View Full Version : Anyone else suffered the effects of potholes on the roads?

25-Jan-2010, 04:48 PM
I struck one on Sunday, having seen it come out of the blue. I slammed on the breaks, but couldn't swerve, and hit it at about 20mph, it felt pretty strong, but I've felt firmer shocks from potholes in other cars before.

The stretch of road itself has never been resurfaced in all my years living in this area of the country, merely lazily patched over and over and over.

The other day the tyre was deflated - naturally caused by that fucking pothole - so we figured it'd be a re-seal job. Not so - okay then, a new tyre ... not what you want but not so bad right?


Not only is it a motherfucking new tyre, it's a new fucking alloy wheel as the feckin' thing is properly dented!

Naturally I'm going to pen a complaint to the council and their lazy attitude to that particular stretch of road, which has cost us two hundred bloody quid! :mad:

See the picture below - I mean wtf?! :mad:

25-Jan-2010, 05:39 PM
That happened to me last year, I had a cracking set of alloys on my Ibiza, they really made it look the shizzle! I was on my way to work & have to go down a road which isnt quite single lane, but isnt much beyond either, and was stuck behind a big wagon. Anyway he pulled over to let me pass him, but as I was passing him he started moving out again so I had to swerve & I hit some fucking huge potholes at the side of the road which completely trashed one of my wheels, pretty much identical damage to that on your pic! I was fuming! I took the wheel to a few places to see if they could do anything with it but nobody will touch buckled alloys, and then as an even bigger kick in the teeth I tried to get hold of a new wheel, only to be told by the manufacturer that they had now been discontinued, and to make it worse after phoning dozens of car styling companies all over the country I discovered there isnt a single one of those wheels left anywhere brand new, and ebay turned a blank too! So ive had to take the whole set off & have £400 worth of useless alloys sat in the garage & the ugly original steel wheels on my car :mad: I may put them on ebay eventually but keep holding out in case one turns up!
Which brings me to the argument of why the hell im paying so much in damned road tax & the grossly inflated fuel tax to drive on roads that are falling to bits? Its not just buckled alloys ive had to fork out for either, ive had to have the front wishbone bushes changed twice within a year (expensive), both front suspension springs a few months ago (more expensive), a couple of tyres in the last two months that had worn irregularly due to my tracking being knocked out of line, and all due to potholes, raised patches, sunk draincovers & harsh speed bumps! I drive 25 miles to work along main roads, and the whole route is an absolute disgrace :rant: its no wonder I never have any money when im constantly paying out hundreds to have stuff fixed on my car due to bad roads!

25-Jan-2010, 05:48 PM
Damn dude. I guess we both don't have much luck when it comes to car maintenance eh?

I suppose at the very least, the alloys in question are still being produced (was a little surprised by that actually as the car is a 1995 model), but it's still retarded when - as you say - you pay all these car and road related taxes and council tax (in our area it's retardedly high, to boot), and you get roads that have more in common with the surface of the fucking moon than a proper road.

28-Jan-2010, 04:59 PM
OMG I was driving to Blackpool last week and out of the blue, five seconds from my front door WHACK...I went into one at 30mph....

Car seems OK though, I haven't really checked but me wheel hasn't fallen off - so that's gotta be a good sign...!!!

28-Jan-2010, 05:01 PM
Which brings me to the argument of why the hell im paying so much in damned road tax & the grossly inflated fuel tax to drive on roads that are falling to bits? !

See attachment :)

I have this on my car... :)

28-Jan-2010, 05:03 PM
You can get from ebay for 3 quid :)

28-Jan-2010, 05:23 PM
:lol: Ive seen those before, I do quite fancy one although i'd have to take out my fancy blingy chrome tax disc holder!

29-Jan-2010, 10:17 AM
haha, nice one Symph! :D

05-Feb-2010, 11:56 PM
I can only imagine after this winter is over what our roads are gonna be like. Here in PA potholes everywhere..some real "gutbusters."
I think PA is the biggest pothole state or it seems so, if you are out on our roads we are known for the roadwork happening constantly.
There is a road that I travel quite often they fix it and fix it but there is alway new potholes,it's like trying to straddle them with your car but you can't do it.
Oh, and they fix the one hole u see that you KNOW is there and it gets fixed then a new one pops up and BAM!
I feel for ya MZ and I understand your rant!:rant:

08-Feb-2010, 04:51 PM
In the USA if a pothole causes damage to your car the city or county where the pothole is located is responsible for the damage to your car.

08-Feb-2010, 05:33 PM
In the USA if a pothole causes damage to your car the city or county where the pothole is located is responsible for the damage to your car.
If only that was the case here.

Local tyre and wheel businesses have been doing roaring trade.