View Full Version : Jack The Ripper animation flick

31-Dec-2009, 02:18 AM

No, there is no such flick yet. But I got looking at this picture above and I think it speaks more to me in atmosphere than anything else I have seen/read about Jack The Ripper. Take a long ganders.

Imagine if you will, a Tim Burton-esque animation/cartoon, sepia tone, about the Victorian serial killer. Get Jude Law to voice Inspector Abberline and Tom Baker to voice Jack. Fucking thing would gross megabucks.

From Hell was a pile of shit, so now that we are a hell of a lot closer to identifying the murderer (see this (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6261360/Jack-the-Rippers-identity-finally-uncovered.html) link), I think the story could really be done justice in a project such as this. Whaddaya think?

31-Dec-2009, 02:24 AM
Totally agree with you, baby. This is a really good idea.

31-Dec-2009, 03:40 PM
I watched the Discovery Channel bit with more than a passing interest. It was good stuff.

I think your idea has tremendous merit, so long as Burton doesn't turn it into a musical :confused:

(BTW...that pic is darkly perfect. I can see how it would inspire a person)

31-Dec-2009, 06:36 PM
Sounds good and the above image looks great, especially with the Christmas theme snow effect licking over the it--really make it pop.

31-Dec-2009, 11:01 PM
Could be done but not with today's mainstream filmmakers. They'd muck it up for the Gen X/Y crowd. A shame really, that pic truly gets the imagination going.

31-Dec-2009, 11:54 PM
That would make an interesting little flick...

deadpunk - Make it a musical? Maybe i'm missing something, but the only original musical that Burton's done in my memory was Nightmare Before Christmas(although technically not HIS film). The others were remakes or adaptations of pre-existing musicals.

01-Jan-2010, 09:36 AM
Someone should give this its due, without worrying about star power. Animated or not...
Hollywood cuts the balls off anything they get ahold of.
I believe in no holds barred. Fuck waiting for the unrated dvd, break it out NOW.

02-Jan-2010, 02:37 AM
That would make an interesting little flick...

deadpunk - Make it a musical? Maybe i'm missing something, but the only original musical that Burton's done in my memory was Nightmare Before Christmas(although technically not HIS film). The others were remakes or adaptations of pre-existing musicals.

A poor attempt at being witty on my part bassman. ;):p