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View Full Version : Anyone need a free actress??

Chic Freak
15-Feb-2010, 07:51 PM
I want to give it a try and I'll work for free :) Just thought I'd post here in case any zombie filmmakers are looking!

I don't have a show reel, but I am at least experienced in professional (photo) shoots so I'm not camera shy and I am reliable, always turn up on time, take direction, persevere until we get the shot, am used to working in uncomfortable conditions, can style myself to a high standard to suit the character etc etc :)

Thanks for looking!

EDIT: Oop, I'm guessing my stats might be relevant!?

White British (semi-posh sounding English accent!)
UK size 8
Black chin-length-ish hair, blue eyes

Don't have the traditional b&w actor's headshot because I suck, but here's one (http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/6/l_cd165d2bca2c43d6a4d8407bee7d6824.jpg) that I styled myself and there are tons of un-Photoshopped candids here (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=82365492&albumId=2933420) :)

15-Feb-2010, 08:12 PM
You could say you are a young Trinity type. I wish you luck. I'd cast you if I were anywhere nearby.

15-Feb-2010, 08:45 PM
Silly question: are you looking to break into Film; or are you simply interested in trying your hand at acting?

I'm certain there are a ton of filmmakers that'd love to have you in their cast. But for a lark, try a local theatre troupe. You'd be suprised how good a Theater education you can get by simply doing plays.

Or as I've found; there's no limit to the work you'll be offered if you're willing to work for free...

15-Feb-2010, 09:30 PM
It's a pity you're not north of the border. :( I'm currently working on a non-zombie horror project involving a very important female role, the problem being that, aside from girlfriends, sisters, etc. (who are all either camera-shy or incredibly unsuited to the role), none of those involved in the project are female or have connections to a suitable, reliable female. :lol:

It's not an issue yet, as we only at the scripting/feasibility testing stage, but things are moving very fast. I think it's going to come down to putting a casting call on GumTree to get someone we don't know, and the danger with that is, of course, there's no filtering process and no financial motivation when working for free so we could end up getting someone who's gonna be a) uncooperative and prissy about fight scenes etc. (there's no nudity in the script, thank god) or b) will disappear after half a week of shooting, leaving us back where we started with unusable footage.

Do any of the filmmakers on the board have any advice on this subject?

Chic Freak
15-Feb-2010, 10:48 PM
I'm currently working on a non-zombie horror project involving a very important female role, the problem being that, aside from girlfriends, sisters, etc. (who are all either camera-shy or incredibly unsuited to the role), none of those involved in the project are female or have connections to a suitable, reliable female. :lol:

Oh poo :( I would have been well up for it but I just can't justify staying in Glasgow for weeks to film it :(

I think it's going to come down to putting a casting call on GumTree to get someone we don't know, and the danger with that is, of course, there's no filtering process and no financial motivation when working for free so we could end up getting someone who's gonna be a) uncooperative and prissy about fight scenes etc. (there's no nudity in the script, thank god) or b) will disappear after half a week of shooting, leaving us back where we started with unusable footage.

Well as of 29th April I will have done a 3 hour stage combat workshop with someone who is apparently a "SAFD-certified stage combat choreographer from Washington DC with 20 years of experience, designer and director of combat for the Washington Opera, Folger Shakespeare Theatre and the Kennedy Center." I don't really know what this means but it's only a fiver so I thought screw it :p

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------

I'm certain there are a ton of filmmakers that'd love to have you in their cast. But for a lark, try a local theatre troupe. You'd be suprised how good a Theater education you can get by simply doing plays.

Or as I've found; there's no limit to the work you'll be offered if you're willing to work for free...

Ha. Don't I know it. I think you have to be reasonably good at your job to get unlimited "offers" of unpaid work though. I have zero acting experience (so I'll probably be crap initially) and don't really know who to ask about it.

Thanks for the suggestion! I just emailed my local amdram groups. Turns out there are loads! I guess there would be in London, but still, there's like five in my local area :stunned:

15-Feb-2010, 11:01 PM
Well as of 29th April I will have done a 3 hour stage combat workshop with someone who is apparently a "SAFD-certified stage combat choreographer from Washington DC with 20 years of experience, designer and director of combat for the Washington Opera, Folger Shakespeare Theatre and the Kennedy Center." I don't really know what this means but it's only a fiver so I thought screw it :p

That's bad-ass! If acting is something you're interested in, that really sounds like something that could help you on your way, if you can slip it into the conversation when talking to people who can open doors. It may only be a 3-hour workshop, but it shows a certain "gameness" and willingness to learn. I need to keep my eyes out for stuff like that up my neck of the woods.

I used to do a lot of work as an extra in TV and film when I was a student, I was in Taggart, River City, High Road and Unleashed/Danny the Dog (the Jet Li/Morgan Freeman movie), amongst others. It's insanely easy to get your foot in the door with a casting agent, it doesn't cost anything and you can make fair money - from £83 to £125 per day depending on the hours and how prominent the role is (it cracks me up when I see studios offering walk-on roles as prizes when most people actually get paid for doing it). Obviously it's not steady work at all (you might go months and months without a call then get two in one week), but it's great fun and is by far the easiest and fastest way for anyone to find themselves working on a real professional film set, working with professional actors and crew. A lot of extras are wannabe actors and filmmakers too, so it's a great way of making connections for further work.

The agency I did work for, Liz Bissett Management, was based up here in Glasgow, which isn't much use to you, but there will be at least a dozen or so similar agencies in London, so that's something I might consider doing a little research into if you haven't already.

Chic Freak
15-Feb-2010, 11:14 PM
That's bad-ass! If acting is something you're interested in, that really sounds like something that could help you on your way, if you can slip it into the conversation when talking to people who can open doors. It may only be a 3-hour workshop, but it shows a certain "gameness" and willingness to learn.

In that case I'll add that I am also doing an introductory vocal workshop on Thursday in case anyone is reading this thread ;p

I used to do a lot of work as an extra in TV and film when I was a student, I was in Taggart, River City, High Road and Unleashed/Danny the Dog (the Jet Li/Morgan Freeman movie), amongst others. It's insanely easy to get your foot in the door with a casting agent, it doesn't cost anything and you can make fair money - from £83 to £125 per day depending on the hours and how prominent the role is (it cracks me up when I see studios offering walk-on roles as prizes when most people actually get paid for doing it).

The agency I did work for, Liz Bissett Management, was based up here in Glasgow, which isn't much use to you, but there will be at least a dozen or so similar agencies in London, so that's something I might consider doing a little research into if you haven't already.

A model I worked with last year recommended me two extra agencies she said found her work and I can't remember who they were :mad: I've emailed her to ask, hopefully she'll reply. She said she got £400 for dancing around in bikini bottoms in the background of a scene in The Boat That Rocked. That's double what I normally earn in a day :stunned:

15-Feb-2010, 11:21 PM
A model I worked with last year recommended me two extra agencies she said found her work and I can't remember who they were :mad: I've emailed her to ask, hopefully she'll reply. She said she got £400 for dancing around in bikini bottoms in the background of a scene in The Boat That Rocked. That's double what I normally earn in a day :stunned:

Yeah. It can be troublesome knowing which agencies are the best choice, since obviously the crap ones aren't going to admit it on their websites and, unless you're already in the industry, you have no word of mouth to go on.

It's certainly something I'd look into though.

EDIT: Sod it, this conversation prompted me to get back in touch with my old casting agent to see if she's got any work going. I might as well try and do something productive with this period of unemployment and I could use the cash :p

16-Feb-2010, 09:59 AM
I'll keep this in the back of my mind Chic ... I had this thought a while ago, of taking a scene from one of my scripts (ensemble comedy) and shooting it as a kind of example of how the script might play-out on screen, the idea being that I know an actor in London who would then know other actors, they'd all learn their lines before I nipped down over a weekend to film it, and such ... but that's just an idea at the moment anyway.

There's a lot of people with a lot of "ideas" out there in the world, I've met many myself, but my point being - I'll keep you tucked away in the back of my mind if I ever do come to bringing that idea to fruition.

Chic Freak
16-Feb-2010, 07:04 PM
I'll keep you tucked away in the back of my mind if I ever do come to bringing that idea to fruition.

Thanks! :)

18-Feb-2010, 06:44 PM
Actually, I have a film shooting next week. All that's needed is anal, DP, and a slight hint of watersports. PM me if you're interested...

...just kidding sweetheart. :p

18-Feb-2010, 06:50 PM
Actually, I have a film shooting next week. All that's needed is anal, DP, and a slight hint of watersports. PM me if you're interested...

...just kidding sweetheart. :p

LOL! How do you hint at watersports? Have one of the characters talking about stress incontinence? :lol:

Chic Freak
18-Feb-2010, 06:57 PM
Actually, I have a film shooting next week. All that's needed is anal, DP, and a slight hint of watersports. PM me if you're interested...

...just kidding sweetheart. :p

Don't worry, I get emails like that every day. I'm not kidding :|

18-Feb-2010, 08:26 PM
Don't worry, I get emails like that every day. I'm not kidding :|
Serious? Do share...

...how the heck are you, hun? :D

Chic Freak
18-Feb-2010, 09:19 PM
Serious? Do share...

...how the heck are you, hun? :D

Not bad! You didn't come to our Christmas dinner!

& yeah I'm serious, I used to copy and paste them into my blog until I eventually got so many it just got boring.

Chic Freak
19-Feb-2010, 07:27 PM
A model I worked with last year recommended me two extra agencies she said found her work and I can't remember who they were :mad: I've emailed her to ask, hopefully she'll reply.

She still hasn't replied (:mad:) but I've remembered that one of the agencies she mentioned was Ray Knight (http://www.rayknight.co.uk/default.aspx), if anyone's interested :)