View Full Version : Just acquired a PS2 for free!

14-Feb-2010, 12:45 PM
The house I live in has a crazy ass basement that everyone parties in. There's a bar, fridge, beer pong table, arcade machines, poker table, etc. I just recently put a TV down there, hoping it would inspire friends to donate their old systems.

Last night a buddy brought over PS2 along with the following games:

Red Dead Revolver
Metal Gear Solid 3
007 Nightfire
Hot Shots Golf 3
The Warriors
Red Faction
MVP Baseball 2003
Socom II
Socom III
Supercar Street Challenge
Nascar Thunder 2002
Tony Hawk's Underground
Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm
NHL 2005
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002
Madden 2004
GTA: Vice City
NHL Hitz 2002
007 Agent Under Fire
Aggressive Inline
GTA: San Andreas

It's now 9am, Sunday morning. I'm extremely hungover, sitting in our freezing cold basement, doing some serious gaming.

14-Feb-2010, 02:57 PM
Ugh. I was super psyched for Metal Gear Solid 3 after reading rave reviews. However, now I never want to play it again. Took 45 minutes of watching cutscenes (with about 1.5 minutes of actual gameplay thrown in) until I could actually play it on my own... immediately wasn't into it. Argh.

14-Feb-2010, 03:01 PM
you need to get some..uggh..i can't even remember what i had on my ps2...

darkwatch was a fun game.

14-Feb-2010, 03:21 PM
Ugh. I was super psyched for Metal Gear Solid 3 after reading rave reviews. However, now I never want to play it again. Took 45 minutes of watching cutscenes (with about 1.5 minutes of actual gameplay thrown in) until I could actually play it on my own... immediately wasn't into it. Argh.

Don't forget that tall ladder that takes 5-10 minutes to scale, while Snakeater is playing in the background.

14-Feb-2010, 03:36 PM
Mu'fukka needs some kingdom hearts.

15-Feb-2010, 11:08 AM
Red Dead Revolver turned out to be an empty case. :mad: I really wanted to play that game, as I never have, and the new one is coming out soon.

In other news, another friend is donating his N64 and SNES!

15-Feb-2010, 11:20 AM
Ugh. I was super psyched for Metal Gear Solid 3 after reading rave reviews. However, now I never want to play it again. Took 45 minutes of watching cutscenes (with about 1.5 minutes of actual gameplay thrown in) until I could actually play it on my own... immediately wasn't into it. Argh.

one of the last games i got for ps2 was mgs3. and i had the exact same reaction you did....after 2 hours of dialog and cutscenes and probably 30 minutes worth of playing, i decided if i wanted an experience like that, i'd just read a book or watch a film.

EDIT: and i didn't read your list all that close, so i'm editing this recommendation list and just saying that san andreas is the greatest game ever for ps2. ever.

oh, and when you get the SNES, try to find a copy of this:

15-Feb-2010, 11:52 AM
Get yo' bad self a bit of Return to castle Wolfenstein, top PS2 game that, ive been playing it again recently while my PC was down!

15-Feb-2010, 01:12 PM
Mortal Kombat Armageddon!

15-Feb-2010, 05:07 PM
Check out Persona 4 if you're into JRPGS. Still better than any current offering of the same genre on current gen systems. You should really try again with MGS3. I loved the first, hated MGS2, and agree with most that part 3 is the best in the series. It really picks up after the first act after the nuke goes off.

Edit: Oh nice, SNES! Turtles in Time, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario All Stars, Super Castlevania IV, Final Fantasy III, Yoshi's Island...the list goes on.

15-Feb-2010, 05:25 PM
On the Metal Gear debate, I've only played the first & second ones, but out of those the first was definitely the best by a long,long way! Sons of Liberty was visually impressive & the first act on the oil tanker was awesome, but after that it went absolutely ridiculous plot wise so I played it to the end with one eyebrow raised & never touched it again. Havent played the third one, but judging by what people are saying about the 45 minute cut scenes etc, im not really bothered.
As for the SNES, dont forget this gem :D


15-Feb-2010, 05:32 PM
I'm actually having a hard time playing most of the PS2 games. They just haven't stood the test of time for me. I went to play San Andreas, all excited, and it turned out THAT WASN'T IN IT'S CASE, EITHER!!! :mad:

I'm really looking forward to getting the SNES. I have recently played that and to me the games are far more fun than these I've been playing on PS2. Dunno why... maybe it's more of a nostalgic thing?

I'll definitely be picking up Zombies Ate My Neighbors (one of my fav games ever), Super Mario World (another fav), F-Zero, whatever Castlevania there is. And MUST get Mario Kart for the N64. That game can make for some fun times with a few bored friends.

15-Feb-2010, 05:35 PM
you want something that holds up? you want early usage of motion capture on actors? fantastic soundtrack? great characters? and a story with a twist you will never see coming that will be something you reference as a good twist for years to come?!?


imagine if david lynch was put in charge of designing a resident evil game instead of making twin peaks. this is one of the best fucking games ever made.


15-Feb-2010, 08:04 PM
Trust me, Hells, I've played Silent Hill 2 all the way through MANY times. Had it back when PS2 first came out. After I sold the PS2 and got an XBOX, I then bought it for XBOX.

darth los
16-Feb-2010, 08:12 PM
I like how you say that you "aquired" a ps2, like it was some microfilm or something. :lol:

But yes Hells, I will testify!!

Silent hill 2. Officially the shiznit. Nuff said.


17-Feb-2010, 04:32 PM
oh, and when you get the SNES, try to find a copy of this:

You can download this on the Wii...AWESOME game!

18-Feb-2010, 05:11 PM
godfather, god of war 1 & 2, shadow of the colossus, silent hill (all except The Room), Ico, all the need for speeds

18-Feb-2010, 05:25 PM
for a game that started as a small spin off game Silent hill the room is a very competent game, the story is not as superb as silent hill 2's, but few games are. The story of the supernatural killer and the man trapped in his haunted apartment block was a damn fine story.

Silent hill origins on the other hand...

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 06:37 PM
There all pretty much the same story hells.

Person shows up in Silent hill, goes back and forth between the "real" world and "hell/limbo", rinse repeat.

Actually, imo, the movie laid out the mytholgy of the franchise much more coherently, even if slightly different, for me.


18-Feb-2010, 07:05 PM
There all pretty much the same story hells.

Person shows up in Silent hill, goes back and forth between the "real" world and "hell/limbo", rinse repeat.

Actually, imo, the movie laid out the mytholgy of the franchise much more coherently, even if slightly different, for me.


first of the movie is bullshit and loosely based on one characters story, the twon in the films is centralia, not silent hill.

second the games have consistently gotten further away from the same silent hill locations.

silent hill: first game in the series introduces the town in the "old portion"

silent hill 2: on the other side of the lake we see the new silent hill portion that was built later on

silent hill 3: starts in a random mall and eventually ends up in old silent hill.

silent hill 4: set in the neighboring town of south ashfield in a haunted apartment complex with holes leading to twisted versions of the city and occasional portions in the countryside between silent hill and its neighboring town of brahmes

silent hill homecoming: set across the large toluca lake in the town of shepards glen with a small cameo in a hotel in silent hill.

the games are set over a span of about 30 years and in a few places over a whole county with pretty varied stories. one guys looking for his daughter, the other received a letter from his dead wife, another is kidnapped ,sort of, another fights the ghost of a serial killer haunting his apartment and a soldier returns home to find something has started killing the townsfolk.
Im not saying there completely unique but it beats like 5 games set in raccoon city that ends in running from an explosion y'know?

darth los
18-Feb-2010, 08:03 PM
Guilty as charged!


I can't even defend defend RE on that one. :lol:

However, you did do a better job of explaining than the series has done so far.

And if they are so different then they are doing a poor job of distiguishing one game from another for gamers who don't follow it as closely as you do.

Perhaps it's because all the games "look" the same. Imo, that's one problem RE never had. (Although there are many others)
