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View Full Version : PROMO ART - DEADLANDS 3: The New World

29-Jan-2010, 11:29 PM

http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs136.snc3/18373_458479355342_760985342_10902468_4224302_n.jp g

29-Jan-2010, 11:39 PM
"Tommy likey"


Just curious, though. You going to switch it to roman numerals after the second film was Deadlands 2?

29-Jan-2010, 11:57 PM
I tried it without and wasn't digging on it. However here is the mock up with normal numerical number

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs136.snc3/18373_458517795342_760985342_10902620_3798083_n.jp g

01-Feb-2010, 11:03 PM
Just finished the 5th draft of the screenplay. :elol:

01-Feb-2010, 11:06 PM
Let me guess....you had to incorporate a Big Daddy-like character?:p

02-Feb-2010, 12:02 AM
Let me guess....you had to incorporate a Big Daddy-like character?:p

Nope, if you download the current screenplay which I have online the only difference is that i changed the opening and changed the device used by the military guys.

Instead of a complete re-hash of the outbreak I instead opted to go with a nod towards DAY of the DEAD:

See below:

The gloom of a fall day has set upon the abandon town square.

The camera looks down from atop the taller buildings.
Trash and debris litter the street and sidewalk. Cars covered in what appears to be years of dirt and soot from years of neglect. Store fronts are dark and dim. The once vibrant town square is now filled with a foreboding emptiness that plagues the moment.

A young woman. Mid 20’s. Slowly walks through the abandon cars as the camera dollies along with her.

A wider shot reveals she is not dressed in regular clothes. She is wearing what appears to be a nightgown or sleepwear.

She stops in the middle of the empty town square and looks around. She slowly turns as the camera goes in the opposite direction. As we see what she sees it is apparent everything she once knew is now gone.
She stops. Sadness fills her face and a light breeze blows her dark hair. She calls out.


She looks around again. No one or nothing responds to her call.
We hear a faint noise. A newspaper rustles from the light breeze filling the atmosphere.

The woman attention is brought upon the paper. She slowly kneels down to pick it up. We see the headline. “21st century plague grips humanity.”

She looks at the headline but doesn’t read the article. She slowly lowers the paper.

She looks around again and begins to slowly walk through the abandon cars. She looks inside a 4 door sedan. The front driver compartment covered in dried coagulated blood.

She looks into the back seat to reveal the skeletal remains of a child’s body in a blood covered car seat.

The moment creeps her out and she slowly backs out of the car. Her face fills with more fear.

As she rises up from the interior of the car she begins to breathe more heavily. She is beginning to become filled with anxiety. She calls out again.

HELLO... Can anyone hear me?

A light thud is heard. She quickly turns in the direction of the noise. She sees nothing. Another thud is heard from the other direction.

She turns that way. Again she finds nothing.

Her adrenalin level begins to climb. She is visibly becoming more anxious by the second. She looks around again. She sees nothing but a square filled with abandon cars, a farmers market, litter and trash.

She calls out once more.

Hello… is anybody there.
Please… Anybody.

She starts to become visibly upset. She begins turning left and right shouting cries of hello in hopes someone will hear her.

Hello… Hello… HELLO!

The camera closes in on her fast. She screams hello again and with a whoosh…

The camera spins 180 degrees around her to reveal a sea of zombies in front of her, reaching out to grab her she screams and then…

We find ourselves in a dimly lit room. The same woman, laying in bed, opens her eyes. Her expression tells us the dream is something she goes through night after night.

From this point on the normal screenplay (draft 4 pretty much resumes, with some minor tweaks and changes

02-Feb-2010, 02:00 PM
Great opening sequence.

Now I gotta go download the script...

02-Feb-2010, 08:35 PM
Start at page 14

02-Feb-2010, 09:17 PM
The download site appears to have gone >sproing<.

I'll try again real soon...

02-Feb-2010, 10:39 PM
Working for me.

I wish I could host it on here, but the attachment is 360kb

05-Feb-2010, 03:13 PM
Yeah, keep getting:

"Unfortunately right now our servers are overloaded and we have no more download slots left for non-members. Of course you can also try again later."

i.e. "Give us the money you cheap bastid."

(I don't have any euros...)

Anyway, the opening reads really good. I dig the multiple-level Day homage. Sounds like it's gonna be hard-ish to film on a budget, but you got the skillz.

05-Feb-2010, 05:48 PM
Yeah, keep getting:

"Unfortunately right now our servers are overloaded and we have no more download slots left for non-members. Of course you can also try again later."

i.e. "Give us the money you cheap bastid."

(I don't have any euros...)

Anyway, the opening reads really good. I dig the multiple-level Day homage. Sounds like it's gonna be hard-ish to film on a budget, but you got the skillz.
Is it RapidShare?

If so I get that all the time as a non-member. Just keep refreshing it every 2 minutes and reloading the page, trying different times of day, and eventually you'll get it to work ... but sometimes it can just be impossible. They used to be fine, but now they're clogged up.

If it's not hosted on RapidShare, then this whole post has been pointless... :D

05-Feb-2010, 08:48 PM
Its Rapid Share