View Full Version : this is way, way, way out of line...

27-Jan-2010, 12:51 AM
a kind of companion piece to the story SRP posted, i'll post this case of undeniable brutality.

the video speaks for itself and the cop has been fired.

please, let's not turn this into some "all cops are assholes" keyboard masturbation exercise.


27-Jan-2010, 01:09 AM
To quote one of the replies.

I'll let a cop do that to me for $15k

27-Jan-2010, 01:44 AM
Yeah, the moment I started getting smacked around. . I would have started smiling. Eash whack sounded like a register's bell.

27-Jan-2010, 01:54 AM
Sorry, but if some drunk fucker spit on me, I'd beat his ass, too. And so would you; don't lie.

27-Jan-2010, 01:58 AM
i think the disturbing thing about the comments is how many of those assholes think this was either funny or the dude deserved it. i am always amazed at how people can figure out from a video where a dude is sitting there handcuffed, that a person is a thug or a punk or some other label.

Stupid surveillance cameras! Money well spent. That THUG deserved the "minor" beating he received. I would beat any thug down given the chance. These people don't learn by trying to talk nice and polite to them. They don't understand it. The only thing they understand is a good old fashioned beating...This THUG did'nt act up again after the slaps and knees...lesson learned!

If every Cop lost their job for tuning a kid up they would all be out of a job...If all Cops tried the kinder gentler method on all these losers society would break down and these THUGS would run amok. Thank God there are places without video cameras. Bring on the Liberal Cop Haters!

that's a fucked up way to look at these sorts of things. thing is, the article says the kid was being detained but not what for. if it was for something petty like underage drinking or some such shit, then i hope the folks posting comments like the one above will realize what asinine dickheads they are.

27-Jan-2010, 02:06 AM
i am always amazed at how people can figure out from a video where a dude is sitting there handcuffed, that a person is a thug or a punk or some other label.

You've got to read the articles too, instead of just watching the videos.

The incident happened while Singer was being detained at the Santa Fe Police Station in November 2007.

Investigators said Singer was drunk, acting belligerent and spit on an officer.

Released-with-an-agenda videos don't show things like that.

27-Jan-2010, 05:01 AM
Sorry, but if some drunk fucker spit on me, I'd beat his ass, too. And so would you; don't lie.

There is a huge difference between doing it in your personal life and when you're employed to just accept it as a fact of life and move on. I work in a mental health facility and get spit on everyday. Everyday. I could easily tune-up a client for doing it, but its part of the job.

If I did it, and got caught, I would expect to be fired and face criminal charges. I don't know why a cop should be any different.

27-Jan-2010, 12:02 PM
There is a huge difference between doing it in your personal life and when you're employed to just accept it as a fact of life and move on. I work in a mental health facility and get spit on everyday. Everyday. I could easily tune-up a client for doing it, but its part of the job.

If I did it, and got caught, I would expect to be fired and face criminal charges. I don't know why a cop should be any different.

Exactly. If cops could get away with beating the shit out of people then all the corrupt ones could just lay into anyone whose face they didn't like and then say "But, he spat on me when you weren't looking!"

I know a lot of cops. I have fairly close relatives who are cops, and it is my opinion that about 80% of cops are great, deeply good, upstanding people who became cops because they were interested in helping people. The other 20% are in it for the badge and the thrills and would most likely lean towards criminality themselves if they weren't on the force.

I'll tell you a story about a guy, a relation of mine, who lives in a small town on the east coast of Scotland. I know this is true because, like with all small towns, you very soon hear every side of the story (including his own):

He was a bit of a wild one when he was younger, not into drugs or theft or anything like that, but he had a proud streak and a bit of a temper on him which combined to give him a knack for getting into fights with the local tough-guys after a few beers. One night he was drinking in the bar when a completely stewed troublemaker walked up to him in front of about 50 people and started shouting abuse about his mother and sister, knowing that he'd get a fight out of our guy, which was the troublemaker's planned entertainment for the evening. Our guy, after trying to ignore him for a couple of minutes, turned around and planted an uppercut on the bottom of his jaw (which he shouldn't have done). The troublemaker that himself and scrambled out of the bar. Our man decided he'd better go home.

On the way home two cops stopped him and guess what... one of them was the troublemaker's brother and the other was the former school thug (small towns, eh?). I think you can guess what the cops did to him before throwing him in a cell (only the latter part of that did he probably deserve).

Now, this is five or six years later, the guy has not been in a fight or done anything illegal in about four years, he doesn't drink, he's married and he's training to become an air traffic controller. But when he's in his home town, those cops, with nothing better to do, still follow him around, trying to rouse him into losing his temper so they can ruin him. He has never once given in, and I don't think he ever will, but they keep trying. Once, when I was there, I saw the troublemaker walk into a bar when our guy was sitting drinking a lemonade with me and my girlfriend (the two of us were on cider), and started mouthing off to other patrons about our guy. We got up and left... guess which two cops were sitting in a car outside the door. Total set-up, but it didn't work.

If those guys could just claim he spat on them and get immunity from brutality charges, he would be getting a baton in his face every week. It's a slippery fucking slope.

---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------

By the way... :D



27-Jan-2010, 12:17 PM
Sorry, but if some drunk fucker spit on me, I'd beat his ass, too. And so would you; don't lie.

Okay, I'm not going to lie:

No I wouldn't hit a drunk handcuffed teenager for spitting on me. I'd wipe the spit off my suit and tell him to shut the hell up. But I wouldn't hit him. I don't feel the need to answer every little offense with violence, really.

27-Jan-2010, 12:44 PM
in the few times iv come into contact with the police they have always been polite and courteous to me, maybe im just lucky:lol::lol:

27-Jan-2010, 12:48 PM
Yeah me too, actually. One of my friends went up against a real dick once, but he didn't get assaulted or anything. My friend is from a place where there's alot of trouble coming out of, and once when he was in a neighbouring (and very rich) town the cops pulled him over. They took a look at his driver's licence and told him to get the hell out of their town... Not exactly the nicest thing to do.

Apart from that, I've only had good personal experiences.

27-Jan-2010, 01:14 PM
Sorry, but if some drunk fucker spit on me, I'd beat his ass, too. And so would you; don't lie.

I gotta agree with SRP on this one.

Sorry, but if you fucked up, got arrested ,and then have the balls to spit on me... You can bet your sorry ass that you are in for a Rodney King style ass whupping.

Job be damned... I am going to beat you senseless

27-Jan-2010, 03:18 PM
I gotta agree with SRP on this one.

i think the point that some are trying to make is that the police don't get to act like that. if you can't handle people giving you shit and even spitting on you without resorting to beating them, you have no business being a cop.