View Full Version : Ghost seen in a castle window...

15-Feb-2010, 05:40 PM

What's the verdict folks? Real or fake?

15-Feb-2010, 05:41 PM
Going to go out on a limb here and officially come out for: fake.

15-Feb-2010, 05:47 PM
no. ghosts do not exist. this is a picture of a girl in a window.


15-Feb-2010, 05:51 PM
from the sun.



15-Feb-2010, 05:56 PM
Well that's just snobbish basing it on The Sun, you'd hardly find this sort of story taking up space in a broadsheet, just because.

Even still, it looks fake to me (almost looks like a pap-style photo of Emma Watson from Harry Potter, not a specific photo, just in general I mean) ... but I won't go so far as to entirely dismiss ghosts flat-out. I neither believe, nor disbelieve, in ghosts.

I know if I ever saw one I'd shit myself silly.

15-Feb-2010, 05:58 PM
Well that's just snobbish basing it on The Sun, you'd hardly find this sort of story taking up space in a broadsheet, just because.

thats because its subject matter from harry potter.

Heres Danny's universal greater theory on the likelihood of actual paranormal pictures. THERE ALL FAKE. the only time you will see a real one is when its on every phone, tv, radio and news site across the world with the heading HOLY FUCK!, ACTUAL PROOF OF GHOSTS.

It will be bigger than the moonlanding, till then, dont skip a heartbeat when the page 3 in the daily star is shooped on halloween for see through norks.

15-Feb-2010, 05:58 PM

Real or fake?

15-Feb-2010, 06:01 PM

Real or fake?

wouldnt want to bash it 'cus its not in the new yorker, maybe?:lol:

15-Feb-2010, 06:04 PM
wouldnt want to bash it 'cus its not in the new yorker, maybe?:lol:
Geez, all that "brah" talk turned you into a douche. :sneaky:

Told you to be careful ... it's like pulling a funny face when the wind changes.

There's a big difference between The Sun, and Weekly World News. The latter is deliberate bullshit for the fun of it, the former is a normal tabloid.

What I'm saying is, in general, you can be too dismissive sometimes - outside of this being a real or fake photo - hence the comment, you meme-bloated oddball.


In fact - you should draw a comic called "Meme-Bloated Oddball".

15-Feb-2010, 06:06 PM
What I'm saying is, in general, you can be too dismissive sometimes - outside of this being a real or fake photo - hence the comment, you meme-bloated oddball.

You were wondering if this was a picture of a ghost.:|

15-Feb-2010, 06:08 PM
There's a big difference between The Sun, and Weekly World News.



I kid, I kid.

15-Feb-2010, 06:10 PM


I kid, I kid.
A UFO is merely an object, that's been flying, which is also unidentified. :sneaky:

15-Feb-2010, 06:11 PM
In the days of unlimited clever photo editing these days, I dont believe a single picture I see of "ghosts" or UFO's, for me to believe anything like that I would have to see it with my own naked eye, and as thats never happened (barring an odd thing I saw late one summer night 6 or 7 years ago) I choose to stay sceptical!

15-Feb-2010, 06:11 PM
A UFO is merely an object, that's been flying, which is also unidentified. :sneaky:


We all know this. And we also know what they were trying to say with that headline...

15-Feb-2010, 06:13 PM
almost looks like a pap-style photo of Emma Watson...

Hehe, I thought the same thing, glad someone else's head was going in the same direction on the likeness.

15-Feb-2010, 06:13 PM
A UFO is merely an object, that's been flying, which is also unidentified. :sneaky:


15-Feb-2010, 06:17 PM
it looks a bit too much like Kiera Knightly to me, bet it turns out to be a cardboard cut-out like the "famous" 3 men and a baby ghost

15-Feb-2010, 06:29 PM
Hehe, I thought the same thing, glad someone else's head was going in the same direction on the likeness.

Couple of perverts, right? :lol::shifty::lol:


You're damn right, snap ... that game was the bomb back in the day. :D

In the days of unlimited clever photo editing these days, I dont believe a single picture I see of "ghosts" or UFO's, for me to believe anything like that I would have to see it with my own naked eye, and as thats never happened (barring an odd thing I saw late one summer night 6 or 7 years ago) I choose to stay sceptical!

There's a photo from the real Amityville house, saw it on a Channel 4 documentary they did about the movie (a short series of docs called "The Real [insert horror title]") - anyway, there was a photo and there was this kid poking their head around a doorway, but the photographer didn't have a kid with them, nor saw one when taking the pic.

Could just be a story, sure, but the picture was still creepy as balls.

Also, do tell about this one night 6 or 7 years ago. :shifty:

15-Feb-2010, 06:32 PM
fake like all the other pics of ghosts, fairies, pixies, bugganes, and demons - in fact like every single bit of paranormal "evidence" ever put forward. it's all either fake or misinterpreted.

i'll believe in the paranormal when someone is able to claim the $1 million prize from the james randi foundation for proving that anything paranormal exists.

15-Feb-2010, 07:09 PM
Also, do tell about this one night 6 or 7 years ago. :shifty:

It was probably about 9:30ish one August evening, you know when the suns disappeared but its not gone dark yet? Me & my cousin had been out shooting rabbits down one of my dads fields (they do a lot of damage to his crops) & we were on our way back home walking but had decided to sit down in the middle of the field to have a crafty cig, anyway we were just chatting & then we both saw a shape high up in the sky a few miles away from where we were, my memory of what it looked like is a bit sketchy now though, but anyway it was there a few seconds & then there was a bright flash like a camera flash & it was gone! Was pretty weird & we were both like "what the fuck was that??", we scarpered home pretty quick after that! Im not saying it was aliens as I am sceptical about such things, but it was definitely odd!

15-Feb-2010, 07:43 PM
Why in the name of Lenin's loins would THIS photograph hold any more credibility than all the other zillions of fake ghost photos out there?

Ghosts don't exist! Get the net!

15-Feb-2010, 07:44 PM
Having a spooky experience as a kid living in a rural area as it's getting dark is a must-have kinda thing.

I remember one time walking home from a field, in which we were making a den in amongst a bunch of trees beside an old, disused rail way track, and all of a sudden a whole flock of bats (or whatever a gang of them would be called) screeched overhead, I could feel them inches above our heads - scared the crap out of us, lol.

A while later we actually got shot at by the farmer on whose land we were scruffing about ... we were mucking about and then all over a sudden there was this noise of what was like stones being spewed through the trees above us, then we heard the late bang - then another round - so we scarpered and never went back, lol.

I also remember that farmer had a crow strung by its neck to a fence post with its eyes gouged out ... :eek:

15-Feb-2010, 08:03 PM
A while later we actually got shot at by the farmer on whose land we were scruffing about ... we were mucking about and then all over a sudden there was this noise of what was like stones being spewed through the trees above us, then we heard the late bang - then another round - so we scarpered and never went back, lol.

That sounds far scarier than any ghost! I'd of shat myself!

15-Feb-2010, 09:17 PM
It's not snobbish to doubt something in The Sun's authenticity, seeing as they have been in court only this (*past) year regarding outright fabrications, and have a long history of poor journalism & extreme bias

15-Feb-2010, 09:44 PM
This pic of the "Cumbrian Spaceman" freaked me out when I was a kid, but now I'm pretty sure it's a balding man with black/greying hair facing away from the lens:


You'd still shit yourself if you developed the pic and saw that haha! :D

15-Feb-2010, 10:24 PM
I remember one time my ex girlfriend & her mates had gone to the old RAF radar bunker at bempton (ive posted links on here about it before) and they went down inside it with a dictaphone, when they played it back later you could hear radio chatter on it which was quite odd! Nobody ever died down there or anything, its just a deep bunker thats been made creepy by years of neglect & graffiti, but it must still pick up radio bounce or something for them to have got that sound!

15-Feb-2010, 10:39 PM
anyone that can prove these sorts of things has a million bucks waiting for them.


to date no one has passed even the preliminary stage. famous "psychics" will not go within a light year of this challenge. randi has called many of them out, some of them on national tv (like uri geller and sylvia browne) and while the "psychics" make a big show in front of the tv cameras, they all end up backing out.

15-Feb-2010, 10:58 PM
That bunker I mentioned, apparently in the 70's a group calling themselves the subterranean witches coven had to be evicted from the site (which had only recently been disused then) by the military police as they were squatting in there & had some weird sex cult,theres a lot of graffiti down there that they drew..

And this "art" down there is just damned creepy when your torch flashes across it & your not expecting it :eek:


16-Feb-2010, 07:08 PM
Ive found a few more pics of the graffiti from the 70's satanic sex cult that apparently squatted in that bunker here http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=45028

Its only a 15 minute drive from me that place, I might grow enough balls to fully explore it one day instead of just going in the entrance tunnel & then chickening out!

darth los
16-Feb-2010, 07:42 PM

We all know this. And we also know what they were trying to say with that headline...

Exactly. Things have a "real" defintion and then there's what pop culture percieves it as.

Example: We all know what the definition of a zombie is (no not what in GAr's films. Yet pop culture defines it as something totally different.


16-Feb-2010, 07:59 PM
That sounds far scarier than any ghost! I'd of shat myself!
hehe, at the time it wasn't particularly scary, more like "uh oh, if we don't scarper we're in trouble with our folks" kinda thing ... looking back on it though, it's pretty fucked up firing a shotgun at two kids.

16-Feb-2010, 08:59 PM
No ghosts, no aliens, no Jesus Christ talking to you on the phone, no nothing.

16-Feb-2010, 09:24 PM
That sounds far scarier than any ghost! I'd of shat myself!

want something that sounds scary? http://www.creepypasta.com/ riddle me this dude, odds are you'll find something out of all the creepy stories on there.

god creepy pasta bugs me out.

i'd do a kaufman reference but it really does creep me out, and ive been trick-linked to goatse.

17-Feb-2010, 08:08 AM
hehe, at the time it wasn't particularly scary, more like "uh oh, if we don't scarper we're in trouble with our folks" kinda thing ... looking back on it though, it's pretty fucked up firing a shotgun at two kids.

I dunno, depends how far away he was, the farmer will have fired it over your heads to make a lot of noise & scare you off his land, they used to do that with us round here too! You hear a big bang & a load of pellets rattle through the treetops & as a kid you shit a brick, but as an adult I'd know he wouldnt do any damage from a distance. When I used to help out on game shoots we had to stand in a line waving plastic "flags" around to drive the birds up in the air,while the blokes with guns walked through the woods towards us firing at the birds flying above us, we always used to get rained on by bits of shot but it was from about 50 metres away so it wouldnt do any damage from a standard 12 bore shotgun, still used to worry though in my teens lol