View Full Version : Just a little something I noticed...

31-May-2006, 10:18 AM
Okay, now we all know that GAR based the set-up of Fiddler's Green and the surrounding city on a place in Pittsburgh where two sides are surrounded by a river and the other by land mass - which is guarded. I was watching the news the other day, and in Iraq the "green zone" is exactly the same - defended by the river on a corner with guarded landmass on the third side, with "red zone" (or "zombie zone") all around across the river.

I'm sure there was no intention on GAR's part as he was basing it on Pittsburgh anyway, but I just noticed the two places were similar and thought I'd post it up.

02-Jun-2006, 05:21 AM
Have Dubaya and Mr Romero ever been photographed together? Makes you wonder about who's realy in charge.:eek:

Sorry all, it just popped into my head, I typed then thought, but dammit I'm to proud to press delete. I stand by my stupid joke.

Guru ofthe Dead
02-Jun-2006, 05:57 AM
Once again GAR's poke at the political state of the world in his Dead films. Smart cat though.:cool:

02-Jun-2006, 10:20 AM
I think it is just a coincidence. I wouldn't go giving him credit for something that is obviously a fluke. It is obvoius where FG is based off of and even in the commentary of the DVD Romero mentions Pittsburgh by name.

02-Jun-2006, 11:17 AM

02-Jun-2006, 04:18 PM
Yeh but that's what I'm saying, it's a co-incidence - at least as far as we know (GAR could have been 'subconciously inspired' :D), I just wanted to point out that as a viewer I found a similarity - something that is read into the movie after the fact.

As for "reading in" to a movie, sometimes it can be okay in this instance - it works into the current socio-political scene. However, "reading in" that Luke Skywalker is nothing but an incestual horny bugger or that the kid in AI just wanted to f*ck his mother is something I'm completely against.

At uni we did a Lucas/Spielberg course and the lecturer was all about reading in sordid twaddle into our childhood classics (he did the same, but even worse, with his Disney movies course - girls were coming out scarred as their childhoods had been tainted with the bluest of blue thoughts). For a joke, when we did a presentation examining Spielberg's "Duel", we suggested that the thuggish truck wanted to rape the sexy, little red car ... as a JOKE we stated this, the class was in on it ... and guess what. The lecturer LIKED our idea and took it seriously! :|

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 06:43 AM
I don't believe in coincidences. Maybe one in a million but the "unintended" commentary,whether social or political, seem to always pop up in the dead films. I don't know if it's just that we're over analyzing this stuff but it happens far too often to chalk it up to coincidence every time. Maybe Gar wants us to think that because he doesn't want to draw the same type of heat that michael moore does for his overt commentary.