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01-Feb-2010, 10:32 AM
If any of you yahoos havn't read the George RR Martin Series "Song of Ice and Fire", well you need to quit reading this and get to it. . .pronto. It is one of my favorite series of books of all time. Just really really good stuff. It's fantasy, but really its more about intrigue and character interaction than about sword and sorcery.

Having said that, I found out recently that HBO is possibly picking up the series for a show. The casting is wonderful and all is looking well. They recently filmed the pilot. . and I have my fingers, toes, and penises (don't ask) crossed that this goes through. If Game of Thrones and Walking Dead are both on during the same season. . I may never leave my house. . .my pants will be too full of geek spooge to even move off the couch.


01-Feb-2010, 11:05 AM
If any of you yahoos havn't read the George RR Martin Series "Song of Ice and Fire", well you need to quit reading this and get to it. . .pronto. It is one of my favorite series of books of all time. Just really really good stuff. It's fantasy, but really its more about intrigue and character interaction than about sword and sorcery.

Having said that, I found out recently that HBO is possibly picking up the series for a show. The casting is wonderful and all is looking well. They recently filmed the pilot. . and I have my fingers, toes, and penises (don't ask) crossed that this goes through. If Game of Thrones and Walking Dead are both on during the same season. . I may never leave my house. . .my pants will be too full of geek spooge to even move off the couch.


A few months ago, my dad played one of the king's men in the HBO adaptation. The "pilot" is actually a mini-series of the first book in the series, if the shows does well they will do a new, separate miniseries for each of the novels.

From the stuff he says he saw on the set, it looks like it will be pretty good.

01-Feb-2010, 11:57 AM
A few months ago, my dad played one of the king's men in the HBO adaptation. The "pilot" is actually a mini-series of the first book in the series, if the shows does well they will do a new, separate miniseries for each of the novels.

From the stuff he says he saw on the set, it looks like it will be pretty good.

Awesome, Kraken! I had no idea they'd started shooting! I think I've read most of the books in this series 3 or 4 times, as the world is pretty well put-together and expansive and the sort of story is a mix of the wondrous and gritty.

Now if G.R.R. Martin can just get his act together and finish the latest book in the series...

01-Feb-2010, 07:20 PM
A few months ago, my dad played one of the king's men in the HBO adaptation. The "pilot" is actually a mini-series of the first book in the series, if the shows does well they will do a new, separate miniseries for each of the novels.

From the stuff he says he saw on the set, it looks like it will be pretty good.

Very cool!! It is getting good word from all around, so it's nice to hear it's also looking good from the inside.

---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------

Now if G.R.R. Martin can just get his act together and finish the latest book in the series...


02-Mar-2010, 09:55 PM
Yes!!!!!! The series has been greenlit!!!!!


03-Mar-2010, 02:52 PM
Well, 'tween this, Walking Dead, and new Doctor Whos coming down the pike, I'm prolly gonna have to stop being such a cheap bastard and spring for cable....>sigh<

15-Jun-2010, 04:21 PM
The teaser trailer for HBO's game of Thrones was released onto the 'Tubes yesterday:


15-Jun-2010, 04:27 PM
I hope this is real! I don't have volume on my work PC, so I can't hear any of the accompanying sound, but it looks good! :hyper:

Now, if only we can get that next book...:bored:

15-Jun-2010, 04:33 PM
aint shaun bean in this? he was easily the most underrated actor in the rings trilogy and i have friends from every goddam social circle who lose there shit over this series, im gonna check this out.

Not like theres much good on tv. losts done, dr whos got 2 eps left. right now my tv intake is true bloods new season and like one more episode of stargate universe. i need something to keep me entertained between books and vidyas.

15-Jun-2010, 04:42 PM
aint shaun bean in this?

Yes, he has a pivotal role.

14-Aug-2010, 06:47 AM
I hope this is real! I don't have volume on my work PC, so I can't hear any of the accompanying sound, but it looks good! :hyper:

Now, if only we can get that next book...:bored:

Oh yes it's real, that was the preview played on HBO a while back. It looks like filming is in full swing. I am so excited over this show I could . . . oh. . . . oh my. . . nevermind.:o It looks like it's slated for release in Spring of 2011. So not really that far off!

27-Aug-2010, 09:16 PM
Great! I hadn't realised it had been filmed.

29-Nov-2010, 05:52 AM
Oh my god!!! This is looking amazing!!!! I think I just spooged myself!

29-Nov-2010, 08:28 PM
Great! I hadn't realised it had been filmed.

You know nothing, dracenstein!

(People who have read up to book 4/5 will get this.) ;)

30-Nov-2010, 03:03 AM
Although old, moved.

30-Nov-2010, 03:07 AM
Huh. . .where did I have it before?

30-Nov-2010, 03:17 AM
I just want to chip in here and say that this is probably the best titled thread I've ever seen here HPotD. I especially dig the ellipses between "Game of Thrones" and then the "excitement". It's as if to say that the initial shock of hearing "Game of Thrones" runs a shudder of pleasure through your body and then a moment later you can't help but yell: "excitement!".

Yeah, I'm an ass. I couldn't help it. I've been around too many people here for too long.


30-Nov-2010, 03:28 AM
I hate normal commas. . . always have. Semi-colons too. And I pause a lot. . . and I like to type how I speak. . . . .so i use a lot of that. But I am excited. . . .very much so.

30-Nov-2010, 03:35 AM
Huh. . .where did I have it before?
It was moved from General Discussion to Media.

30-Nov-2010, 03:38 AM
I hate normal commas. . . always have. Semi-colons too. And I pause a lot. . . and I like to type how I speak. . . . .so i use a lot of that. But I am excited. . . .very much so.

Another chapter in Clanglee's following of:


(You know I'm just giving you hell, man. I get it enough and it's time I gave a little myself).

EDIT: On a side note (oh yeah, what the thread is about!), I'll be checking this series out. It does look promising.


30-Nov-2010, 04:00 AM
It was moved from General Discussion to Media.

Ohhhhhh. . . . ok then. . that makes sense. . sorry.

---------- Post added 30-Nov-2010 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 29-Nov-2010 at 11:57 PM ----------

On a side note (oh yeah, what the thread is about!), I'll be checking this series out. It does look promising.

j.p. No offense taken at all man. ;) And yes. . .the show is shaping up to be VERY close to what I was hoping for!!

07-Dec-2010, 02:05 AM

07-Dec-2010, 03:45 AM
I can't see this from work, but is this the preview from Sunday night? I watched it like 15 times last night. I watched it so many times that I never got around to watching the finale of Boardwalk. I am such a dork. . . .a happy dork though!!

07-Dec-2010, 06:42 AM
Another chapter in Clanglee's following of:


No Clang rolls more like this:




07-Dec-2010, 08:21 AM
:lol: :lol:
alas. . the older I get. . . . . .. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0908/i-regret-to-inform-you-captain-star-trek-kirk-spock-sex-demotivational-poster-1250201427.jpg O here you go Moon. . I made one for you!! http://media.fakeposters.com/results/2010/12/07/qylf8m2ffw.jpg

07-Dec-2010, 10:48 AM

07-Dec-2010, 02:26 PM
Looks great, but can't listen at work. I've already forwarded the link to a ton of friends, though and will give it a proper look tonight.

I hope it isn't overdubbed with porn dialogue... ;)

11-Dec-2010, 11:45 PM
Looks great, but can't listen at work. I've already forwarded the link to a ton of friends, though and will give it a proper look tonight.

I hope it isn't overdubbed with porn dialogue... ;)
You get a chance to see it Doug?

05-Apr-2011, 06:21 AM
This starts in less than 2 weeks. . .I'm gonna wet myself. They have released the first 14 minutes of the pilot episode, and it DOES NOT DISAPPOINT!!! Give it a gander if you are so inclined.


05-Apr-2011, 12:19 PM
I caught that on Sunday night, seems the production values are rivaling that of Rome's. Can't wait until the full episode!

05-Apr-2011, 07:20 PM
I know! I watched that 14 minutes and wanted more immediately.

07-Apr-2011, 06:11 PM
This starts in less than 2 weeks. . .I'm gonna wet myself. They have released the first 14 minutes of the pilot episode, and it DOES NOT DISAPPOINT!!! Give it a gander if you are so inclined.



07-Apr-2011, 06:20 PM

Huh, I would have rated it 'GP', for 'Good Pot'.

As in, I plan to have some handy to enhance the experience...

07-Apr-2011, 11:30 PM
Huh, I would have rated it 'GP', for 'Good Pot'.

As in, I plan to have some handy to enhance the experience...

You think it needs the enhancing? Seems to stand up well on its own for me. But then again. . .sometimes, just about anything could use some . . . .em. . . . . .enhancing.

09-Apr-2011, 07:34 AM
Yep, I've recently seen adverts for this series (here in the UK), and I'm looking forward to it too!!

17-Apr-2011, 01:46 PM
Tonight's the night! Who's hyped? :hyper:

17-Apr-2011, 05:04 PM
Tonight's the night! Who's hyped? :hyper:

Not on till tomorrow (Monday) here in the UK!

17-Apr-2011, 07:49 PM
Well . . .you know that I am hyped as hell!! Unfortunately I have to wait to watch it. I work until midnight. :( But I'll watch it on DVR as soon as I get home!! I actually dreamed about the show last nigth i was so excited. . . . . .god I need a life. . . . .

17-Apr-2011, 09:10 PM
Not on till tomorrow (Monday) here in the UK!

DOH! It was on tonight in the UK! DOH!

18-Apr-2011, 01:16 AM
It started 15 minutes ago here. . . Damn my job!!!!!!!!

18-Apr-2011, 02:12 AM
That was really, really great! Pretty much everything I could hope for so far.

Some great T&A as well.

18-Apr-2011, 07:03 AM
DOH! It was on tonight in the UK! DOH!

I'm captain numpty! It wasn't on last night, and starts tonight here in the UK :)

---------- Post added at 08:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 AM ----------

That was really, really great! Pretty much everything I could hope for so far.

Some great T&A as well.

Look! You're getting me super excited now! If Demi Moore is in it too I might just explode!

18-Apr-2011, 05:49 PM
Dude, the first episode was brilliant; it left me screaming "It's not a 2-hour premiere! Shite!"

Well imagined, well shot, well acted. Loyal to the books, but not a slave to them.

Peter Dinklage is brilliant as Tyrion. I couldn't picture any other actore doing as well with the role.

I eagerly await next week.

Gonna stop now before I start spoiling.

19-Apr-2011, 12:29 AM
Agree to all of the above!! I loved loved loved it. My nerd dreams have come true. My only issue really with the series is the casting of Caitlin. The actress is fine. . .but damn if she isn't too obviously old for the part. Aside from that. . . .


19-Apr-2011, 04:11 PM
Season 2 has been confirmed:


Winter is coming — back!

HBO has renewed its fantasy series Game of Thrones after airing only one episode. The show’s second season will likely debut next year and will be based on George R.R. Martin’s second book in his Song of Ice and Fire series, A Clash of Kings.

“We are delighted by the way David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have brought George R.R. Martin’s amazing book series to the screen, and thrilled by the support of the media and our viewers,” said Michael Lombardo, president of HBO. “This is the continuation of an exciting creative partnership.”

19-Apr-2011, 07:12 PM
My only issue really with the series is the casting of Caitlin. The actress is fine. . .but damn if she isn't too obviously old for the part.

I have to admit, I was expecting some boring etherial model-type for the role of Catelyn, mostly because that sort of casting is pretty standard for Fantasy TV.

But Michelle Fairley's Catelyn looks like someone that's had 5 kids, but is still quite youthful and fetching. Plus she's great in the role. That's more important than looking like fan art, y'know?

19-Apr-2011, 09:24 PM
Yeah, but Caitlin was supposed to be quite a beauty in her day. . .I don't really get that feeling about Michelle Fairey. But like I said. . her acting was fine. . . And I really don't care for Caitlin as a character anyways. . .so no real loss.

20-Apr-2011, 01:04 PM
Yay Hordor! You can see him in the lineup when the King arrives!

Watched it twice now, damn good start with only a couple issues.

Hurry up and watch it Neil so we can discuss! :D

20-Apr-2011, 08:20 PM
Ohhhh. . .I like the banner and the Greyjoy quote there. I always liked their house motto. . . "We Do Not Sow" Did you ever get a Chthulu feeling from that religion?

20-Apr-2011, 10:10 PM
I only managed to sort of half watch it so...?

Who was the queen shagging at the end? Was that her brother?

20-Apr-2011, 10:29 PM
Yes indeed, Neil.

20-Apr-2011, 11:30 PM
I only managed to sort of half watch it so...?

Who was the queen shagging at the end? Was that her brother?

Yeah dude. . . .that was indeed.

And half-watch? Trust me man. . if you have not read the books, you will need to follow it a bit closer than that. there are a LOT of characters and a LOT of seperate plots to keep up with.

21-Apr-2011, 06:24 AM
Yeah dude. . . .that was indeed.

And half-watch? Trust me man. . if you have not read the books, you will need to follow it a bit closer than that. there are a LOT of characters and a LOT of seperate plots to keep up with.
No... I just wasn't sure if I'd missed something RE that relationship, hence had to double check... And ewwwww!

Wasn't as impressed as I hoped I was going to be... But I'll give it a few more episodes happily!

21-Apr-2011, 10:39 AM
Ohhhh. . .I like the banner and the Greyjoy quote there. I always liked their house motto. . . "We Do Not Sow" Did you ever get a Chthulu feeling from that religion?

I do indeed, ther sigil is a big ass Kraken after all :)

Since you watched it now Neil I can mention the part I'm not too happy about:

Near the end when Drogo and Daenerys consumate the wedding, it seemed awfuly forced where in the book Drogo was actually tender to her, spending most of the time exploring her body.

24-Apr-2011, 08:13 PM
I do indeed, ther sigil is a big ass Kraken after all :)

Since you watched it now Neil I can mention the part I'm not too happy about:

Near the end when Drogo and Daenerys consumate the wedding, it seemed awfuly forced where in the book Drogo was actually tender to her, spending most of the time exploring her body. That bugged me a bit as well. . . .it seemed like they kinda cut it to make it look more forced. . . they may be going with a different dynamic between those two in the show.

25-Apr-2011, 09:14 AM
I do indeed, ther sigil is a big ass Kraken after all :)

Since you watched it now Neil I can mention the part I'm not too happy about:

Near the end when Drogo and Daenerys consumate the wedding, it seemed awfuly forced where in the book Drogo was actually tender to her, spending most of the time exploring her body.
Odd you say that, because that's the way I was expecting the scene to play out? (I've not read the book)

25-Apr-2011, 09:20 PM
Well just finished watching episode 2 and again it was very enjoyable, the plot is definitely thickening between all the characters & plots! I wont say too much for now in case people are watching it later :cool:

25-Apr-2011, 10:11 PM


25-Apr-2011, 10:14 PM
That was a great bit :lol: that dwarf is an arrogant arse but he's also awesome :cool:

25-Apr-2011, 10:20 PM
Joffrey had it coming.

That and so much more.

Joffrey's a spoiled little shit - he's like Draco Malfoy without the warmth.

25-Apr-2011, 11:36 PM
Yeah the kid they picked to play Joffrey is perfect. And I am changing my mind about Caitlin now too. The acting is definitely supplanting the "look" in my mind now.

---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

Odd you say that, because that's the way I was expecting the scene to play out? (I've not read the book)
It was like that at first in the book. . but then a bit more tenderness. . .it showed a sensitive side to Drogo kinda

27-Apr-2011, 12:14 PM
I wasn't overally impressed with episode 1, but episode 2 seemed a move in the right direction, for me at least!

I'm getting interested :)

27-Apr-2011, 04:10 PM
Yeh, me too.

Poor old doggie though. :(

01-May-2011, 08:25 PM
New episode tonight, "Lord Snow" (spoiling description for any non-readers watching):

Arriving at King's Landing after his long journey, Ned is shocked to learn of the Crown's profligacy from his new advisors. At Castle Black, Jon Snow impresses Tyrion at the expense of greener recruits. Suspicious that the Lannisters had a hand in Bran's fall, Catelyn covertly follows her husband to King's Landing, where she is intercepted by Petyr Baelish, aka "Littlefinger," a shrewd longtime ally and brothel owner. Cersei and Jaime ponder the implications of Bran's recovery; Arya studies swordsmanship. On the road to Vaes Dothrak, Daenerys finds herself at odds with Viserys.

02-May-2011, 09:30 PM
Whoo hoooo!!! Introduction of Littlefinger and Syrio!!!

---------- Post added 02-May-2011 at 05:30 PM ---------- Previous post was 01-May-2011 at 04:54 PM ----------

Great episode!! Fantastic!!! but I am really starting to wonder. . . . .Where the f*ck are the Dire Wolves!?!?!?!?

03-May-2011, 01:00 AM
Really getting into this now. Thought it was a bit iffy at the start, but I'm hooked.

That dwarf guy is great. Best character of the show.

03-May-2011, 08:29 AM
Really getting into this now. Thought it was a bit iffy at the start, but I'm hooked.

That dwarf guy is great. Best character of the show.

Absolutely! He's great! Although I'll swear his accent is changing!

03-May-2011, 09:23 AM
Aye, he's getting a little posher. :)

03-May-2011, 07:12 PM
Really getting into this now. Thought it was a bit iffy at the start, but I'm hooked.

That dwarf guy is great. Best character of the show.

Agreed! He's arrogant & unlikable on the surface but seems to be a rather decent & friendly chap underneath, having not read the books it'll be interesting to see what directions he takes in the series. Sean Bean is good as always too, which reminds me I need to buy the complete Sharpe box set!
Theres several characters in Game of Thrones that are unlikable, so I'm looking forward to seeing some comeuppances later on!

03-May-2011, 08:22 PM
Theres several characters in Game of Thrones that are unlikable, so I'm looking forward to seeing some comeuppances later on!

Heee Heee Heeee!!! I am loving the stuff coming from you guys that havn't read the books. Ohhhh. . stick with it. . .there are surprises and twists aplenty!! The characters you may hate now, you may not hate so much later, and vice versa. The best thing about the series is that the characters are all human, they all have an arc and they all feel real. Ohhhhhh!!!!! So excited!!!

---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------

Although I'll swear his accent is changing!

Tyrion is my favorite character in the books. And Peter Dinklage is doing a great job playing him. But he is an american, and alas. . .You can always tell when we do your accents. I'm hoping he will level off a bit as the season progresses.

03-May-2011, 08:39 PM
Tyrion is my favorite character in the books. And Peter Dinklage is doing a great job playing him. But he is an american, and alas. . .You can always tell when we do your accents. I'm hoping he will level off a bit as the season progresses.

Well, when in doubt (or when you're cast in a fantasy tale), go with a "stage British" accent.

10-May-2011, 12:24 AM
New episode tonight. . this one should start the plot moving along nicely.

---------- Post added 09-May-2011 at 08:24 PM ---------- Previous post was 08-May-2011 at 05:05 PM ----------

Ok so, yes. . the main plots and mysterys were laid out. And I finally got to see Ghost.!!! . .however breifly.

10-May-2011, 01:24 AM
Ok so, yes. . the main plots and mysterys were laid out. And I finally got to see Ghost.!!! . .however breifly.

Yeah, that was a nice intro for Ghost, and the scenes between Jon and Sam were really well done.

Those 60 minutes fly by.

10-May-2011, 12:24 PM
I realised last night that the girl teaching Daenerys how to please her husband is the rather tasty Roxanne McKee, I met her very briefly in a nightclub about 5 years ago while she was still playing "Louise" in the channel 4 student soap "Hollyoaks", she's fit in real life too :p

10-May-2011, 09:57 PM
Did you get them digits?!??!

16-May-2011, 09:19 PM
Did you get them digits?!??!

Ha ha 'fraid not dude, she was walking back into the club from the toilets as I was just heading out to them, I instantly recognized her from hollyoaks & it was just a brief acknowledgment!

---------- Post added 16-May-2011 at 10:19 PM ---------- Previous post was 10-May-2011 at 11:22 PM ----------

All I can say about this weeks episode without giving anything away for those who havent seen it - very good and very blood thirsty! :eek:

17-May-2011, 05:50 PM
Enjoyed this weeks episode :)

How many episodes in this season?

17-May-2011, 08:50 PM
Theres 10 episodes in this season, so 5 more to go, definitely one of the more enjoyable things thats been on TV recently (barring the walking dead of course!)

17-May-2011, 09:00 PM
Theres 10 episodes in this season, so 5 more to go, definitely one of the more enjoyable things thats been on TV recently (barring the walking dead of course!)

Only 5 more :(

Has the next season been given a thumbs up? More than 10 episodes?

18-May-2011, 11:43 AM
Only 5 more :(

Has the next season been given a thumbs up? More than 10 episodes?

A second season was confirmed after the first episode. Ratings continue to rise with each episode.

Is it true that GRRM told HBO how the story ends in case he doesn't finish the last two books?


18-May-2011, 08:02 PM
Yeag GRRM gave them an outline of where he is going with the story. I hate to think of that possibility though. And yes, this episode was really really good. Next episode is supposed to be badassed as well.. . .

23-May-2011, 07:59 PM
Just finished part 7, and it's proving further that this show gets better and better with each episode.

I just wish we didn't have to wait 2 weeks for a new one! :mad:

23-May-2011, 09:40 PM
Bah. . damn you. Time Warner doesn't support HBO GO!!!! But episode 6 was the SHIT!!!!!! Bron is badassed! I am very well pleased with this show, but I am still disappointed at the lack of direwolves.

26-May-2011, 09:53 AM
Bron is badassed!
I loved his sword fight!

I am still disappointed at the lack of direwolves.
Did they feature more heavily in the books? Maybe it was too difficult/risky to get the animals to perform what was expected?

26-May-2011, 07:45 PM
Did they feature more heavily in the books? Maybe it was too difficult/risky to get the animals to perform what was expected?

Very much so. The Direwolves and the Stark Children share a spiritual connection that factors in very very importantly to some characters later on. It's not a deal breaker for me. The rest of the show is almost perfect for me. . . .so perhaps next season they will have the budget to feature the Direwolves more, maybe with some effects. . .. . .they grow to be very very large.

26-May-2011, 09:00 PM
Very much so. The Direwolves and the Stark Children share a spiritual connection that factors in very very importantly to some characters later on. It's not a deal breaker for me. The rest of the show is almost perfect for me. . . .so perhaps next season they will have the budget to feature the Direwolves more, maybe with some effects. . .. . .they grow to be very very large.

Maybe they're saving them till later than as you suggest :)

27-May-2011, 09:53 AM
Isn't one of them dead? And the wee Tomboy let hers go off into the woods and since much of the focus has been on King's Landing, it may explain the lack of direwolves in teh show so far.

However, I never read the books, so I could be talking a load of old bollocks.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------

Oops...sorry Neil.

Another penny in the swear jar!

27-May-2011, 06:37 PM
Is it true that GRRM told HBO how the story ends in case he doesn't finish the last two books?

It would go a long way to explain the tardiness of the rest of the series. Since Martin was getting the show produced for TV, perhaps he was getting all of his ducks in a row. Figure the ending, the twists to get there, and he'd be far more able to foreshadow a number of things that we haven't seen yet, book-wise.


30-May-2011, 11:29 PM
Ep 7 was pretty good. Wasn't expecting the King to snuff it

However, I may be getting old or something, but am I the only one who thinks there's way too many cheap sex scenes in 'Game of Thrones' ? Like in HBO productions in general? Sometimes they are just completely un-necessary and just add running time more than anything else.

Don't get me wrong, a bit of naked girl flesh is very welcome, but seriously, some of it is approaching porno level.

30-May-2011, 11:43 PM
Ep 7 was pretty good. Wasn't expecting the King to snuff it

However, I may be getting old or something, but am I the only one who thinks there's way too many cheap sex scenes in 'Game of Thrones' ? Like in HBO productions in general? Sometimes they are just completely un-necessary and just add running time more than anything else.

Don't get me wrong, a bit of naked girl flesh is very welcome, but seriously, some of it is approaching porno level.

They do seem a bit pointless at times. It's at the point where they feel like they're taking up screen time as opposed to bits of story.

At least it doesn't give away plot points like in, say, Dexter. If a woman's breasts are fully visible, she's a killer and/or going to be killed. It's probably not intentional by the writers, but it's pretty damn accurate.

30-May-2011, 11:57 PM
Littlefinger is going to stick out as an especially sleazy bastard when you look back at that scene, so I can understand why they went as far as they did.

As for my personal opinion; bring on the tits, I say.

And bush, for that matter.

31-May-2011, 01:25 AM
They do seem a bit pointless at times. It's at the point where they feel like they're taking up screen time as opposed to bits of story.

Yeh, I know what you mean. I'm kind of like, "For Christ's sake...again!"

But that redhead pro is a smashing bird.

31-May-2011, 10:45 AM
Ep 7 was pretty good. Wasn't expecting the King to snuff it

However, I may be getting old or something, but am I the only one who thinks there's way too many cheap sex scenes in 'Game of Thrones' ? Like in HBO productions in general? Sometimes they are just completely un-necessary and just add running time more than anything else.

Don't get me wrong, a bit of naked girl flesh is very welcome, but seriously, some of it is approaching porno level.

Completely agree. I thought so from the 1st episode and its getting very noticable as the season progresses.

31-May-2011, 10:52 AM
However, I may be getting old or something, but am I the only one who thinks there's way too many cheap sex scenes in 'Game of Thrones' ? Like in HBO productions in general? Sometimes they are just completely un-necessary and just add running time more than anything else.

Don't get me wrong, a bit of naked girl flesh is very welcome, but seriously, some of it is approaching porno level.

Agreed, some just seem unecessary... Not all... Just some!

31-May-2011, 02:04 PM
Haven't seen the episodes yet, but does the level of flesh differ from the books at all? GRRM writes them as a very gritty story that just happens to be based in a (light) fantasy world.

31-May-2011, 02:33 PM
Perhaps not Aces (I haven't read the books), but I'm wondering if the amount of flesh and it's frequent appearance mirrors that of the original story and hasn't just been lumped in by the HBO execs for the sake of some 'Beavis and Butthead' style titillation. A huh, a huh....he said "tit".

It's also quite distracting, for instance WARNING this spoiler gives away a major point in Episode 7 Littlefinger, during a very explicit lesbian "practice session" that he's overseeing, makes very clear that he covets Ned's missus. Which, BTW, does a lot to blunt his betrayal of Ned at the end of the episode. Without that scene, the lead up to the betrayal is way more ambiguous. Although we know that Littlefinger is a squirmy little toad, at certain points it does feel like he might just be on Ned's side after all.

But, I had to rewind, cos I missed most of what Littlefinger had said. :)

07-Jun-2011, 09:14 AM
That lesbian practice scene was great :p It went on longer than I thought it would though, you wouldnt have got anything like that on TV 12 years ago! One thing I've come to realise with this series is that you have to watch it much more closely than I first expected, as little things that you may not have noticed crop up again later on, or characters that you thought were just small parts suddenly become important...

---------- Post added 07-Jun-2011 at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was 31-May-2011 at 03:54 PM ----------

Very good episode last night, and a lot more Direwolf screen time for those of you who have commented on lack of them up to now! I love how there is nothing predictable in this series (as I havent read the books) and its refreshing to genuinely not know which side is going to come out on top, or which characters, no matter how important, are going to end up dead unexpectedly. The whitewalkers are blatantly fast zombies :p and seeing someones tongue get ripped out through their cut throat was grim to say the least! No more spoilers from me though till everyones watched it!

07-Jun-2011, 09:59 AM
*minor spoiler*

Why didn't the fencing teacher pick up a sword?

07-Jun-2011, 10:10 AM
*minor spoiler*

Why didn't the fencing teacher pick up a sword?


I'm not sure, I thought that, but he was quite handy with that wooden one anyway! Question is was he killed? for a show that features very graphic and gory deaths, nothing was actually shown of his fate barring some moving shadows & some screams, I'm edging towards he was killed, but with the twists & turns of this story he maybe got away....I hope so, I liked his character

07-Jun-2011, 09:36 PM
Getting into the habit of watching half the episode on Monday night, and the rest Tuesday night to spread the fun out...

Getting depressed there's only TWO episodes left though!

08-Jun-2011, 02:31 AM
I'm usually very patient when watching a series, and have never understood the impatience that others seem to experience, until now. About two thirds of the way through each show, I hit play to see how far along I am, and am always disappointed. I wish these were two hours each, or longer.

I agree that the sex scenes are rediculous, and are as dull as they are over the top. They would be my only complaint about the series as a whole.

HBO has some pretty decent featurettes OnDemand if you are in need of a fix between episode airings.

08-Jun-2011, 10:51 AM
I'm usually very patient when watching a series, and have never understood the impatience that others seem to experience, until now. About two thirds of the way through each show, I hit play to see how far along I am, and am always disappointed.
Confused? I read that as being you're bored by it and want it to end? But they you suggest you're loving it?

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------

Season 2 will be (another) ten episodes again, same time next year...


Hopefully the second series of The Walking Dead will help fill in the wait :)

08-Jun-2011, 01:52 PM
Confused? I read that as being you're bored by it and want it to end? But they you suggest you're loving it?

I love the series. It is the first series that I have been unable to wait until the next episode, and pisses me off when I see that there is only a few minutes left.

08-Jun-2011, 02:00 PM
I love the series. It is the first series that I have been unable to wait until the next episode, and pisses me off when I see that there is only a few minutes left.
Indeed! A couple of times so far in the series I've cried out aloud, "Nooo!" when an episode finishes...

08-Jun-2011, 05:00 PM


10-Jun-2011, 02:48 AM

I am so happy to hear that everyone is enjoying the show. This has been a dream come true for me as a fan of the books. And I too am very depressed that there are only 2 episodes left. Alas.

Regarding Syrio. . . .The book leaves his situation as vague as the show did. I would love to think he lives, but Sir Merran Trant, the knight who's ass Syrio wasn't fully kicking, lives on in the the books. . I can't remember if he mentions killing him or not tho. There have been some changes from the books to, so anything is possible. The site winter-is-coming.net is my favorite source of news for the show, and the guy who plays Syrio has been a frequent poster on the site. But he has not shared any news of any possible changes in the future. Not to worry tho. . . .there are lots more new and cool characters next season.

13-Jun-2011, 11:14 PM
The final scene in last night's episode was just excellent. Besides not showing much of the major battle scene, everything else was handled perfectly. If that were the way the season ended, there would be a legion of pissed off viewers!

Thankfully we have one more episode. :D

13-Jun-2011, 11:22 PM
Just watched EP9 and all I can say is F*CK!

13-Jun-2011, 11:29 PM
Yeah, this is the one I have been waiting to see everyone's reaction to!!

14-Jun-2011, 04:59 PM
Having read the books, I saw the BIG TWIST coming, but it was handled really, really well. I was huddled on the couch hoping, somehow, that the plot would change dramaticly for the TV version. To get me this invested in a story I "already know" is why I plan to keep following this show. Great stuff.

Also, who's digging the "Tyrion and Bronn show?" Their give-and-take translates even better to the screen.


14-Jun-2011, 05:20 PM
That dwarf lad is the best character in the series (and dare I say it, one of the best TV characters in a LONG time). In fact, the whole show is littered with fine characters, so he's in great company. The casting crew really did a good job there and the great thing is the lack of clearly defined cliches too. The makers of 'The Walking Dead' should take note. Sure, there are some real old feckers in there, but they're still rounded people and the "heroes" are riddle with flaws as well. The guys from "across the sea" (whatever the hell they're called) are bit, sort of pantomime, but still acceptable and I'm eagerly awaiting conclusion of that particular story arc. So, it's done it's job.

I don't say this often about a TV show, but I'm absolutely loving this. I think next week is the last episode, which is really going to cheese me off. Even more so than the end of the last one.

It's great stuff.

14-Jun-2011, 05:51 PM
I don't say this often about a TV show, but I'm absolutely loving this.



I'm glad people are liking it so much. It's been killing me that we didn't get around to grabbing HBO for this series...at least the next book comes out next month :D

14-Jun-2011, 07:36 PM
No...hang on, wait a second.......

eh...it's crap.


15-Jun-2011, 08:14 AM
Initially I thought, meh...it's a slow burner...I'd just come off the back of Spartacus: Gods of the Arena and that was running free in my imagination. I wasn't expecting a Spartacus clone, but a similar pace, for some reason.
I liked the first ep, but felt....ehhh....I dunno...dunno if I can keep watching this. By the end of episode 3 it got me very excited and now I'm kinda of the opinion that it's probably the best TV series I've seen ever...if not in a very long time.
The series just gets better and better - Tirion Lannister - the "imp" is my favourite character by far - what a superb actor, and a really well fleshed out character. The conflict is so well rounded, so well defined, and the series is SO UNPRETENTIOUS. It's just divine.

I'm tossing up between Gods of the Arena/Blood and Sand and Game of Thrones as the sickest TV shows pretty much ever made. Spartacus is chock full of rich characters, politics, sex and rage and Game of Throns offers similar on a totally different scale. They all share exceptional actors, great sets, style, narrative etc...This year I think, has been one of the best for TV ever. Gotta love HBO....didn't think they could beat The Pacific - but ohhhh my god.

On a side note, the Game of Thrones throne is at work - down the road at another site (bout 2 mins walk away). I'll get a picture of it soon enough ;)

16-Jun-2011, 09:23 PM
Just watched EP9 and all I can say is F*CK!

All I can say is WOW WOW WOW!!!

ps: WOW!

20-Jun-2011, 01:05 PM
A great finale last night for a standout first season. Joffery portrayed as an even bigger bastard than before, Robb rising as king in the north, Jon heading north of the wall and Dany's final scene were all fantastic, and reenforce the thought that GoT is just a prologue to the real story.

The wait until Spring 2012 is going to suuuuuuuck.

21-Jun-2011, 12:18 AM
It. . .is . . .over. . . . .

alas. . .

Great finale and all. . . .

but it. .. .it's over!!!

:( :( :(

at least I have A Dance with Dragons finally coming out next month.

21-Jun-2011, 01:26 AM
That's that so. I could have watched a whole year of that. Bugger it anyway.

Spring is going to take a long time coming.

21-Jun-2011, 04:45 PM
I thought that the final episode was a bit of a letdown. The event at the end of episode 9 should have capped off the season.

I agree though, it is going to be a long wait until next spring, but "winter is coming." :)

21-Jun-2011, 08:59 PM
I thought that the final episode was a bit of a letdown. The event at the end of episode 9 should have capped off the season.

I agree though, it is going to be a long wait until next spring, but "winter is coming." :)

I enjoyed it... Going to be damn annoying waiting for soooo long now :(

Will definately watch the series again, leading up to the second season...

14-Jul-2011, 01:50 PM
Finally ordered HBO, got HBO on-demand and am watching the series. Loving the way most of it matches up to the 1st book! Thoroughly thrilled.

Also, looks like the film got an Emmy nod for best drama (http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/07/14/emmy-nominations-2011/).

04-Aug-2011, 01:22 PM
For those of you missing Peter Dinklage dressed in armour (Tyrion Lannister), this may help http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?19156

04-Aug-2011, 11:10 PM
Game of Thrones RPG:


Really well done I think! :D

05-Aug-2011, 12:28 AM
Game of Thrones RPG:


Really well done I think! :D

That was excellent! :lol:

05-Aug-2011, 08:03 AM
Game of Thrones RPG:


Really well done I think! :D

07-Aug-2011, 07:29 AM
Game of Thrones RPG:


Really well done I think! :D

Ohhhhh sooo funny!! :lol:

26-Sep-2011, 01:39 AM
A quick teaser was shown before Boardwalk Empire tonight:


26-Sep-2011, 08:43 AM
^^ YEEEEES! When's it due to start? Of course, at least "The Walking Dead" will help pass the time!

26-Sep-2011, 01:23 PM
^^ YEEEEES! When's it due to start? Of course, at least "The Walking Dead" will help pass the time!

Well, they started some shooting this Summer and supposedly...

Game of Thrones returns to HBO in spring 2012.

26-Sep-2011, 01:38 PM
How many episodes is season 2 of "The Walking Dead"? Is it just 6 again?

26-Sep-2011, 01:50 PM
How many episodes is season 2 of "The Walking Dead"?

Not sure, but not enough to last us till next Summer I'm afraid.

26-Sep-2011, 02:52 PM
GOT starts in April. . . seems so so far away. I saw that teaser before Boardwalk. . .alas. . .just a teaser. But I have Boardwalk, Dexter, and Walking Dead to somewhat tide me over.

26-Sep-2011, 04:06 PM
Let us not forget this gem gracing us in January:


Truly we're living in the golden age of television. :D

26-Sep-2011, 09:55 PM
Oh hey. And just in case anyone missed it, Peter dinklage won the Emmy for best supporting actor in a drama. A win for house lannister!

10-Oct-2011, 10:16 AM

22-Nov-2011, 12:56 PM

22-Nov-2011, 03:15 PM

Thanks for posting....can't wait for this series, it's totally bought me into the fantasy genre...simply an amazing, amazing show.

25-Nov-2011, 12:07 PM
Welp, i just watched the pilot, i was put off adaptation seires of genre tv for a while with lacklustre shows like the walking dead, but when i read this got a second season i decided to start watching it. -i dont know about you but i tend to wait sometimes to see if its not going to be one season thats never made any more of- but im glad i waited and have a full season to watch in one go.

So far- knowing nothing about it i dig it. playing skyrim put me in the mood for some fantasy tv and after what seems like years of 'mystery sci-fi that turns out to be religious in the end' this is finally some decent fantasy genre tv. so on to episode 2!

*peter dinklage is the f*cking boss in this, but he is in everything he's in.

25-Nov-2011, 02:54 PM
Let us know what you think once your a few episodes in...

25-Nov-2011, 03:21 PM
Let us know what you think once your a few episodes in...

starting episode 5 and still enjoying it. loses a little of that intrique with the winter people in the opening scene up to this point but sean bean and dincklage are fucking riveting in this.

25-Nov-2011, 04:30 PM
loses a little of that intrique with the winter people in the opening scene up to this point

Bear with it dude ;)

25-Nov-2011, 10:35 PM
Bear with it dude ;)

oh i am, on episode 6, so far my only complaint is the dude from the full monty who plays the king seems to switch personalities from best mate after a few drinks to douchebag with a chip on his shoulder out of nowhere after episode 2. Thats really the only gripe.

-- -------- Post added at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 PM ----------

welp, consumed the whole season in a day. loved it. probably the best first season of a show ive seen since battlestar galactica. Though im going to be looking forward to more winter dudes in the north in the next season than irritating squeaky brat king in the south.

26-Nov-2011, 03:49 AM
Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

That production video makes it seem like they're on the right track. Five more months. :(

12-Dec-2011, 12:10 PM

I need this show injected into my veins.

18-Jan-2012, 01:11 PM
Season 2 in production: Croatia


Also, the premiere is April 1st. I can't wait!

30-Jan-2012, 01:36 AM
Season 2 "Shadows" trailer:


30-Jan-2012, 07:42 AM
^^ Can't wait :)

30-Jan-2012, 11:31 AM
I'm currently halfway through a dance with dragons so im super excited to see some of that stuff come to live action, particularly some of tyrions scenes which i can tell will get peter dinklage some more awards.

30-Jan-2012, 12:55 PM
Impressed by how far they are going to push the timeline in the second season. Now I have to flip back through a Clash of Kings.

23-Feb-2012, 12:47 AM
I'm not sure how long it will last, but Amazon and Best Buy both have the Season 1 Blu-Ray up for preorder for just $34.99, a damn good deal if you ask me.

23-Feb-2012, 01:39 AM
I'm not sure how long it will last, but Amazon and Best Buy both have the Season 1 Blu-Ray up for preorder for just $34.99, a damn good deal if you ask me.

I saw that the other day, region free too if i remember correctly. bought a copy myself. should arrive soon.

-on a different note without spoilers i fully predict, having gotten up to date on the books, that Tyrion wins the game of thrones. 'A short man casting a big shadow' being foreshadowed so often.

i wouldnt be surprised if he was mellisandres predicted champion of rh'llor and not stannis

23-Feb-2012, 10:25 AM
Just stormed my way through the first series.

Can't wait for April.

23-Feb-2012, 12:21 PM
Can't wait for April.

Me too! At least The Walking Dead will help with the wait!

11-Mar-2012, 03:22 PM
so....i set the DVR to record the entire series (which was airing all at once last night), and woke up today to find that only the last half of the season was recorded....WTF.

anyways, seems to be a lot of good reviews on this show, and i plan on getting into it as soon as i can pick up with the first episode.

11-Mar-2012, 05:20 PM
s i plan on getting into it as soon as i can pick up with the first episode.

Shouldn't be a problem--HBO and its variant channels play the hell out of the series, and will continue to do so right up till the 2nd season premiere in April.

12-Mar-2012, 02:54 AM
most recent trailer http://www.hbo.com/video/video.html/?autoplay=true&vid=1242764&filter=game-of-thrones&view=null

14-Mar-2012, 01:39 PM
^^ Must resist! Must not watch!

-- -------- Post added 14-Mar-2012 at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was 12-Mar-2012 at 08:47 AM ----------

Didn't realise it's only 2-3 off now :)


28-Mar-2012, 09:56 AM
4 more days!!!!!

28-Mar-2012, 09:59 AM
4 more days!!!!!


01-Apr-2012, 01:23 PM
Tonight is the night! I finished my blu-ray rewatch yesterday, and I don't think I've ever been this hyped for a premiere.

Edit: LOL clang, how did I just notice your avatar? So awesome.

01-Apr-2012, 03:56 PM
Tonight is the night! I finished my blu-ray rewatch yesterday, and I don't think I've ever been this hyped for a premiere.

Edit: LOL clang, how did I just notice your avatar? So awesome.Not had time to watch the first series again... I'm tempted to wait and start watching the new series in a couple of weeks when I've built up a nice buffer of new episodes :) But then I can't chat about the new episodes :(

02-Apr-2012, 10:09 PM
What did you think then chaps? Great to have Game of Thrones back on TV! I really, really want to see Joffrey get his comeuppance...

02-Apr-2012, 11:35 PM
not watched it yet, currently rewatching the first season on blu-ray, which looks fucking stellar by the way, before starting season 2.

03-Apr-2012, 02:02 AM
At this point my brain is so saturated with the characters, world and lore of Ice and Fire that it's really hard for HBO to put out a bad episode, imo. They really nailed the casting and location shooting.

All of the characters seemed to have settled into their roles, particularly Lena Headey, who showed more range this episode than the entirety of last season.

03-Apr-2012, 02:04 AM
Loved it, but there were so many bases covered in the season opener that it just flew by.

Not had time to watch the first series again...(

Neil, if you do not know the books well or have not read them recently, you may want to re-watch the series. Because of the expanding of the story line, you will want to be familiar/have excellent recall of where things left off, even with what you may have previously considered second tier or background characters.

That's all I'm sayin'.

03-Apr-2012, 05:30 AM
So, for someone who hasn't seen a single episode of the series and hasn't read any of the books where would be a good place to start;
books or tv?

03-Apr-2012, 05:40 AM
So, for someone who hasn't seen a single episode of the series and hasn't read any of the books where would be a good place to start;
books or tv?

watch the first 15 minutes of the pilot. the opening pre credits scene and the introduction of ned stark and his kids will either sell you on both books and series or confirm worst taste of the year all years :lol:

03-Apr-2012, 09:48 AM
So awesome start. They have so many subplots to keep up with season, and so far they are doing a great job of doing so. God I love this show!

Edit: LOL clang, how did I just notice your avatar? So awesome.

Lol, thanks. . .I havn't been posting much recently, so the avatar hasn't exactly been out there much.

-- -------- Post added at 05:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 AM ----------

So, for someone who hasn't seen a single episode of the series and hasn't read any of the books where would be a good place to start;
books or tv?

Honestly the first season was very very spot on with the first book, so I guess it depends on if you would rather have the plot revealed by the show or the book. The books are goddamned wonderful, but so is the show. . . so your pick really.

-- -------- Post added at 05:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 AM ----------

watch the first 15 minutes of the pilot. the opening pre credits scene and the introduction of ned stark and his kids will either sell you on both books and series or confirm worst taste of the year all years :lol:

Word up.

03-Apr-2012, 10:20 AM
Loved it, but there were so many bases covered in the season opener that it just flew by.

Certainly did. I'd just cracked opened a beer and the flippin thing ended. :eek:

-- -------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

So, for someone who hasn't seen a single episode of the series and hasn't read any of the books where would be a good place to start;
books or tv?

Knew nothing at all about the books and I'm not a fantasy geek, by any stretch. I was a bit dubious about the show, TBH, but by the third/fourth episode, I was hooked.

Best thing on the tele.

06-Apr-2012, 09:23 PM
S02E01 questions...

1) The boy you see on the back of the cart at the end is a bastard child of the (dead) Kings? Do we know who the mother is?
2) The man Ed Stark's wife is now going to meet (for his ships), is the (dead) Kings brother?

06-Apr-2012, 10:05 PM
1) yes it is and no we dont.
2) yeah it is, one of the two.

07-Apr-2012, 09:19 AM
1) yes it is and no we dont.
2) yeah it is, one of the two.

RE 2 - Sorry the King had/has two other brothers?

07-Apr-2012, 12:51 PM
In the same way as The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones doesnt seem to hold back on content, I was suprised to see the baby being killed, even though it happened just out of shot, the fact they did it at all was pretty shocking for TV! I guess Joffrey is trying to kill off anyone who could possibly rival his claim to the throne due to the king having slept with half the women in the land and produced a lot of bastard kids as a result!

07-Apr-2012, 02:25 PM
RE 2 - Sorry the King had/has two other brothers?

renly and stannis, renly we saw in season 1, stannis is the new guy from the islands who was burning the statues on the beach.

08-Apr-2012, 09:11 AM
renly and stannis, renly we saw in season 1, stannis is the new guy from the islands who was burning the statues on the beach.

Thanks! I do find it a little hard to keep up with all the characters :(

I don't even recall Renly?!

EDIT: The family trees (& general info) here help - http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Baratheon

09-Apr-2012, 06:26 AM
very nice second episode tonight. Happy they finally got to Arya and Gendry.

Neil. . . .Renly is the youngest Baratheon brother, he was the one who had that gay shaving scene last season. . . He has the support of a lot of the southern lords. . most notably the Tyrells who will begin to play a bigger part in this season. Stannis is the older brother, and the rightful heir to the throne. . more or less. But he is less popular than Renly and stubborn as all hell.

10-Apr-2012, 08:23 AM
Neil. . . .Renly is the youngest Baratheon brother, he was the one who had that gay shaving scene last season. . . He has the support of a lot of the southern lords. . most notably the Tyrells who will begin to play a bigger part in this season. Stannis is the older brother, and the rightful heir to the throne. . more or less. But he is less popular than Renly and stubborn as all hell.

I must admit I have to dip onto the internet to keep up with everything. Am I being slow? I suspect it must be quite confusing to many viewers...

Sites like this prove useful:-

18-Apr-2012, 08:54 AM
nah. . not being slow at all. Ive read the books a few times so I have the characters pretty straight. But I can see how confusing it would be if you havn't read the books. I hope it doesn't ever turn off non book readers tho.. .that would be a shame.

18-Apr-2012, 09:46 AM
nah. . not being slow at all. Ive read the books a few times so I have the characters pretty straight. But I can see how confusing it would be if you havn't read the books. I hope it doesn't ever turn off non book readers tho.. .that would be a shame.

LOL! Had to pause the last episode and do a quick game of thrones wiki to keep up with the characters :)

Found the last episode interesting, but it did seem to just tread water a bit and not really go anywhere (until the very end)!?

ps: Considering going thru the books!?

18-Apr-2012, 11:40 AM
LOL! Had to pause the last episode and do a quick game of thrones wiki to keep up with the characters :)

Found the last episode interesting, but it did seem to just tread water a bit and not really go anywhere (until the very end)!?

ps: Considering going thru the books!?

just torrent the ebooks, spend a weekend or two reading them.

then complain that martin will probably die before a song of spring comes out like the rest of us :lol:

18-Apr-2012, 12:02 PM
As much as I dont have a problem with gay people at all, I had to look away during the scene when the two guys were getting it on :eek: but then my eyes quickly returned to the screen when the "beard" wife came in and dropped her gown, phwoaarrr! :p

18-Apr-2012, 12:50 PM
but then my eyes quickly returned to the screen when the "beard" wife came in and dropped her gown, phwoaarrr! :p
LOL! I did comment to my girlfriend at that moment, "Why don't you adjust your dress like that for me?" :)

PS: "beard"??

18-Apr-2012, 03:02 PM
As much as I dont have a problem with gay people at all, I had to look away during the scene when the two guys were getting it on :eek: but then my eyes quickly returned to the screen when the "beard" wife came in and dropped her gown, phwoaarrr! :p

I dunno, maybe I'm getting prudish in my old age, but I have to say, I'm getting tired of all the tacked on sex scenes in the show. They really are just ticking the boxes sometimes.

18-Apr-2012, 03:12 PM
I dunno, maybe I'm getting prudish in my old age, but I have to say, I'm getting tired of all the tacked on sex scenes in the show. They really are just ticking the boxes sometimes.

Seems like they've been better about it this season. A lot of nudity and sex scenes are pretty matter of fact and in some cases was toned down from the original version (Grand Maester Pycelle's scene for example), while others which had been inferred to have taking place in the books were added (Renly & co.).

I just wish the episodes were longer to account for the scope of the story and give them time to linger in dialogue and verbally underline some of the character background info. For example, Davos is such a great character and they have a wonderful talent playing him, but if you haven't read the book you know very little about him at this point.

18-Apr-2012, 03:32 PM
Can't even say Iknow who Davos is Aces!

I wish the eps were longer too. The straight hour would be great.

18-Apr-2012, 11:21 PM
LOL! I did comment to my girlfriend at that moment, "Why don't you adjust your dress like that for me?" :)

PS: "beard"??

Haha you must have heard that term, its when a gay guy marries a woman to give the impression he's straight, the woman is referred to as a "beard" that he is hiding behind :p

19-Apr-2012, 07:34 AM
Haha you must have heard that term, its when a gay guy marries a woman to give the impression he's straight, the woman is referred to as a "beard" that he is hiding behind :p

I've never heard that term before! Ummm... Is there something you'd like to tell us?

19-Apr-2012, 08:18 AM
It was used a lot in the papers when it turned out Michael Barrymore was gay even though he'd been married to a woman for years! Dont worry I've nothing to tell :D

23-Apr-2012, 03:12 PM
Damn, a great episode last night with some nice politicking and foundation-laying. Been waiting on the Davos/Melisandre scene beneath Dragonstone and glad to see they got there. Also really glad that some of Davos' backstory as it relates to how he came to be in Stannis' service was covered, even if the dialogue addressed it in an oblique and incomplete manner. They really should have spared two more sentences for that scene to clue in the audience unfamiliar with the books a bit more thoroughly.

Also, out of curiosity, are any of the people who did not read the books wishing they had added superimposed/graphically subbed in place-name cues for each major scene change to new locations? I assume they did not do this because with so many locations and scene ping pong it could become more distracting than helpful. I just hope those of you who have not read the books are able to keep up enough to stay engrossed.

24-Apr-2012, 08:06 AM
Really good episode last night, Tyrion is a very clever and manipulative little man isnt he! Joffrey again proves that he needs a slow and painful death, and having not read the books I dread to think what that thing born at the end is :eek:

24-Apr-2012, 12:17 PM
I've just started the first book! Wish me luck!

24-Apr-2012, 12:21 PM
Really good episode last night, Tyrion is a very clever and manipulative little man isnt he! Joffrey again proves that he needs a slow and painful death, and having not read the books I dread to think what that thing born at the end is :eek:

a maguffin. it shows up i think once more, and gets mentioned a total of a few times.

Its just to prove shes more than just talk on the witchery front, and to show the lengths stannis will go to for the iron throne.

26-Apr-2012, 02:01 PM


Christopher Jon
26-Apr-2012, 02:33 PM
I cast my vote for Too cool for the job.

30-Apr-2012, 05:42 AM
Probably my favorite episode so far tonight. The plot is properly thickening now and there were a lot of treats for book readers in the new characters (qhorin halfhand, Pryatt Pree, Quaithe) There were a few book changes, but altogether acceptable. I'm saddened that it looks like the Reeds are not going to be in the show now at all with Bran having Jojen's green dreams and what have you. Very fun episode tonight in total though!

-- -------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 AM ----------

Good luck Neil! You are in for a treat!

30-Apr-2012, 07:19 AM
2 things were left out of the show tonight.

04-May-2012, 01:56 PM
[/COLOR]Good luck Neil! You are in for a treat!

Well, the first thing that hits you with the book is how much younger everyone seems. Many of the lead characters are barely in their teens, yet in the TV series they look around 20 at least!

But then again, maybe TV isn't ready yet for a 14yr old girl to get rogered senseless by Drogo!


06-May-2012, 10:20 PM
New episode tonight:

The Old Gods and the New

The Lannisters send Myrcella away from harm; Arya has a surprise visitor; Dany makes a vow; Robb and Catelyn receive crucial news; Jon gets a chance to prove himself.

I really can't wait for episode 9: 'Blackwater' :D

06-May-2012, 11:55 PM
Well, the first thing that hits you with the book is how much younger everyone seems. Many of the lead characters are barely in their teens, yet in the TV series they look around 20 at least!

But then again, maybe TV isn't ready yet for a 14yr old girl to get rogered senseless by Drogo!

Well, during the medeival time period average life expectancy was 30-35 years. Maybe into the 60s if you were fortunate (i.e. rich or members royalty) to have a diet of decent food and not constantly exposed to filth and disease. IIRC Romeo and Juliette were actually 13 or 14 and it was common to get married and start families at that age because by then your life was pretty much already half over.

I was teached that in hi skool.

07-May-2012, 02:06 AM
Great episode, very brutal moments and great acting all around.

Also, Osha is effing HOT.

07-May-2012, 02:37 AM
The 2 things that were missing from the previous episode were brought back!

The Borgias never seems to forget to include them every show.

07-May-2012, 06:03 AM
LOT of changes to the story in tonight's episode. I dug the changes, as long as they can wrap it up for me.

07-May-2012, 01:36 PM
LOT of changes to the story in tonight's episode. I dug the changes, as long as they can wrap it up for me.

Yeah, I think most, if not all, of their changes work, at least in theory. Plus, let's not forget it helps keep the story manageable for the limited of hours they have to work with in the series.

-- -------- Post added at 09:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 AM ----------

Also, Osha is effing HOT.

Wildscaping, who knew? I was expecting it to look like the 70s under that robe :p

08-May-2012, 04:00 AM
Wildscaping, who knew? I was expecting it to look like the 70s under that robe :p

Good point there! Didn't even cross my mind, but I guess they are really just sticking with the beauty norms of today. Still. . .it really should have looked like she had Macy Gray's head in a thigh lock.

08-May-2012, 09:56 AM
Great episode, very brutal moments and great acting all around.

Also, Osha is effing HOT.

Why did Osha sleep with Theon Greyjoy? It surved no purpose at all surely? Especially as she could have slit his throat in his sleep, and didn't?

Do I detect some of the book was missed? ie: She managed to free folks?

ps: Remind me why Theon took the castle? To what end/gain?

08-May-2012, 12:06 PM
Remind me why Theon took the castle? To what end/gain?

After his lackluster and frankly embarrassing homecoming, he felt he needed to prove himself to his father, sister, and all the Iron Islanders that he was worthy of the Greyjoy name.

08-May-2012, 01:23 PM
Do I detect some of the book was missed? ie: She managed to free folks?

That's what she was in the middle of doing towards the end of this last episode. Felt Theon out to see how reasonable he might be, sleep with him, steal a blade and sneak out and then off to kill a sentry and the rest of her plan.

08-May-2012, 02:51 PM
That's what she was in the middle of doing towards the end of this last episode. Felt Theon out to see how reasonable he might be, sleep with him, steal a blade and sneak out and then off to kill a sentry and the rest of her plan.

But it did come across she slept with him for no reason at all!? ie: If she hadn't surely she still could have escaped etc etc!? I suspect the book put a better explanation for it being necessary!?

08-May-2012, 03:57 PM
But it did come across she slept with him for no reason at all!? ie: If she hadn't surely she still could have escaped etc etc!? I suspect the book put a better explanation for it being necessary!?

Books can just about always explain character's motives in a better fashion. Seems like this scene is getting picked on because it has naughty sex involved.

08-May-2012, 07:42 PM
Actually I dont think Osha slept with Theon in the Book.

08-May-2012, 07:53 PM
Actually I dont think Osha slept with Theon in the Book.

You're right, she just bends the knee.

08-May-2012, 10:00 PM
But, it's the weekly f*ck scene, so it had to be shoehorned in there somewhere.

It's the worst thing about the series.

08-May-2012, 10:17 PM
But, it's the weekly f*ck scene, so it had to be shoehorned in there somewhere.

It's the worst time about the series.

It has been shown throughout history that chicks will use sex to get what they want. In the medeival context, since women were essentially 2nd class citizens or even considered to be just property, sex was the only tool of influence they could use. From Cleopatra to the Soviet Union using female spies employing seduction it goes on and on.

08-May-2012, 10:29 PM
Aye, but in 'Game of Thrones' it's cheap titillation and quite unnecessary in most occasions.

Take the character of Ros, for example. Nowhere in the books (I'm led to believe), so her character is there for the tits essentially.

In the end, it brings the whole show down a notch, to be honest.

However, it's still a quality production and probably my favorite thing on the tele. It trumps even 'The Walking Dead' in my opinion. It just needs to quit ticking the "fuck of the week" box.

08-May-2012, 10:39 PM
Take the character of Ros, for example. Nowhere in the books (I'm led to believe), so her character is there for the tits essentially.

Isn't she based on a nameless character from the books, though? See, in the tv series she's already eked a name out of the deal.

08-May-2012, 11:21 PM
I couldn't tell you Aces, I haven't a clue. But, my mate, who's read the lot, says she's not in the books at all. She might be a composite, but even at that rate, she's only there to get her kit off.

In any case, I've just finished watching 6 and it's pretty good.

I'm liking Jon Snow's story and Arya's too. They're probably the most interesting for me at the moment.

the scene with Balish, Lanister and Arya in the same room was excellent

08-May-2012, 11:36 PM
The inclusion of sex and nudity is important to Game of Thrones because it will severely limit the number of pre and recent pubescents from hogging up all of the seating space from adults at the cast question and answer sessions at Comicon.

Christopher Jon
08-May-2012, 11:48 PM
so her character is there for the tits essentially
I like tits.

09-May-2012, 11:53 AM
Aye, but in 'Game of Thrones' it's cheap titillation and quite unnecessary in most occasions.
The Spartacus TV series surely wins the crown for this? But it's still great fun TV series :)

09-May-2012, 02:08 PM
Neil, Shootem:

The Secret Behind The Game of Thrones Excessive Nudity (http://bcove.me/d260fpu0) (probably NSFW)

09-May-2012, 02:34 PM
The Spartacus TV series surely wins the crown for this? But it's still great fun TV series :)

Couldn't bring myself to actually watch it Neil. From the trailers I saw, it looked pretty awful.

09-May-2012, 03:04 PM
Couldn't bring myself to actually watch it Neil. From the trailers I saw, it looked pretty awful.

I feared the same, and although the first episode or two were a little rocky, the series was great over-the-top entertainment! Nearly at the end of the 6-part prequel series now, which has proved to be just as much fun. And from what I hear, the next full on series is suppose to be pretty good too!

So, it's certainly no "Rome" and doesn't pretend to be, but for some over the top roman blood, guts, sex and drama, tis great fun!

Recommend - Watch the first 4-5 episodes of the first series and then decide!

09-May-2012, 11:48 PM
I might give it a spin. Certainly didn't look like anything near 'Rome', that's for sure.

-- -------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

Neil, Shootem:

The Secret Behind The Game of Thrones Excessive Nudity (http://bcove.me/d260fpu0) (probably NSFW)

Funny, but also sort of sad too. Cos it's so bloody accurate.

Can't help feeling that there are people at HBO deliberately going for that angle.

10-May-2012, 09:56 AM
I might give it a spin. Certainly didn't look like anything near 'Rome', that's for sure.
Oh, it's nothing like "Rome". Rome is a full on intelligent drama!

"Spartacus" is more like "300" meets "Desperate Housewives" :)

10-May-2012, 03:11 PM
Oh...oh right...

*slowly backs out of the room, when Neil's looking out the window*

10-May-2012, 08:28 PM
The valuable thing I learned from watching these historical dramas is that it was the ancient Romans who invented the f-bomb. I feel saddened and betrayed by my high school latin teacher for leaving out that fact.

14-May-2012, 12:04 PM
Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers) directed the episode "Blackwater" to be shown in two weeks...

14-May-2012, 01:15 PM
Looking forward to Blackwater, but this was one quick season :(

25-May-2012, 06:05 AM
watch the first 15 minutes of the pilot. the opening pre credits scene and the introduction of ned stark and his kids will either sell you on both books and series or confirm worst taste of the year all years :lol:

Ok. It took me a while, but last week I decided to sit down and watch the season one pilot.
Over the past six days I saw every episode. What a great series.
The only criticism I can think of is that ten episodes per season just isn't enough. It's quite obvious the books must be really dense. Some episodes feel like they are rushing through the source material to fit everything in at the expense of build up/suspense/room for characters to 'breathe'.
Will have to read those books soon.

Favourite characters: Arya and the Mother of Dragons with the name no one can spell correctly without looking it up. That 'warlock coup' scene of a while back was fantasy gold.
Love it.

25-May-2012, 09:01 AM
^^ I'm going through the first book at the moment, and I have to say, so far its clear the series has been quite faithful to the books!

25-May-2012, 02:00 PM
^^ I'm going through the first book at the moment, and I have to say, so far its clear the series has been quite faithful to the books!

The first book and season match up exceedingly well! Second season departs a bit, for--what I consider--(usually) understandable reasons.

25-May-2012, 04:01 PM
Only real difference has been (as I mentioned before) the ages of the younger folks is lower in the books. I suspect this is because sexual activity and violent activity involving 14yrs olds isn't TV friendly... So they're portrayed as lates teens or early 20s!?

26-May-2012, 01:57 AM
This is an amazing show. I started watching the first season only two weeks ago and I'm already caught up. Its really interesting show.

27-May-2012, 07:29 PM
Hot damn I can't wait for tonight. Blackwater time! :D

27-May-2012, 08:44 PM
been getting some friends to watch my season 1 blu ray every sunday, just got to episode 9, they all lost their shit. 1 more to go for them :lol:

28-May-2012, 08:06 AM
Blackwater was the bomb in Phantoms Yo!!

. . . seriously though. . . it was so amazing. My favorite hour of TV ever probably.

28-May-2012, 01:25 PM
I rewound my DVR and watched it again immediately last night. Lena/Cersei needs to be drunk every episode, she really nailed it last night.

Was good that Sandor got plenty of screen time too; seeing him going from unstoppable killing machine to frightened man was fantastic.



How fucking great was that??

28-May-2012, 01:37 PM
Blackwater was the bomb in Phantoms Yo!!

. . . seriously though. . . it was so amazing. My favorite hour of TV ever probably.

It was GREATLY satisfying.

Oh, and to have all that time revolving around a single pivotal sequence, while getting not only great action, but excellent face-time with individual characters was so awesome.

-- -------- Post added at 08:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ----------



How fucking great was that??

Loved the look of it! I said wow a lot during that scene.

29-May-2012, 05:23 AM
Ummm...anybody else get the feeling that the last episode felt rushed?

I was seriously expecting it to run into next weeks.

29-May-2012, 08:39 AM

The ending felt a bit rushed to me as well. Could have used a couple of extra minutes there.
But still, that feels like nitpicking after one of the greatest episodes of the series up to now. Neil Marshall did an excellent job. Staying in one location was the best way to do it. Recommending this to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

29-May-2012, 10:34 AM
What a great episode last night, really enjoyed it and I felt it was on a par with the "Helms deep" scene on Lord of the Rings! very well done and very bloodthirsty. With all the talk of war throughout the series I've been itching to see a large scale scrap and it didnt disappoint. I'm just sad that next week is the final of the season and that we have to wait until next spring for more!

30-May-2012, 09:09 AM
What a great episode last night, really enjoyed it and I felt it was on a par with the "Helms deep" scene on Lord of the Rings! very well done and very bloodthirsty. With all the talk of war throughout the series I've been itching to see a large scale scrap and it didnt disappoint. I'm just sad that next week is the final of the season and that we have to wait until next spring for more!
Very very blood thirsty!

30-May-2012, 10:18 AM
Very very blood thirsty!

The part when Stannis was stood next to that guy under the castle walls and that boulder dropped on his head :eek:

05-Jun-2012, 09:04 PM
The part when Stannis was stood next to that guy under the castle walls and that boulder dropped on his head :eek:

Or indeed where Stannis gave the soldier up on the battlements a 'hair cut'!

Where was his bint (Melisandre) all the time the battle was going on? I thought she was coming across with them?

-- -------- Post added 05-Jun-2012 at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was 30-May-2012 at 11:40 AM ----------

Well... Another 9 months to wait :(

But at least we now have...ZOMBIES!

05-Jun-2012, 11:43 PM
Just watched the last episode myself, again very good! 9 months is a long wait though, every storyline is still wide open & I'm already itching to see what happens next! Awesome make-up on the white walkers at the end, creepy feckers!

06-Jun-2012, 12:38 AM
It's kind of ironic that the zombies/wights were far more menacing and imposing looking than 90% of the zeds in The Walking Dead.

06-Jun-2012, 09:09 AM


Theon Greyjoy was holding House Stark and there was an army laying seige to them (North Men?), and that was where the horn was coming from all the time?

So he gave his epic speach to his men, about how they were all going to die that day... but they betrayed him etc. So the House Of Stark was ravaged and burned I assume by Theon's men (huh??), but what happened to the army outside?

06-Jun-2012, 10:02 AM


Theon Greyjoy was holding House Stark and there was an army laying seige to them (North Men?), and that was where the horn was coming from all the time?

So he gave his epic speach to his men, about how they were all going to die that day... but they betrayed him etc. So the House Of Stark was ravaged and burned I assume by Theon's men (huh??), but what happened to the army outside?

I thought that they entered the city later as when Bran & co were walking away, you could see it burning in the distance as they looked back. Although I'm not sure why they would set it on fire if it was Robb Starks men that recaptured it as I would presume they would want to preserve the place. Unless Theons men slipped away unnoticed so the city was still attacked with seige weapons before Robbs men realised it had been abandoned. Or like you say Theons men set it on fire as they were leaving in a scorched earth policy. I guess we'll find out next year, which seems an awful long way off :(

06-Jun-2012, 10:55 AM

I thought that they entered the city later as when Bran & co were walking away, you could see it burning in the distance as they looked back. Although I'm not sure why they would set it on fire if it was Robb Starks men that recaptured it as I would presume they would want to preserve the place. Unless Theons men slipped away unnoticed so the city was still attacked with seige weapons before Robbs men realised it had been abandoned. Or like you say Theons men set it on fire as they were leaving in a scorched earth policy. I guess we'll find out next year, which seems an awful long way off :(

Well, my take was they bagged Theon to hand him over in exchange for them being allowed to leave alive.... but then why would they set the place alight if they wanted good will?

Maybe someone who's read the books can help out here because the TV episode wasn't clear IMHO!

06-Jun-2012, 01:47 PM
Maybe someone who's read the books can help out here because the TV episode wasn't clear IMHO!

It could be a number of things depending on how much they are trimming or condensing from the books in certain areas. I'd wait and not ask questions to avoid spoilers.

My two cents.