View Full Version : Doom

31-May-2006, 10:50 PM
boy, you know, I just watched Doom, and it's got alot of zombie crazyness going on, head shots, feeding scenes, all the good stuff, and it's not half as bad as it's made out to be. :)

if you haven't you might want to check it out, it's a fairly good rental at the very least.

it's also way better then House of the Dead :lol:

31-May-2006, 11:17 PM
A movie about a boy sitting on a log for two hours would be better than House of The Dead...

31-May-2006, 11:25 PM
boy, you know, I just watched Doom, and it's got alot of zombie crazyness going on, head shots, feeding scenes, all the good stuff, and it's not half as bad as it's made out to be. :)

if you haven't you might want to check it out, it's a fairly good rental at the very least.

it's also way better then House of the Dead :lol:

Yeah, DOOM wasn't too bad. I don't think the Rock is a bad actor really. I liked the first person sequence at the end. That was pretty killer.

01-Jun-2006, 12:24 AM
Good to know. I was dead set about even seeing Doom any time in the near future. Now, I am definitely reconsidering...

Thanks for the heads up!

01-Jun-2006, 03:54 AM
I enjoyed Doom as well. As Tri0xin said, the Rock is not that bad an actor. I thought Karl Urban was good as well. Also as Tri0xin said, the first person sequence was very cool. An added plus to the movie is getting to see some nice headlight action from Rosamund Pike:

http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/3720/rosamundpike16wr6km.jpg (http://imageshack.us)


Guru ofthe Dead
01-Jun-2006, 06:18 AM
A movie about a boy sitting on a log for two hours would be better than House of The Dead...
Yeah I would rather have a big nail hammered into my fun place than watch House of the "Dread" again.:eek:

general tbag
01-Jun-2006, 09:26 AM
i suffered threw about 20 mins of it till i had to change the channel, what more scary is they even made a sequel to it. yikes.

wow now i wanna see doom.

01-Jun-2006, 10:19 AM
"Doom" was probably the best of the videogame adaps - of course, that isn't saying much, and the film drags on far too long and there are too many cliches/rip-off moments throughout that p*ss me off. However I did enjoy it, but it still went on far too long, the best bit was the FPS sequence, even though you don't walk that smooth or move your gun in such a manner in an FPS game - the pedantic in me was annoyed by that, but it was the best part of the movie.

The whole bit with the guy takin' a sh*t in the midst of demon chaos was just retarded though, and *sigh* it's all down to science and g-nomes or whatever rather than hell demons, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :rockbrow:

01-Jun-2006, 12:44 PM
I thought it was a decent flick for one or two viewings. I might eventually watch it again if it's on the tube or something.

It's about the equivalent of "Dawn04" to me......A summer popcorn flick....not much thinking involved.

01-Jun-2006, 02:13 PM
They should make a REAL Doom film, with demons and stuff like that. And I should direct. I know what Doom fans want. ;)

01-Jun-2006, 06:40 PM
i actually liked it alot.

i now own it on UMD.

01-Jun-2006, 09:42 PM
U ... M ... D ... ?

Son, you need the devil beaten out of you *smacks Wes upside the head* BEGONE FOUL DEMON *smacks him again* CAST YE FROM HIS TORTURED MIND *another smack* OUT, DEMON, OUT! *slams palm on his forehead and lowers him into a bath of water* BEGONE THIS DEMON, THIS UMD-DEVIL!


01-Jun-2006, 10:34 PM
and *sigh* it's all down to science and g-nomes or whatever rather than hell demons, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :rockbrow:

Oh, don't get your midichlorians in a bunch ;)

02-Jun-2006, 07:08 AM

At least the FPS sequence included the chainsaw - noiiice. And Karl Urban was pretty decent in it, and the blonde one, I forget her name, Urban's sister in the movie, she was hot. So it wasn't a total bust, not like the nu-metalling poor sound mix of the likes of RE: Apocalypse ... which I found better than the first film personally.

03-Jun-2006, 04:34 AM
God...please dont remind me of the horrible Resident Evil films. I suffered enough through those. No, wait...I watched the Silent Hill movie...at least RE didnt change the damn game 100% like SH did. There were some damn cool parts to SH though...like dit a lot more than RE, but thats not saying much. I'd rather watch reruns of Walker Texas Ranger than either RE movie....lol

03-Jun-2006, 05:28 AM
"Doom" was probably the best of the videogame adaps

COUGH- silent hill -COUGH!

im just sayin'


At least the FPS sequence included the chainsaw - noiiice. And Karl Urban was pretty decent in it, and the blonde one, I forget her name, Urban's sister in the movie, she was hot. So it wasn't a total bust, not like the nu-metalling poor sound mix of the likes of RE: Apocalypse ... which I found better than the first film personally.

first off yeah, neeerd. second, yeah apocalypse' soundtrack was so completely against the grain of the film, now i liked the second one at least the licker wasnt the final bad guy in it for christ sake!

but new metal hip hop fusion garbage?, shiiiiiiit!