View Full Version : Edgar allen Poe annual mystery grave visitor makes first no show in 70 years.

20-Jan-2010, 06:20 PM
BALTIMORE – It is what Edgar Allan Poe might have called "a mystery all insoluble": Every year for the past six decades, a shadowy visitor would leave roses and a half-empty bottle of cognac on Poe's grave on the anniversary of the writer's birth. This year, no one showed.
Did the mysterious "Poe toaster" meet his own mortal end? Did some kind of ghastly misfortune befall him? Will he be heard from nevermore?
"I'm confused, befuddled," said Jeff Jerome, curator of the Poe House and Museum. "I don't know what's going on."
The visitor's absence this year only deepened the mystery over his identity. One name mentioned as a possibility was that of a Baltimore poet and known prankster who died in his 60s last week. But there is little or no evidence to suggest he was the man.
Poe was the American literary master of the macabre, known for poems such as "The Raven" and grisly short stories like "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Fall of the House of Usher" and "The Pit and the Pendulum." He is also credited with writing the first modern detective story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue." He died in 1849 in Baltimore at age 40 after collapsing in a tavern.
In the history of the Poe toaster, little is certain.
The annual tribute began in 1949 — unless it started earlier, or later. The first printed reference to the tribute can be found that year in The Evening Sun of Baltimore. The newspaper mentioned "an anonymous citizen who creeps in annually to place an empty bottle (of excellent label)" against the gravestone.
Every year since 1978, Jerome has staked out the grave at the Westminster Hall and Burying Ground. Year after year, he said, he and various friends and Poe enthusiasts would watch from inside the Presbyterian church as a figure dressed in black, with a wide-brimmed hat and a white scarf, would leave three roses and cognac and steal away.
There is an alternative tale of the toaster's origins, one that Jerome vehemently disputes. Sam Porpora, the former historian at Westminster Hall, claimed in 2007 that he was the original Poe toaster, saying he came up with the idea in the late 1960s as a publicity stunt. But the details of Porpora's story seemed to change with each telling, and he acknowledged that someone had since made the tradition his own.
In 1993, the visitor began leaving notes, starting with one that read: "The torch will be passed." A note in 1998 indicated the originator of the tradition had died and passed it on to his two sons.
In 2001, as the Baltimore Ravens — named in honor of the bird in Poe's most famous poem — were preparing to face the New York Giants in the Super Bowl, the toaster left a note that praised the Giants and said the Ravens would suffer "a thousand injuries." Then in 2004, amid tense relations between the United States and France over the invasion of Iraq, a note said Poe's grave was "no place for French cognac" and that the liquor was being left "with great reluctance."
Beyond Porpora, no one ever stepped forward to take credit for the tradition. But one name emerged Tuesday as a possible candidate: David Franks, a Baltimore poet and performance artist who died last week.
Franks was a Poe aficionado and an outrageous prankster who dressed with a "19th-century literary flair," said Rafael Alvarez, a friend of Franks and president of the Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore.
Franks once photocopied his private parts on a Xerox machine at a Social Security office and put the images on display. Decades ago, he posed as a disabled poet in a wheelchair, solicited donations from the crowd, then thanked everyone and got up and walked away.
Jerome said he doubts Franks was the toaster: "I looked at some images of him, and he doesn't look at all like the person we've seen over the years."
Alvarez also said Franks wasn't a sports fan, and "his politics were more French than American."
The toaster's annual appearance has become a pilgrimage for Poe fans, some of whom travel hundreds of miles. About three dozen stood huddled in blankets during the overnight cold Tuesday, hoping to catch a glimpse. At 5:30 a.m., Jerome emerged from the church to announce that the toaster had not arrived.
As the longtime guardian of Poe's legacy in Baltimore and the occupant of a prime viewing spot, Jerome has often had to respond to skeptics who believe he knows the Poe toaster's true identity — or is the toaster himself.
"If I was doing it, that is fraud, pure and simple. I could lose my job," Jerome said.
Jerome said the only thing he has kept secret is a signal — a gesture the toaster has predictably made each year at the grave — that even now he is not willing to reveal.
As for why the visitor didn't show this year, "you've got so many possibilities," Jerome said. "The guy had the flu, accident, too many people."
Jerome said that perhaps the visitor considered last year's elaborate 200th anniversary celebration of Poe's birth an appropriate stopping point.
"People will be asking me, 'Why do you think he stopped?'" Jerome said. "Or did he stop? We don't know if he stopped. He just didn't come this year."

ive heard of the 'poe toaster' before, and the idea of a man, or men it seems, visiting poes grave to toast the anniversary of its birth always had a sort of macabre intrigue to it. shame the tradition appears to have been finally broken.

20-Jan-2010, 06:21 PM
So Kaos, where were you then? :D

20-Jan-2010, 06:23 PM
ive heard of the 'poe toaster' before, and the idea of a man, or men it seems, visiting poes grave to toast the anniversary of its birth always had a sort of macabre intrigue to it. shame the tradition appears to have been finally broken.

yeah, i posted something about the poe toaster about 2 years ago. it would be a crying shame if this is over forever.

hopefully, whoever does this was sick this year (that sounds wrong) or had some pressing matter that he couldn't get away from. otherwise it is a real bummer.

20-Jan-2010, 06:37 PM
Someone must take up the mantle!

20-Jan-2010, 06:40 PM
Someone must take up the mantle!

*cough* Kaos *cough*

20-Jan-2010, 07:02 PM
Okay, what are the bets that, with the media coverage of the Poe toaster's absence this year, next year there will be five or six different "Poe toasters" showing up at the same time?

20-Jan-2010, 07:06 PM
Okay, what are the bets that, with the media coverage of the Poe toaster's absence this year, next year there will be five or six different "Poe toasters" showing up at the same time?

id say almost certain, but when i heard about the poe toaster when i was like 14 i thought thered be some then too. there seems to be a lot of respect given to this guy though so you never know.

20-Jan-2010, 08:16 PM
I wonder what folks would say if I left a half eaten pit beef sandwich and an empty bottle of National Bohemian Beer instead?

20-Jan-2010, 08:17 PM
I wonder what folks would say if I left a half eaten pit beef sandwich and an empty bottle of National Bohemian Beer instead?


they'd probably whine and cry about how you've tarnished the tradition. i, on the other hand, would nearly die from laughter.

21-Jan-2010, 03:41 AM
I wonder what folks would say if I left a half eaten pit beef sandwich and an empty bottle of National Bohemian Beer instead?

I think, if you made sure to pour a little for your fallen homies, they have to at least pretend you are a class act...:rolleyes:

21-Jan-2010, 12:09 PM
Class? Can't speak to that, but Baltimore? Most definitely.:D

21-Jan-2010, 04:17 PM
Class? Can't speak to that, but Baltimore? Most definitely.:D

:lol: I frequent Baltimore and I'd say it has the opposite of class. Love the city. A bottle of Natty Bo would be almost proper on his grave.