View Full Version : Weird Al--The Saga Begins

30-Jan-2010, 06:27 AM
I stumbled upon this quite by accident.


While Al is not my favorite artist, he does come up with a good 'un once and a while.



30-Jan-2010, 09:16 AM
'Blocked in your country.' :(

30-Jan-2010, 01:34 PM
This is kind of an old one, isnt it? I think I remember seeing this shortly after Phantom Menace was released....

30-Jan-2010, 03:05 PM
This is kind of an old one, isnt it? I think I remember seeing this shortly after Phantom Menace was released....

It is ... exactly ten years, from his album; Running with Scissors. While Wierd Al is definitely an acquired taste, his one huge contribute to music is deflating the pretense that recording artists are doing anything of great social relevence with their tunes.
If most music can be reduced to a polka song ...
Among his best work was Jurassic Park (tune; MacArthur Park) from Alapalooza.
The Saga Begins(original tune; American Pie ) & It's All About The Pentiums( tune; All About The Benjamins ) from Running with Scissors.
Smells Like Nirvana( tune; Smells Like Teen Spirit) from Off The Deep End.
Ricky(tune; Hey, Mickey. ) from the debut album; Weird Al Yankovic.
One of These Days/Good Enough for Now/Christmas at Ground Zero(all original songs ) from Polka Party.
This is The Life(original song. )from both the Johnny Dangerously soundtrack & Dare to be Stupid. Also on Dare to be Stupid, Like A Surgeon( tune; Like A Virgin), Dare To Be Stupid(original song, loose parody of DEVO ), Yoda(tune; Lola), Slime Creatures From Outer Space(original song)
Fat( tune; BAD ), I think I'm A Clone Now(tune; I think We're alone Now) from Even Worse.
Amish Paradise(tune: Gangsta Paradise)with a kick-ass video co-starring Florence Henderson from The Brady Bunch, Gump(tune; Lump), Phony Calls(tune; WaterFalls ) from Bad Hair Day.

While he's absolutely Parody Lit when set beside Tom Lehrer, Stan Freberg, Allen Sherman, Spike Jones(not the movie director, Jonze ), Homer & Jethro(The Krusty Minstrels ), Ray Stevens, Al was a favorite contributor of the Dr. Demento Show and more recently Robot Chicken.

Wayne Z
"Sirens wail, are you listening? In the air, warheads glistening. A terrible sight, we're fleeing tonight. Fleeing from a Nuclear Winterland. "
Parody song written by this guy back in the 80's

31-Jan-2010, 05:35 AM
'Blocked in your country.' :(

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEcjgJSqSRU Don't know if that'll help you or not, Cap

While Wierd Al is definitely an acquired taste, his one huge contribute to music is deflating the pretense that recording artists are doing anything of great social relevence with their tunes.

You got that right!



01-Feb-2010, 12:13 PM
Yeah, this has been around for a while, but it's definitely better than the actual episode 1.

It's crazy how long Weird Al's been doing this, good for him.

PS--American Pie is epic...bloated, but great.

01-Feb-2010, 12:21 PM
And just when you thought it couldn't get wierder, Al was up for Best Comedy Album last night but lost to Steve Colbert.

Yankovic's newest work, Internet Leaks, is actually a digital preview of a future album.


Wayne Z
"Someone let T-Rex out of his pen. I admit it's kinda eerie, but it proves my chaos theory, and I'm never going back this way again .. "
Jurassic Park(MacArthur Park )