View Full Version : Climate Gate

16-Jan-2010, 12:46 PM
Interesting... http://www.kusi.com/weather/colemanscorner/81559212.html

16-Jan-2010, 01:38 PM
Theres a lot of talk about this climategate thing, and although im not much of a conspiracy theorist, I happen to think this one is true. There seems to be a mass effort being made by both the westerrn governments of the world & a lot of the scientific community to prove at all costs that we are causing all these problems, and the best solutions they can come up with is to put massive tax increases on everything which naturally goes straight to the governments pockets :rolleyes: Also the scientists have it in their interests to prove man made global warming, because sceptics dont get government funding.
I refuse to change anything about my lifestyle while all these leaders & campaigning celebrities are jetting off round the world every 5 minutes to global warming conferences, and having chauffer driven huge cars,living extravagant lifestyles etc. Nature pulled a good one anyway, the moment Gordon Brown got back from the Copenhagen summit, nature decided to throw the harshest winter Britain has seen in 3 decades at us :lol:

16-Jan-2010, 03:40 PM
If it does all prove to be false, it's some MASSIVE egg on some faces!

16-Jan-2010, 05:45 PM
Vastly increasing the amount of recycling, and finding cheap, renewable and clean fuel for the masses are simply the next steps for mankind's technology - so I utterly resent a bunch of champagne socialist hypocrites with guilty consciences bullying everyday folk around.

Indeed, the idea of "let's fight global warming (a silly misnomer really, surely) and tax everybody, yeah!" - what utter codswallop.

It's like Copenhagen - if they'd been serious, it would have taken place via video link and not involved hundreds of people from every country flying by private jets/otherwise maligned airliners, before they started charging around in limos, so they could slap each other's backs and suck each other off for the cameras. :mad::rant:


What also hugely annoys me is the distinct opposition to actually having a real, open, and honest debate about this whole issue. I don't believe we're having no effect, that's just silly, but I also don't believe we're having an untold effect either - the earth is far more powerful than mankind. If Gaia wanted to, she could fling us off her back like we were a common cold.

The "new religion" aspect is also horrendous, and how anyone who doesn't "believe" or - even worse - merely questions/seeks to debate/investigate - is tarred as a heretic is nothing short of terrifying. It's like a goddamned witch hunt.


I want this "climate gate" thing to escalate so we can get some fucking truth shed on all this stuff. I wasn't in the least bit surprised (but no less sickened) to hear that inconvenient results had been fudged or removed, and that those of differing opinions had been bullied and smeared.

You fight your corner based on truthful evidence and proper debate - not lies and bullying.

Motherfuckers. :mad:


And on top of all that - I attended the University of East Anglia - so these twats tarring the name of my university with their goings on is further salt in the wound.

Rant over.

17-Jan-2010, 09:43 PM
Not to sound like a twat or anything, but I've known this was BS since it first began cropping up everywhere. During the 60's or 70's it was global cooling and we were on our way to experiencing an ice age; now it's become global warming. No one credible--at least that I know of--was saying during the 40's that we were about to burn ourselves alive, though those years were some of the hottest on record; the winter of 1944-1945, one of the coldest on record, did not mean that the Earth was about to freeze.

Today, with more and more "educated" MTV generation types, with everyone wanting to carve out a particular niche in the current doomsday prophesy du joir, we have moved past the biblical armageddon and into godless climate change. This particular end of the world prophecy has unfortunately gained far more support due to its feel-good aspect, even ensnaring people who would never get onboard such a thing as Revelations prophecy coming true. Now they have only to open a newspaper, read of an earthquake in Haiti, and read blurbs about how this scientist believes the quake to have been caused by global warming, or that one points to oceanic temperature increases releasing more methane which caused tectonic plates to shift.

Yet, read a few more pages in and you see some windbag "reverend" opining how the Haitians cursed God with their shenanigans, thereby calling down the Almighty's judgment.

These days we lend far more credence to windbag hacks like Al Gore than we do to the Falwells and Jacksons, but that makes Al Gore no less of a crisis-profiting windbag hack. Expect the climategate scandal to be brushed under the rug, covered by Fox news alone, and that very coverage leading most "educated" types to point as proof that climategate is in fact bogus. "If it's real, why aren't CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC/ESPN/Home Shopping Network/BET/MTV/History Channel/BBC/New York Times/Washington Times/Washington Post covering it? Why is Hollywood still releasing movies based on the premise that global warming is real? Why are politicians still running on a platform of it being real? Why is Al Gore still campaigning for it? Why are politicians trying to pass taxes based on it?"

But I remember a time when every news channel covered reports about the lack of chemical (http://www.intellectualconservative.com/article3448.html) weapons (http://www.captainsquartersblog.com/mt/archives/007271.php)or laboratories (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/13/AR2005081300530.html), nuclear material (http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/07/07/iraq.nuclear/) or yellow cake uranium (http://www.americanthinker.com/2005/07/about_that_500_tons_of_yellow.html). Back to a forgotten era where politicians, when wrong, were called to task by a media that watched the watchers.

18-Jan-2010, 01:44 AM
If Gaia wanted to, she could fling us off her back like we were a common cold.

and someday she might do just that. i'm no mystic nor am i a spiritualist. i reject all claims made on the basis of either. i do, however, believe that the earth is "alive" in a way that we will never understand nor even hope to.

maybe the life we see on earth is merely a byproduct of the earth's life. we are here today but could literally be gone tomorrow. humans have only existed for about 200,000 years and fully modern humans for only about 80,000 of this planet's 4.5 billion year history. we are still very much children.

maybe if the human animal wasn't just that - an animal, things might be different. there are lots of people in this world who don't give a shit about anything other than their own pocketbook or what they can exploit other people for. those folks are animals right along with the murders & rapists that fill our prisons. it is up to humans, people who can look beyond the narrow confines of their own lives, greed, and envy. people who know that our species has it in us to walk the stars like gods one day (maybe in 100,000 years or so). i, for one, am ready to stick my hand in the box and prove that i am a human.

sorry but i have no desire to argue about global warming and your comment about gaia opened this door and i walked through it.

18-Jan-2010, 11:26 AM
The way I see it, is even if its all a fake, a low emission car and recycling only makes the world a better place by reducing reliance on fossil fuels (even slightly) and also allowing us to re-use raw materials which would otherwise be in landfill.

Part of me thinks that the whole thing was organised over the few years where our weather systems change and evolve, as to heighten the impact of our new, harsher winters.

But then the other half of me thinks, if I was to remain as cynical as some people, and it did turn out to be true, well I've got a lot of explaining to do to my future spawn.