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14-Jan-2010, 04:32 PM
Remember VHS? Of course you do. Most of you probably have some VHS tapes hidden away somewhere right now. Perhaps even actually watch one from time to time (if anyone really still does that).

Remember VHD? Video High Density? Yeah, me either. What is it? Video High Density (VHD) was a videodisc format which was marketed predominantly in Japan by JVC. It featured a disc that was inside a 'caddy'. You inserted the whole caddy inside the player, and the disc came out of the caddy and played. The user never touches the actual disc. Well, I got the VHD for Day of the Dead.

This is the cover art. You can see that they are not square like LD's, but more rectangular.


Here is a pic of the back cover. Sorry for the high glare of my flash.

14-Jan-2010, 04:36 PM
Thats pretty cool, i love old technology :) VHS was the best i reckon..some of the best old zombie and horror movies on vhs...but now they have stopped selling them and the hire of them at stores and video shops, which is silly :(

14-Jan-2010, 04:37 PM
Now that sounds like a rare thing to have. Congrats!

14-Jan-2010, 04:51 PM
It figures that my computer would freeze up right in the middle of trying to update the post! Here is a picture of the actual disc. I have put a regular size stapler next to it to give it some scale.


There was one sheet inside the box, with art and words on the front and the back. It was much smaller than the disc. It may look as big in the pics, but it is not, I just zoomed in on it. Here are the fron and back pics of that.


darth los
14-Jan-2010, 05:13 PM
Cool get philly. No wonder your avatar is hopping around with excitement ! :p


14-Jan-2010, 05:41 PM
Wahey! Now all you need is something to play it on! :D

14-Jan-2010, 05:52 PM
Wahey! Now all you need is something to play it on! :D

That's true, I do not have a VHD player, and more than likely never will, so I will never get to watch it. Luckily, I am somewhat familiar with the movie!;)

14-Jan-2010, 06:06 PM
That's true, I do not have a VHD player, and more than likely never will, so I will never get to watch it. Luckily, I am somewhat familiar with the movie!;)

For all you know, that could be the long-lost three hour cut of Day you have there, released only in the Far East on an obscure and obsolete format. ;):lol:

16-Jan-2010, 04:21 PM
For all you know, that could be the long-lost three hour cut of Day you have there, released only in the Far East on an obscure and obsolete format. ;):lol:

I wish it was! It would be ironic if they had a special 'Dawn" featurette that showed the 'never shot' head in the chopper blades ending...

16-Jan-2010, 04:54 PM

It's actually Romero's first Day concept that was completely shot and edited but nobody knew about it until now!

17-Jan-2010, 03:21 AM
Thats pretty cool, i love old technology :) VHS was the best i reckon..some of the best old zombie and horror movies on vhs...but now they have stopped selling them and the hire of them at stores and video shops, which is silly :(

Not a zombie film, but House of the Devil is being released with a VHS/DVD combo.


I might have to dust the VCR off...

19-Jan-2010, 02:47 AM
Awesome. Philly_SWAT, that is a really nice piece. Pretty hard to get for a good price if I'm not mistaken.

22-Jan-2010, 04:19 AM
Awesome. Philly_SWAT, that is a really nice piece. Pretty hard to get for a good price if I'm not mistaken.

I can only assume they are hard to come by, I have never even heard of the VHD format until recently. However, for only $15 seemed like a good deal.