View Full Version : Going Retro - Me Circa 1987

14-Jan-2010, 01:20 AM
So my facebook friends have decided to go retro and in doing so found a pic of me from 1987. I personally don't own any pictures of me older than 1994, which is when is tarted shaving my head, but low and behold.... me with hair, from December 1987

http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs140.snc3/18749_104740789543570_100000229488318_118151_55820 07_n.jpg

14-Jan-2010, 01:27 AM
Look at the shoes!:lol:

14-Jan-2010, 10:19 AM
Good God, I wasn't even a sperm in my dads nuts in 87.

14-Jan-2010, 10:44 AM
Ha! That really is 1987. :) What kind of car is that?

*cracks knuckles* Get ready to feel old. I was three in 1987. :D


This reminds me of pictures of me - again from folk on Facebook digging them out (school trips or birthday parties etc) of me in the mid-to-late 1990s - covered in denim and white trainers ... pimp daddy stylin', I know. :D

That picture is from May 1997. The Year 8 Paris trip. We're sat outside Notre Dame, and I'd just stepped in dog shit which I'd been furiously wiping off my trainers.


Right, I now demand more cheesy photos of members in their youth.

14-Jan-2010, 11:18 AM
I thnk it was a Buick Somerset or Skylark... I remember it was a rental because I wrecked my moms car 3-4 weeks prior to that picture... If I remember correctly.

14-Jan-2010, 11:19 AM

Fuck me! You didn't tell me you were friends with faceless alien swarm beasts, MZ! Did you go to one of those Illuminati-run schools?

14-Jan-2010, 01:05 PM
Fuck me! You didn't tell me you were friends with faceless alien swarm beasts, MZ! Did you go to one of those Illuminati-run schools?
lol, just figured I'd obscure the faces of a couple of my chums being that it's a cheesy old photo on a public forum, hehe.

Damn I loved that denim jacket. That was me mere weeks before turning 13 ... ahhh memories.

14-Jan-2010, 01:40 PM
dude... i was a fetus then.:lol:

14-Jan-2010, 02:58 PM
OK, fellows, this is my senior picture taken July or August 1985 before my senior year:

Yeah, the hair was something else...LOL!

14-Jan-2010, 05:37 PM
OK, fellows, this is my senior picture taken July or August 1985 before my senior year:

Yeah, the hair was something else...LOL!
Speaking of hair, I remember back in Year 11 (around age 15) I would gell my fringe up to a height of 11cm. :D

We called it "The Lynch" and would actually measure it with a ruler, haha ... what dorks we were. :p

14-Jan-2010, 08:27 PM
I remember the 80s. I got into so many shenanigans back in the day...



17-Jan-2010, 02:49 PM
get out your way back machines, because we are off to 1971.


17-Jan-2010, 05:01 PM
Me, London 1977, Johnny Rotten eat your heart out. ;)


17-Jan-2010, 06:40 PM
Check out them threads.

17-Jan-2010, 07:13 PM
Very cool, capn!

16-Feb-2010, 06:48 PM
month old necromancy i know but thought this was worth a chuckle. found an old picture of me from my 2nd to last year of high school, thats maybe 6 or 7 years ago now and its always comforting to take a comparison shot to see how you fare between then and now.


CIRCA MID 2000 the "go on then, ill have another bag of crisps phase" look at this vile young brigand. the metal horns?, really?

im facepalming right now.

at myself.



and this one on my macbook camera the other week shows the difference a few years make

god i was a fat kid. still am, but not as bad as back then :lol:

Never can get why most people keep this stuff hidden away, sure its embarrassing to look at but at least you can say you dont look like a goon anymore.

16-Feb-2010, 07:19 PM
Interesting you should perform some Necronomicon style action on this thread, I was just looking at pictures of me from recent years and aye, it's interesting to see how you change over the years.

Like back in my high school days, with my 11cm high fringe (and when I was at my thinnest weight wise and weediest muscle mass wise), or in first year uni when I was a tad heavier (just a tad) surviving on Pringle sandwiches and bright red hair dye (in my hair, lol - I even appeared on national TV in the Trisha audience looking like that :D) ... or in September 2003 after a summer of manual work at a garage where I brought a whole roster of muscles to life that had just been sat doing fuck all for 18 years ...


And then the graduation photo, where I'd reached my weight's peak ... chuffed to have graduated, but had no idea how much I'd piled on between Sept 2003 and June 2005.

Other shockers include any time I've been too lazy to get a hair cut, and just slicked it back - such as a mate's birthday party in 2008, where I had only just begun to shed the weight in earnest, and just looking absolutely shocking with this dreadful hair.

Now though, in my most recent photo (with a partial measure of flattering angle), I've dropped three jeans sizes and have cool hair (even when it's long) thanks to a change in hair product. :)


Hellsing - the chin beard and long hair definitely suit you better than crisps and the look of disturbance. :D

17-Feb-2010, 11:24 AM
Other than losing my hair... I haven't changed. :D

Was an asshole in 1987 and I am still an asshole in 2010

17-Feb-2010, 11:53 AM
Me circa 2000:

Me now:

I actually look younger now than in 2000 :lol:

17-Feb-2010, 04:48 PM
Wow, two completely opposing looks there alright! :eek:

hehe, you could be in a _liam_ tribute band in the second pic. :)

17-Feb-2010, 04:59 PM
holy crap. 10 years and you get that much hair? I'm already balding and you're able to do THAT? Fuck you, Kraken. Fuck you. :p

17-Feb-2010, 05:22 PM
They had photography way back in 1987?:p

17-Feb-2010, 05:32 PM
holy crap. 10 years and you get that much hair? I'm already balding and you're able to do THAT? Fuck you, Kraken. Fuck you. :p

That's "Fabio" to you, slaphead :cool: :lol:

18-Feb-2010, 02:33 AM
Me circa 2000:

Me now:

I actually look younger now than in 2000 :lol:

krackers, can i borrow some of that fuckin' hair? at 40 i find myself a bit thin on top.