View Full Version : Battlefield: Bad Company 2 demo

08-Feb-2010, 02:49 AM
Anyone been playing this? PS3 and PC users have had access to the beta for a couple months, but the demo featuring a new map has recently been released for all platforms, and I can't get enough of it. DICE has stated multiple times that their intention was to make sure that their game will stand toe to toe with Modern Warfare 2, and I definitely think they've got a chance to outclass Infinity Ward. There's so much more to just pointing and shooting, which is why I love this game.

Spotting enemies and vehicles with the back/select button, reviving teammates with defibrillators, dropping ammo packs and destructible, collapsible buildings really help add variety to the gameplay. The brilliant, sprawling map design is keeps things interesting too. BFBC2 retains the audio quality the series is known for, with the most visceral sounding guns and explosions in gaming. Here's a nice clip featuring the demo level and Squad Deathmatch mode:



08-Feb-2010, 09:23 PM
I was huge into the first Bad Company. However, the demo for this one didn't really do much for me. I played it for about 10 minutes before getting bored with it. Probably because I play so much MW2, I wasn't used to going from an arcadey FPS to a realistic FPS.

Cupid Stunts
10-Feb-2010, 10:19 AM
Very good looking,
but don't expect any PC mods.

EA slash DICE dropped the ball
by allowing no modding.

Talk about breaking tradition.
Bold ass money grab!

Unless X amount of web developers cross an unnamed threshold
willing to pay for the tools
they won't even distribute them.

There will be no more BF2 based AIX or 1942 based Omega Man or Planet of the Apes total conversions.


Users to pay for mod tools?
In the midst of great depression II?

Most of what Bad Company contains is what they stole off modders
who truly innovate the source of what they gave out on their last release BF2.

10-Feb-2010, 10:30 AM
Anyone remember Battlefield: Vietnam? That was, for me, probably the best LAN game of all time. I'm not sure they can ever top that.

10-Feb-2010, 11:17 AM
Played a bit of BC2 at Eurogamer, didn't really get too involved but the gfx were excellent, and if this has anywhere near the playability of BFBC1 then I'll be buying it...They shirked on the single player in number 1 however, with far too easy single player on Hard or Normal, and no linked achievements....

24-Feb-2010, 10:40 PM
I've been playing the demo just about every day, can't wait for the full release.

PC gamers disappointed with the prominence of console-style multiplayer options in Modern Warfare 2 might want to check this video out, seems DICE is going all out for you guys:
