View Full Version : The latest situation with Jordan

11-Feb-2010, 09:45 AM
Nope, not the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Nope, not Jordan Chandler. But Katie Price AKA Jordan AKA stupid dumb bitch, supermodel extraordinaire. She's landed herself in a lot of hot water this week after posting a picture of her two-year-old daughter, Princess, on Facebook in full make up with false eyelashes.

Child protection groups think it may entice perverts to download and circulate the image, other people think it's just a mum letting her daughter be a model for a day. Sure girls like to make-up, and the kid must idolise her mummy (god knows why), but there's no denying the sheer creepiness of the photo.

Click (http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/121799/Was-Jordan-wrong-to-give-Princess-a-makeover-/) for article.

Ghost Of War
11-Feb-2010, 10:13 AM
I never thought anyone would start a discussion about that vile piece of attention seeking slagness.

But yeah, that photo is creepy. My daughter (5) loves dressing up, but in Disney costumes and Halloween stuff. No way would I let her have a "makeover" like that. I hate it when the wife puts a bit of nail polish on her, FFS.

11-Feb-2010, 10:22 AM
Nope, not the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Nope, not Jordan Chandler. But Katie Price AKA Jordan AKA stupid dumb bitch, supermodel extraordinaire. She's landed herself in a lot of hot water this week after posting a picture of her two-year-old daughter, Princess, on Facebook in full make up with false eyelashes.

Child protection groups think it may entice perverts to download and circulate the image, other people think it's just a mum letting her daughter be a model for a day. Sure girls like to make-up, and the kid must idolise her mummy (god knows why), but there's no denying the sheer creepiness of the photo.

Click (http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/view/121799/Was-Jordan-wrong-to-give-Princess-a-makeover-/) for article.

That photo was a bigger shock than goatse! :eek: :confused:

It's not so much paedophiles I'd worry about - I guess the older and more made-up she looks, the less likely they are to be interested - but the problem is the overall sexualisation of kids at a young age.

It basically means kids are being pre-conditioned to adult sexual mores before they are sexually mature, so new generations are missing out on the whole "boys smell"/"girls have cooties" stage of pre-adolescence and feel themselves being pushed into having boyfriends/girlfriends and experimenting sexually before they even hit puberty, which means they're basically "playing at" sexuality before it comes naturally. This, I think, has an effect on their emotional development later in life, sex becomes "the done thing" rather than something you desire naturally, and makes adolescent girls in particular easier to take advantage of. It's pretty disturbing.

11-Feb-2010, 11:19 AM
There's nothing sicker than child beauty pageants and shit like that. This photo was horrible, I felt horrified. Mainly because the kid looks like a porcelain doll straight out of a horror movie, can you imagine that climbing up your leg with a knife in her teeth? It's like a bad trip from Fear and Loathing.

I wish make up came with an age limit, tbh. UGH.

As for the dirty old men argument, I dunno...I would think that a picture like that wouldn't do much for them based on the lack of nudity and scary clown face make up. Clown fetishists might get a kick out of it if they're on the fruity side....but seriously, it's just f**kin' digusting to see a kid done up like that.

We've always had this fascination of "humanising" animals or "adult-ising" kids...you always see silly adverts with a kid with a fake moustache or wearing a suit or uniform or something - it seems the western world gets a kick out of seeing things out of context, ie: a kid interrogating her dad police style over Haribo sweets...this is probably an "innocent" extension of that, but much more creepy.

11-Feb-2010, 12:53 PM
There's nothing sicker than child beauty pageants and shit like that. This photo was horrible, I felt horrified. Mainly because the kid looks like a porcelain doll straight out of a horror movie, can you imagine that climbing up your leg with a knife in her teeth? It's like a bad trip from Fear and Loathing.

my thoughts exactly. that pic doesn't look like one of a real child. i think this is much hubaloo over very little. little kids like to play make believe and kids at that age are fascinated by what their parent's do. i am going to give "jordan" the benefit of the doubt here and say she probably thought this was so cute that she just had to share. she probably should've kept in mind heraclitus' saying "fools flutter at every word." seems no matter what folks do nowadays it ends up being endlessly dissected.

11-Feb-2010, 01:11 PM
I can't identify this celebrity by their name. The picture of her kid looks horrible, though she has big beautiful eyes.

I don't think this is a big deal, though. I do, however, agree that child beauty pageants are creeeeeepy, horribly unfair to the children forced to participate and a bad, bad idea.

i am going to give "jordan" the benefit of the doubt here and say she probably thought this was so cute that she just had to share. she probably should've kept in mind heraclitus' saying "fools flutter at every word." seems no matter what folks do nowadays it ends up being endlessly dissected.

Too true. Too painfully true, Mike.

11-Feb-2010, 01:58 PM
We have a reality show here in the states that highlights all these child beauty competitions. It's really sad and makes me wonder what creepy folks record it for later viewing.

The parents should be jailed....

11-Feb-2010, 02:08 PM
I do, however, agree that child beauty pageants are creeeeeepy, horribly unfair to the children forced to participate and a bad, bad idea.

word. i have zero patience for "parents" who put their kids through this kind of shit and want to instill an attitude of cutthroat competition in 6 year olds. as a parent i have two things to say:

a. let your children be children. they are not "little adults" nor should they be treated as anything other than children.

b. do NOT live vicariously through your children. that is just farking sad. they have their own lives to live and shouldn't have to follow some plan laid out by their parents.

11-Feb-2010, 02:21 PM
We have a reality show here in the states that highlights all these child beauty competitions. It's really sad and makes me wonder what creepy folks record it for later viewing.

The parents should be jailed....

is it Pro or Anti pageant?

11-Feb-2010, 04:04 PM
I hate attention seeking whores in general, so take it for granted I'm not Jordan's Number 1 Fan. I also find beauty pageants disturbing to the extreme.

But all I see is a mother and daughter having fun. My lil sis used to beg my mum and aunts etc to dress her up or put make up on her. Even now, my younger female relatives do it, as do my friends children.

Anyone seeing this as a scandal need to wind their necks in.

11-Feb-2010, 04:13 PM
I hate attention seeking whores in general, so take it for granted I'm not Jordan's Number 1 Fan. I also find beauty pageants disturbing to the extreme.

But all I see is a mother and daughter having fun. My lil sis used to beg my mum and aunts etc to dress her up or put make up on her. Even now, my younger female relatives do it, as do my friends children.

Anyone seeing this as a scandal need to wind their necks in.

it's definitely innocent enough, the question is whether your little sis had pics of said events put up on the internet?

Even so I guess...shouldn't really matter eh? Silly situation that media seems to have jumped on, but if anyone's neck is out, it's Jordan!

darth los
11-Feb-2010, 04:45 PM
my thoughts exactly. that pic doesn't look like one of a real child. i think this is much hubaloo over very little. little kids like to play make believe and kids at that age are fascinated by what their parent's do. i am going to give "jordan" the benefit of the doubt here and say she probably thought this was so cute that she just had to share. she probably should've kept in mind heraclitus' saying "fools flutter at every word." seems no matter what folks do nowadays it ends up being endlessly dissected.

I can't identify this celebrity by their name. The picture of her kid looks horrible, though she has big beautiful eyes.

I don't think this is a big deal, though. I do, however, agree that child beauty pageants are creeeeeepy, horribly unfair to the children forced to participate and a bad, bad idea.

Too true. Too painfully true, Mike.

word. i have zero patience for "parents" who put their kids through this kind of shit and want to instill an attitude of cutthroat competition in 6 year olds. as a parent i have two things to say:

a. let your children be children. they are not "little adults" nor should they be treated as anything other than children.

b. do NOT live vicariously through your children. that is just farking sad. they have their own lives to live and shouldn't have to follow some plan laid out by their parents.

Putting children in child beauty pagents is creepy for sure. I'm virtually certain that if a sting was set up there they'd cut the pedophile poulatipn significantly.

But as for if it was wrong or not who's to say? A mom made her kid up, big deal.

You know what the beautiful thing about raising your own family is? You can do it anyway you want. If you want to give a kid a spanking or opt for the timeot it's your own self contained social experiment and your free, nay, have the right, to do anything you want as long as it isn't illegal.

The problem here is that people outside that little experiment saw it and of course an uproar followed. Because as we all know, every single parent out there is perfect. :rolleyes:


11-Feb-2010, 04:55 PM
You know what the beautiful thing about raising your own family is? You can do it anyway you want. If you want to give a kid a spanking or opt for the timeot it's your own self contained social experiment and your free, nay, have the right, to do anything you want as long as it isn't illegal.

true but i remind myself everyday that my son is not me and my wishes for him are nothing more than that. he is an individual who has every right to develop his own interests and ideas on life.

11-Feb-2010, 04:56 PM
Putting children in child beauty pagents is creepy for sure. I'm virtually certain that if a sting was set up there they'd cut the pedophile poulatipn significantly.

But as for if it was wrong or not who's to say? A mom made her kid up, big deal.

You know what the beautiful thing about raising your own family is? You can do it anyway you want. If you want to give a kid a spanking or opt for the timeot it's your own self contained social experiment and your free, nay, have the right, to do anything you want as long as it isn't illegal.

The problem here is that people outside that little experiment saw it and of course an uproar followed. Because as we all know, every single parent out there is perfect. :rolleyes:


I think it helps to understand who Jordan is. She was famous for being a Page Three model (i.e. appeared topless/nude inside the pages of low rent tabloids) and has become the poster girl for fake-titted, Barbie-esque, blonde, Botoxed, artificial, anti-intellectual, bimbo sex objects throughout the land.

It's not so much concern over her daughter as it is concern about where role models like Jordan are taking all of us.

darth los
11-Feb-2010, 05:01 PM
I think it helps to understand who Jordan is. She was famous for being a Page Three model (i.e. appeared topless/nude inside the pages of low rent tabloids) and has become the poster girl for fake-titted, Barbie-esque, blonde, Botoxed, artificial, anti-intellectual, bimbo sex objects throughout the land.

It's not so much concern over her daughter as it is concern about where role models like Jordan are taking all of us.

They only take us where we ant to be led. After all, you can lead a horse to water...

Human beings are base creatures. Have always been and will always be. We obssess over celebreties mostly because we wish we could do the same things.

We live vicariously through them, whether we realize it or not.


11-Feb-2010, 05:07 PM
They only take us where we ant to be led. After all, you can lead a horse to water...

Human beings are base creatures. Have always been and will always be. We obssess over celebreties mostly because we wish we could do the same things.

We live vicariously through them, whether we realize it or not.


I don't know about that. A lot of people, kids especially, seem to like whatever they're told is cool. There are exceptions to that, but I think it's generally true. I'm sure I was like that when I was young too. Kids accept the world they're born into and will usually drink when led to water, provided the metaphorical "water" is two thirds sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. :p

I reckon there are frighteningly few overtly "smart" female role models for young girls in culture today.

11-Feb-2010, 05:28 PM
I reckon there are frighteningly few overtly "smart" female role models for young girls in culture today.

Well I reckon you're wrong (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie%27s_careers), bucko! :p

Okay, to be serious, I actually agree with you, but things (i.e. options for women) have come a long way in most first world countries.

Chic Freak
11-Feb-2010, 08:52 PM
I should think that having Jordan as her mother will cause more emotional problems in later life than any amount of false eyelashes could.

darth los
13-Feb-2010, 01:15 AM
I reckon there are frighteningly few overtly "smart" female role models for young girls in culture today.

Even if there were in abundance, smart is unfortunately not what our culture rewards.


13-Feb-2010, 01:26 AM
I reckon there are frighteningly few overtly "smart" female role models for young girls in culture today.

that is something that my ex-wife would wholeheartedly agree with. she claims that young women are getting dumber by the year and that this present generation of young girls/women are about to set females back about 100 years or so. she's been teaching at the college level for about 12 years, so she's sees them year in and year out, right from high school. what she's seen in the last few years makes her cringe for the future.

Chic Freak
15-Feb-2010, 07:45 PM
that is something that my ex-wife would wholeheartedly agree with. she claims that young women are getting dumber by the year and that this present generation of young girls/women are about to set females back about 100 years or so. she's been teaching at the college level for about 12 years, so she's sees them year in and year out, right from high school. what she's seen in the last few years makes her cringe for the future.

Maybe it's incredibly rich airheads making it look like you get more independence through being an idiot clotheshorse/ sex object than you do through appearing intelligent?

16-Feb-2010, 02:04 PM
Maybe it's incredibly rich airheads making it look like you get more independence through being an idiot clotheshorse/ sex object than you do through appearing intelligent?

Dunno, there's a lot of emphasis on girls and young women as sexual objects in our society nowadays and I see a lot of kids picking it up and running with it. It's natural to a degree, but it's get to be a bit over the top.