View Full Version : Well, I THOUGHT I'd heard it all,...apparently, I have not...

31-May-2006, 02:42 PM
Whoa Boy!!!!
WARNING: Make sure not be drinking any beverage before clicking link.
WTF????? (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,197584,00.html)

31-May-2006, 02:57 PM
Has the whole world gone mad?

silly person.....

31-May-2006, 03:10 PM
that is one of the craziest friggin things i have ever heard. there's really not much more to say.

31-May-2006, 04:13 PM
I say let him kill himself. And do the world a favor. Sick freak strangled his wife too death. And why should we pay for his operation? Sex changes cost a lot of money. Those tax dollars would serve a better use such as paving a street.

31-May-2006, 09:24 PM
just pay someone to cut his man bits off, and gouge out a whole between his legs, and sow patches of skin filled with fruit to his chest. burn all of his hair off and now presto, your a women. This makes me sick.

31-May-2006, 09:52 PM
There's genuine medical disorder - like I duno, small things like oh...cancer, leprosy, schizophrenia and stuff that makes things fall off, but this takes the f*cking cake. This is why criminals don't give a crap about prison, it's a bloody holiday camp, probably better than their life in the free world. Prison just panders to them like they're a guest. If you kill someone, like that sick f*ck did, you should be denied all rights.

They shouldn't be beaten up by guards or tortured, but they should be denied all benefits and kept in solitary confinement. ACTUAL PUNISHMENT. It's a line that should be towed here in the Pandering Kingdom, but thanks to LABOUR it's a criminal's paradise, don't worry, the home office will let you out - and give you a cleaning job in their office at the same time.


I'll shut up now before I get anymore ranty...

31-May-2006, 11:12 PM
this is not as uncommon as you would think
gender dysphoria is a recognised condition

i dont think it is an excuse for anyone to kill

but having a friend who is diagnosed with this
i know how much slack these people get

he gets SSI, medicaid, and all other kinds of govt
assistance cuz he says he
is a woman trapped in a mans body

other people cant get help
but transgendered can get a lot
in some states welfare will pay for the operation
but they wont pay for other treatments for
sick people

i cant say i understand it at all
but i am aware of it first hand

31-May-2006, 11:23 PM
Whoa Boy!!!!
WARNING: Make sure not be drinking any beverage before clicking link.
WTF????? (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,197584,00.html)

This is off topic, but Goddamn, Adreno... your signature is scary as hell!

31-May-2006, 11:24 PM
Just because its a "recognized" disorder doesnt mean its real. There have been cases lately of pedophiles getting off because of a new belief that pedophiles suffer from a disorder. There are a lot of doctors/scientists out there that don't care about people, don't care about eithics, or what's right. All they care about is money and getting recognition for being the first to claim to discover a new disorder. I'll just go around raping mailboxes, thinking I'm a clam trapped in a human body. It's a DISORDER...right?

01-Jun-2006, 12:13 AM
if you knew the half of all
this situation you wouldnt believe it

i dont understand how doctors and government
decide on the things they do

01-Jun-2006, 10:03 AM
Here's my take - just because it's recognised, doesn't mean a MURDERER should be given it, you kill someone and you're supposed to go to jail to be PUNISHED for your crime. These criminals make me sick, they shouldn't even get TV.

01-Jun-2006, 12:34 PM
They have suicide watches and interesting drugs to keep people stable, or at least complient. This tosser's just trying to get into a women's prison, whether he thinks it's nicer or he's afraid of all the penises around him I don't know. But I know this, it's a dodge of some kind. He strangeled his wife, if he wants to join her..... well who are we to stop him?
