View Full Version : Megashark vs Giant Octopus trailer - You have got to see this

29-Dec-2009, 11:34 PM
Absurd and a gulity pleasure for sure. Velveeta at its best


29-Dec-2009, 11:36 PM
I first saw this trailer about a year or so back now. Still funny as all hell.

Nothing like a shark big enough to bite the golden gate bridge....

29-Dec-2009, 11:44 PM
I first saw this trailer about a year or so back now. Still funny as all hell.

Nothing like a shark big enough to bite the golden gate bridge....

or take an airliner out of the sky.

30-Dec-2009, 12:00 AM

am i tripping on shrooms here or did i just see a shark bite the golden gate in half??

talk about stellar cast: lorenzo lamas and deborah gibson???

come on DJ, this is some kind of joke right??

30-Dec-2009, 12:04 AM

am i tripping on shrooms here or did i just see a shark bite the golden gate in half??

talk about stellar cast: lorenzo lamas and deborah gibson???

come on DJ, this is some kind of joke right??

No dude, this actually int he top most viewed trailers of 2009, and it plays on SYFY all this month.


30-Dec-2009, 12:22 AM
No dude, this actually int he top most viewed trailers of 2009, and it plays on SYFY all this month.


i think i'll be checking out my local listings then. trash this epic is not to be missed. hell, it might prove to be the best comedy i've seen in eons.:lol:

30-Dec-2009, 12:35 AM
i think i'll be checking out my local listings then. trash this epic is not to be missed. hell, it might prove to be the best comedy i've seen in eons.:lol:

That quote is now in my signature :p

30-Dec-2009, 03:14 AM
That's fantastic!!!!! The only thing missing from that casting call was a professional wrestler :lol::lol::lol:

30-Dec-2009, 03:57 AM
Here is the cast & crew


Any wrestlers? Don't follow pro wrestling so I don't who is who.

30-Dec-2009, 05:07 AM
Here is the cast & crew


Any wrestlers? Don't follow pro wrestling so I don't who is who.

Sorry...I'm not a virgin, so I have no idea, either. However, this movie just screams: Rock...:elol:

30-Dec-2009, 07:39 PM
I saw it a few times.

It gets played pretty frequently.

It starts with a submarine with Ms Gibson as captian
in the arctic and they run across an iceberg that has
the giant monsters frozen in it, locked in battle.

then they escape from like an earthquake
and cause evil treachery until debbie gibson
has a concert inside a mall and everyone goes
back in time to the 80s and does lots of coke
and uses hair gel and mousse, and listen to wang chung
and such utter filth proves to much for even the

um not quite but the real story isnt much better.

odd in a way that so few of u have seen this

31-Dec-2009, 11:56 AM




Stay tuned for the epic last line

BTW you netflix members can watch this for free on Netflix

31-Dec-2009, 12:39 PM
Christ that's just shit ... not so shit that it's good, just shit.

"Mayday I'm going down" - but you haven't been hit yet, you fuckin' noob.

All those resources that The Asylum inexplicably has to hand, and they put out shit like this time-after-time-after-time?


31-Dec-2009, 12:49 PM
Oh COme On MZ... This is a so bad its good movie. Just the way that Tentacle hits the plane




31-Dec-2009, 12:50 PM
Holy crap!

Is that Debbie Gibson? As in Debbie Gibson?


Then surely the name of the film should be 'Mega shark vs Giant Octopus, with 80's teen pop sensation'

Humph...I've been sold a pup.

31-Dec-2009, 12:52 PM
Holy crap!

Is that Debbie Gibson? As in Debbie Gibson?


Then surely the name of the film should be 'Mega shark vs Giant Octopus, with 80's teen pop sensation'

Humph...I've been sold a pup.

Yep same chick.

Hey didn't she doa PLAYBOY spread once?

31-Dec-2009, 03:06 PM
Wouldn't surprise me if she did. Since the music career dried up, I'd say she was chaning her arm at anything that came her way.

31-Dec-2009, 04:22 PM
Nope. Just shit.


31-Dec-2009, 05:54 PM
Yep same chick.

Hey didn't she doa PLAYBOY spread once?

I think you are thinking of Tiffany, another 80's pop-mall music chick, who did Playboy.

31-Dec-2009, 05:59 PM
I think you are thinking of Tiffany, another 80's pop-mall music chick, who did Playboy.

deborah gibson was in playboy back in 2005. i looked it up.:D

31-Dec-2009, 06:10 PM
You've only just come across this? I saw this movie in summer.. its been out for ages.

05-Jan-2010, 12:38 PM
I usually don't go out of my way looking for Schlock, especially when I produce my own. :D

If the trailer hadn't popped up in the top 10 most watched trailers of 2009 per Yahoo Movies I wouldn't have never know it existed

05-Jan-2010, 01:04 PM
Watched this two nights ago.

It's the kind of film where a single dimly-lit boiler room stands in as both the bridge of a US Destroyer and the control deck of a Japanese sub; the monsters are always proportionately larger than whatever they are attacking (one minute they're five or six times the length of a mini-sub, the next they're bigger than the Golden Gate bridge); "science" involves montages of people pouring different-coloured liquids into test tubes and frowning; Chinese, Malaysians and Indonesians all stand in for Japanese (because, you know, they all look the same, right?); marine biologists explain the "scientific fact" that sharks and octopuses "hate" each other (Octopus: "Man, I FUCKIN' HATE sharks!"); people say, without moving an eyebrow, lines like "Shark approaching, 500 knots!" (yes, 500 knots!); sharks and octopodes will actively attempt to eat man-made structures made of steel and concrete for no reason other than, well... they're just mean; and finally: an Irishman at the seaside holds out a bag to his colleague and says: "Would you like a fish and chip?".

Brrrrilliant! :lol:

---------- Post added at 02:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 PM ----------

Oh yeah... and they use those cliche "trailer flashes" (bursts of white light added in post, often accompanied with a "whoosh" sound), which are irritating at the best of times, but in the middle of a subdued conversation!? :lol::lol:

05-Jan-2010, 01:18 PM
What's with this "Oh my god, that dude's not japanese!" whining as of lately? I have never EVER heard anyone complain that the people playing that Swede or German is not actually swedish or german. Stop the act, it's laaaaame.

Anyway, the film is excellent. I've seen it, and two thumbs up all around.

05-Jan-2010, 01:59 PM
What's with this "Oh my god, that dude's not japanese!" whining as of lately? I have never EVER heard anyone complain that the people playing that Swede or German is not actually swedish or german. Stop the act, it's laaaaame.

Anyway, the film is excellent. I've seen it, and two thumbs up all around.

WHAT? Chill out man. Swedes and Germans don't have such distinctive facial features, at least not that I'd notice. I DID, however, notice the almost-stereotypically Chinese looking guys (plumper face, lower cheekbones - as different to the Japanese as an Irishman looks different to a Native American) standing around on a Japanese sub next to a real Japanese actor (sharp bone structure, more "western"-like features). I'm not being racist, it really DOES stand out like a bunch of guys running around in see-you-Jimmy hats and red hair, and it's not an "act" so bugger off with the smart-arse comments. :(

05-Jan-2010, 02:01 PM
Debbie Gibson's Playboy spread looks nice. I saw it a while back. I'd still hit it.

05-Jan-2010, 02:06 PM
WHAT? Chill out man. Swedes and Germans don't have such distinctive facial features, at least not that I'd notice. I DID, however, notice the almost-stereotypically Chinese looking guys (plumper face, lower cheekbones - as different to the Japanese as an Irishman looks different to a Native American) standing around on a Japanese sub next to a real Japanese actor (sharp bone structure, more "western"-like features). I'm not being racist, it really DOES stand out like a bunch of guys running around in see-you-Jimmy hats and red hair, and it's not an "act" so bugger off with the smart-arse comments. :(

There's difference between a Swede and a Russian, for instance. Yet Swedish actors regularly get to play russians... And nobody complains. Why? Because nobody cares. As it should be! Actors are actors.

There was this massive hysteria over a chinese playing a geisha in Memoirs of a Geisha. Yet I can't remember anyone even discussing the nationality of the vikings in the 13th Warrior... Or even Antonia Banderas for that matter! I view this on a purely "Asia is just cooler!"-basis, by the way. :p

05-Jan-2010, 02:23 PM
There's difference between a Swede and a Russian, for instance. Yet Swedish actors regularly get to play russians... And nobody complains. Why? Because nobody cares. As it should be! Actors are actors.

Yeah, but you do get some Russians that could pass for Swedes, and vice-versa, and you probably wouldn't pick the most stereotypical blonde-haired, clear-eyed, rock-jawed German or Swede or Austrian to play a Russian if you had any choice in the matter (unless you're the casting director of Red Heat, but I digress :lol:). The guys standing behind the Japanese fella on the sub are almost archetype Chinese, which is made more noticeable thanks to the fact that they're standing next to a very Japanese-looking Japanese guy.

I would probably not even pay attention to this if it wasn't for the fact that the movie doesn't have much intelligence generally, and much like the way they seem to think that no one in the audience can tell the difference between a Battleship and a Destroyer, they simply thought that no one would notice. It's fun though, it adds to the charm of the movie.

05-Jan-2010, 03:03 PM
I personally don't mind seeing Japanese characters portrayed by all manner of Asian actors, if for no reason other than the fact that I know so many Japanese find discomfort at the prospect. :evil:

05-Jan-2010, 03:27 PM
I personally don't mind seeing Japanese characters portrayed by all manner of Asian actors, if for no reason other than the fact that I know so many Japanese find discomfort at the prospect. :evil:

Myself, I do not mind it either. Mostly because then people will bring it up as a point, and then I can bring up the fact that they never complain that western europeans frequently play eastern europeans yet they never raised THAT point. :p

Oh, and by the way, you have plenty of japanese that could pass for koreans or chinese, and vice-versa also. Just as with Russians/Germans.

05-Jan-2010, 05:05 PM
Oh, and by the way, you have plenty of japanese that could pass for koreans or chinese, and vice-versa also. Just as with Russians/Germans.

Absolutely! And if the Chinese guys had passed for Japanese, I wouldn't have noticed! :D