View Full Version : Skins (UK show on E4)...a bit of a rant...

29-Jan-2010, 01:54 PM
Anyone else watch this?

I've been watching it from the beginning, and it hasn't changed one bit since the start - it's crushingly serious 95% of the time, not to mention exploitative in nature - it's a lurid show.

It takes elements that would be relatively minor experiences in the lives of some British teenagers, and then inflates them to such gargantuan size that apparently every British teenager is fucking like rabbits 24/7, smacked off their tits on weed, pills and coke, and is constantly drinking like a bunch of alcoholics - not to mention getting served and admitted into countless pubs and clubs when they're underage.

Anything good it has to say is always washed over by the ludicrously OTT portrayal of British teens (bollocks is that realistic), as well as it's po-faced seriousness and overtly dramatic style.

It simply doesn't ring true. A diluted version maybe (for city teens), but no way is that a realistic portrayal of teenage life in the UK.

What is though is the thoroughly excellent The Inbetweeners - which I'm ashamed to say I initially fobbed off dismissively as a Skins cash-in - but it's far better and stands on its own two feet, and actually feels realistic - hell, it almost feels identical to sixth form life in the UK (albeit in a sitcom wrapping).

So yeah - anyone else watch Skins / The Inbetweeners ... thoughts?

29-Jan-2010, 02:16 PM
youve summed up why i didnt like it. it had that same vibe i got when i watched the film human traffic, they where meant to be 20 somethings doing stuff, but all came off as dicks, or pretentious dicks. it always came off as more for the "pint with the lads then a curry" crowd and just not aimed at me. my brother loves it, but the portrayal of young british people as, well, as scummy trash for lack of a better analogy didnt appeal to me.

Though to be honest british tv has been shit for years now. the only british show i even watched. at all. last year was doctor who, and even that was its worst episodes.

Hell my tv doesnt even HAVE an arial. if i want to watch tv there are a few things i will watch online are the big bang thoery, myth busters, american chopper, miami ink, tim and eric awesome show, family guy, american dad and south park.

Unless its a special thats it. my tvs a hd media center peice, tv can suck it, especially english tv. 5 channels, all shit.

hell even bbc3 and 4 are wank nowadays, ESPECIALLY bbc3 that was great a year or two ago now its total crap.

now i think about it i stopped giving a shit about tv when mtv stopped showing music and stuff like beavis and butthead, daria and jackass.

yes i liked dariah, fuck y'all.:lol:

-ooh, 'cept for that Mitchell and webb look, not grade A comedy, but funnier than the other shit that gets branded as comedy by british tv nowadays, most of it makes me miss friends.

i am NOT being sarcastic there.

but not joey.

fuck joey.

Ghost Of War
29-Jan-2010, 02:55 PM
Skins...hate it. With a passion. The characters are annoying, unrealistic bellends.
The Inbetweeners...Love it. One of the funniest programs on tv for years. Everyone knew someone like the four main characters in school, it's well written, and hilarious.

British tv is generally shite when it comes to comedy, but now and then we get a gem. Like Red Dwarf, Father Ted, The Inbetweeners, and erm....

29-Jan-2010, 03:11 PM
British tv is generally shite when it comes to comedy, but now and then we get a gem. Like Red Dwarf, Father Ted, The Inbetweeners, and erm....


29-Jan-2010, 05:41 PM
And a bunch more after that...

But yeah, we get a lot of panel shows and sketch shows these days. The panel shows are either good (Have I Got News For You, which has been going for like 20 series, or Mock The Week, which doesn't have the same sparkle now that Boyle has moved on) or utter shit (8 Out of 10 Cats, which literally has the identical script for every fucking episode in every fucking series - and it fucks me off - plus it's always exactly the fucking same, and Jamelia or David Walliams is on it every other week practically being thick as shit/'being gay but not gay but pretty gay but not but yes ... no ... yes' respectively).

The writers of Skins have said how 'ooh, look how representative we are' - and they're fucking not - it's pure fantasy, with moments of realism thrown in. If it wasn't for all the ludicrously OTT and unrealistic hedonism on display, the serious and well handled points might actually shine through once in a while - but it's just so crushingly serious all the damn time ... ... in fact it's as serious as the mopey bastard in the corner that you knew in Sixth Form ... and I should know, because I look back and just cringe at how 'seery-ass' (serious) I was in the Sixth Form some of the time ... so yeah, you just think "you know what you pampered sixth former, fuck you" when you watch Skins. :lol:

Most of the characters anyway, the rest of them bring their shit on themselves - and fucking hell, I can't stand that "Cook" guy ... what an utter bell end of a character.

It also feels cheesy as hell when it's trying to be 'down with the kids' (the lead writers are a father & son combo, I think) - such as the skater boy 'rawk' style introduction of that Freddie character in series 3 - lame.

Whereas The Inbetweeners puts it right up on front street - modern British teenage life isn't exciting, and it's based upon small (modern) rites of passage, and trying to be cool and do cool things, but failing miserably. It gets the lingo right, it gets the attitudes right, it gets the approach to the opposite sex right, it's just right - PLUS it's actually fucking entertaining!!!

Watching Skins has become like ... like ... being dragged through one hundred bushes made out of pure Emo, and then having to sit there listening to an Emo bitch and moan to the point that any valid issues or worries or problems are washed over by the endless DRAMA!!!!! and HEDONISM!!!! put on show.


So yeah - I look forward to a new series of The Inbetweeners, because not only is it funny as fook ("bus wankers!" :D), but it's actually realistic ... sometimes very realistic ... even uncomfortably/comfortably close and realistic.


In summary, we need a TV renaissance like the Americans have had.

29-Jan-2010, 05:56 PM
Yeah I cant stand it either, I got up to all sorts in my late teens but nothing like those lot seem to! If skins was reality it would mean the entire teenage population of the country both male & female were heavy drug users (granted some are, but not like in this program), bisexual, far more clued up about the big wide world than anyone older could possibly be, all with various mental disorders & all getting laid constantly! All the lads I knew at that age including myself spent most of the time knocking one out because girls our age werent interested in us, they were far more into lads in their early - mid 20's so we only got laid every now & again unless in relationships, most of us spent the time between 17 & 21 going home empty handed,after that when we'd matured we got more action! And the storylines are just a load of crap anyway!

08-Feb-2010, 07:54 PM
Yeah, but skins is "raw", "edgy" and "out there" man...or something. :rolleyes:

Honestly though, I never watch it, doesn't appeal to me.

(Tricky, your dog thingy is fucking disturbing!) :D


09-Feb-2010, 03:11 AM
British tv is generally shite when it comes to comedy, but now and then we get a gem. Like Red Dwarf, Father Ted, The Inbetweeners, and erm....

Monty Python, Faulty Towers, Black Adder. . . . . .

Ghost Of War
09-Feb-2010, 08:52 AM
Monty Python, Faulty Towers, Black Adder. . . . . .

Yeah, I know, I just couldn't think of any at the time.:) My point still stands, though.

09-Feb-2010, 09:47 AM
I think it's tougher these days. We've got so many comedy classics in our British vault, but these days you're more likely to come across something hideously bad like The Persuasionists (BBC2), than stumbling across a genuine gem like The Inbetweeners (E4/C4).

Ghost Of War
09-Feb-2010, 02:07 PM
I think the only "regular" sitcom that's been funny in the past few years is Outnumbered (BBC1). My missus loves it, and the few episodes I've watched have been pretty good.

09-Feb-2010, 02:14 PM
I don't mean to hijack your british show thread with my american nonsense, but I've recently seen 'The Mighty Boosh' and my mind is blown...

I had heard mention of this show a few times around the net, but it's just now started airing here on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block and it's made me cry with laughter on several occasions. And that's after having seen only a handful of episodes...

Not only is it hilarious, it's just so damn weird. Anyway, I know it's been over there for years, but just curious to what you guys thought about it.

Ghost Of War
09-Feb-2010, 02:24 PM
I don't mean to hijack your british show thread with my american nonsense, but I've recently seen 'The Mighty Boosh' and my mind is blown...

I had heard mention of this show a few times around the net, but it's just now started airing here on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block and it's made me cry with laughter on several occasions. And that's after having seen only a handful of episodes...

Not only is it hilarious, it's just so damn weird. Anyway, I know it's been over there for years, but just curious to what you guys thought about it.

It's a bit hit and miss for me, that one. When it's funny it's piss-myself-laughing funny, but sometimes it is just a bit too weird. I went to watch the live show with my brother a couple of years ago, and it was absolutely hilarious. Noel Fielding (the one that looks like a crow) is a comedy genius, his run on Never Mind The Buzzcocks was great.

09-Feb-2010, 02:50 PM
The first season of boosh was comedy gold, the type fo british comedy that has a full script of one liners.

Then it quickly overstayed its welcome by become a one note joke, or 'crimp' as it were, by season 3 it was just kinda sad, which is a big shame.

09-Feb-2010, 03:06 PM
Then it quickly overstayed its welcome by become a one note joke, or 'crimp' as it were, by season 3 it was just kinda sad, which is a big shame.

I think one of the funniest episodes I saw was from season three. The Eels Song or something like that...

Had a guy dressed up with a bunch of lifesavers candy singing about eels "climbin up inside ya". :lol:

09-Feb-2010, 03:45 PM
Aye the boosh was genius for the first season, the second season was pretty good too, especially any scene with tony harrison! "its an outraaaaaaaaage! you absolute jerk off!" the third only had a couple of gems, the eels one & the crack fox. I cant watch boosh now though, reminds me of an ex I still secretly wish I was with from 2 years ago, sad as that sounds :o :rolleyes:

09-Feb-2010, 04:00 PM
I think one of the funniest episodes I saw was from season three. The Eels Song or something like that...

Had a guy dressed up with a bunch of lifesavers candy singing about eels "climbin up inside ya". :lol:

for me thats probably the worst hitcher episode, nothing beats his whole "wanna know about mah thumb du'yu boi?, intirque yu dus it?" bit from season 1.

09-Feb-2010, 11:18 PM
Nobody has mentioned "Berry & Fulchers Snuff Box", "The League of Gentlemen" or the mighty "Alan Partridge".

Best Boosh track is this one...



10-Feb-2010, 01:49 PM
Psychoville is another good one - I'm still to get into League of Gentlemen (I know, inexplicable, but it passed me by at the time), but will one day on box set.

Alan Partridge passed me by when it was originally on, but then was brought into the fold at uni (in Norfolk no less - for those not in the know, Alan Partridge is set in Norfolk) by someone who is from that area anyway, and goddamn it was some funny ass shit.

I remember over the Xmas holiday in 2003 I was up late watching an episode on ear phones and burst out laughing until I was breathless.


Reminds me of the time I was watching "Animals" by Ricky Gervais with the same guy at uni, and we both almost shat ourselves laughing - I was eating cereal at the time and damn near choked to death from the guffaws.

10-Feb-2010, 03:28 PM
Yeah Skins in rubbish, I gave up on the first episode when they were searching for "an ounce of spliff". Jesus.

it's well written drama though - and it has to be outlandish because normal life for most teens is BORING. I dunno about misrepresenting them, I don't think it represents anything but absurdity. It's a drama after all...

The Inbetweeners is a totally different kettle of fish, it doesn't pretend to be mature for instance. Funny show but a little too awkward for me at times...

10-Feb-2010, 06:03 PM
The Inbetweeners though, manages to show UK teenage life in a far, far, far more accurate light, and makes entertaining episodes out of daft situations, or small issues - or it takes a simple starter idea - such as work placements, and then runs with it through the strainer of the protagonists.

Skins revels in being overly dramatic, reliant on leering at barely legal almost-naked bodies, obsessed with having everyone fucking everyone else all the time, whilst constantly drinking like alcoholics and puffing or popping drugs like they're going out of style ... it's really too silly.

I'm still watching it ... but blimey, it's the same in every episode.

Quite looking forward to another series of The Inbetweeners though, naturally. :)

19-Mar-2010, 07:50 PM
Just watched the last episode and all I can say even after a bit of a poor season, what a fucking great way to end the series.

I'm 38 years old and probably way too old to be watching Skins, but I fell in love with the first series.

Below taken from the end scene script, fucking class

COOK watches FOSTER. Something gleaming in his eye.
COOK: Mr Foster
JOHN FOSTER: Dr Foster actually. Kneel down please...
COOK slowly shakes his head. The BASEBALL BAT snakes out without warning and catches COOK in the Stomach. COOK staggers back...gasping. But then inexplicably he laughs.
COOK: I don’t think you know what I am mate
JOHN FOSTER: I think I do. You’re nothing. You don’t deserve that girl... And, you know...I do.
COOK shakes his head slowly.
COOK: I’m a fucking waste of space... Just a stupid kid... I got no sense....A criminal...I’m no fucking use...I am nothing...so please... please... get it into your...you know...into your bonce....That you killed my friend.... And...(HE SHRUGS) ... I’m Cook. He explodes towards FOSTER without warning fists, feet, everything. Devastating aggression. He screams, whirling past us in a blur.

19-Mar-2010, 08:50 PM
Really?! :confused:

I thought the last episode was pretty pish. All over the place, random ideas and random character wrap-ups hastily pasted together in a poorly structured mish-mash of "whatever".

*spoilers below, if you're bothered*

Didn't care for the ending either. The end of "generation one" (in 2x10) actually had the sense of "end of an era" about it - helped immensely by MGMT's "Time To Pretend" on the soundtrack - but, nah, series 4 didn't go out with the same bang.

All that stuff about Panda having received two A* and an A in secret from her friends, and then magically getting into Harvard ... then thingmy magically and piss-easily gets into Harvard as well cos he can run fast ... I mean wtf?

Bit harsh on Freddie too, and a bit like "well we killed off Chris in series 2, so we've gotta kill off someone this time" ... plus Freddie didn't even attempt to fight back, and the whole 'psycho shrink' element was just silly.

*spoilers over, if you're bothered*


Skins is way too OTT, overly dramatic, takes itself far too seriously, and is so insanely unrealistic (by taking small elements of moments of real lives and inflating them to everyday occurrence) that it's just too daft.

The Inbetweeners is far more realistic, and is actually funny. Doesn't take itself seriously, tells it like it is, and makes you laugh and cringe at the same time.

There are positives to Skins, but it's really got an ego about itself - if a show can have an ego - it seems inflated by a sense of its own self-importance that has really been growing gradually since series 2, where now - at the end of series 4 - it's so crushingly dramatic and slapdash. Plus the character of Cook was quite often a complete twat that I just couldn't abide him ... and that Effy, geez, she thinks a lot of herself doesn't she, and then randomly all of a sudden she's got a mental disorder? ... :rockbrow:

Also ... is it me, or is Skins actually a quite perverted show, by showing in every single episode actors who are under 18 prancing around in their underpants with no bras on, flashing side-boob, and just generally acting like its a soft-core porn movie? The camera seems so lecherous in Skins, and it's really become very apparent in series 4 ... it's disturbing, quite frankly, and illustrates the needlessly lurid sensibility of the show itself.

19-Mar-2010, 10:53 PM
Nah as I posted the series was weak last episode included, what I like was the ending posted above.