View Full Version : Zombieland 2

10-Feb-2010, 08:51 AM
...in 3D...


10-Feb-2010, 11:53 AM
Please....no. This is about as enticing as Ghostbusters in 3D.

It's a comedy, people! I'm all for working with 3D technology to try and make certain films a more immersive experience, but 3D in a comedy?!?

Comedy first, zombie film second. They wrote the damn thing and don't understand that?

10-Feb-2010, 07:23 PM
It's about as enticing as wiping cocks with a leper.

10-Feb-2010, 07:27 PM
As much as I hate the idea I am just happy we get a zombieland 2

10-Feb-2010, 08:03 PM
As much as I hate the idea I am just happy we get a zombieland 2

True. Although I think that was probably a given after it did so well in theater...

10-Feb-2010, 08:33 PM
Guys. . 3D is the way movies are going . . . . regardless of genre. Studios figure this new 3D tecnology is something that can get people into thaters instead of burning a copy of the movie and watching it at home. I don't really mind it one bit. So far, the 3D movies I have seen haven't been filmed to be selfaware that they are in 3D. . . so it just becomes a trick to help immerse you into the film. You know. . .nothing jumping out at you or anything.

So why not Zombieland then? I understand that the proceedure is becomming cheaper. And they usually offer a 2D version at theaters as well. . . so. . . really what I am saying is. . . . .so what?

10-Feb-2010, 08:35 PM
Got nuthin' to do with 3D (as far as I go), Has mucho to do with the fact that Zombieland was an unadulterated pile of shite.

10-Feb-2010, 08:40 PM
Got nuthin' to do with 3D (as far as I go), Has mucho to do with the fact that Zombieland was an unadulterated pile of shite.

You're dead to me.


10-Feb-2010, 08:41 PM
Ive never even seen the first, but zombieland 2 in 3d may be okay...I'll have to get myself a copy of number one :D

10-Feb-2010, 08:44 PM
You're dead to me.
You have always been dead to me, with your anti-ROTD dog shit. :p

Dude likes Ghost 'crappiest kids movie ever' busters but hates ROTD... sure... whatever... like, what?

10-Feb-2010, 08:46 PM
You have always been dead to me, with your anti-ROTD dog shit. :p

Dude likes Ghost 'crappiest kids movie ever' busters but hates ROTD... sure... whatever... like, what?


Kids movie. Have you even SEEN Ghostbusters?

Good call on the ROTLD, though. You have yours and I'll have mine.:p

10-Feb-2010, 08:50 PM
Kids movie. Have you even SEEN Ghostbusters?
Actually, I saw Ghostbusters before you were a sperm swimming in your daddies testicles. Was great as a kid, huge fail as an adult. Enjoyed the game tho.

10-Feb-2010, 08:51 PM
Actually, I saw Ghostbusters before you were a sperm swimming in your daddies testicles. Was great as a kid, huge fail as an adult. Enjoyed the game tho.

Dead, dead, dead.:mad:


10-Feb-2010, 08:53 PM
Dead, dead, dead.:mad:

10-Feb-2010, 08:55 PM
Got nuthin' to do with 3D (as far as I go), Has mucho to do with the fact that Zombieland was an unadulterated pile of shite.
Im with brett on that one, totally overrated movie.

10-Feb-2010, 08:59 PM
Okay....apparently you british folk just don't understand good comedy.:p

10-Feb-2010, 09:00 PM
Okay....apparently you british folk just don't understand good comedy.:p
Only the cunts who make the best comedy on the planet... :rolleyes:

10-Feb-2010, 09:11 PM
Okay....apparently you british folk just don't understand good comedy.:p

Your speaking about the country that practically invented comedy lol

I understood zombieland, ive just seen better comedy written in primary school plays (thats elementry to you) but having said that, you are american.. anything less subtle than friends and it goes soaring over your head eh?


10-Feb-2010, 09:15 PM
I understood zombieland, ive just seen better comedy written in primary school plays (thats elementry to you) but having said that, you are american.. anything less subtle than friends and it goes soaring over your head eh?
Damn. Fucking. Straight. :cool:

10-Feb-2010, 09:22 PM
All this nationlist fervor aside, I liked Zombieland, but I'm a bit done with the whole zomedy as a replacement for quality, scary zombie movies .

That said, I'll see and may well enjoy a Zombieland sequel...just someone make WWZ (w/ shamblers) and a remorseless, quality version of TWD (w/ shamblers and a high fatality rate).

10-Feb-2010, 09:25 PM
Apparently the british don't understand sarcasm, either. :rolleyes:

Let's throw out insults....

10-Feb-2010, 09:29 PM
Apparently the british don't understand sarcasm, either. :rolleyes:
There's a lot us British don't understand, eh? :rolleyes:

10-Feb-2010, 09:46 PM
Apparently the british don't understand sarcasm, either. :rolleyes:

Let's throw out insults....

I always thought it was dentistry that the British didn't understand. . .:D;)

10-Feb-2010, 10:06 PM
Apparently the british don't understand sarcasm, either. :rolleyes:

Let's throw out insults....
Trust me mate, if i wanted to throw out insults you would definatly know about it.

You've just proved my point and demonstrated your own lack of humour, Thankyou.

10-Feb-2010, 10:08 PM
Just because people laugh at the British doesn't mean they're actually funny.

10-Feb-2010, 10:09 PM
Whatever you say, "mate".:sneaky:

Rancid Carcass
10-Feb-2010, 10:18 PM
I always thought it was dentistry that the British didn't understand. . .:D;)

Our teeth may be falling out but when the apocalypse hits none of our UK zombies will have any teeth with which to bite us with - we'll all be fine while our American friends are torn to pieces by zombies with pearly whites... I say old bean there's method in our madness, jolly good show what? :p

10-Feb-2010, 10:28 PM
Our teeth may be falling out but when the apocalypse hits none of our UK zombies will have any teeth with which to bite us with. :p
And that is why we rule.

10-Feb-2010, 10:39 PM
Our teeth may be falling out but when the apocalypse hits none of our UK zombies will have any teeth with which to bite us with - we'll all be fine while our American friends are torn to pieces by zombies with pearly whites... I say old bean there's method in our madness, jolly good show what? :p

:lol::lol::lol: Good plan

Personally tho'
:stunned: I'd rather be bit by the pearly whites :)

10-Feb-2010, 10:51 PM
:lol::lol::lol: Good plan

Personally tho'
:stunned: I'd rather be bit by the pearly whites :)

damn, she looks crazier and crazier by the day.

11-Feb-2010, 10:53 AM
Geeeeez, what's with all the aggro, sarcastic or otherwise, folks?

Zombieland 2 - WOOOOOO! :)

It doesn't need to be in 3D though, what a retarded idea, it's just gonna be stuff pointing into the camera - and that'll become annoying and distracting to watch in 2D when it's out on DVD.

Will I see it in 3D? Hmmm ... maybe, just so I can see it in 3D and not having stuff pointing in the screen be totally silly (i.e. silly when not in 3D ... or not as silly anyway).

I really enjoyed Zombieland, it's not Shaun of the Dead standard 'zomedy', but goddamn it's such a fun movie. Tallahasse alone is worth paying for.

11-Feb-2010, 11:37 AM
Tallahasse alone is worth paying for.

Any comedy with Woody Harrelson is worth paying for.

Even though I think in this case the 3D would be more of a gimmick rather than actually enhacing the experience, we should at least look forward to it as the first real 3D "zombie" film.

Speaking of 3D and zombies....where's that Dawn 3D conversion that Rubinstein and Romero were talking about ages ago?:confused:

11-Feb-2010, 11:48 AM
Speaking of 3D and zombies....where's that Dawn 3D conversion that Rubinstein and Romero were talking about ages ago?:confused:
I think someone posted an update last year saying it was due in 2010.

13-Feb-2010, 04:31 PM
Zombieland 2 - Yeeeeeeehaw!! Bring on the Twinkies!! You gotta enjoy the little things. I'm starting my cardio today and packing heat in the john so I'll be ready to double tap that.

Ghostbusters - Fun for all ages. Watched it as a kid. Watched it WITH my kids. Loved it both times.

British comedy rocks. Holy Grail is the most clever and funny movie of all time.

ROTLD - Return was the most dramatic letdown of a zombie film ever to have popcorn wasted on it. ALL zombies in ALL zombie movies are now synonymous with wanting Braaainnnssss as a result of that piece of crap. It hurt the genre.

13-Feb-2010, 05:08 PM
British comedy rocks. Holy Grail is the most clever and funny movie of all time.

I enjoy Holy Grail, but I actually think it's overrated. Life of Brain was Python's best film by far.

ROTLD - Return was the most dramatic letdown of a zombie film ever to have popcorn wasted on it. ALL zombies in ALL zombie movies are now synonymous with wanting Braaainnnssss as a result of that piece of crap. It hurt the genre.

Couldn't agree more.:thumbsup:

14-Feb-2010, 02:01 AM
I enjoy Holy Grail, but I actually think it's overrated.

Ha! This is the exact same thing I thought to myself when I was perusing this thread earlier.

24-Feb-2010, 06:11 AM

Finally saw Zombieland. Decent. Not a single notch above.

Which brings me to this proposed "part 2" in 3D. The thing that pissed me off while watching the pile of shit and giggles that is Zombieland isn't that it is particularly bad or unfunny, but this: for all the money burned up making this mockery, they could have made an actual zombie movie. Now imagine combining the cost of the first movie with the bundle to make a 3D sequel. Think of the kind of zombie greatness that should be able to be made with that.

Instead, we haven't had a really good zombie movie for 25 years. MAKE ONE, instead of wasting the money on some nyuk-nyuk bullshit.

24-Feb-2010, 11:52 AM
Couldn't agree more, SRP. But what'd you mean about 25 years? I thought Shaun and Fido were far younger than that...

24-Feb-2010, 01:08 PM
Shaun is more of a zomedy then a pure horror film. I think SRP means a good "horror" zombie film, instead of films like zombieland and Shaun.

I can't wait for number 2, as number 1 was entertaining, at the very least. I don't like ROTLD very much, and the sequels are complete trite. Monty Python is alright, and the holy grail is quoted far too much by sexless losers that want to feel clever.

24-Feb-2010, 09:09 PM
Monty Python is alright, and the holy grail is quoted far too much by sexless losers that want to feel clever.
And by sex-full losers. Wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

fulci fan
25-Feb-2010, 01:38 AM
Zombieland is cool. I would like to see a sequel.

Monty Python is very , very annoying. Then again, I am obsessed with the American "Office" and I know the Brits probably prefer their own.

I think that comedy is cultural/regional. That is why alot of Americans don't enjoy British humor and vice versa.

25-Feb-2010, 03:30 AM
First one sucked.

No interest in seeing the second one.

There you go, I can write a post without having to write five paragraphs.


25-Feb-2010, 12:56 PM
Wow, Zombieland certainly pulls people into two seperate factions, eh?

I will say this: I think Zombieland was "ok" - not the best, no where near as good as Shaun, but was an acceptable film that made me laugh (mostly at Woody's parts).

The difference I see between the two is this: Shaun is a top-notch comedy with a almost-perfect script that can be watched alone or as a group, hundreds of times and still be funny.

Zombieland - this movie was MADE for a "group viewing." I didn't see ZL in the theaters, I saw it on DVD and watching it alone seemed a kind of like a non-event. Funny? In certain parts, yes, but no side-splitting funny all the way through like Shaun. It does have a certain re-watchable quality, but nothing like Shaun.

Funny how people talk about British & American comedy - personally, I think British comedy is quite a bit funnier in many cases than American humor. I've always said, while the Americans serve their comedy up on a silver platter and you see the jokes coming a mile away, the British have what I call "comedy grenades" - they tell a joke and sometimes (perhaps because I'm american) it takes me a minute or two and suddenly, "heeeyyy! I get it now!" and I bust out laughing.

As far as ZL2? Sure, make it. I'll probably rent it on DVD and get my rental-$ worth out of it, but this whole 3D thing has got to stop. It hasn't worked well in the past, and I doubt it will in the future - at least until I don't have to wear those stupid f'ing glasses. :|

25-Feb-2010, 01:11 PM
First one sucked.

No interest in seeing the second one.

There you go, I can write a post without having to write five paragraphs.


it was good.

did it in 4 words, in yo face.

25-Feb-2010, 01:14 PM
My personal opinion on the differences between american humour and british humour is that american humour tends to be more focused on winners, you know successful people.. like friends, 2 and half men, will and grace.. people who have nice homes and good jobs and never worry about money except prehaps the occassional episode were something happens and goes wrong.

British humour tends to be more focused on losers, we like laughing at peoples misfortunes so alot of our comedies tend to be about slobs and losers, for example, bottom, only fools and horses, rab c nesbitt, alan partridge..

At the end of the day, i just find our humour funnier though, it also tends to be alot dryer and wittier, where as i often see jokes coming a mile off in american humour as lou said.

25-Feb-2010, 05:36 PM
My personal opinion on the differences between american humour and british humour is that american humour tends to be more focused on winners, you know successful people.. like friends, 2 and half men, will and grace.. people who have nice homes and good jobs and never worry about money except prehaps the occassional episode were something happens and goes wrong.
Al Bundy might disagree. We've had our string of shows about losers right alongside the winners. Take shows like Married with Children, Simpsons, Family Guy, or Malcolm in the Middle and you've basically got the same setup as Fawlty Towers. Basically good people always getting beaten down, half by circumstance and half by their own incompetance.

25-Feb-2010, 05:42 PM
Plus us Brits put out some stinkers too, like the formulaic "Not Going Out", which always annoyed me within seconds of flicking onto it, with that fucking annoying Lee Mack arse-head on it ... ... and the epitome of bad British 'comedy' - The Persuasionists.

It's untold how dreadful that show is. I saw the first episode and good god, how pish ... a glimpse at the fourth episode didn't make matters any better either. What a truly, truly, truly joyless 'sitcom' ... Adam Buxton deserves better fare to be involved in, and to think BBC3 said "pfft, no" to his excellent comedy pilot he put out a while back called "MeeBox".

01-Mar-2010, 04:41 AM
I just saw Zombieland and quite liked it. Not quite as funny as Shaun of the Dead, but the zombie effects were better. The slow motion scenes in the beginning were cool. Zombies were runners instead of lurchers which I don't like, but I can give that in a comedy. And big points for Bill Murray!

18-May-2010, 03:44 AM
I liked Zombieland enough to see it 3 times. Although I only paid the first time, I wouldn't have paid to see it more than once.

Of course Shaun was miles ahead of it. But Zombieland was awesome in its own way.

Loved the post-apocalyptic, abandoned landscapes they were able to make. The running gags were pretty funny, too. "Snow balls....SNOW BALLS?!" Also, the rules...I liked the rules showing up.

Could have been a little longer, with a half hour more of zombie action, in my opinion. But I thought it was very solid, pretty funny and well cast. (Emma Stone is fine, and Woody Harrelson is the shit. Bill Murray was a great cameo, as well.)

Looking forward to a sequel. Not excited about the 3D, but it isn't a deal breaker for me.

18-Oct-2011, 05:20 PM
Zombieland 2 is heading back to where the idea originated - Television (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/fox-spt-developing-zombieland-comedy-249487).

Fox is looking for its own set of zombies.

Fresh off the record-breaking ratings for Sunday's Season 2 premiere of AMC's The Walking Dead, the network and Sony Pictures Television are developing a potential half-hour comedy based on the Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson and Emma Stone starrer Zombieland.

The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed that Fox and SPT are in development on a half-hour comedy version of the 2009 feature from producer Gavin Polone, as first reported by Vulture.

The project would be written by feature scribes Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick and produced through feature distributor Columbia's sibling unit, Sony Pictures Television with an eye on putting the project into development for the 2012-13 broadcast season. The feature film grossed $75.6 million, with a sequel in the works for next year. A potential TV series, Polone told the site, would replace a big-screen follow-up.

The news comes as Walking Dead, the Andrew Lincoln starrer based on the long-running zombie comic series by Robert Kirkman, shattered demo ratings for two key metrics: the advertiser-coveted adults 18-49 and adults 25-54, attracting 7.3 million viewers.

18-Oct-2011, 05:25 PM
http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/replicate/EXID31244/images/Major_King_Kong_rides_The_Bomb_in_Dr__Strangelove_ themoviewizard-com.jpg

Oh....this could be bad.

18-Oct-2011, 06:54 PM
...in 3D...


Glad to see it moving along, really not happy it is in 3D. I guess I do not see the value. Basically the script now has to be be written around the use of 3D gags to showcase and justify the 3Dness... and the story ALWAYS suffers when you HAVE to create a story with that consideration in mind.

It is like saying write me a zombie film but it has to have Pepsi in it, a lot... in meaningful ways. You write that. The writer is chained to concepts not of their own creation. Will it be totally awesome to see brain spatter out at the audience? Arrows? Bullets? Hands all reaching for you? maybe but save it for an interactive experience at Disney and just make a good movie... you know like you did the first time.

18-Oct-2011, 07:19 PM
Glad to see it moving along, really not happy it is in 3D. I guess I do not see the value. Basically the script now has to be be written around the use of 3D gags to showcase and justify the 3Dness... and the story ALWAYS suffers when you HAVE to create a story with that consideration in mind.

Couple posts up, man. They axed the 3D sequel in favor of a TV series.

18-Oct-2011, 10:23 PM
That sucks. How are you going to cram in the good stuff in a measely 30 minutes, minus commercials?
Not good at all.

19-Oct-2011, 04:12 PM
Ponies can do it, zombies can't. I think I see which is superior. But regardless, I will not be watching this, even if it stars Bruce Lee back from the dead chopping off the heads of zombie rednecks wearing 'I Love Hogs' shirts, with the third eye clearly visible and lots of frohawks. Muh!

19-Oct-2011, 04:21 PM
That sucks. How are you going to cram in the good stuff in a measely 30 minutes, minus commercials?
Not good at all.

An hour long show could do it. After all, they are doing this because of TWD's success, so they'll probably try to stick closely to that formula.

25-Oct-2011, 12:56 PM
Couple posts up, man. They axed the 3D sequel in favor of a TV series.

Oh Gods no... I thought they were doing both!!!! Ack!

25-Oct-2011, 02:58 PM
If they do it as a tv series, would the actors from the movie still be attached? The redeeming value of Zombieland was the interplay between the characters, especially Tallahassee and Columbus.

25-Oct-2011, 03:03 PM
If they do it as a tv series, would the actors from the movie still be attached? The redeeming value of Zombieland was the interplay between the characters, especially Tallahassee and Columbus.

Doubt it. They've said the actors are the main reason they can't get everything together for a second movie.

25-Oct-2011, 03:09 PM
Doubt it. They've said the actors are the main reason they can't get everything together for a second movie.

Then meh. Would probably give it a look as I am a degenerate zombie fan but not holding out a lot of hope, pretty hard to see anyone else playing those parts, the guys at least. I dont remember if the original movie was written specifically for those actors but it sure felt like it and I really have a hard time believing anyone else in either part.

25-Oct-2011, 05:49 PM
Agreed. If Zombieland didn't have the characters and actors that it does, it wouldn't be anywhere near as enjoyable as it is.

25-Oct-2011, 07:30 PM
I havnt looked forward to a movie so much since tom hank's 'Youve got Mail'.


26-Oct-2011, 02:22 AM
...in 3D...


WOW! How'd I miss this? I love that movie...guess I shouldn't stay away from this forum so long! lol

26-Oct-2011, 07:12 AM
WOW! How'd I miss this? I love that movie...guess I shouldn't stay away from this forum so long! lol

Fingers crossed it retains some of the magic of the first!

27-Oct-2011, 01:30 PM
I havnt looked forward to a movie so much since tom hank's 'Youve got Mail'.


I love that movie... I mean GHEY!

01-Oct-2014, 10:22 AM
Sounds like it's getting closer to finally happening - http://deadline.com/2014/09/zombieland-2-gets-writer-and-urgency-843881/

01-Oct-2014, 02:20 PM
Sounds like it's getting closer to finally happening - http://deadline.com/2014/09/zombieland-2-gets-writer-and-urgency-843881/

Wow, what a slowburn, eh?

01-Oct-2014, 07:01 PM
Good. I thought the TV pilot was pretty dang sweeet, and was sad it failed, so this is good news indeed!