View Full Version : Fibonacci spiral

05-Jan-2010, 03:15 AM
Spiralling out. Forever reaching out into infinity.


A band called Tool made a song called Lateralus using the number system involved in Fibonacci. You don't have to reply, but it's beautiful in its meaning. The video has instructional text.

Click (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number) for explanation.

05-Jan-2010, 03:45 AM
Spiralling out. Forever reaching out into infinity.


A band called Tool made a song called Lateralus using the number system involved in Fibonacci. You don't have to reply, but it's beautiful in its meaning. The video has instructional text.

it is also the second time they've played with latin to make a point. Lateral (the side) - us. notice how in the album title the -us is below the rest of the word "as above so below and beyond i imagine."

the first was Aenima, a play on the latin word animus, meaning spirit or mind.

05-Jan-2010, 03:48 AM
it is also the second time they've played with latin to make a point. Lateral (the side) - us. notice how in the album title the -us is below the rest of the word "as above so below and beyond i imagine."

the first was Aenima, a play on the latin word animus, meaning spirit or mind.
Well spotted, Mike. I applaud. :)

05-Jan-2010, 03:55 AM
Well spotted, Mike. I applaud. :)

well, tool is one of those bands that if you don't understand, you get thrown out of the international brotherhood of geekdom.:lol:

05-Jan-2010, 03:59 AM
well, tool is one of those bands that if you don't understand, you get thrown out of the international brotherhood of geekdom.:lol:
Haha, yes, if Stanley Kubrick made an album, it would probably sound along the lines of Ænima or Lateralus. :lol:

05-Jan-2010, 04:11 AM
Haha, yes, if Stanley Kubrick made an album, it would probably sound along the lines of Ænima or Lateralus. :lol:

did you ever notice that the track listing was changed a few months after the record was released? on the early pressing (like the one i have) the song "lateralus" is spelled "lateralis"?

and on that note: "saturn ascends, comes round again."

05-Jan-2010, 04:22 AM
All copies have Lateralus spelt 'Lateralis'. Just like the song Ænima is spelt 'Ænema'.

05-Jan-2010, 04:25 AM
All copies have Lateralus spelt 'Lateralis'. Just like the song Ænima is spelt 'Ænema'.

mmm, i thought that had been changed on later pressings but, hey, i'll defer to you here, i probably have gotten some bad info. the interwebz are full of crap info and i have only my copy of the cd to go on. end of that.

now we should really start a convo about "the grudge".

05-Jan-2010, 04:40 AM
now we should really start a convo about "the grudge".
One single comment about the movie will result in deletion, folks. Serious, let's keep this on track.

I love the song 'The Grudge'. When I saw Tool live in 2002, the opened with 'Triad' and then went into 'The Grudge' seamlessly. But I dunno if you noticed that the songs in Lateralus, they have that spacey otherwolrdly feel.

In fact (going back on track) I love listening to Tool while watching my little private photo gallery called 'The Planetary Portfolio' - every planet and moon photographed in a single file. I also love listening to Gustav Holst (remarkable suite) along with The Blue Danube and György Ligeti's 'Atmospheres'.

05-Jan-2010, 04:52 AM
But I dunno if you noticed that the songs in Lateralus, they have that spacey otherwolrdly feel.

i defintely noticed that.

as far as "the grudge" goes, i know there are as many theories as stories in the naked city but i've always viewed it from the perspective of a classicist. it is tool's version of zeus' overthrow of the titans. saturn is the latin equivalent of cronus. cronus was told that one of his children would overthrow him, so he ate them (most importantly poseidon and hades). when zeus was born, rhea gave cronus a stone to eat instead of zeus. zeus grew up and liberated his siblings. then zeus, poseidon and hades defeated the titans and set themselves up as the 3 principal gods of the greek pantheon with zeus as king.

05-Jan-2010, 05:07 AM
as far as "the grudge" goes, i know there are as many theories as stories in the naked city but i've always viewed it from the perspective of a classicist. it is tool's version of zeus' overthrow of the titans. saturn is the latin equivalent of cronus. cronus was told that one of his children would overthrow him, so he ate them (most importantly poseidon and hades). when zeus was born, rhea gave cronus a stone to eat instead of zeus. zeus grew up and liberated his siblings. then zeus, poseidon and hades defeated the titans and set themselves up as the 3 principal gods of the greek pantheon with zeus as king.
You study music or something, Mikers?

05-Jan-2010, 07:42 AM
I love Tool! Ever since the Prison Sex video I was hooked. I always tried to figure out that guitar riff but could never quite pin it down. I'm sure it's simple as pie but it eludes me. Maybe it's an alternate tuning. You know which one I'm talking about? I also love the one that goes "fret for your prozac and fret for your latte, etc." When he says "Moms gonna put it back the way it oughta be", I figure he's refering to mother earth, and she will eventually right the wrong as punishment for our sins.

I never saw them in concert, so tell me are they dull and complacent on stage, or is they running all over and full of energy?

05-Jan-2010, 01:08 PM
You study music or something, Mikers?


my level of geekdom is enough to kill a lesser human.

05-Jan-2010, 01:17 PM
More Fibonnaci fun. http://www.gocomics.com/foxtrot/2009/02/08/

I appreciate when popular musicians show that they are accomplished (or at least aware) of fields beyond their own. Didn't one of 'Queens' musicians recently receive a Ph.D. in astrophysics?

05-Jan-2010, 01:35 PM
I appreciate when popular musicians show that they are accomplished (or at least aware) of fields beyond their own. Didn't one of 'Queens' musicians recently receive a Ph.D. in astrophysics?

yep. brian may.

05-Jan-2010, 04:00 PM
yep. brian may.
That's Dr. Brian May to us lesser humans. :D