View Full Version : Bin Laden Theories / Are we safer than 9/11?

14-Feb-2010, 11:29 PM
In about 9.5 years we have never managed to catch Bin Laden. Of course, I have *heard* a theory on this that we might know exactly where he is and keep him around for various reasons:

1.) If we keep people afraid ("Oh no, what will he do next?") then they are more likely to entrust the power's that be to protect them (sheeple -- not all of us). When people have a face of evil (a la Soviet Union) it is easier to have people stand together and united for a particular cause.

2.) He's an evil tyrant, but his "tapes" are fuel for the fire of keeping the War on Terror hot and heavy. I say tapes, because do we really know for certain these tapes are recorded by him or perhaps by someone who works for the C.I.A. to help ensure our continued presence and heightened security since to the Patriot Act and Homeland Security? Has there been any research into these tapes to check their actual validity?

3.) Are we safer as a nation than we were on 9/11? Ultimately, as we are told daily, it's not a matter of "if" but "when" we will be struck again. Do you really think we're safer in any way/shape/form today than we were on 9/11? Personally, I don't give a shit (about myself at least) too much about it. Que Sera Sera, you can't change what happens but only life with your choices. I'm going to live my life as I always live my life. If shit hits the fan, I'm grabbing a beer from the fridge and then offering a helping hand as much as possible.

NOTE: I am not a "conspiracy theorist" -- I just think these are some thoughts worth considering. Just because I posit them doesn't mean I believe them, but I think they are worthy of discussion. As far as I know, our government would never intentionally lie to us or attempt to usurp the Constitutional powers/process in any way.

NOTE 2: I would never attempt to disrespect the lives of Americans lost due to the War on Terror / terrorism (including 9/11). It was a tragic day, and anyone who does not give the proper respect and dignity to those people who died that day are fuck-heads (to quote a great comedian) in my book. However, to those who say that it is disrespectful to the memory of the men/women/children and soldiers who have died to even entertain differing ideas/conjectures than what the mainline press spoon-feeds us, then I think you should check your government sheeple-attitude at the door.


15-Feb-2010, 12:02 AM
I do really think he's still out there. I think such a "conspiracy" would be too difficult to keep under wraps. I mean, there'd have to be SO many people in on this things that you just wouldn't be able to keep it willy-nilly.

15-Feb-2010, 01:56 AM
Why can't we catch him? We've been at it for so long now, and Hussein was practically a breeze, so... why not Osama? This puzzles me everyday, and the only answers I can think of are A) our resources are spread too thin and not equipped properly somehow; B) he's the best Arabic ninja in the world; C) He's secretly dead, but there are decoys that continue to pose as him while some unknown person has taken charge of bin Laden's work: or D) there is a secret base very deep underground that somehow has avoided all detection and holds thousands of nucular warheads. But this is all speculation.

15-Feb-2010, 04:41 AM
Well because Saddam was a head of state, and as such it's easier to deduce where he's going to be. Osama on the other hand is a sort of Evil monied Gandalf who moves from one sympathetic host govt to the other. It was Sudan, then Afghanistan. It's hard to track him, although he is most likely in Waziristan.

In all seriousness though, if we gave a shit about getting him, it would have happened under Clinton. Didn't though, and why? Exactly. FISHINESS. Supreme piscine whiffage, quite frankly.

Original poster - have you been watching Adam Curtis' The Power Of Nightmares?

If not, I SERIOUSLY suggest you do, you will find yourself punching the air with glee.

super decent BBC documentary - after king, country and then the fall of communism & the rise of secularism, do we live in a post idealogical age, where we can only be united by a common enemy? has the use of fear restored power & authority in a cynical age, etc etc

it's free on youtube and archive.org

15-Feb-2010, 11:03 AM
I feel like you may be on to something by thinking they've either kept him around, or aren't really trying to find him, to ensure the citizens stay scared and entrusting to our government.

Also, I found it ironic that you said his tapes may be recorded by someone who works for the C.I.A. - Some people are in the dark about Osama Bin Laden being a C.I.A. operative of ours. He was against Russia, we were against Russia, so we took him on our side.

15-Feb-2010, 11:37 AM
Large shipment of tin foil headgear on order for the HPoTD :p its hard to speculate really, maybe he's already dead, maybe the tapes we see are just clever CGI, or maybe he really is so hard to find that all the worlds major powers cant find him using all the technology & money available to them...

15-Feb-2010, 02:25 PM
I do really think he's still out there...

If he is a rogue and there's any truth to territoriality at all, we've got a good chance of spotting him between Cape Scott and South Beach.

Rancid Carcass
15-Feb-2010, 02:53 PM
If he is a rogue and there's any truth to territoriality at all, we've got a good chance of spotting him between Cape Scott and South Beach.

Love to prove that wouldn't you? Get your name into the National Geographic...


15-Feb-2010, 08:47 PM
Love to prove that wouldn't you? Get your name into the National Geographic...


Hahahahahahaha :D:D:D:D:D:D

16-Feb-2010, 05:07 PM
Love to prove that wouldn't you? Get your name into the National Geographic...



Well played, sir!