View Full Version : Actual time travelling delorean mod for crisis.

14-Feb-2010, 09:23 AM



14-Feb-2010, 10:31 AM
That is frickin' amazing! :cool:

Adapt the sound of the vehicle to that of a real DeLorean, and it'd be perfect.

Great detailing too - flame tracks, cold exhaust, ice on the body work - brilliant. :)

14-Feb-2010, 11:56 AM
That looks awesome. Can you select different dates/times of day? I wonder if the "time travel" actually resets all the in-game AIs and scripts to the selected time period (so if you select mid-day, all the enemies are moved to the point in their patrols that they would be at mid-day, etc.) or if it's just the time of day that changes and everything else continues as normal.

It would also be cool if you could go back in time and see, for example, enemies that you've already killed in the "future", still running around. Even see your earlier self roaming the island, replay-style. However, those features are probably all beyond the reach of professional developers, never mind modders.

14-Feb-2010, 12:11 PM
It would also be cool if you could go back in time and see, for example, enemies that you've already killed in the "future", still running around. Even see your earlier self roaming the island, replay-style. However, those features are probably all beyond the reach of professional developers, never mind modders.


14-Feb-2010, 01:05 PM
lol ... I doubt it's that in depth. It'll be a simple time-of-day change, shifting the day/night cycle 12 hours, I'd have thought.

For a mod though it's bloody impressive. Good stuff indeed!

14-Feb-2010, 07:15 PM
ha ha thats fucking epic, im gonna have to download that mod if I can!
Also Crysis will be 3 years old this year, yet the graphics still look awesome on it, makes me think that from now on the jumps in graphics quality between generations arent going to be as spectacular as they once were (megadrive - PS1 for example)

14-Feb-2010, 07:25 PM
ha ha thats fucking epic, im gonna have to download that mod if I can!
Also Crysis will be 3 years old this year, yet the graphics still look awesome on it, makes me think that from now on the jumps in graphics quality between generations arent going to be as spectacular as they once were (megadrive - PS1 for example)
Which is probably going to be a good thing - maybe developers will focus more on story and gameplay again, rather than just swish graphics.

14-Feb-2010, 07:56 PM
Agreed! And for us PC gamers it means we dont have to upgrade as often as we once did :)

15-Feb-2010, 09:50 AM
Agreed! And for us PC gamers it means we dont have to upgrade as often as we once did :)
Also indeed.

And maybe it'll also make the dev teams work harder on providing games that, you know, work. PC ports seem to be so woefully buggy these days, and even out-right PC games are put out with tons of bugs - it's lazy, either that or they simply don't have the development time, which also needs fixing.

STALKER is another example, PC only, but it came out with tons of bugs, and took until the seventh patch to be in a good state. Clear Sky was less bothersome, but still required patches, and I don't know about Call of Pripyat yet as I'm waiting until it's cheap and patched-to-fuck before getting it.

Another issue is efficiency - Half Life 2 is a prime example of an efficient engine working well across a whole range of configurations of varying levels and powers.

Crysis, and others like it, are examples of games that are needlessly system intensive - so that's another key issue that needs sorting out.

15-Feb-2010, 10:04 AM
Crysis, and others like it, are examples of games that are needlessly system intensive - so that's another key issue that needs sorting out.

absolutely! Crysis still wont run fully maxed out on my PC without the odd stutter with my new beasty graphics card (especially that part when you attack the docks & have to sink that ship) yet FarCry 2 has essentially the same graphics but a bit better, and it runs like a dream fully maxed out on my PC!

15-Feb-2010, 11:12 AM
Holy shit! That is phenomenal work right there. They really put some true time and effort into that mod. Wish I could play it... :(