View Full Version : space odyssey: voyage to the planets...

27-Dec-2009, 02:00 AM
how the fark did i miss this????

i just came across this gem. it was done by the BBC a few years ago and is a hard science docu-drama that follows the voyage of 5 astronauts aboard the ISEV- Pegasus on a 6 year mission to visit venus, mars, jupiter, io, europa, saturn, titan, and pluto - with manned landings to the surface of venus, mars, io, and pluto. before you ask, "6 years for all that?" the ship is using a plasma jet engine and with gravity boosts, its top speed is a whooping 300 km per second.

this blew me the fuck away. it is by far the best space doc i've ever seen and everything in it is plausible and very, very true to actual science.

the breakdown of the astronauts:

1 american -the mission commander
2 brits - medicine and exobiology
1 canadian - planetary geology
1 russian - engineering.

here is a snippet: this deals with the gravity assist from the sun that puts pegasus on course from mars to jupiter.


27-Dec-2009, 12:55 PM
Did this only just reach you guys over there, Mike? Damn, I've had this on DVD for about three or four years. :stunned:

And indeed, it is absolutely awesome. The way the whole thing is done is so believable, and the FX are fan-fucking-tastic. The story was written by one of the nu-Doctor Who series writers too. It's defo worth picking up on DVD, not only for the superior quality, but because you get a couple of decent documentaries with it.

27-Dec-2009, 03:34 PM
Did this only just reach you guys over there, Mike? Damn, I've had this on DVD for about three or four years. :stunned:

i don't know if it is out on DVD over here or not. i acquired it through, ahem, alternate means.:shifty:

i was reading an article about "defying gravity" and it mentioned this doc as being the inspiration for the show. i went out immediately and laid my computer on it.