend or even one night!

It has to be a movie I feel pretty strongly about supporting to invest all of the above anymore. Zombieland & Boondock Saints 2 was it for me this year.

22-Dec-2009, 11:32 PM
due to the abundance of text-messaging teeny-boppers, shampoo commercials prior the show, high-ticket prices, and even-more outrageous prices for concessions, i only make it two, maybe three times per year.

so far this year, i think i've seen zombieland and the road on the big screen, but that's about it.

23-Dec-2009, 12:08 AM
I normally go 2-4 times a week. I need to find a list to look off of to know what all I've seen and compile it. I throw all my stubs in a vase over here, but that is a shitload of crap to have to go through.
I also resee stuff if it's the bomb. I saw Diary twice in the first week because it was only out a week. I saw Pineapple Express 9 times. We have $4 movies here. We used to have $2 ones but no mas.
Tonight is Avatar 3D. Can't see it anywhere for a bargain in 3D so oh well...