View Full Version : Toyota stops US sales - Gas pedal issue

27-Jan-2010, 04:37 PM

Damn, over 7 models are affected and the cars just sit on the lot gathering dust.

Now people can buy American, which is what they should be buying, consider we now build the 2010 Motor Trend Car of the Year. :D

27-Jan-2010, 04:55 PM

Damn, over 7 models are affected and the cars just sit on the lot gathering dust.

Now people can buy American, which is what they should be buying, consider we now build the 2010 Motor Trend Car of the Year. :D

Yeah, fuck Toyota North America, it's US based manufacturing and R&D facilities, its head office in NYC and all the jobs it provides to Americans! ;)

27-Jan-2010, 04:55 PM
This could've happened to any car company. I'm just glad it didn't happen to my GM's.:D

27-Jan-2010, 10:05 PM
Yeah, fuck Toyota North America, it's US based manufacturing and R&D facilities, its head office in NYC and all the jobs it provides to Americans! ;)

While they may be built here, the majority of the components are made in Japan.

02-Feb-2010, 09:07 AM
i'm kind of skeptical on this one, i had an '05 Matrix, which is in the recall, and that thing never once gave me troubles untill it was stolen. While i'm certain that there may infact be some manner of mechinical fault with a few of these vehicles, i'm curious how much scapegoating is going on.

I can't count on one hand the number of times ive seen Arties on fark or digg where some fossil, mows down 2 or 75 people ina cross walk or drives through a chinese buffet and blames it on a stuck accelerator.

just sayin'

02-Feb-2010, 05:31 PM
i had an '05 Matrix, which is in the recall, and that thing never once gave me troubles untill it was stolen.
Where are you seeing the 2005 Matrix on the recall list? I have a 2005 Matrix and other than normal maintenance, it only ever had to go to the manufacturer once for a minor repair. I'm not even certain if it was an actual "recall" as it was simply a recommendation by my local mechanic.

I've driven the hell out of that car, and it performs flawlessly.

02-Feb-2010, 08:31 PM
Deal with it on a customer-to-customer basis? I think that's a little bit risky don't you, Toyota? Is a small profit really worth possible human lives?

02-Feb-2010, 09:17 PM
Is a small profit really worth possible human lives?

That sounds like Socialist talk, Mike...:D

03-Feb-2010, 01:04 AM
Toyota, eh? Hondas are the way to go. Haven't driven a Toyota since... the mid-90s.

03-Feb-2010, 01:12 AM
Toyota would be a good company if they modernized their internal communication system. However the channel to report and investigate an issue such as this is their failing in this situation.

1. Customer Complains of stuck accelerator
2. Mechanic find issues
3. Mechanic reports to Toyota N. America
4. Toyota N. America informs Toyota Corp in Japan
5. Toyota Corp in Japan passes info to CEO and President who havemeetings to discuss issue
6. Once issue is discussed which could take 6 months to a year investigation starts at Toyota Japan
7. If more problems arise, the system starts again
8. If, and I say if, engineering finds a malfunction, root cause is sent to top brass
9. Top Brass discuss (another 2-3 months)
10. Top brass issue next course of action.

10-12 steps later you get what we had today. Sales stoppage and massive recall because they didn't act sooner

The above chain events was detailed by toyota and why its fix took so long and many business and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) experts have said Toyota dropped the ball on this issue.

The minute problem was discovered Toyota should have been investigatin in North America while Top Brass in japan were also talking, this would have cut the investigation time by 6 months.

Their antiquated system put customers at risk and their reputation on the line.

And if anyone is curious on how I know this chain of command... i worked for a Toyota parts supplier from 1998-2000. This was also confirmed by experts on CNN and FOX today as well.


03-Feb-2010, 03:17 AM
And if anyone is curious on how I know this chain of command...
...it's because that's how just about every Japanese-owned monolithic corporation works. To the average employee, the top brass are the equivalent of God. Toyota certainly has no monopoly in that area.

I still can't find any information about the 2005 Matrix being included in the recall.

03-Feb-2010, 05:01 AM
That sounds like Socialist talk, Mike...:D

From a Utilitarian point of view or otherwise?



03-Feb-2010, 01:57 PM
And now the PRIUS is under fire for BRAKE problems.

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100203/ap_on_bi_ge/as_japan_toyota_prius;_ylt=AoXy8ghqNUQ8ELFuR3o0bHK s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNwNzZhdjYyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjA zL2FzX2phcGFuX3RveW90YV9wcml1cwRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wd WxhcgRjcG9zAzUEcG9zAzIEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9 oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawN0b3lvdGFoaXRieW8-

---------- Post added at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------

...it's because that's how just about every Japanese-owned monolithic corporation works. To the average employee, the top brass are the equivalent of God. Toyota certainly has no monopoly in that area.

I still can't find any information about the 2005 Matrix being included in the recall.

But not everyone knows that Dubious. I had to deal with it first hand when dealing with QC issues involving strut seals and AC Clutch seals from 1998-1999 Camry sedans. By the time Toyota got back to us in the QA group about the issue, the fix was almost too late because we had already changed over to the new design for the 2000 model and up.

04-Feb-2010, 10:05 AM
And now TOYOTA admits the prius has a flaw int he braking system... and they knew about it.



04-Feb-2010, 10:36 PM
But on the bright side, the airbags and seatbelts work just fine, so it all evens out...

05-Feb-2010, 01:58 AM
But on the bright side, the airbags and seatbelts work just fine, so it all evens out...

You may not be able to stop, but when you crash... we got ya covered.

22-Feb-2010, 01:20 PM
New Internal presentation from TOYOTA shows execs gloating on saving $100 million avoiding a total recall of vehicles.


12-Mar-2010, 07:06 PM
As I'm sure anyone could have guessed, there are douchebags out there trying to make a free penny and get their 15 minutes out of this situation...


It's possible it actually happened, but the way this guy just ignores the 911 operator when she's obviously telling him how to stop points to a fake. Not to mention his shady background. If it does indeed turn out fake(which I think it will), I hope he gets locked up for it....

12-Mar-2010, 07:51 PM
It's funny you mentioned this bassman, 'cause I just got done discussing this with Dj in email and told him I had heard the entire 911 call that they released, and it's faker than most porn stars' tits.

12-Mar-2010, 08:07 PM
It's funny you mentioned this bassman, 'cause I just got done discussing this with Dj in email and told him I had heard the entire 911 call that they released, and it's faker than most porn stars' tits.

Yeah, you can listen to it through the link provided. All it is his him ignoring the operator's instructions and grunting a whole lot. Sounds like he was ignoring her so that the plan would play out. What a douche...

12-Mar-2010, 08:59 PM
If it is fake then cuff the SOB and let him rot in Jail, but the cop backs up the mans story and what are the chances the cops are in on it? Slim I'd say.

Only time will tell.

23-Mar-2010, 12:24 PM
New Information... Toyota knew about accelerator problem in 2002:


23-Mar-2010, 12:37 PM
New Information... Toyota knew about accelerator problem in 2002
Awesome news for all those class-action attorneys looking to get rich(er)!