View Full Version : To the happy holidays crowd...

24-Dec-2009, 03:55 PM
To all of you who insist on refering to this season as happy holidays, I've got just one thing to say to all of you...

24-Dec-2009, 03:57 PM
Although most people say Holidays to be PC, I've always considered it a combination of Christmas and New Years. The Holidays. :shrug:

24-Dec-2009, 03:58 PM
First off, I'm with Bassman. Second off, I don't give a shit because Jesus was never born in the first place. I'm just in it for the food and presents.

24-Dec-2009, 04:12 PM
I'm just in it for the food and presents.

ditto. talk of jesus makes me want to staple things to people's foreheads.

hope you all had a snappy saturnalia.

Ghost Of War
24-Dec-2009, 04:45 PM
First off, I'm with Bassman. Second off, I don't give a shit because Jesus was never born in the first place. I'm just in it for the food and presents.


Have a good one, all the same, folks. :D

24-Dec-2009, 04:59 PM
Merry christmas you cheery lovable fucks!

24-Dec-2009, 05:10 PM
I'm an evolutionist, but I always insist on Merry Christmas. Regardless of what you believe, it is totally okay to designate one day of the year as a day when people can toss aside all differences and show each other the good will that should be prevelant through out the rest of the year. Call it Christmas or Happy Sac Day, it all means the same.

Merry Christmas HPotD. I hope you all get your stockings stuffed!

24-Dec-2009, 05:15 PM
ditto. talk of jesus makes me want to staple things to people's foreheads.

hope you all had a snappy saturnalia.





Happy Festivus.


24-Dec-2009, 07:34 PM

24-Dec-2009, 07:44 PM
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!

(I hope Santa brings me lots of guns-n-ammo ... )



24-Dec-2009, 07:47 PM
[QUOTE=strayrider;212266]Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!

(I hope Santa brings me lots of guns-n-ammo ... )/QUOTE]


24-Dec-2009, 07:53 PM
Santa Claus is a terrorist. Lives in the middle of nowhere, has a sweatshop full of mistreated workers supplying him, only comes out of hiding once a year...

24-Dec-2009, 08:03 PM
To all of you who insist on refering to this season as happy holidays, I've got just one thing to say to all of you...

:lol: I don't know. There's also New Years and Hannukah (for those Jews not worshiping a personification of the Sun) around this time of year. Or what about Yule?

In fact, let's go old school: Dies Natalis Invicti Solis!

24-Dec-2009, 08:57 PM
Merry Christmas to all of u and your families

And its ok if some of u dont beleive in Jesus,
cuz I am filled with Christs' love, enough to save
even sinners like u.

and now, Santa brings joy to a child.....


25-Dec-2009, 01:59 AM
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!

(I hope Santa brings me lots of guns-n-ammo ... )



"You can hear reindeer on your rooftop. Or Jack Frost on your window sill. But if someone's climbing down your chimney, you'd better load your gun and shoot to kill. "
Christmas at Ground Zero, by Weird Al (Ground Zero as in Nuclear Attack, not 9/11. )

and in the immortal words of Mr. Garrison. "Hey there Mr. Hindu Man, Merry F'ing Christmas ... "

Wayne Z
"No, I mean it's all true. The flying reindeer, coming down the chimney ... except for the part where he evicerates small children ... "
From the Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode, The Body, where Anya, the 1000 year old vengence demon explains the truth about Santa Claus.

25-Dec-2009, 04:18 AM
[QUOTE=strayrider;212266]Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all!

(I hope Santa brings me lots of guns-n-ammo ... )/QUOTE]


The fat man in red standing against a white backdrop makes for an easy target.

Bring it on, Santa!



ps -- guess Mike 70 forgot to post this ...



25-Dec-2009, 04:51 AM
ps -- guess Mike 70 forgot to post this ...



no, i never forget to post that at christmas time. it's in the "it's that time again" thread.

it wouldn't be christmas around here without me posting a vid of foul mouthed elves.

on a personal note: merry christmas stray. i don't always agree with you but your sense of humor cracks me the fook up. us ohio folk have to stick together. go blast some targets with that christmas ammo! i'll be firing away this weekend at some point. my dad called me up the other day and was like "let's go shoot up the farm over the weekend." translate that as: let's go target shooting at my friend's farm so a 70 year old man can embarrass your ass.

25-Dec-2009, 06:24 AM
my dad called me up the other day and was like "let's go shoot up the farm over the weekend." translate that as: let's go target shooting at my friend's farm so a 70 year old man can embarrass your ass.

Shooting on Christmas day? Man, that would be fantastic! You're a lucky dog, Mike.

Happy Jesus' Birthday.




25-Dec-2009, 11:34 AM
Merry Crimbo motherfuckers!!!

I gotz me a Simpsons remote control! :hyper:

26-Dec-2009, 12:18 AM
Merry Christmas, my HPotD friends!

26-Dec-2009, 01:38 PM
Holy Geez. Seems like some people were taking me way to seriously. How many of you actually looked at the picture I attatched? It's a still shot of Loyd Christmas pretending to kill Mary's husband in Dumb and Dumber. Granted, it wasn't the best quality that it could have been, but still...
Damn, seems every once in a blue moon when I try to do something funny, it backfires. Love those other stills though. Definately worth a few laughs after two very long days. Hope at lest a few people got a chuckle or two from my attempt.

27-Dec-2009, 01:45 AM
Shooting on Christmas day? Man, that would be fantastic! You're a lucky dog, Mike.

not on christmas, we went today. much ammo was expended and i can honestly say, that the air around most of the targets trembles at the sound of my name.:lol:

oh, i fired that WWII enfield today (after some close inspection and a remote safety fire). thing kicks like a bastard (compared to modern firearms) but once you get it sighted in, it's a damn accurate piece of hardware.