View Full Version : Manhood survey - script research...

11-Jan-2010, 12:00 PM
Hey folks, I'm doing some research of sorts in relation to the next script I'm going to write, and would greatly appreciate your views on the following questions (topic of 21st century manhood):


1. What does being a “man” mean to you?

2. When does someone become a man?

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?

7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?

8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?

Write as much or as little as you wish, and if you have anything else to add that isn't covered in the questions, feel free to do so. Many thanks for your help. :)

11-Jan-2010, 02:15 PM
1. What does being a “man” mean to you?

- I have no clear definition. Nor do I put any value in the word.

2. When does someone become a man?

- Usually when they are born and are found to have a penis (Otherwise they are a Woman). If you're talking about a distinction between a boy and a man, then a simple line can be drawn when they turn the age that allows them to do any number of things that is prohibited by law for younger people to do. Such as purchasing alcohol. The same distinction can be drawn from Girl and Woman. This age varies from country to country.

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

- Nothing in particular, in the definition that I think of when I think of a "Man", except having a sufficent number of birthdays.

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?

- Invalid and inapplicable assumption. I have no opinion.

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?

- That would vary from person to person. Most people, sex notwithstanding, would probably feel a bit uneasy or depressed at such thoughts and attempt to prove themselves. However, some may not and may simply accept it or try to better themselves. No one person is superior at everything, so while you may superior at soccer, I may be able to beat you in Tennis for instance. Being overall "superior" is not a measurement I am familiar with.

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?

- I am not familiar with the etymology of the word.

7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?

- As education has mostly improved, I imagine they view themselves as having a superior intellect. Or at the very least, having a superior education.

8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?

- None that I acknowledge.

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

- A man shall act in whichever manner pleases him and he views is morally acceptable towards his peers. For instance, inflicting harm upon others is usually frowned upon.

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

- See above.

11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?

- That would vary from culture to culture, as socio-political codes vary greatly from culture to culture. Humankind has developed certain questionable distinctions between men and women, for a variety of different reasons (one being that historically men considered themselves to be superior to women)

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?

- These would vary from person to person. I believe that most humans, regardless of sex, fear rejection and loneliness, however and would consider these common fears.

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?

- As everyone is different, I think this would be a question best asked on an individual level. However, I believe many people, regardless of sex, dream of success, luxuary and comfort.

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?

- Insufficent Data. Please clarify. Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!

Chic Freak
11-Jan-2010, 02:42 PM
Thought you might be interested in having a female viewpoint! Could also lead to some interesting discussion/ revelations when what I've said is critiqued by male members of the board.

1. What does being a “man” mean to you?

Being strong, brave, standing up for yourself and others (both friends and strangers), "sucking it up", "getting on with it", taking special care of those weaker or needier than yourself, being a protector. Despite being female, when in a situation that intimidates me I often say to myself, "man up!" or "be a man" to signify the above actions and qualities.

2. When does someone become a man?

When they are as independent and self-sufficient as their environment reasonably allows.

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

I don't know. A sense of morals and purpose?

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?

Abusing others to feed their own ego and other forms of cowardice.

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?

I think they often feel ashamed.

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?

Yes, I think today a "real man" is expected to be more emotionally articulate than he was in the past.

7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?

I don't know, but I'd love to hear about it. Do you guys feel like the everyday world is becoming increasingly orientated towards women in terms of what is considered correct within social interaction?

8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?

Yes; just as a soldier shooting an enemy is soldier is not considered murder.

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

Don't know!

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

See above!

11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?

Erm, probably... I know you're not supposed to cry and hug each other, or chat to each other while you pee in a public toilet.

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?

The obvious ones that spring to my mind relate to penis size and sporting ability, neither of which really matter to most people.

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?

I'd guess that in our society, our long-term aspirations are pretty similar... decent career, decent money, decent house, decent partner.

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?

Not sure I understand what this question means?

11-Jan-2010, 03:04 PM
1. What does being a “man” mean to you?
it means i have XY sex chromosomes and that i am at the adult stage of life. i will not buy into "macho" ideas of being manly. those are for bikers, white trash, ghetto thugs and convicts. like ned, the word has no significance to me beyond denoting an adult as opposed to a boy.

2. When does someone become a man?

at the end of puberty, when adolescence ends.

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

sexual maturity and experimentation. i prefer to think of people as adults rather than men and women. you cannot be a fully functioning, healthy adult if you are a virgin.

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?
that is a bullshit cultural concept. see above comment about bikers, white trash, ghetto thugs and convicts.

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?

that depends largely on their upbringing, education and personality. some people can be graceful in the face of failure and learn from it, some simply make excuses and blame other people.

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?

not to me. it still revolves around having XY sex chromosomes.

7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?

the world used to be our oyster and now it isn't. i think males have had to do some serious adjusting to the role that women now play in modern life.

8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?

again, XY chromosomes. an adult male is a man regardless of what his culture expects.

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

you should always be you. anything else is a complete and total pose.

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

again, you should always be you. i absolutely don't buy into the premise that we must be "chivalrous" to women. they aren't princesses and they aren't fine art objects.

11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?

unfortunately it seems so. among the uneducated lower classes, it seems that being a "man" revolves around being ready and able to "kick someone's ass" the second they feel that someone has "disrepected" their "manliness."

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?

erectile dysfunction, prostate issues. other than that, probably the same fears as women. the fear of loneliness would be at the top of that heap. that is why i fucking laugh my ass off at folks on here who fancy themselves as a "lone wolf" who don't need other people. that is bullshit for sure.

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?

success (whatever that really means), being able to freaky with lots of women.

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?

i don't know man, i 'm not a young male anymore.:p to be honest, i don't understand anyone under the age of 21 or so (and don't really want to try). 20 plus years of life changes have taken me so from who i was at 18 that it is hard to focus on what i wanted then. besides, the teen years are a difficult and ignorant time in our lives, i have no wish to relive that.

11-Jan-2010, 03:32 PM
1. What does being a “man” mean to you?
To me it's taking care of my daughter and family. A few years ago it probably would have been something else or just "I don't know".

2. When does someone become a man?
I think I probably became a man when I started caring more about my loved ones than myself. I care about myself too, but you know what I mean...

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?
Taking advantage of others or neglecting his duties or priorities. Such as children....any male that walks out on his kids is a piece of shit in my eyes.

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?
I guess a good man can swallow his pride and move forward with accomplishments AND failures. That's life.

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?
I think to some boys it has. Some think that simply hitting puberty and having the ability to grow a beard makes them a man. Not so. That's just a male. A man is someone with morals and a "code", if you will.

7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?
Well....most of them would probably say something like "that's queer, dawg" when a man opens the door for a lady or helps an elderly person with their bags. I think that kinda sums it up...

8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?
Yep. It definitely depends on what kind of life you're leading. I wouldn't know what a soldier feels like, but I think I can get the basic idea of the pride they must feel. My pride and manhood comes from my family, though. But that's just my path.

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?
I'm not sure if I act differently when in the company of just men. I know I have some friends that are great family men, but then when we're hanging out they act like sexist college guys. Like Bradley Cooper's character in Hangover. The family man that puts on a show round friends.

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?
Aside from being a gentleman and treating the lady like you should, I don't think there's a difference. I guess I treat them the same.

11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?
I dunno. I know I don't exactly agree with Chic's assessment. I cry. All men cry....even if they want to deny it all day long. You can't deny basic human emotion. I also talk in the pisser sometimes. It's not like we're shaking hangs or playing sword fights, though.:lol:

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?
Hrm. I can only speak for myself here of course, but my main fears are failing my family and leading my daugher astray. Other than that I guess I sometimes have a fear of death. But then that also leads back to me just being scared of leaving my daughter by herself.

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?
Pretty much what chic said. Basically just to lead what you consider an admirable life. That differs from person to person.

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?
I'm not too sure what you're asking here. Example?

There's my two cents. Hope it helps in some way.:)

11-Jan-2010, 05:14 PM
1. What does being a “man” mean to you?


2. When does someone become a man?

When they have spent ten winters pushing the wheel of pain:

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?

Being a SNAKE:

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?

They get man boobs:

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?


7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?


8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?

Yes; man fighting:

...man not fighting:

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?


Not enemies:

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?


11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear de lamentation of de wemen:

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?

Evil old witches who make themselves look like beautiful women so they can trick us into having sex with them:

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?

To solve the riddle of steel:

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?




11-Jan-2010, 05:29 PM
Good responses so far (and very funny Kraken :p) - I'll have a proper read through them all at a later date when I've gathered them all together, and to clarify Question 14:

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?

What I really mean is what do you think are common young male responses to the various facets of modern life? - How do you think the average male views the world around them.


Also thanks for responding Chic, I'd hope you would because indeed, female perspectives are most welcome too. :)


As for 'being a man' in the past, versus today, as you were interested in the response yourself Chic, my own personal view is that in the past it was easier and faster to achieve manhood. I think it was a simpler goal to achieve, which was far more defined (yet narrow in scope).

Today everything is far more complex, there are many more types and shades of males today (e.g. "metrosexual" etc), and indeed the modern world shapes you - just look at widespread pornography on the internet, and those that produce it. In fact, I'd say widespread pornography has affected male and female society a vast amount in positive and negative ways.

11-Jan-2010, 06:36 PM
These are only my personal thoughts on the matter, as others have many other different views/ideas towards the same questions.

1. What does being a “man” mean to you?

-- Reaching the age of consent in which a male comes to know the distinction between righteousness / evil and can distinguish between the two, this is when a male becomes a man.

2. When does someone become a man?

-- When he realizes the difference between right and wrong / righteousness and falsehood, as traditionally called "the age of consent" in knowledge. Adam became a man when he bit from the apple and attained "knowledge" in mythology, and so I also believe that someone becomes a man when they have that knowledge of being able to distinguish between righteousness / evil.

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

-- There's many different things that could fall into this, but I'm going to have to say primarily the distinguishing of a man's character. Wealth, success, happiness, none of these matter next to having the character of your name, that's all that matters in the long run. The moment you stop being "Junior" and you become your name.

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?

-- A male without the fear of God is lacking. Likewise, a man without having a relationship to God is lacking.

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?

-- None of these matter. They are societal restrictions created by the concepts of said society. Inferiority is not a matter of the physical but of the spiritual. A man with physical deformities and little strength may yet prove to be the most profound and enlightened spiritually.

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?

-- Yes. Society has turned more materialistic in nature, and thus the "concept" of man is based more on a materialistic nature as opposed to the internal nature of a man's heart and soul.

7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?

-- I don't know that men have necessarily changed through time. Society has changed, and men as social creatures are elements within their society. But, internally and within the heart of a man, righteousness does not change.

8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?

-- There are different codes of conduct, but what matters is what is internal to the man, again, if goodness is within the individual or if they have hardened their heart to God.

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

-- A man should be steadfast and true to his soul and to himself above all things. It doesn't matter if you are in the company of others, whether male or female, or alone.

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

-- I don't know that there should necessarily be a distinction. Treating people with the proper honor and dignity they deserve is not a sexual matter, rather, a matter of moral principle.

11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?

-- Socio-political codes would be defined by the individual socio-political codes of the society/culture the male lives again. The individual heart of a man is determined by a higher principle than individual societies / social codes of conduct and the laws of the State.

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?

-- If they affect us on a daily basis, yes, they matter. Should they matter and do they matter are two very different questions. Fear of failure, rejection, etc.

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?

-- The most noble aspiration is to seek after righteousness in walking in a relationship with God. The greatest aspiration is to love your neighbor, as all humanity is your neighbor, as you love yourself as an expression of God's love.

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?

-- Eh, ask a younger person.


11-Jan-2010, 07:29 PM
1. What does being a “man” mean to you?

To me its about being strong, able to look after myself, knowing that in the event of some natural disaster I could fend for myself pretty well, being able to do bloke stuff like change a wheel etc, and also be able to face up to & deal with my feelings & emotions which is something some so called men fail to do at all. As well as all that im quite the modern bloke too though, I use GHD's on my hair, moisturise, smell good, keep myself looking somewhat fashionable at all times & dont fill my face with beer & pies, which through some peoples eyes would make me not a "man" at all

2. When does someone become a man?

Somewhere between 25 & 50 I reckon, unless you join the forces young & quickly become a man through those experiences. For most lads up to 25 & beyond, they're floundering between manhood & adolescence & picking up experience along the way, I know I am! There are other things along the way that make a bloke feel like a bloke though, such as your first legal beer, passing your driving test & working on your first car, getting laid, all that kind of stuff!

3. What is important for young males to achieve along the road to becoming a man?

Independence, good social skills, plenty of practical knowledge about pointless bloke stuff, and plenty of experiences to talk about down the pub!

4. What makes someone not a man, or less than a man?

Everytime I look through an online gaming cafe window or see a reality TV show such as X-factor or big brother, I see perfect examples of men who arent men at all, you know the type,the type who can get to the top level of warcraft but wouldnt have a clue how to hang a door or swap a wheel over at the side of the road & wont get their hands dirty at work. Camp gay men too, now this isnt an attack on gay people because one of my best mates is gay & he's just as laddish as the rest of us, but even he hates those girly mincers, theres just no need for them to be like that, you can be gay without being so pathetic about it! Also bullies arent real men, even though they think they are!

5. How do you think males react in situations where they are tested or found to be inferior (e.g. in competition, sexual prowess, how they relate to the opposite sex, by achievements etc)?

When on the pull us blokes always try to better each other in front of girls, and as a group we tend to act a lot more laddish than we would normally, bouncing off each others ego's,taking the piss out of each other,trying to out-drink each other etc. When it comes to sport or hard work blokes like to better each other as well, everywhere ive worked theres blokes always going on about how much they used to lift & carry about, or how much harder they work than others in the same job.

6. Is the definition of a man different today than it was in the past?

Definitely, such as me with my GHD's, moisturising & interest in fashion, older blokes from past generations take the piss etc, but among my own age group its more acceptable & doesnt seem to detract too many man points. As for the workplace, health & safety law has put an end to a lot of the unwritten "man tests" that used to go on, like carrying more than your supposed to & all that crap. Also things like being able to strip a car or motorbike right down arent considered essential man skills anymore, as the damn things are far too complicated these days!

7. How do you think males today view themselves when compared to males of the past?

Personally I feel far less manly than men of the past, like the navvies who built the railways, or those who worked in the huge smelting plants & factories,drank all night, didnt shave or fought in compulsory wars etc, but I do feel a lot more manly than a lot of other blokes from my generation who are like those ive mentioned above, scared of a hard days work or getting their hands dirty!

8. Are there different types of manhood for different types of context, for example a civilian or a soldier?

Yep, soldiers (those who have fought, not those who did 6 month beer drinking tours of east germany) lumberjacks,oil rig workers etc are proper blokes,where as people like me are just watered down modern

9. What should a man be in male company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

Personally im louder, cockier, immature, competative, knowledgable about bloke stuff, aggressive (not in a fighting way, just a blokey way) when in the company of other blokes.

10. What should a man be in female company, or how are they actually in reality if different?

With woman im quieter, act shy, a lot more polite, dont swear as much, more reserved & tend to be able to talk about softer subjects easier.

11. Are there certain socio-political codes that males abide by as a gender group?

Theres an unwritten bloke code containing lots of man rules, if you dont know them your not a man :p

12. What do you think are common male fears, and do these fears really matter?

Strangely a lot of blokes are scared of gay men, although that seems to be getting less as time goes on. Most blokes are scared of getting dumped or rejected by woman,even more so after the first time it happens! Not being accepted by other blokes (hence a lot of the bravado & bullshitting) & for those of us who have drive to get somewhere in life, being a failure is a big fear.

13. What do you think are common male aspirations?

Nice car, decent gaff, fit bird, decent physique, good job & most importantly good mates! :)

14. What do you think are common young male modes of thinking, interacting and playing?

Calling each other gaylords, insulting each other in the worst ways possible while never breaking the mates rules, wanting to experience action & adventure, unwillingness to settle down, wanting to drink every weekend...(could write a huge list on this one!)