View Full Version : MZ's Top Ten Films of 2009 (plus six honourable mentions)...

23-Dec-2009, 11:03 AM

Enjoy folks!

Here's a little sample below:

Adventureland (13/9/09):
Thoughtful and enthralling coming-of-age comedy drama. 'From the director of Superbad' was the wrong way to sell it, but nevertheless Kristen Stewart manages to make the entire audience fall in love with her, as 80s nostalgia reigns supreme, and everyone reminisces about their own youth - whether it was like Adventureland or not.

23-Dec-2009, 02:29 PM
Yeah, mate. Moon is my number one of the year thus far, but hoping Avatar will top it though.

23-Dec-2009, 03:42 PM
Moon has a better script in terms of dialogue and character motivation, and it's a really kick arse little flick with an indie British flair.

Avatar on the other hand is a pure, unbridled event of a movie, brought to you by the ultimate filmmaking showman alive today. And it looks beautiful in 3D (heck, it's beautiful anyway).

23-Dec-2009, 04:03 PM
you think avatar is the flick of the year over moon.

oh man, i am dissapoint.

23-Dec-2009, 04:07 PM
You gave an honorable mention to Watchmen, MZ?! You must be channeling the Christmas Spirit, good sir!

Great list. I haven't seen Moon, though or the The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, but now I'm hopeful I'll enjoy when I get 'round to them.

23-Dec-2009, 04:17 PM
You gave an honorable mention to Watchmen, MZ?! You must be channeling the Christmas Spirit, good sir!

Great list. I haven't seen Moon, though or the The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, but now I'm hopeful I'll enjoy when I get 'round to them.

Imaginarium is out in NY and LA on Christmas, I believe. The rest of the country has to wait until January 8th, I believe it is.:dead:

So if you see it in your neck of the woods, let me know what you think.

23-Dec-2009, 06:09 PM
you think avatar is the flick of the year over moon.

oh man, i am dissapoint.

omfgodzorz, someone on teh intarwebz has a different opinion!!1!!1!111!!9 :rolleyes::sneaky::p

This is why I wrote little bits underneath all the titles (and a huge piece about Avatar itself separately), sheesh. It's my flick of the year, and I think my exhaustively laid out thoughts on it would make it obvious enough why, you cheeky sugar glider...:shifty:

You gave an honorable mention to Watchmen, MZ?! You must be channeling the Christmas Spirit, good sir!

Great list. I haven't seen Moon, though or the The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, but now I'm hopeful I'll enjoy when I get 'round to them.

Moon is a great little film. Intelligent sci-fi and Sam Rockwell is awesome. Gerty is also a brilliant computer 'sidekick' for lack of a better word.

Imaginarium is a strange piece ... very Gilliam.

hehe, I was wondering how long it'd be until someone raised an eyebrow at the honourable mention for Watchmen. :D Fact is though, it has stuck in my mind throughout the year, despite some flaws and that it could have essentially been directed by anyone (judging by what you see on screen I mean, bar the overuse of slow-mo of course).

Still doesn't change my mind about Yawn04 or 300. :p

23-Dec-2009, 08:11 PM
I agree with Hellsing in this case. I just didn't think it was particularly great, and the message just seemed way to ham-fisted and *WHAM MOTHERFUCKER*. I also could not empathize with the Na'vi...I just...hated them.

all that in mind, the movie was visually breath taking, as it should be, and the vehicle/gun/creature designs were all pretty neat, but not out of the ordinary. Well, except the aliens, but that is a given. I wouldn't really call this a movie, but would refer to it as more of a "spectacle" that you go to too turn your brain off and enjoy the pretty pictures. That said, it wasn't completely stupid, and I won't say that it is unoriginal as pretty everything these days is unoriginal and owes some kind of debt to something else idea wise.

Of course, this entire post is in my opinion, and I enjoyed reading about yours MZ, but I really can't agree with it in the least.

I should pitch my movie idea to James. It is about a Neanderthal priest named Ugrog Demystifiline that lives in a travelling nunery (that rests on the back of several Brontosaurus) and searches the world for the last 7/11 (which was wiped out in the 17th war with the Sasquatch and their Loch ness monster allies). It is also a Disco musical that features many songs about dancing and even has a brontosaurus (that has corn rows) rap a couple times. When they reach the 7/11, Ugrog discovers a secret lab that the Lizard men are using to cross breed Neanderthals and tin cans, creating super strong cans of corn with furry arms and large foreheads. Ugrog must call upon every holy fibre in his body to channel the spirits of chenataway, and use the magic of love (he is in an open relationship with a young Sasquatch named Cheallywong that is play by Jason Alexander) to defeat the lizard man overseer.

26-Dec-2009, 01:09 PM
Gran Torino only gets an honorable mention?????????????

MZ I am quite shocked.... This is the return of Dirty Harry without it being Dirty Harry... You need to re-think this one. This is undoubtedly Clints best work ina Revenge Get even film setting, and while Hmung cast is kinda of weak as they are new comers to acting the overall film and its story are outstanding and quite frankly... no one else could have played Walt Kowalski so well.

26-Dec-2009, 01:21 PM
The years Top 3 Sci-Fi:

1. District 9
2. Star Trek
3. Watchmen (Yes, I really liked it)

Avatar is way down the list.

26-Dec-2009, 02:00 PM
Gran Torino only gets an honorable mention?????????????

MZ I am quite shocked.... This is the return of Dirty Harry without it being Dirty Harry... You need to re-think this one. This is undoubtedly Clints best work ina Revenge Get even film setting, and while Hmung cast is kinda of weak as they are new comers to acting the overall film and its story are outstanding and quite frankly... no one else could have played Walt Kowalski so well.
Amazing how different people have different opinions, isn't it? :p:sneaky::p

It's an honourable mention. That's good enough. :D

26-Dec-2009, 02:14 PM
Amazing how different people have different opinions, isn't it? :p:sneaky::p

It's an honourable mention. That's good enough. :D

No its not good enough, infact it should outrank that lavish waste of $300 million dollars called Avatar. :D

I DEMAND IT BE MOVED INTO THE TOP 5 of most awesome Clint Eastwood films ever made and I DEMAND it be moved WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ahead of AVATAR :p

This is all of course in gist and plains imple fun

26-Dec-2009, 05:45 PM
No chance bucko. I stand by my list.

If you want to do your own list, feel free. :D You could talk about it on the next WNWR show. :p

26-Dec-2009, 06:17 PM
No chance bucko. I stand by my list.

If you want to do your own list, feel free. :D You could talk about it on the next WNWR show. :p

Is that a hint that I need to record a new show????

Email Lou and tell him to get motivated, I now have something to bitch about.

MZ's epic movie list of 2009, you know Lou's going to tear you a new one for that HONORABLE MENTION as well. :p

Be prepared for a tongue lashing my good friend.

27-Dec-2009, 11:12 AM
Is that a hint that I need to record a new show????

Email Lou and tell him to get motivated, I now have something to bitch about.

MZ's epic movie list of 2009, you know Lou's going to tear you a new one for that HONORABLE MENTION as well. :p

Be prepared for a tongue lashing my good friend.
Well I also expect to be praised in equal measure, because my list is awesome sauce. :D

And at least an attempt at seeing it from my perspective would be nice too...:p

27-Dec-2009, 01:09 PM
Well I also expect to be praised in equal measure, because my list is awesome sauce. :D

And at least an attempt at seeing it from my perspective would be nice too...:p

Ok.... :sneaky:

List is awesome aside from Avatar being ont he list and Gran Torino not making it in the top 10.

27-Dec-2009, 02:35 PM
My top ten for 2009:

1. Moon (Dir. Duncan Jones)
Zowie Bowie's breathtaking psychological thriller set on (you guessed it) the moon. Sam Rockwell shines in the lead role and Kevin Spacey puts on a HAL-9000-tastic voice performance as GERTY. Gentle but unnerving.

2. Låt den rätte komma in (Dir. Tomas Alfredson)
Wonderful vampire love story from Sweden that injects healthy doses of romance, beauty, and sheer bloodshed. Literally pipped to the post by Moon.

3. Me and Orson Welles (Dir. Richard Linklater)
A flighty period piece from the director of Dazed & Confused, which is a semi-fictional account of Orson Welles and his production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. It's not a film that will blow you off your seat or play on your mind forever after, but is the perfect example of 'there and then' cinematic pub grub. I want to see this one again.

4. Chelsea on the Rocks (Dir. Abel Ferrara)
Abel Ferrara's star-studded documentary about the history and residents of the Chelsea Hotel is a real treat. Excellent interviews/insights from the likes of Ethan Hawke, Dennis Hopper, and Milos Forman, intercut with re-enactments and rare archive footage of William S. Burroughs, Sid Vicious, and Andy Warhol, makes Chelsea on the Rocks addictive viewing.

5. Gran Torino (Dir. Clint Eastwood)
Korean war vet struggles with his Asian neighbours as Clint churns out his best film/role since Unforgiven. Poignant, engaging stuff.

6. Inglourious Basterds (Dir. Quentin Tarantino)
As usual it's talky Tarantino tosh, but you gotta hand it to him - he's done it again!

7. District 9 (Dir. Neill Blomkamp)
Peter Jackson produced sci-fi mockumentary about the struggles of an arthropod alien species stranded on Earth. Thoughtfully executed, fantastic effects and well directed.

8. Drag Me to Hell (Dir. Sam Raimi)
At last, Raimi has temporarily halted these crappy superhero movies and returned to his roots. Equal amounts of jumps, gore and slapstick, Drag Me to Hell is a fine return to form.

9. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call: New Orleans (Dir. Werner Herzog)
Talking of Abel Ferrara, Werner Herzog rehashes Ferrara's 1992 classic with a healthy dose of drugs, action and black comedy. Not a patch on the original but it's hypnotic nonetheless. Can't wait to see this 'properly', be it at the theater or on DVD.

10. Who Killed Nancy? (Dir. Alan Parker)
Insightful documentary about the murder of Nancy Spungen, which (literally) throws up some interesting new evidence that points the finger away from the Sex Pistols bassist.

Honourable mention goes to Enter The Void. Gaspar (Irreversible) Noe's three-hour hallucinogenic masterpiece, which follows the life and death of a drug dealer in Japan from a first-person perspective. I haven't seen this one yet, but it received an extended standing ovation at Cannes. This film will be number one in my 2010 list, I just know it.

29-Dec-2009, 04:46 PM
MZ's epic movie list of 2009, you know Lou's going to tear you a new one for that HONORABLE MENTION as well. :p

Be prepared for a tongue lashing my good friend.

I'm not saying a word.....yet. I'll save it for the show. You just wait 'till the next WNWR podcast is released MZ... :p :D

Actually, I didn't think your list was that far off - matter of fact I'll mention here that I'm happy to see Drag Me To Hell because on there, 'cause I thought it was a damn fine movie and one of the few movies to come out in the past few years that actually got me to the edge of my seat! A rarity I must say. I'm still trying to convince a certain person <ahem>Dj<ahem> to watch it, but he seems to be hung up on this "there are no good pg-13 horror movies" - well, there is, you just refuse to watch it! :p

We do, however, need to have a discussion about this "honorable mention" of GT... :shifty:

29-Dec-2009, 04:52 PM
I'm not saying a word.....yet. I'll save it for the show. You just wait 'till the next WNWR podcast is released MZ... :p :D

Actually, I didn't think your list was that far off - matter of fact I'll mention here that I'm happy to see Drag Me To Hell because on there, 'cause I thought it was a damn fine movie and one of the few movies to come out in the past few years that actually got me to the edge of my seat! A rarity I must say. I'm still trying to convince a certain person <ahem>Dj<ahem> to watch it, but he seems to be hung up on this "there are no good pg-13 horror movies" - well, there is, you just refuse to watch it! :p

We do, however, need to have a discussion about this "honorable mention" of GT... :shifty:

[Best leo Getz imitation] DMTH? whatever whatever.

However, yes, we do need to have a discussion abut that HM of GT.:rockbrow:

29-Dec-2009, 05:00 PM
Gents, you're both (this means you, as well, DJ) letting us down. What about the decade?

I expect your picks and observations for top ten films of the decade on my desk by the striking of clock on New Year's Day.

Sharpish, now. :D

29-Dec-2009, 05:05 PM
Just curious if you have seen 500 Days of Summer? If I were to make a list, that one would have to go in there. You should check it out.

29-Dec-2009, 05:30 PM
Just curious if you have seen 500 Days of Summer? If I were to make a list, that one would have to go in there. You should check it out.

Good to know, Bassman. I had wanted to see the film when it was out, but had a hard time finding other folks interested in seeing it.

29-Dec-2009, 06:02 PM
I do want to see (500) Days of Summer, definitely. Haven't seen it yet though, so I can only put things I've seen on my list, naturally. I'm sure it'll be a cool movie though - hell, it's got Levitt in it, so I'm sold.

Drag Me To Hell - I too was sceptical about the PG-13 issue. But goddamn, that movie shat-me-up like screeds of R-Rated fare hasn't managed to in recent years (note that some have been able). Anyway, it was a great cinema audience experience too, everybody was into it, and it's a gross-out movie at times too.

I was surprised they got away with some of the things they did in DMTH. Gross things that just get under your skin, rather than visceral gore ... not that I don't like visceral gore, because as you all know full well I fookin' loves it, but yeah, DMTH was awesome.

And hey, Gran Torino did get an "honourable" mention. I'm surprised more hasn't been made of me giving Watchmen an honourable mention too. :D Not only that, but I've got the Dir Cut 2-disc R1 DVD on the way ... ... black is white, up is down ... I think I even saw a cat and a dog living together.

Mass hysteria! :p

30-Dec-2009, 12:13 PM
Drag Me To Hell - I too was sceptical about the PG-13 issue. But goddamn, that movie shat-me-up like screeds of R-Rated fare hasn't managed to in recent years (note that some have been able). Anyway, it was a great cinema audience experience too, everybody was into it, and it's a gross-out movie at times too.

That's what I've been trying to tell Dj for months now, but I can't get him to listen to me. :annoyed: :p

30-Dec-2009, 12:24 PM
PG-13 is PISH when it comes to horror. Sorry but any decent horror film worth its weight in salt, sugar or COOVAN shouldn't be rated anything less than an 18 in the Uk or an R in the USA.

Sam Raimi, a man known for his excesses sells out to the big hollywood studios and turns in a PG-13 horror flick. Spider-man 3, fine ok, I understand, but Raimi, horror and PG-13 shouldn't even be brought up in the same breath.

It is by all accounts a fucking travesty to the genre.

30-Dec-2009, 01:50 PM
List is awesome aside from Avatar being ont he list and Gran Torino not making it in the top 10.
Both lists suck eggs given the inclusion of the shit-stinkin' Zombieland and the glaring omission of Invictus, which is just as powerful a film as Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood reigned supreme in 2009 even though his directorial style is subtle and unobtrusive, a polar opposite of the ham-fisted pud-whacking that currently passes for "popular film direction." A solid contender for director of the decade.

Props to capncnut's list despite Let The Right One In being a 2008 film and the inclusion of some kooky Sex Pistols documentary over the most awesome, incredible, unbelievable NIGHT of the LIVING DEAD documentary to ever be released in the millennium. :D

30-Dec-2009, 02:03 PM
Props to capncnut's list despite Let The Right On In being a 2008 film...
Added because it was released in 2009 in a few territories.

...and the inclusion of some kooky Sex Pistols documentary
Kooky? Who Killed Nancy received some decent reviews in most of the major music magazines and tabloids here. It ain't doing so bad on IMDb either.

30-Dec-2009, 02:05 PM
Dubious, any chance we can get a top (or maybe bottom?) pick for Popcorn Flick of the Year?

And, no, I'm not joking.

30-Dec-2009, 02:06 PM
Kooky? Who Killed Nancy received some decent reviews in most of the major music magazines and tabloids here.
It should be obvious that Nancy Killed Nancy. :lol:

Dubious, any chance we can get a top (or maybe bottom?) pick for Popcorn Flick of the Year?
Ooooh, you're forcing me to post a Most Hated List of the Decade. Must... fight... urge... will... strong... body... weak...

Btw, "Let The Right On In" sounds like a Bill O'Reilly lovefest.

30-Dec-2009, 02:11 PM
It should be obvious that Nancy Killed Nancy.
Quite agree. The film does have some half-assed theory at the end about a psychotic junkie roaming the Chelsea, but the wealth of information Parker dug up from the NYPD was incredible, including an interview with the Chief himself saying "Sid didn't do it. He would've walked."

But yeah, if I'm honest, I reckon it was a drugged up botched death pact.

30-Dec-2009, 04:20 PM
Horror in general shouldn't be PG-13, true, but Drag Me To Hell is the exception to the rule. It truly is.

30-Dec-2009, 04:28 PM
What does it matter what the rating is? If it's scary, it's scary.

Seriously....Jaws is PG.;)

30-Dec-2009, 04:38 PM
What does it matter what the rating is? If it's scary, it's scary.

Seriously....Jaws is PG.;)

Wise words.

30-Dec-2009, 04:42 PM
Wise words.
Innit just.

30-Dec-2009, 04:47 PM
I don't consider Jaws horror.

30-Dec-2009, 04:49 PM
I don't consider Jaws horror.

Yeah, you're right. It's actually a romance between Hooper and Quint.:confused::rockbrow:

30-Dec-2009, 04:50 PM
Yeah, you're right. It's actually a romance between Hooper and Quint.:confused::rockbrow:

That just makes is scarier. :p

30-Dec-2009, 04:54 PM
I don't consider Jaws horror.
The original Night of the Living Dead was released without a rating.

JAWS is horror.


30-Dec-2009, 11:50 PM
Gents, you're both (this means you, as well, DJ) letting us down. What about the decade?

I expect your picks and observations for top ten films of the decade on my desk by the striking of clock on New Year's Day.

Sharpish, now. :D

Of the decade:

Lets see

Training Day
Man on Fire
3:10 to Yuma
American Gangster
Batman Begins
American Psycho
Planet Terror
Sin City
Pirates 1: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Iron Man
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Gone Baby Gone
Million Dollar Baby
No COuntry for Old Men
There Will be Blood
The Wrestler
Letters From Iwo Jima
The Departed
The Aviator
United 93
The Bourne Supremacy/Ultimatum
Chrildren of Men
Cinderella Man
Walk The line
The Cooler
Mystic River
Gangs of New York
Catch Me If you Can
Kill Bill Vol 2
Casino Royale (2006)
Monsters Inc
Good Night and Good Luck
Public Enemies
Black Hawk Down
The Taking of Pelham 123
Intolerable Cruelty
The Incredibles

Sorry my brain is mush... but that would be my best of the decade so far.

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

The original Night of the Living Dead was released without a rating.

JAWS is horror.


Thats because the original NIGHT didn't need a rating. Ratings weren't mandatory like they are today. (Don't let the MPAA fool you, they say its voluntary but without it you will get zero theatrical play)

Jaws is not horror... Big solution to the whole Jaws thing...

If the news is reporting a giant man eating shark is cruising your local beach.... Guess what, go to another beach some where else. The east cost is what 2000+ miles of beach? I am sure there is a section with no Sharks. Any moron dumb enough to go into the water at a beach with two confirmed shark attacks deserves to get eaten... That isn't horror... thats plain stupidity.

The guys on the boat going out to hunt the shark... YOu know what... when someone suggests you go get a bigger boat... go fucking get it. Or when the shark starts damaging your boat... fucking leave and go get a BIGGER STRONGER BOAT, then come back to fight.

Jaws is like a dumbass brining a knife to a gunfight. I like the film for its tension, but to me that is not a horror film, it is afilm about what dumb fucking people do because they're too dumb to go to another beach.

Hence why I do not consider Jaws horror

31-Dec-2009, 01:52 AM
Jaws is not horror... Big solution to the whole Jaws thing...

If the news is reporting a giant man eating shark is cruising your local beach.... Guess what, go to another beach some where else. The east cost is what 2000+ miles of beach? I am sure there is a section with no Sharks. Any moron dumb enough to go into the water at a beach with two confirmed shark attacks deserves to get eaten... That isn't horror... thats plain stupidity.

The guys on the boat going out to hunt the shark... YOu know what... when someone suggests you go get a bigger boat... go fucking get it. Or when the shark starts damaging your boat... fucking leave and go get a BIGGER STRONGER BOAT, then come back to fight.

Jaws is like a dumbass brining a knife to a gunfight. I like the film for its tension, but to me that is not a horror film, it is afilm about what dumb fucking people do because they're too dumb to go to another beach.

Hence why I do not consider Jaws horror

But change shark around for "serial Killer" or "ghost" and change beach around for "Summer Camp" or "Haunted house" and you have the basic plot for many many "horror" movies as well. Dumb people going where they don't belong and getting killed. . . . . . . Sounds like a horror movie to me.

31-Dec-2009, 02:27 AM
But the for the sake of argument clang... this is Jaws we're talking about.

Hard to subplot a lot of that because other Horror flicks like F13 and ANOES didn't play up the media angle like JAWS did, however, the actions of the people are somewhat similar, but I still do not consider JAWS horror.

31-Dec-2009, 02:46 AM
JAWS is not horror in the traditional sense but there are a lot of horror elements to it. When Hooper grabbed the tooth and the head popped out from under boat... that jump is easily on par with the graveyard scene at the end of Carrie.

31-Dec-2009, 02:47 AM
I've always seen Jaws as a horror movie, and a smacking good one at that. It's a horror movie with a very large "adventure film" streak through it.

As far as PG13 horror goes. . well. . Poltergeist was PG13. . . the Grudge was as well. . . I liked both of those movies and found them both pretty effectively scary. I didn't find DMTH very scary though, but it is a very very fun time.

31-Dec-2009, 01:34 PM
PG-13 is PISH when it comes to horror. Sorry but any decent horror film worth its weight in salt, sugar or COOVAN shouldn't be rated anything less than an 18 in the Uk or an R in the USA.

Umm, let me be the first to call bullshit on this. Dj, how can you say "ALL" PG-13 horror movies are "pish" (hah!) when you haven't seen them all? This one in particular is the exception to the rule.

I rest my case.

To (partially) quote "The Wolf": Now, pretty please, with sugar on top... go watch the fuckin' movie. :lol:


Jaws is like a dumbass brining a knife to a gunfight. I like the film for its tension, but to me that is not a horror film, it is afilm about what dumb fucking people do because they're too dumb to go to another beach.

That's like saying the Amityville Horror isn't a horror movie because they could've just moved to another house. WTF dude?! :lol:

31-Dec-2009, 01:50 PM
"The media angle"? What exactly are you meaning with that?

You should really find another hobby if you don't think Jaws is a horror movie.:p

31-Dec-2009, 02:18 PM
I've always seen Jaws as a horror movie, and a smacking good one at that. It's a horror movie with a very large "adventure film" streak through it.

As far as PG13 horror goes. . well. . Poltergeist was PG13. . . the Grudge was as well. . . I liked both of those movies and found them both pretty effectively scary. I didn't find DMTH very scary though, but it is a very very fun time.

Poltergeist was PG, they didn't come out with Pg-13 until 184/85 the first movie to get it was the Coca Cola kid

---------- Post added at 10:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 AM ----------

Umm, let me be the first to call bullshit on this. Dj, how can you say "ALL" PG-13 horror movies are "pish" (hah!) when you haven't seen them all? This one in particular is the exception to the rule.

I rest my case.

To (partially) quote "The Wolf": Now, pretty please, with sugar on top... go watch the fuckin' movie. :lol:


That's like saying the Amityville Horror isn't a horror movie because they could've just moved to another house. WTF dude?! :lol:

To paraphrase Eddie Murphy... Ghost and spooks start haunting your house... pack your shit and get out. You kid gets sucked into the TV, you change the channel if the shit doesn't work... LEAVE!

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

"The media angle"? What exactly are you meaning with that?

You should really find another hobby if you don't think Jaws is a horror movie.:p

Spielberg fills the beach with the media after the attacks, at that time sensationalism wasn't as prominent as it is today, but he was playing up the media frenzy about the attack and of course sets it up for the media to be there when the little kids are in danger of being eaten.

Kind of sly and one of the reasons I respect spielberg, but otherwise... JAWS is not a horror film.

Thriller Suspense... YES! horror NO!

31-Dec-2009, 02:22 PM
To paraphrase Eddie Murphy... Ghost and spooks start haunting your house... pack your shit and get out. You kid gets sucked into the TV, you change the channel if the shit doesn't work... LEAVE!

So that means you don't consider Amityville Horror a horror flick?

Ok, that's it, someone spiked Dj's prescriptions with something wicked and didn't share with the rest of us. Now i'm pissed. :lol:

31-Dec-2009, 02:25 PM
So that means you don't consider Amityville Horror a horror flick?

Ok, that's it, someone spiked Dj's prescriptions with something wicked and didn't share with the rest of us. Now i'm pissed. :lol:

And its all mine :elol:

Amityville is a Horror flick... Demons and ghosts haunting your house is a little scarier than a shark. I mean honestly if we know a shark is at the beach, we wouldn't go to the beach, but if a ghost or demon is taking over your house... that is some scary shit you can't really plan for or around.

31-Dec-2009, 02:29 PM
Not true, just like you could leave the beach if there's a shark there, if you house is being haunted by some wicked crazed poltergiest, then you can move to a house down the street.

By that logic, which is yours not mine, that makes Amityville Horror not a horror flick. :p

31-Dec-2009, 02:31 PM
Amityville is a Horror flick... Demons and ghosts haunting your house is a little scarier than a shark. I mean honestly if we know a shark is at the beach, we wouldn't go to the beach, but if a ghost or demon is taking over your house... that is some scary shit you can't really plan for or around.

i don't know about that DJ, at least in my case. i know, no matter how good a ghost or demon flick is, that ghosts (and demons, etc) are not real. their scare factor is limited by that knowledge. sharks, on the other hand, are very real and i'd rather french kiss a cobra than tangle with one.

31-Dec-2009, 02:33 PM
i don't know about that DJ, at least in my case. i know, no matter how good a ghost or demon flick is, that ghosts (and demons, etc) are not real. their scare factor is limited by that knowledge. sharks, on the other hand, are very real and i'd rather french kiss a cobra than tangle with one.

But again mike... If you know one is at the beach, you leave the beach and go to another one or don't go at all, stay you ass home and install a swimming pool.

Now, had Jaws been about the story of the Indianapolis.... OH MAN!, that would have been a kick ass horror flick.

31-Dec-2009, 02:39 PM
Now, had Jaws been about the story of the Indianapolis.... OH MAN!, that would have been a kick ass horror flick.

tell me about it. i watched a documentary about that on the history channel a few months ago and it creeped me the fook out.

31-Dec-2009, 02:45 PM
The only thing horror about JAWS was that speech in the movie. The way he told the story and how it went down was more intense and frightening than watching Bruce tear his way through the beach people

31-Dec-2009, 04:40 PM
But again mike... If you know one is at the beach, you leave the beach and go to another one or don't go at all, stay you ass home and install a swimming pool.

Sure, any of the side characters could have left Amity Island. But Brody is the Sherriff, Hooper is a professional on sharks, and Quint hunts them down for a living. They intentionally went out to get the shark so that they could make Amity Island safe again....

Telling them to leave the island is like telling batman to leave gotham when the joker is about to blow it up. They stay and go after the shark because they have the responsibility.

And saying they should leave could be applied to every horror film. Leave Camp Crystal Lake. Leave the TCSM house. Leave the Poltergeist house. Leave the theater.;)

Technically you COULD leave all these places, but you still have to pass the "bad guy". In the case of Jaws, you could leave but you still have to leave the island and pass by the shark. And then maybe the shark follows you. Or then it goes to another mainland beach.

It has to be dealt with....Brody, Hooper, and Quint were the ones to deal with it.

31-Dec-2009, 06:13 PM
Telling them to leave the island is like telling batman to leave gotham when the joker is about to blow it up. They stay and go after the shark because they have the responsibility.

And saying they should leave could be applied to every horror film. Leave Camp Crystal Lake. Leave the TCSM house. Leave the Poltergeist house. Leave the theater.;)

That's exactly what I was trying to get across (just failing miserably since this old gray mare's brain ain't what it used to be).

Bassman FTW! :D


PS - "Leave the theater." :lol: Now that was funny.