View Full Version : Any plans for NYE?

28-Dec-2009, 07:25 PM
Dunno what I'm doing on New Years Eve yet but I have two party invitations. That said, I might just go out on an epic bender with a couple of pals in London. Get proper rinsed.

It is 2010 after all. The second Arthur C. Clarke Odyssey installment that I have lived to see. Doubt if I'll make it to 2061 though.

Nothing will ever be as epic as the Millenium. I think my hangover lasted three days. Center of London, fireworks a-blazin', bottle of Jack Daniels in me hand, Will Smith ripping off The Clash over the PA, even managed to get myself laid (knee trembler at the back of the pub - fuck knows what her name was). Must be like how the Beach Boys remember beach parties and surfing in 1962. Good times. :thumbsup:

So what y'all doing then?

28-Dec-2009, 07:31 PM
Mmmmm, not sure of locality, but getting shitfaced and vomiting in my girlfriend's lap is probably on the agenda.

Some people are tied up with family business this year, while others have new significant others they must attend to, so that leaves where I'll be celebrating a bit up in the air.

Here's to a good one for us all, though. :thumbsup:

28-Dec-2009, 07:40 PM
For myself, the question persists:

Do I go out to a crowded bar on NYE? There are only a couple around by me that I frequent with any regularity; and they'll all be packed with amateuers.

Or a nice quiet git-together with friends? Main problem - no New Year's snog at midnight. ack.

28-Dec-2009, 07:40 PM
I think this year will most likely be myself and the lady having a few quiet drinks at home.

But i'm not sure. The neighbor usually has a large gathering, so we may hit that. Either way, I'm taking it pretty easy this year.

28-Dec-2009, 07:42 PM
It is 2010 after all. The second Arthur C. Clarke Odyssey installment that I have lived to see. Doubt if I'll make it to 2061 though.

I'm gonna go for 3001, baby, or die tryin'! :D

29-Dec-2009, 04:19 AM
as i mentioned already in another holidays thread, i'm going to attend a party at a close friend's house. me, the new ladyfriend and the rest of the gang are gonna drink some wine, burn a couple of fatties, play poker, and munch on some good food.

don't really get too jazzed up about new year's lately, especially going out to big parties, bars, and dealing with loads of overly-intoxicated buffoons.

oh, and as always, i'll be getting another year older with the new year. last b-day before the big 3-0.:|

29-Dec-2009, 12:50 PM
Going to the Red Wings game.


29-Dec-2009, 12:59 PM
Hanging out with LouCipherr and some other friends. Instead of Bar Hopping we are taking this time to drink our asses and reflect.... probably more drinking than reflecting, but whatever. :D

29-Dec-2009, 02:30 PM
Going to the Red Wings game.


Is that a euphemism? :lol:

29-Dec-2009, 03:14 PM
other than a nice wink job from a one-eyed hooker, i have no real plans for the 31st.:D

That said, I might just go out on an epic bender with a couple of pals in London. Get proper rinsed.

is your bail money still in the top drawer next to your ticket collection?

Chic Freak
04-Jan-2010, 03:51 PM
As a follow-up to the Christmas thread...

How was your NYE?

Liam and I just went to Camden with our flatmate Joe and our mate Lee who's crashing with us atm, went to the Black Heart for a quick one then were at The World's End (http://www.theworldsend.co.uk/) for midnight. I don't actually recall how we got home but I remember having a party and opening the bottle of Champagne I'd been saving :)

Then around 7 am on new year's day my friend Max (http://www.maximsphotos.com) (link to his photography if anyone's interested!) turned up and we carried on drinking and being silly for another 2 days until he went home! It was great having him here but I was so tired after he left and my liver was so dead I just slept!

04-Jan-2010, 04:03 PM
Threads merged.

I went to a party armed with four bottles of Bollinger and ended up going home after the pigs ploughed through a couple of bottles in fifteen minutes. They were thirty notes a pop! Anyway, I took the remaining two home and stole a bottle of Moet from them and was home by 10pm. It's just as well because my girlfriend was alone on NYE so I spent it with her. Got rat-arsed.

Liam and I just went to Camden with our flatmate Joe and our mate Lee who's crashing with us atm, went to the Black Heart for a quick one then were at The World's End (http://www.theworldsend.co.uk/) for midnight. I don't actually recall how we got home but I remember having a party and opening the bottle of Champagne I'd been saving :)
The World's End is a great pub, got blasted there many times.

04-Jan-2010, 04:11 PM
i whent a few places like some goddamn harold and kumar adventure, it involved playing rock band in a gay bar, i was only told later which made sense when all those fat guys with beards appeared to be coming on to me, go figure, whent across a lake in a boat, ate bizaare russian food crossed with a sunday dinner roast and ended the night skating across an icy river then having some yob trying to smash my mates window in, as well as 3 other moving cars.


-oh, and the fireowrks round here wasnt the usual 2 hour extrrrrrravagansa but a 2 minute nuke explosion, like every one whent off at once, it was very unnerving, and followed by 4 ambulances about 15 minutes later.:|

04-Jan-2010, 06:56 PM
Went to a friend's house quite near, but in an area where seemingly mobile phone signals do not exist for fear of witch craft.

They'd just moved in that day, so it was also a bit of a house warming. It was a small group of us, so unfortunately not even a New Year's kiss for crying out loud, but it was fun nonetheless - being around friends with a log fire on the go.

I was into the Strongbow personally, but didn't get rat (or any other kind of vermin) arsed. Didn't fancy feeling rough the morning after, but my mouth was fuzzy nonetheless.

Spent the night there on the floor in a sleeping bag and upon a slowly deflating inflatable mattress, with their bloody unsociable cat pawing around, and one of my mates snoring their arse off - so it was a shite night's kip.

Woke up, watched some Top Gear and then some X-Files, then stepped outside and promptly froze our nuts off as Knox scraped the ice off his car - it was a slippery-ass drive back to the main road too, and some of the pot holes were positively cavernous (we hit one going quite swiftly on the way there the night before).

Would have been nice if the night had been a bit bigger, with some lowered inhibitions, but alas - still though - it was a nice get together, and a better night out than Xmas Eve which was a bit of a bust really.

04-Jan-2010, 07:10 PM
I went to a party in Manchester, got very drunk, had a laugh, went to bed about 6am, good times! :D